What was the most unsettling experience you've ever had?

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what was the most unsettling experience you've ever had a bunch of years back i kept having these odd dreams where i would wake up and go about my day and then i'd wake up and be back in bed it was really weird and made me late for a lot of things during that time and sometimes reality felt kind of blurred anyway right around that time i had a strange dream slash experience that still freaks me out i was having a dream and in the dream i was in my room there was a man outside of my bedroom door and i knew he was bad evil and he wanted me to come out i woke up opened my eyes gasped relieved that i was awake and then i heard the voice of an old man come out fisher boy now i'm not a fisherman and i'm not even a dude so it didn't really make sense but holy [ __ ] was i terrified and the strangest part i was fully awake i got up opened my door nothing i'm still creeped out to this day i never knew my father and my mother was a drug addict she eventually did a four-year stint in prison for possession with intent to distribute i remember watching her lose her [ __ ] at a custody hearing when it was determined that i'd be living with my maternal grandmother he'll end up just like me she said so i'm 11 years old and move in with my grandmother who lived in the middle of nowhere we didn't have much of a relationship prior to this obviously my mother didn't like her and kept her at arm's length it didn't take long for me to figure out why my grandmother was cold distant and behaved strangely she was devout pentecostal and believed in tongue speaking within the first couple of weeks i woke up to her standing in the doorway to my room she was just watching me sleep the only reason i woke up was due to her muttering something unintelligible to herself grandma is everything okay i asked she closed my door without saying anything some time passed and i woke up in the middle of the night freezing my ass off it was winter and i discovered that every door and window in the house had been opened i went to check on my grandmother but her room was empty eventually i found her sitting on the porch in her nightgown she normally wore thick socks or slippers around the house but this time she was barefoot i'd never seen her feet before and was horrified by what i saw her toenails were long thick and dark they curled over her toes her pale veiny feet were hairy like a man's i looked away not so much in disgust but fear grandma it's really cold inside i said why are all the doors and windows open she turned to me and said you ought to be quiet now and go back to bed i can hear things in the wind that no one else can i need to hear the wind tonight i went back inside put on my warmer clothes and tried to fall back asleep i could go on and on about all the weird [ __ ] up things my grandmother did so i'll conclude with this last story i had a half day at school once and apparently she forgot about it the bus dropped me off and as i approached the house i noticed one of the front windows was broken i decided to investigate and walked around the perimeter of the house as i got close to the backyard i heard my grandmother's distinct muttering again i peeked around the corner of the house to see what she was doing to my horror she was scurrying back and forth on all fours like an animal she'd stop mutter something to herself then move about on all fours again it was truly a terrifying sight i went straight inside of my room and closed the door i never learned why the window was broken or what she was doing in the yard thankfully i only had to live with her for two years she passed away from a stroke i went into foster care for the remainder of my mom's prison sentence plus an extra year to see if she could stay clean and get back on her feet foster care sucked but it was a lot better than living with my insane grandmother i remember when some distant relatives came to settle her estate they found a lot of bizarre things amongst her possessions but one that stood out the most to me was her bible there was blood and [ __ ] stains throughout it and almost every page had scribbles and weird symbols slash drawings on it i'm in my 30s now and still have nightmares about living with her my mental health was so drained from an irregular schedule and gaslighting from my ex i was so [ __ ] up off little sleep that my ex got pregnant from another guy blamed it on me and had me pay for the abortion several times we would be in a fight and she'd threatened to scream with our size and race differences people would believe whatever she said just being with someone so manipulative was unsettling in hindsight for someone to hold that much power over you and make you feel so inadequate is damn near a horror movie this is in the top three most unsettling experiences in my life when i was 13 years old a fairly old woman came up to me at the mall with a very perturbed and frightened face and as she approached she said you will not live to 18 and immediately hobbled off my friend and i were spooked but tried to dismiss it as a weird old lady quirk over the next five years i would come to experience several other individuals of varying ages sexes and ethnicities say very fearfully that i was going to die before i was 18 years old it was really unnerving by this point because there didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to this the day before my 18th birthday i was at a red light when it turned green and the two other cars beside me started when a car floored it through the red and collided with the other vehicles i barely missed this accident and came to find out later that one of the drivers died i still think about that day i dreamt that i woke up then woke up for real on a side note i can't physically picture things in my head i could only think in concept this also happens in my dreams where it's a distorted and warped barely visible version of what i would normally see i don't know why it's all in black and warped i dreamt that i woke up and was freaking out because my alarm clock didn't go off so i went to check the time i read somewhere that you can't read a clock face in your dreams and that's always been my sign that i'm dreaming so once i saw the warped unreadable clock face i woke up this time i was more convinced and started to get ready when my actual alarm went off and i woke up for real it was mad trippy and freaked me out immensely i was 11 bicycling around my neighborhood coming back from the little convenience store i think i got some iced tea and gum it was mid-summer the best time to be a kid wandering unsupervised with a bicycle that can take you anywhere an old guy in a car weirdly stopped me and asked for direction somewhere to which i said i only know that this main road you pulled off of is highway 571 he kept asking questions i finally realized he was nude from the waist down and he was touching himself while talking to me dick out on the map that was covering some of his lap not things you look for at that age so it sticks out if you finally notice i told him that i needed to get back home because my family was expecting me he drove off ahead of me slower than i realized there was a dirt trail that i knew well a few feet from me and started to turn into it he slammed on his brakes and started you turning back to me when he saw me trying to hit the trail i ducked out fast and stayed on the main road for a while i didn't want to be trapped on dirt trails that mostly kids with bikes and people with rvs used he did follow me slowly on the main road for about half a mile but cars started piling up behind him and eventually sped up and disappeared from view i meandered through the neighborhood between places i know someone from school lives near here and i know a cop lives somewhere around here my expected 10-minute bike ride back turned into over an hour with my zigzags we didn't have cell phones or trackers then so all i had was my better judgment and actions my adult self sometimes has nightmares for my preteen self that day oh yeah i have a pretty good one for this so about a decade ago as a teenager i was staying with my dad in an rv in northern ontario for a few weeks on a stretch of land he had just purchased it was a giant forest area that had been previously owned by a mother and her sons until one of the sons got mad about some money issues and stabbed his mom in the house on the property her second son split the land into three parts and sold it off my dad got the land to the right of the old house which was never torn down but was unoccupied so one night i was alone in the rv my dad had left for the night to his girlfriend's place and it was just me and his three bernice mountain dogs i turned the generator off after watching some tv and went to bed a few hours later i was woken up by this insane loud screeching the dogs heard it too and were freaking out i went outside the rv and of course it was coming from the direction of the old house i was completely alone in this forest miles away from town and was absolutely terrified i rationalized that it was just some animal but it started coming from other directions simultaneously and it never stopped to breathe for 10 whole [ __ ] minutes jesus i'll never forget just the absolute terror i felt out there it eventually stopped and i left the next day and never went back to that place not saying it was a ghost even though i might have experienced something on that level before might have just been some horny bobcats lol being completely alone the history of the place and not being able to drive at that age made it a lot more terrifying i had these goggles as a really young kid like around five or six and one day while alone in my playroom i put them on from behind to desk that was against the wall a sort of half-ape half-human-looking thing climbed out and started to approach me i backed away and took the goggles off terrified but he vanished as soon as i took them off tossed the goggles in my closet and never touched them again for years after a couple of years i was still bothered by it but considered myself stronger than i was back then so i grabbed something i considered a usable weapon and put the goggles back on ready to kick the [ __ ] out of that half-ape half-human bastard he must have been real scared because he didn't show up again and i eventually just put the goggles back satisfied with myself i still remember his appearance very well there's also the time i threw my blue power ranger toy up in the air and i never heard it hit the ground got up and searched for it but i never found it according to my mother when i was around three or four years old i would talk to someone while alone in my playroom and when asked who i was talking to i would say grandpa problem is that grandpa died years ago and i only met him once when i was an infant i have no memory of this now that i look back i just think my playroom was [ __ ] cursed my husband woke up really freaked out from a nightmare he dreamt that his deceased grandmother's spirit was being controlled and he had to try and help her but couldn't in the middle of the night he called his mom who lived on a different continent and whom he hadn't talked to in about a month she had just concluded a seance to get grandma's spirit out of her house because it was no longer a friendly spirit and was doing bad things he had no idea that she was doing that they hadn't talked in a month he'd never been that upset about a dream before he'd never before called his mom when he was upset he didn't tell her why he called when she told him about the seance a lot of weird coincidences i guess there were more specifics about the dream two that were very on the nose but i've never seen anything like that before really bad storm came in and ripped our shitty little metal shed off its foundation month or two later dad and i go out to just tear it down completely tossing the metal panels that make it up to the curb an older gentleman who lives down the road a bit drives by and asks if we are keeping the medal we say no and he asks if he can take it we say sure he tells us he's going to get his son and they will help us take down the rest of the way and then take the medal he comes back a few minutes later with his son who was roughly in his 40s right away the sun gave off a weird vibe but i didn't think much of it we get to the last two panels just one bolt is holding them together we turn and turn and turn but no luck the sun speaks up for the first time it's hard to convey a person's voice through text but if you've seen full metal jacket think of the way gomer pyle says hi joker in the bathroom scene he says you know i sure wish we had one of those hammers with the claw on the end you can really rip a screw out with one of those a chill went up my spine just the way he said it the emphasis on certain words and that chuckle all i could picture was this dude bashing someone's skull in with a hammer prying it apart with the claw end it got to where we just started bending the metal around the bolt and finally the pieces of metal that it was threaded through snapped and we were able to separate them we all breathed the satisfied sigh and then the sun spoke again well that's one way to skin a cat another chill the choice of words and the way he said them i know that it's totally possible that the guy just had a weird speech pattern but i've never felt so uncomfortable around another person so this is a weird one because i did it but don't remember it i was in high school and sleeping over with some of my friends playing games and [ __ ] we were all in this tiny room where we were also sleeping so i eventually got tired laid down an hour or so after that i apparently sat straight up looked directly at my friends who were still awake gaming and as one of them describes it started speaking in tongues after i stopped i laid back down and was completely out again in an understandable confusion they wake me up asking wtf that was of course i have no recollection or idea what they're talking about one time my wife and i dropped acid and decided to go on a walk we had both done it before but we stayed inside the whole time to keep from doing anything stupid until we got more accustomed to the experience anyway during this trip we wanted to see the outside world so we went for a walk around our neighborhood i looked around and no other human was outside but i couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched i was coherent enough to tell myself that nothing was watching us but that strong feeling stayed until the second we were back in the house and the door was closed i haven't experienced it since thank goodness even though we've made the same walk while tripping a few other times i used to work overnight at a hotel a block from the interstate here in the u.s other than guests i was completely all by myself in the off season sometimes i'd be the only one in the building once i had an old guy come in around 11 at night he seemed normal and asked about room rates i told him and he wasn't sure he wanted to spend that much he said he'd go have a cigarette and think it over and asked if i'd like one he seemed harmless and i was a smoker then so i said sure we go out front and his conversation got slowly crazier and crazier over the next two hours he told me about how he used to be in the cia how he had to kill his friend's dad so now his friend was out to kill him our government was conspiring with biker gangs chyna was going to invade and rape and kill us all and so on he kept reaching into his jacket and saying don't worry i'm not going for a weapon which did not put me at ease finally the phone rang so i was like gotta go and ran inside but he ran in right after me before i could lock the front door he didn't come behind the desk but he started banging on the counter yelling about how they were going to come and kill us all i just stayed very calm and said i sure hope not he then started to cry and told me what a good girl i was he said you're number one i said thank you he said say it i said it he said hold up one finger i did and then he walked out and i immediately locked the front door went into the back area and locked that door and called the cops they went and talked to him but said he had a bus ticket and was waiting for the bus so they were basically going to let him be the next town's problem awesome this actually happened yesterday i went for a walk i was alone pretty far from home and it was getting dark i vividly heard a dog snuffling my leg and freaked out i've been chased by plenty of dogs before and i'm irrationally afraid of ones i don't know so i jumped and whipped around and saw that there was nothing there i started running not sure why since a dog wasn't actually there as i was running all the ambient noises around me started getting louder like i was in a horror film as i was running past a gutter i thought i heard an airplane or maybe a very loud sprinkler but i think it was just a wind eventually i stopped running every once in a while it felt like someone was following me or watching me at one point i suddenly had no sense of balance and almost fell down it was like i was on drugs or something actually a police car passed by as i was running and i can just imagine the cop thinking i was on drugs for jumping and running from nothing i think this was the most unsettling because i've been seeing strange people in my periphery or hearing things for a while and more recently mixing up my family members voices or faces example i thought my 11 year old brother said something when it was actually my middle aged father i'm around the age where schizophrenia commonly develops and i'm a little concerned it mainly happens when i'm tired though so maybe i just need a better sleep schedule [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 45,633
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Keywords: NoSleep, Confessions, Reddit NoSleep, Scary Stories, Creepy stories, Creepy AskReddit, Scary AskReddit Stories, Horror stories, best scary stories, scary stories, ghost stories, horror, ghost, creepypasta, creepy pasta, creepypastas, scary story, nosleep stories, reddit horror stories, creepy story, nosleep, r/nosleep, creepypasta reading, horror stories, creepsmcpasta, creepypasta stories, paranormal, Reddit scary stories, ask reddit, mr nightmare, mr creeps, creeps
Id: c7UPyv4Oll0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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