Real Reason Hitler Lost World War 2

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Adolf Hitler was an idiot. And that’s a good  thing because it led him to make some really   bad strategic decisions during World War  II. If Hitler had been a little smarter,   we might very well be living in a messed up  Nazi-controlled world full of Hitler Youth today.   Luckily, that’s not how history played out.  As we progress through some of Hitler’s worst   decisions during World War II, you may  be surprised to find that it was his ego,   the name of an enemy, and his belief in  the occult that partially cost him the war. Let’s start at the beginning. When  you’re a genocidal maniac like Hitler,   your choice of allies can end up being pretty  slim. One of the main reasons that Hitler’s Nazi   Germany allied itself with Italy was because  no one else was crazy enough to join him but   Benito Mussolini. Most historians argue that  Italy wasn’t Hitler's first choice for an ally,   or even his second or third choice. But when your  entire platform is predicated on mass genocide and   ruling the world in your own deranged way, not  many people can be convinced to get on board. It was Mussolini's authoritarian rule and his  dislike for the Jewish people that made him the   perfect ally for Hitler. However, allying  himself with Benito was the first mistake   Hitler would make that would eventually lead  to him losing World War II. During wartime,   you want strong and independent Allies who  will have your back when things get tough   and can bring something meaningful to the table.  Mussolini’s Italy was none of those things.   Time and time again, Germany would have to  bail out Italian forces as they continually   became pinned down or surrounded by the  Allies. This would cost Hitler greatly,   as Germany would lose valuable resources and  men whenever Italy failed in its missions. Choosing the wrong ally was definitely one  decision that cost Hitler in the long run.   But it would not be the only  one. The way he handled the   North African Campaign starting in 1940  ended up being a disaster to his cause. World War II started in Europe on September  1, 1939, when Nazi Germany invaded Poland.   Axis forces swept across the continent, securing  strategic positions and decimating anyone who   stood in their way. However, the same cannot  be said about their campaign in North Africa,   as it was brought to a grinding  halt by an unexpected force. The main objective of the North African  Campaign was to secure the Suez Canal,   which would allow Nazi forces to have better  access to oil coming from the Middle East. The   Nazis had some of the best tanks, aircraft, and  naval vessels in the world, which gave them the   upper hand in many battles. However, without  oil to fuel these vehicles, they were useless. Originally Hitler left Italy in charge of  securing North Africa while he focused on   decimating Western Europe. This was his first  mistake. Italy had trouble defeating Allied   forces in the region from the beginning, and  Hitler had to send men and tanks down to bail   them out. The distance between Germany  and North Africa meant this would take   time, but it had to be done if the Axis  powers were going to control the region. Eventually, Hitler decided to send General Erwin  Rommel to the region to command the German tank   forces in North Africa. His mission was to sweep  across the continent from Morroco to the Middle   East. Once there, he would be in charge of  maintaining control of the vast oil reserves   in the region. This was a wise strategic move for  Hitler, but the execution was performed poorly.   After some initial success, things started to  fall apart in North Africa. The main problem was   that Rommel just didn’t have the resources  or tanks necessary to get the job done. Rommel made it as far as Tobruk in Libya before  he ran into some issues. He was able to capture   the seaport of Tobruk, but once the Nazis  forces began their advance further east,   they were stopped by British general  Bernard Montgomery at El Alamein. For   twelve days Nazi and Italian forces tried  to break the British line without success. Hitler was furious with the lack of progress in  North Africa. After a second defeat at El Alamein,   Rommel returned to Europe. He complained that he  should have been left with the tank battalions   in North Africa, where he was sure he could  eventually defeat the Allied forces. However,   whether it was Hitler’s direct orders or  his influence over the Nazi’s military,   Rommel was forced to stay in Germany while  his forces in North Africa were defeated. The Allies had secretly landed more troops in  Morroco and Algeria. They charged across the   region and eventually trapped the retreating  Axis forces. Altogether around 250,000 German   and Italian troops were captured. This would be  a definitive turning point in the war to control   North Africa and led to a huge disruption in  the oil supply that fueled the Nazi war machine. As a side note, Rommel was later accused  and convicted for playing a role in the 20   July Plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler. This  led to the general being given two options:   execution by the State or death by suicide. On  October 14, 1944, Rommel bit down on a cyanide   capsule and ended his life and career as a Nazi  General. There is no clear evidence that Rommel   actually played a role in the assassination  attempt on Hitler’s life. This may mean that   rather than having a traitor killed, Hitler  made the mistake of eliminating one of his   best generals, as Rommel is traditionally  seen as a brilliant commander in the field. And Hitler’s mistakes would keep on coming. The  United States played a major role in securing   victory for Allied forces in Europe. However, one  of the main reasons that the U.S.A. sent troops   to Europe was because Hitler made the mistake  of declaring war on the United States first. The U.S. was sending supplies and  resources to the Allies in Europe from   very early on in the war. However, they  had adopted somewhat of an isolationist   policy and had no plans of directly  intervening in Europe until December 11,   1941. That is when Hitler made another  decision that would cost him the war. Early on in 1941, the United States had not  sent or had plans to send, troops to Europe.   Then Pearl Harbor happened. Hitler had no idea  that the Japanese were going to bomb Pearl Harbor,   but he had hoped from the beginning that Japan  would pull the U.S. into a war in the Pacific.   This would cause them to focus their  attention on the other side of the world,   likely reducing the amount of  supplies they were sending to Britain. Instead of letting these events play out,   Hitler did something really dumb. He started  attacking American supply ships in the Atlantic   and immediately declared war on the U.S.  Hitler was delusional and thought even if   he destroyed American convoys and declared war  on the country, the U.S. would still be too   preoccupied with Japan to retaliate. However,  nothing could be further from the truth. The United States’ economy was incredibly  strong and had already begun ramping up   wartime production. They had the men, resources,  and now the motive to fight a war on two fronts.   At the time, President Franklin Delano  Rosevelt was still on the fence about   whether troops should be sent to Europe or if  the United States should solely focus on Japan.   But Hitler’s decision to declare war on the  U.S. prematurely made the decision easy for him.   America would go to war with Nazi Germany and kick  their ass. And Hitler only had himself to blame. Just to put it into perspective on how big  of a mistake this was, every year of the war,   the United States constructed twice as many  planes and war vehicles as Nazi Germany did.   The United States also had immense resources  and a huge labor pool to pull from. With   everyone now united under the declaration of  war against the United States by Adolf Hitler,   the whole country put everything they had  into the war effort to defeat Nazi Germany. In the summer of 1941, Hitler would  make a decision that would cost him   enormous amounts of men, resources,  and pretty much the war itself. On June 22, the Nazis launched Operation  Barbarossa. At the beginning of the war,   Hitler was smart enough to have Soviet Russia  sign a nonaggression pact, which ensured that   they wouldn’t attack Germany from the east. This  allowed him to focus his attention on western   Europe and defeating Great Britain. However,  Hitler was not smart enough not to break his   own pact. He launched an invasion into Russia,  which meant Germany now had to fight countries   to its east and its west, defeating the  purpose of preventing a two-front war. This decision was a huge mistake and one of  the critical factors that cost him the war.   At first, Nazi Germany seemed to have  the upper hand. Stalin was delusional and   thought there was no way Hitler would  break his promise and invade Russia,   but this was Adolf Hitler we are talking  about, and he obviously could not be trusted. The Germans amassed forces along  the Russian border. In fact,   they weren’t even very discrete about it. Hitler  had always planned to invade the Soviet Union;   he just wanted to wait until all of Europe was  under his control first. However, with resources   running low and the need for a new source of  labor, Hitler launched his invasion early. He fully committed to this decision even though  many of his military advisors warned him that   conquering the Soviet Union and fighting a  two-front war would be incredibly difficult,   if not impossible. He ignored them and  launched the offensive into Russia anyways. At the beginning of the invasion, the  Nazis were winning almost every battle.   Hitler patted himself on the back for a job  well done and scoffed at anyone who was still   warry of sending troops deep into Russian  territory. History had shown that trying   to take over Russia never worked  out well for the invading force. Nazi morale was high as they marched further  and further into the Soviet Union. The dirt   roads were passable in the summer months, and  the Nazi uniforms provided enough warmth to stay   relatively comfortable even at night. Hitler  was so convinced that the war in Russia would   be over quickly that he held off on sending  more supplies and winter gear to the troops   who were advancing further into the Soviet  Union. But as the winter months approached,   the weather began to change. The tide  of the war in Russia was about to shift. Operation Barbarossa was a massive offensive with  three different attack forces spread out across   approximately 1,800 miles of land. As all  three parts of the German army started to   reach their objectives, they were slowed  down by terrible weather, lack of food,   and depletion of resources. The Russian  people destroyed their own villages, farms,   and factories as they retreated further into the  Soviet Union to get away from the Nazi invasion. Hitler’s original plan had been to resupply  his troops using Russian resources as they   made their way across the country. It was too long  a distance to constantly be resupplying his forces   from Germany. Plus the whole point of invading  the Soviet Union was to secure more resources.   However, the Russian people left very little of  use behind due to their Scorched Earth Policy. When the northern offensive reached Leningrad,  they thought it would fall as quickly as the   rest of Russia, but this was not the case. The  Germans couldn’t manage to secure Leningrad   from the Russians, and resources were  running dangerously low. On top of that,   the Nazi forces in the south also ran into  trouble. They were stopped dead in their   tracks by entrenched Russian soldiers and  couldn't advance any further. Hitler was   furious. He ordered the middle offensive to  send troops to the north and south, which   weakened the middle force while not improving  the situation in the other regions by much. The slowing down of the German advance  allowed the Soviets to regroup.   Over a million troops and a thousand tanks were  sent to Moscow to protect the capital. The Nazis   were now stopped on all fronts. They couldn’t  manage to take Leningrad in the north and due   to the Soviet reinforcements in the middle of  the country and the changing of the weather,   capturing Moscow was a lost cause as well. It was becoming more and more clear that  Hitler’s decision to invade Russia was a   huge mistake. The Germans had not brought enough  winter supplies due to Hitlers overconfidence.   He also gravely underestimated the  resilience of the Russian people,   and how many of them would join in the cause  to stop Germany from taking their land.   Stalin had a huge population to fuel his  war machine, and the resources contained   within the Soviet Union’s borders  allowed them to quickly resupply   while the Germans struggled to get simple things  such as food and warm clothes to their troops. While the invasion of Soviet Russia was  failing, Hitler seemed to lose his mind.   He started blaming everyone else for his bad  decisions. This led to another huge mistake.   Rather than listening to his generals and  advisors who knew more about war than he did,   Hitler decided to make himself  Commander in Chief of the Nazi Army. He couldn’t believe that his troops hadn’t yet  secured Russia. They would have to double their   efforts, and anyone who even mentioned  the word “retreat” would be executed.   Everyone who had been serving on the frontlines  of the war knew that trying to subdue Russia and   take its capital was a lost cause, but Hitler  would hear none of it. He wanted Moscow to fall,   and he wanted it bad. So, he put himself in  charge of the military to make sure that no   one did anything rash like withdraw  and come up with a better plan. Hitler was going to take Russia or lose the  war trying, which is exactly what he did. He   had put himself in an unwinnable position,  fighting on two fronts while also bringing   the United States into the fray. And he was  quickly running out of resources. Things were   about to go from bad to worse, and it all  had to do with Hitler’s next few decisions. Hitler often let his feelings get in the way of  making good wartime decisions. And perhaps there   is no better example of this than the Battle of  Stalingrad, which began in August of 1942 as part   of the Nazi’s southern advance into Russia. This  city was a manufacturing hub for the Soviets,   which meant it had great strategic importance.  The Nazis did not necessarily need to secure the   entire city in order to disrupt the Russian supply  chain. Instead, all they really needed to do was   blockade Stalingrad to make sure nothing got in or  out. However, Hitler had something else in mind. For Hitler, there was almost nothing  more important than taking the city   of Stalingrad. Not because of its importance  but because it was named after Joseph Stalin,   the then leader of the Soviet Union. Hitler  believed it would be a huge blow to Russian morale   and a huge boost to his own ego if the Nazis took  the city bearing the leader’s name. To be fair,   Stalingrad would have provided the Nazis  with desperately needed fuel and supplies,   but Hitler couldn’t help but let his feelings  get involved in this wartime decision. For three months, the Nazis tried to take the  city. They were unsuccessful due to Hitler’s   obsession with conquering Russia on all fronts  rather than focusing his troops on one location.   The Nazis had even taken much of the oilfields  and resource-rich areas of Ukraine and Crimea,   but rather than holding the line  and coming up with a better plan,   Hitler ordered his troops forward  into the meatgrinder of Stalingrad. This was a huge mistake because it left their rear  flank vulnerable to counter-attack. Whether Hitler   realized this and just didn’t care or he was too  focused on taking Stalingrad to notice is up for   debate. Regardless, Soviet generals did notice,  and they sent a force to attack the rearguard   of the Nazi army. The Soviets managed to break  through the Nazi defenses and surrounded them. This allowed the Soviets to cut off desperately  needed supplies by capturing military bases and   airfields as they tightened their hold on the  region. Hitler ordered General Friedrich Paulus,   who was in charge of the Nazi forces in  southern Russia, to continue fighting or   be court-martialed and let someone else take  over. Paulus decided to take a third option   and save the lives of as many of his men as  possible by surrendering to the Soviets instead. Due to Hitler’s crazed attempt to take Stalingrad,  which was done mostly because of its name,   the Nazis lost hundreds of thousands of  men in southern Russia. After Stalingrad,   there was no hope of Hitler  turning the war around. The Nazi forces were now retreating back towards  Germany. The Soviets captured anything left behind   and wiped out Nazi forces that got in their way.  By the beginning of 1943, not only had Hitler lost   millions of troops and vehicles, but he was losing  the confidence of his people. The low morale of   civilians and military personnel alike would  cause the Nazi war machine to be less effective. Early footage of Nazi rallies shows huge crowds of  enthralled people hanging on Hitler’s every word.   However, after the Eastern front began to  collapse and the threat of a Soviet invasion   loomed on the horizon, the German people started  to panic and lose faith in their fearless leader.   The final nail in the coffin was the failed  attempt to invade the Soviet Union and secure   Moscow and Stalingrad. This wiped out any  remaining morale left in the German people. To make matters worse, Winston Churchill and  Franklin D Roosevelt had just met in Casablanca   and decided it was time to commence bombing  runs on German soil. This led to death and   destruction at home, which the German people  had not experienced up to this point. It was   a real eye-opener that their Fuhrer might not be  able to deliver on all of the promises he made,   and the war might in fact be a total loss. At the end of the summer of 1943, incendiary  bombs were dropped on Hamburg. The destruction   and fire they caused destroyed practically the  entire city and killed around 40,000 people.   After the bombing run, approximately 900,000  Germans were left homeless. The war had now become   very real for the average German citizen. It also  became clear that many in the military were losing   faith in their Fuhrer. Over 20,000 Nazi troops  were court-martialed and executed for various   reasons, most of which stemmed from their lack of  confidence in Adolf Hitler. Without the trust and   enthusiasm of his people and military personnel,  there was no way that Hitler could win the war. The only thing worse for Hitler than having  the Russians closing in from the east,   Italy falling apart in the south, and military  supplies running low on all fronts would be if the   British and Americans somehow managed to land in  France and secure a foothold on mainland Europe. On June 6, 1944, Hitler’s worst fear  came to be. On top of being a crazy,   egotistical, power-hungry monster, Hitler was  also gullible. He allowed the Allies to trick   him and his generals into deploying troops at  the wrong locations along his Atlantic Wall   as D-Day was carried out. The Allies knew  they would be landing at Normandy, but they   definitely didn’t want Hitler to know that, so  they used false radio broadcasts, dummy aircraft,   and misinformation to trick Hitler into moving  his forces away from the actual landing zones. The plan worked, and when allied forces  stormed the beaches, they met much less   resistance than they would have otherwise. There  is no doubt that the D-Day invasion was a gruesome   and terrible moment in World War II history that  cost the lives of thousands of allied soldiers,   but it ended up being successful because  of the allies' ability to trick Hitler.   With Allied troops now on mainland  Europe, there was nowhere to run.   Nazi forces were recalled back to the Fatherland  as an invasion of Germany was now imminent. All of the key events mentioned so far were  not the only reasons Hitler lost the war.   There were also some factors that Hitler handled  poorly throughout the entire conflict that led   to his demise. These can’t be pinpointed  to a specific event or battle but instead,   show how a bloodthirsty tyrant can let his  vision for world domination get in his own way. Perhaps the biggest mistake that Hitler  made was overextending his forces.   This was such a problem because, throughout  the war, maintaining supply lines was a   huge problem for the Nazis. They constantly  found themselves in need of more resources,   the most important of which were fuel and  food, to supply their vehicles and troops. In the initial months of the war, Axis  powers secured vast amounts of land across   Europe and North Africa. However, this  meant that supplies and resources needed   to travel incredibly long distances to  reach troops. Vehicles and ammunition   that were made in Germany could take  weeks or months to reach the frontlines.   It may sound crazy, but Nazi Germany even  had to rely pretty heavily on horses to   transport supplies to some regions due  to a lack of vehicles and the landscape. This meant that Hitler’s war machine moved quickly  at first but then came to a grinding halt as   supplies took forever to get to where they needed  to go. If he was somehow able to quickly move the   resources his troops needed throughout the entire  war, it is very likely that Hitler could have won. The German supply line also forced Hitler  into one of his biggest mistakes in World War   II. Nazi forces needed oil, and they needed a  lot of it. This was the main reason why Hitler   invaded the Soviet Union. If he had been able to  secure oil, steel, and food from any other source,   he could have avoided starting a war with  Russia, which would have meant Germany   wouldn’t have needed to fight a war on two fronts.  Therefore, it was the lack of resources and supply   line issues that were the overarching cause  that led to Adolf Hitler losing World War II. Perhaps the most surprising factor that  led to Hitler’s defeat wasn’t anything   to do with the military or supply chain  at all. Instead, perhaps his obsession   with magic and the occult was a driving  factor behind some of his worst decisions. The Nazis’ fascination with the occult wasn’t just  made up to create Indiana Jones movies. Instead,   mysticism played a pretty important role  in Hitler’s decision-making policies.   For example, the Nazis were constantly  on the search for the Holy Grail as the   promise of everlasting life was a huge draw  for Hitler and his entourage of occultists.   Hitler and the rest of the Nazi  leadership were not Christians,   but they still believed certain relics  were imbued with mystical powers. But the search for mystical relics was only  one aspect of Hitler’s use of the occult. He   actually used pretty strange practices to  help make some wartime decisions as well.   Some accounts report that the Hitler and Nazi  military leaders frequently used a pendulum   and dowsing rod to determine the location  of Allied warships on maps of the ocean.   These devices have no actual  magical properties or any   measurable effect on determining the location  of an object, including naval vessels. So,   any decisions made using these techniques would  be as good as if Hitler had just closed his eyes   and randomly pointed to an area on a map with  his finger to determine where Allied forces were. Other important military decisions were made  under the advisement of astrologers, magicians,   and tarot card readers. Again, there is no  scientific basis that any of these practices   can have a positive effect on wartime decisions.  Belief in the occult and mysticism definitely   played less of a role in Hitler losing World War  II than the other factors discussed in this video,   but you can’t help but wonder how many  of his bad decisions were actually the   result of following the advice of psychics  or in pursuit of some magical artifact. Now watch “Last 24 Hours of  Hitler's Life.” Or check out   “Hitler's Actual Plan for Taking Over America.”
Channel: The Infographics Show
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Id: qp_x1r2MHds
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Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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