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[Music] welcome back to another episode of plant-based ads I'm Joey Troxel we are a plant-based uh lower calorie higher protein channel uh I show you uh how to make uh meals that we make every day and just try to keep them lowering calories uh avoiding all the stuff that's not necessary at the same time trying to add a little bit more protein sometimes it's Whole Food sometimes you have to do some processed foods I mean we do what we can to to keep it all Whole Foods but there are times we need to use some TVP and that sort of thing if you like what you here so far please hit that like button show us some love and click on the Subscribe button become part of the PLP dad's family all right if you've been following the show for the last 4 months then you know I've uh changed kind of everything that I do uh I was doing kind of a high starch a high carb lowfat diet and in many ways I'm still doing parts of that I'm still doing a very lowfat diet uh I was avoiding oil at all costs which I now realize is not necessary like I I I was really kind of following the starch solution thing I've now transitioned to uh still lower fat but I'm not I still need some fat uh and I I'm not scared of oil anymore I just know that it's high in calories so I have to understand like do I want a a bunch of MP calories without any protein in them so that's what I'm going to talk to you about today I have lost a total of 15 lbs now since December since the beginning of December when I first decided that I just needed a change uh and 5% of my body fat so all of that weight that came off was all body fat none of it was muscle and here's how that worked if you look up here you can see this is a video of me and Lex from uh last summer right before the right before the school year started in August and and I'm obviously like overweight like I I've got just fat hanging off me and this is not a bad photo of me actually the black is is doing a really good job of of covering all that stuff up uh but I don't take photos of myself so it's really hard for me to find a like before photo right um and so this is kind of the best that it gets and here's another photo of me talking to someone at school and you can see how my upper face my whole upper body just looks I just look huge in this photo uh and this is about the same time also so school had already started and I think this was uh in September or October um it wasn't looking good for me I just the weight was not coming off I was I well I should say I was losing weight uh on the star solution I did lose about 10 lbs but I didn't look any leaner I was losing muscle so you know I had to make a change and I did so today I want to share with you five things that I did to change the way I look and here's number one and I've talked about this in other videos before I made sure that I had a calorie deficit without a calorie deficit you're not losing weight so as far as weight itself you have to have the calorie deficit so if you look at your total daily energy expenditure your TDE uh and that there's a link in this description below this video on how you can figure that out this uh TDE calculator that'll tell you based on your age your height your current weight how much energy you spend every day just keeping the weight that you have and just keeping the mass that you have so for me when I figured all that out it came out to about 1,700 calories so I figured all that out and actually the trainer did this for me but this is how he did it and I wanted to make sure that when I ate every day if I wasn't doing any exercise if I was just existing at that 1,700 calories for that day I needed to take in in food in energy less than 1,700 calories to have a calorie deficit so I came up with a number and the trainer did too of about 1,400 and on top of that we were going to increase my uh increase my energy level so uh I would have more of a deficit so I had to have a calorie deficit and without a calorie deficit you're not losing anything I made sure every day that I had at least a 3 to 500 calorie deficit that was the the very first step how did I know I was in calorie deficit well I used a tracking app uh on using chronometer and uh chronometer is a link to it below this video If you join chronometer and uh you let me know your email address I can share my recipe macros with you so when you make one of my recipes it posts right into your tracking chronometer is a way of tracking your energy in and your energy out you put into it all your food you can if it's got barcodes you can scan your food in if not you can create a recipe or you can just type in banana and put in how many grams you you put in all your food and at the end of the day it tells you how much how many calories and calories are energy how much energ you've burned or how many calories you've eaten in food and if it comes out to 1,400 calories for the day right uh it also syns up with your watches or you can put in the amount of exercise you did and that'll tell you hey your watch says you stood up at school for8 hours you walked around the neighborhood for 45 minutes and you went to the gym for 45 minutes you burned 2300 calories today all right great so I ate 1,400 I burned 23 that's a 900 calorie deficit right and you know I'm hungry I can have an orange or eat eat something else to to shorten the deficit if I want but I know right there that I'm in a deficit without tracking I'm just like oh I'll eat a cookie here well I'll put that down later on oh I'll remember that and then I look back at my day and go oh all I hate was healthy stuff today I should be good and then I gain weight and go what happened well I can tell you what happened this used to happen at Weight Watchers too the first thing I do when someone says I'm I'm not losing weight I said well let me see your tracking well I'm not tracking there's the problem right there so I use a tracking app that tracks my uh calories in and my energy burned and this tracks what's called your Macros and my macros are the four important things that you look at every day and that is calories the amount of protein you get the amount of carbohydrates you get and the amount of fat you get because in the end those four things determine your body composition so that's the first thing I did to make sure that I could change the shape of my body the second thing I did was I ued my protein so I went to the the trainer I had told them you know I'm a vegan he's like well you need to be at so much protein a day and I was like I get enough protein from from Plants he goes yeah you get enough protein from Plants to live but you're not going to get enough protein to to protect your muscle like when you lose weight how do you know it's not muscle I was like well isn't it all just fat and he was like no you're burning muscle and I was like oh he's like you don't want to do that I said okay well how do I stop that he goes protein by having enough protein while you're cutting or in a calie deficit the protein will protect the muscle from being burned and your body will be forced to burn the body fat and that's what happened so I increased my protein and I thought this is never going to work like I get enough protein but very quickly we realized it was going to work it started working immediately and I have another whole channel uh there's a link to it right here Joey Troxel that talks about you know all the different scans I've done over the last four months and where the numbers came off and how they've changed and it's like stunning to watch that it just shows you everything that's happening inside you know inside my body and the and the recomposition uh and where that weight came from and it's just it's fascinating I I am a numbers person I'm a teacher I love all that stuff so looking at this as data has really kind of changed you know the effectiveness for me so that's my number two thing I make sure that I got enough protein to protect my muscle and you know build new muscle I wasn't really trying to to bulk or to get bigger I that's not my interest at all but I do want to protect the muscle I have while I'm cutting and losing body the third thing I did every day was movement I like I said I hired a trainer uh I actually canceled my gym membership I hired this trainer he has his own gym and it's not cheap but I mean this is an investment in myself right so I go three times a week and since December 7th I have not missed a day like at all I make sure if I can't make it that I go the next day or I go like I make sure I get in three days a week and you know the trainers both the trainers that I work with they're all like very inspirational they look amazing uh so when I get there I'm like let's do do this right so you know I also I got to remember I'm 60 years old right like I I I'm not young I'm a senior citizen so I have to realize that there are limits to what I can do but you know I sure do give it all I have uh and I'm not going to let that stop me so I make sure that I get movement at the gym and then I'm also walking every day I did that before but I still want to get extra calories burned it's all about just getting rid of these calories at the gym I wish I could show you my workout but I'm at a private gym so I don't well if that's possible I don't think it is but I burn usually 500 calories per session at the gym it's an hourong session and it's broken up into to three days on Monday usually the first day or day one I do upper body so that is chest and back and it's all super set stuff uh on day two Wednesday usually I do lower body everything from the waist down and that's you know that's again all uh super setting and then on day three which is usually Thursday I do my uh shoulders and arms uh so they have their own day and then that's it and then I hit it again on Monday so you know I'm in a a regular routine with that I'm using an application called strong to track uh my progress uh working out and I absolutely love it uh every day I start my workout I put in my exercises how many reps how many sets it keeps track of what I did and like if I do that again next time I'm there it shows me what I did last time uh and I can tell if I'm like need to go up or whatever so strong is a really great application if you're working out and you're not tracking you know what you're doing then you're wasting your time so I burn about 500 calories at the trainer I burn about I don't know 150 to 200 every day just standing at my desk at work I'm a teacher and I have a standing desk and I I never sit down I don't even know where my chair is I think one of the students are using it so I'm walking back and forth and standing I burn about 150 calories every day doing that and then I burn about 150 calories in the evening when I walk around with Lex we walk around in the neighborhood so I burn all of those calories and all of that comes out to on a workout Day about about 23 2400 calories on a non-workout day if I'm not working out it's at about 18 or 19 so I have to be a lot more careful to get my calorie deficit on days that I don't work out the number four thing that I do is I plan my meals now you all know if you watched this this channel I cook meals on Sunday for the week or I cook ingredients on Sunday for the week so I can throw meals together well that's what I do so uh I'll make uh the bones uh uh pasta sauce uh for the week um we'll make the TVP taco meat for the week uh I'll make I know anything so I have meals all week long so all I have to do is like I'm having a protein shake in the morning every day for lunch I've got whatever I've cooked and at dinner depending on what my calories and my needs are OB have a salad with some protein in it maybe tofu or something else but you know dinner is the only meal I kind of leave open to decide cuz I'm home so I don't need to I'm not getting something on the go so I always make sure that I have food prepared for uh for the week by doing weekend meal bread so the fifth tip I have and this is something I haven't really share with anyone is I'm pre-t tracking I'm filling out what I'm going to eat in chronometer for the next day the night before you can fill out Future Days in chronometer so you know it's Wednesday night and Thursday is tomorrow so I fill out Thursday I put protein shake for Thursday I know exactly how many scoops of protein because it's the same one I've been eating all week so I got protein shake uh you know with my fruit or whatever and then for lunch I go okay I've got that TVP uh taco meat in the fridge so that's going to be my lunch tomorrow so under lunch I put TVP uh taco taco meat uh with uh two burrito shells and then I know I'm going to have a banana before my workout so I do pre-workout banana and I put all that in so the next day when I wake up I go okay what am I have for breakfast today oh the St protein shake I'm going to make that put it together what am I have for lunch oh it's the tbp TAC me let me grab that put that in and I don't have to worry about tracking that stuff all day or putting it in as I'm running out the door it's already in there right it also shows me exactly what to eat so it's almost like I'm telling myself you know my future self hey this is what you're going to be eating uh I love that at Weight Watchers when I did that years ago we called that pre-t tracking you're pre-t tracking the next day so you already know what you're having I I can't say enough about being prepared there's that old saying that I say all the time right if you fail to plan you plan to fail you got to have a plan so that's the fifth thing that I'm doing I'm pre-t tracking all of my meals as you can see uh I look a lot different I look a lot more muscular uh I feel fantastic right like for almost 60 years old like I feel like I'm in the prime of my life and I love the way I feel and the way I look I've still got a lot to go there's still some very frustrating parts of all this because I'm building muscle weight isn't falling off me and I know that I can't use the scale uh as an as you know as as documentation of where I am because I if you look at the the videos in the other channel you'll see that I've gained muscle uh while I've lost weight so you know that messes up the numbers on the scale but you know the numbers don't lie uh and every time they come back they're just fantastic so that's my video for today five tips on how I change the way that I look in four months by following a high protein low calorie cutting diet hit that like button show us some love click that subscribe button click on that Bell you'll get notified every time we have a new video usually every Tuesday and leave a comment below have you been following along with me are you making any of these changes I swear there was so many people who comment is saying I'm going to do this with you this is what I need like they were so positive and there were so many of them I love love to hear how your Journey's going there are people who are sending me emails uh of pictures of themselves and here they are biking together as a couple like I just love that stuff I love to see what you're doing I love when you guys share your life with me all right we'll see you next time bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Plant Based Dads
Views: 8,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weightloss, confidence, body, weight, exercise, healthy, lifestyle, walking, diet, vegan, protein, cardio
Id: eWV4r-B-SG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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