What We Found During a Malaysian Street Food Challenge at Jonker Walk!

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so behind me is jungko walk which on the weekend Jerry Melaka actually turns into a popular Street Food Market it's so busy and today we're actually going to be doing a street food challenge the catch is is that we each have to find a starter a Maine and a dessert for only five dollars which is roughly about 25 ringgit now before Leanne has won once and I've won twice so let's see today if she can redeem herself oh I'm going to so the first thing I need to do is actually find a starter I mean this street is crazy if I lift the camera up that's how busy it is so it is absolutely packed and I hope we're gonna find something super cool to eat for a starter the street here actually has so many good foods you can smell it everywhere it smells amazing but I think this is going to be an impossible choice of what to choose because there's just so many good options hey what's this mangosteen no no no trying to look for something that's warm and good maybe that's been put onto a barbecue oh this looks interesting it actually says that it's quality what's that I think this is like a barbecue stick a king barbecue stick now that sounds amazing yeah I think I'm gonna get one of those I'm not such an egg lover but I've never had quail eggs so let's try hi oh can I get one of these please how much is it five Ringgits there we go thank you so much all right so I got my starter it only cost me five Ringgit so that means I still have 20 Ringgit left in order to find a manual and a dessert hello yep all right may I please get one stick yeah sure thank you it's quail egg yeah it's good okay okay you can see they're busy cooking the quail eggs over here they've put the sausage inside and then these are the quail eggs I see that there are lots of people standing here to get this so I'm thinking it's good we'll give it a try uh what sauce do you have uh can I please get some chili yeah sure it looks good thank you so much thank you there we go thank you very much that cost four Ringgits so I have 21 Ringgit left to find a main meal as well as a dessert have you got yours oh did you get the egg thing I got the quail eggs oh I saw that chili sauce I saw that and I was like I don't know if I'm Keen for eggs I'm not normally an egg person but I've never had quail eggs before and I think this is something interesting to try so this is my starter what did you get oh yeah you haven't even asked you what I got I got a barbecue like chicken stick like a saute almost look at that it's like wrapped in bacon yeah it's like that looks chicken barbecue stick that looks very sweet yeah let's try yours first okay is that tomato sauce on there um it's like chili sauce or a sambal sauce it tastes almost like a a fried egg with sambal sauce on but it's quite nice because of the sausage inside yo this batch of sauce though otherwise it tastes like a normal egg with very hot sauce on it to be honest I thought that a quail egg would taste different to maybe a chicken's egg but it doesn't it's just a smaller version yeah okay now mine baby taste mine I must say it really looks appetizing more appetizing than mine oh my gosh we already know the winner for this okay so he's the winner of uh the starters you can say it thank you this is amazing we've got bacon and the chicken and wow that is delicious so it looks like I'm also a very good store so maybe Leanne's not gonna redeem herself but I'm fine okay let's go find our main meals this has to be one of the busiest Street Foods I've ever seen there's just so many people are you able to see how far it goes It goes Super far down like I think it's gonna be like a kilometer walk oh yeah what are you doing all right my goodness please don't drop me okay now you can see how far it goes it goes far oh my gosh happy delicious food to choose at least five night meals it's actually really difficult to try and find a main meal in these crowds because you can't see a lot of the stores and most of the stores around us just have like strange equipment that they're selling like look at this guy it's a fresher cleaner over here they have more toys and stuff like that so it's very hard to try and find food I feel like there's mainly just snacks and sweets so maybe our main meal is just gonna have to be another combination of snacks oh yeah durian Danny's just walking away he hates durian you don't want to give it another try I saw a durian puff I won't make it part of the challenge but I think afterwards it would be fun just to taste the durian puff and then see Danny's reaction to how that is is he absolutely hated it when we tasted it in the Philippines and yeah it looks like we found the proper street food look at all of this good food around here now this is the place yes where all the food is at I'm trying to see what everyone's got and kind of eye it out to see if I should order the thing there's just too many smells it's still so so busy and I think as the night gets on that it just gets busier and busier oh that looks interesting some chili fries thank you yeah we're finding some what's this like a massive Wok I think this has got oysters Abalone all Seafood stuff I don't think Seafood is going to make me win this challenge so we're gonna look for something else yeah we have a lava cake radish cake kind of looks like pork or pieces of chicken put together oh there's just so much Seafood here check out this this is just completely busy packed with people it's so hard to find food when there's so many people I have absolutely no idea what I'm gonna chew there's just too many options and when there's too many options it makes the choice even more difficult what is this I think this is a special egg burger it looks good so I think I'm gonna give this one a try because I can't find anything else oh check this they have so many different types the crab sticks sausage chicken floss and honey damn that honey one looks good Hi man can I get the honey one can I get Huggy yeah can I get one please and then one chicken floss yeah one one I think these things are only like full Ringgit it's also within magic and at least you have a guy on stage who is he singing to our beautiful scenario here oh that's the honey bunny just packed it's another egg one I think it's gonna be similar to the end but the honey one is quite interesting because he puts it in yeah and then it like Cooks thank you thank you all right so that only cost us eight which means I basically have like 12 Ringgit left for dessert that's only half my measure this crazy how cheap things are here so I found this which looks interesting and Nasi Lemak junker hi hi how much is this sorry firing it is it a whole meal yeah can I get one please thank you that looks very interesting yes please is the rice blue yes right ah okay but it's blue why is it blue yes we have a blue and white color so you can see here that the rice is actually blue is it from a flower yes the flower makes it blue yeah okay that is so interesting ah and then you put the normal rice yeah okay and he's adding an egg and some peanuts what is that this one uh fish small fish small fish okay and some cucumber another what you want is chicken we have a chicken chili chicken fried chicken sweet ah which one you think is the best the best is uh Fried Chicken Fried Chicken I'll take that Fried Chicken please yeah okay a little bit please is it spicy yes okay just a little bit wow that looks amazing thank you ten ringers yes thank you so much okay thank you thank you have a lovely day thank you thank you thank you I definitely think I found an interesting uh main meal especially because it has blue rice I've never eaten Bluegrass before so I'm Keen to try that so that cost me 10 Ringgit so I have 11 Ringgit left to find a dessert and I really think I can find a good dessert with 11 Ringgit so you've come to a little bit more of a quieter place in order to try this because it is crazy busy and noisy down there but I've got myself a fried egg burger that's sounds interesting yeah and it's got honey in it and the other one's got chicken in it egg and honey yeah they were kind of cooking it the same way yours was but I think they put an egg on top of it as well oh okay so let's try this one okay yeah let's hope I'm gonna find the honey one first because the honey one is what we should be judging this thing on okay so I'm gonna take a bite of this one and hope it's the honey one but look at it so it's basically instead of bread it's got eggs yeah basically okay that's a chicken one what is it it tastes like a pancake egg okay they take a bite of the other one so I can make sure which one's which one this is the honeymoon is that the honey one it really is like a pancake so what if you look yeah one half is egg and the other half is pancake so that's the pancakes coming in I'm not really getting much of my honey taste but I'm getting a very big sweet taste from the pancake it's got a very eggy taste I'd maybe eat this one and I wouldn't have another one but it's okay so what do you have I got myself a la Nasi lemon I think that's how I've heard of a Nasi Lemak it's blue it's blue that's what intrigued me about it so with some egg and some what is this cucumber over here and then underneath this chicken is another rice but apparently that's blue because of a flower that they cook the rice with well that is awfully unique I'm not gonna lie so I only chose it because they had blue rice and I've never had blue rice before you're probably gonna have to add some of the egg some of the sauce some of the Cucumber I'm just gonna do this and quick and quickly that's pretty good that's basically chicken and rice the chicken's really nicely grilled and it's got a lot of flavor to it the egg is really eggy but it's nice and then the rush just tastes like normal rice there's no really flavor to the blue rice I thought maybe you would be able to taste something but it tastes like normal chicken and rice but it's pretty good you know what you missed on the side oh the fish the anchovy that's actually not bad is it not bad no let me try one it's crunchy I saw the fish's eyeball by the way she liked that that's very nice I think that's supposed to get mixed inside there because it's actually got like a burnt chocolatey taste it's nice and salty they're pretty good though I must say it does not have as big spice as your egg thingy had but it's a better main meal in my egg thingy and for creativity of blue rice I think I'm gonna give this one to you yeah I might just have an opportunity of winning this food challenge but how much budget do you have left I have 11 Ringgit 11 ring goats I have I have 12. so down to the desserts that's gonna make this I know what I'm getting team Leanne so because you basically walked this entire Market I know exactly what I'm gonna get for desserts I found something called a dragon beard candy it looks so interesting like look how they're making it I have absolutely no idea if it's sweet or not but it says candy so I'm sure it is and it says one pack or 10 Ringgit so we have just enough in order to get this for our desserts seeing that I have 12 Ringgit left I can basically splurge on desserts I know exactly what I'm gonna give but I have no idea how much it costs I also don't know what Leanne has gotten but I'm sure mine's going to beat hers what are they making it they've got like these strings I'm not sure what it is but then it's like in a flower yeah and then they put it on this table and he's putting some peanuts in it and then he wraps it closed and puts it in the Box these ones are more green in color and then those ones are white so I'm not sure what the difference is hello may I please get one is it sweet sugar and peanut oh so you made it out of sugar and then you put the the peanut oh I'll get a whole box thank you so that's all made out of sugar yes and then you put the peanuts in and what's the difference between the White and the green is the green one okay that looks so interesting thank you okay so that costs 10 Ringgit and I have one ring at left so I definitely stayed within budget but I am super Keen to try this let's see if they have it here oh yes here it is Hi how are you what is this is it a sweet potato donut yeah I like donut is it sweet sweet yeah outside is the sugar knuckle okay can I please get how many is a cool one one this one touring it one piece two Ringgit you take four firing it uh give me four yeah that's fine it's cold Kerry Gula Melaka career quick career yeah quick career okay career ah thank you so much how much is that five Ringgit wow for four thank you thank you so much man well that only cost five Ringgit so basically I have seven Ringgit left man this is gonna be so good all right so we're back to yet another a quiet place because it's mad there so my dessert is definitely going to be Leanne's dessert oh no no my dessert is definitely gonna be your decision what did you actually get I got what they call Dragon beard candy is that that stringy stuff that they had so they basically take this ball of sugar and they flunk it in this like flower thing and then they weave their hands between it and they start making it stringy and then they take peanuts and they put it inside there well it sounds delicious yes well let's give yours a try first are you giving mine a try yeah let's go for it so there's a white one and a green one because the green one is a I forgot the name now uh a Padang flavor I think it's a Padang but I think I'm gonna give that one a try look how stringy that is that's full of sugar [Music] I feel like that's super sticky it's gonna fool our teeth up and it's like taking all of the Survivor that's left in my mouth so my mouth is super dry now okay I'm gonna try the white one let's see how this guy is [Music] the Peanut's very overpowering and it's very chewy and sticky so it's nice but I don't think it would be my top dessert yeah it's so hard to eat if you've got fillings or anything like that say goodbye to them because they're gonna take it all out I don't like it it's too powdery and nutty I'm not getting a sweet taste from it at all I don't like it at least we tried it yeah it was different so do you know what I blocked no what did you get so what I've gotten is called Career yeah okay I think I'm saying that right it's basically sweet potato donut wrapped in Sugar oh that sounds good now and look at that that looks delicious you ready to try some yeah okay it's very orange inside it's crunchy oh the serbs giving it the sweetness but I can definitely taste the sweet potato inside it as well it's definitely I sweet potato donuts picture what a sweet potato donut tastes like and this is exactly what it tastes like it's got the sweetness of what a dessert should have so unfortunately as much as I try to be different and get something good say it baby say it Daniel's won the dessert oh yeah that means I've won three times and he has only one once oh well I think I need to be in charge of the food decision making on this channel but well done baby yeah you had originality so did you but there's one more thing I want to try before we end this Vlog okay all right so we're back in the market to try and find this one thing that we have to try before we leave were you taking me you'll have to see I'm nervous I'm very very nervous as you should be no I have spotted it have you seen it yet I've spotted it I want to try one of these a durian puff no yes no yes no yes no let's give the durian a Redemption truck I know if you watched our Philippines video Daniel absolutely hated the durian he almost threw up and I thought to myself that I'd never have it again but I think we have to give it one more try to truly say if we like it or not hello hello how are you how much is it just to get one pizza at least three minimum three and how much is that 12 12 yeah okay thank you thank you one bad for one one bite for one so you gotta eat the whole thing okay otherwise it will explode did you hear that okay so you have to eat the whole thing you can't like just taste it quickly okay yeah we definitely don't want to be smelling like okay it might explode so let's get away thank you for the advice thank you okay this is gonna be interesting so I think the best idea if you've got them is I'm gonna move this out of this packet just in case you need to be sick that's fine at least I'm adventurous okay oh my gosh they're gonna explode oh it's cold okay so one bath for you you have to put the whole thing in your mouth very very cold otherwise it explodes there's the Packer just in case okay it doesn't actually smell too bad right now are you ready I'm ready are you ready okay three cheers two one go that was horrible okay the Vlog the Vlog ends now see you in the next video If you like this video give it a like subscribe and follow us and the rest of our Malaysian Adventure Daniel didn't enjoy that it wasn't too bad once I've swallowed it but the first part was nasty I'm never having to do it laughs let's get something to drink I agree was it really that bad oh baby that is horrible I'm sorry I should have bought you water first okay oh well there we go we at least tried it again and it's a no
Channel: The Buddymoon
Views: 21,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the buddymoon, travel vlogers, buddymon, travel couple, vlog, Jonker walk, street food challenge, $10 Street food challange, Melaka, Malacca, Malacca street food, malaysian street food, nasi lemak, blue rice, quail eggs, food challange, food review, foreigner tries malaysian food, food reaction, foreigner food reaction, food, malaysian food, street food malaysia, best food in malaysia, competition, challenge
Id: gTmCwMCAyK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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