VTube Studio Quick Setup (REMAKE)

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hey there welcome to my second full youtube studio tutorial i made a few mistakes in the last one uh so we're going to go ahead and do a new one all right so to get started you're going to youtube studio on your computer as well as v tube studio on your phone so either an android an iphone or something like that uh you can also use it with a webcam uh however most people use it with say an iphone so the first thing after you've got both of those installed onto your devices is you're going to click this icon right here and this will bring up all the models that you currently have i have a lot of models since i do a lot of live 2d vtuber commissions however there will be a few basic ones that you can choose from akari is our basic model uh for this one so what we're gonna do is you're going to click the gear icon here and it will open up like this we are going to scroll down and we're going to make sure that start server is activated we're going to check the port number and then we are going to check the ip address by clicking show ip list once you do that you're going to open v tube studio on your phone and once it opens for me it'll probably automatically connect yeah see it already connected for me so i'm going to hit the gear icon and disconnect it alright so you're going to make sure that the ip and the port numbers are the exact same as what is seen in your v tube studio on your desktop so you're going to hit connect to pc and once it's connected you can move around so now i'm moving around [Laughter] and your phone will go into streaming mode what i'm going to do is i'm going to switch models so that i can show you some different things like hotkeys and whatnot so this is my model that i use for uh streaming like daily almost daily i have a lot of hotkeys that i use so i'm going to show you those we're going to go back to the gear icon and we're gonna go up here to the little clapperboard icon this is where your hotkey settings are you have to click use keyboard hotkeys in order to use like your keyboard or i have a stream deck that i have connected to my hotkeys so that i can pull them up however you're going to see a little plus icon at the bottom of your model if you are just setting it up in v tube studio so i already have a bunch of hotkeys set up we are just going to look right now at the first one that i have set up which is my fluffy little eevee so essentially you're going to set a hotkey action and then you're going to use any number of these we have play animation which is a motion 3 file change idle animation also a motion 3 file set unset expression express 3 file remove all expressions move model change background reload microphone reload model texture etc etc and then once you do that you're going to pick the expression that you want i have my av flush glitch all that kind of stuff uh all your expressions and animations if you have an animation will be uh loaded in in alphabetical order so yeah and then once you do that you can uh click on the keys to scroll down find all the keys that you want or you can hit record and press a key on your keyboard for that to work you can change different things here i haven't used any of these lately um but yeah all right so yeah so that is um the basics of setting up your phone and model with uh youtube studio and hotkeys uh so yeah i hope that you enjoyed this tutorial and that it was updated enough for you guys to easily understand it so thank you for watching my previous videos or watching this one and i hope you all have an amazing day bye-bye
Channel: RennyBoy
Views: 72,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fRRse8xrSsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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