What Unbelievable Quirk Does Your Pet Have? (r/AskReddit)

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pet owners love read it what quirk does your pet past or present do that nobody believes when you tell them every night at around 10:00 p.m. my childhood dog would tell me it's time to go to bed I could be in the living room watching TV and she would sit at the doorway and make little booths until I eventually got up and followed her to bed this happened every night from my high school years until the day she passed at fifteen years old I miss that old sassy girl my parents dog does this she sleeps with me when I visit but I tend to stay up a bit later than everyone else social very pointedly look at me then walked to the gate and flopped down dramatically then every time I so much as shift she'll run back give me the same look and go flop by the gate again it's fairly polite but she gets her point across extremely well one of my cats legitimately sleeps in my bed head on my pillow under the blanket held to my chest like an actual baby he will spend all night like this and get mad if I stop cuddling him at any point we sleep with our noses almost touching and I know when he boots my nose with his that he wants me to cuddle him tighter it's bizarre but adorable goddammit that's adorable my cat never lets me cuddle her grumpy little furred Goblin my dog refuses to drink from a bowl we took him to the vet because he was sick turns out he was dehydrated my dog always has water next to his food but wasn't drinking it we changed his bowl to a normal dish the ones we used to eat soup now he drinks from it if you change it back to a normal dog's bowl he will stop drinking water and get sick nobody knows why I have a Pomeranian who is a total introvert she's super laid-back and chill and that kind of throws people off anyway but when I tell them that no matter where I live she claims some space in the house as her bedroom and goes there to be alone one time it was a cabinet in my kitchen she claimed one of the lower unused cabinets and took soft stuff and snacks and toys in there and could open the cabinet all by herself she would chill in there for hours currently it's the corner of the sectional against the wall she has all her favorite things under there my other dog never goes under there it's her private space Pomeranians are so fun I have a mix of pom and Chihuahua but she's definitely more Pomeranians in personality but likes to make nests to all the toys all the extra snacks socks underwear it's so funny I ended up making her a little bedroom under an end table in my room it's quiet dark and all hers my childhood dog had a weak rear right leg so anytime he wanted to hike his leg on something off to the left he will just do a handstand rather than try to support his weight in the bad leg but wait there's more when he started getting older we brought home a puppy who absolutely idolized his big brother within about a month he had worked his way up to also doing handstands when he peed but for this dog it was every single time I guess he thought that was just how you were supposed to do it nothing like having two dogs peeing down their own chest several times per day my best friend has a Boston that does handstands every time she pees too super weird nothing wrong with her back legs so she must have learned this from another dog before my friend at her I have a cat that plays fetch with his stuffed animals he also gets annoyed when I don't throw the stuffed animal far enough and loves to chase it down the stairs into the basement my cat can sit but whenever I say sit in front of some guests he just stares at me for like ten seconds if I had a toy poodle mix named Yoda who would meow like a cat if I said you'd ago meow it started as me saying it as a joke to him here and there and one day he actually started doing it he was a good boy yet why he didn't understand it at first is the way you said it if you had told him meow go you though he would have understood this isn't really a quirk but a one-time incident my whole family has swimming pools when I got my dog a Sheltie I think we introduced him to water too soon at a beach so forevermore he was deathly afraid of water I always wanted one of those dogs that loved water and would chase a tennis ball and retrieve it but this was not him he hated water fast forward a bunch of us we're at my dad's pool and my dad is in the pool player with the grandkids who are jumping in and he's catching them they were all toddlers and couldn't swim my son also a toddler jumps in the pool while my dad had his back turned to him so my dog instinctively knows he's in trouble and jumps in after him my dad just had to turn around and grab my son and we had to fish the dog out of the pool the dog legit looked embarrassed but solidified him as a good boy this is because Shelties are brilliant genius angels my dog demands I read to him whenever I'm sitting reading something he'll come over put his head on pages and pour at me until I start reading to him maybe he likes your voice my old collie used to yell at us if we didn't come home from school on time like if we went to her friends or the walk home took too long he would howl at you for the rest of the night and there was no getting out of it with him he was also afraid of ice-cream bucket handles I miss that dog my husky does this to my wife if she's late he gets visibly worried the more worried he gets the louder the awooo and the more backtalk we get we have a very unique dog that seems to have internalized a set of rules he is friendly with our three cats however if he observes them doing something that we the humans have corrected them for previously he will then take on the responsibility for future occurrences by sitting beside the misbehaving cat and barking at them until they stop oh yes the regulator my dog does this I'll just be laying around and yell for my cat when I haven't seen her in a while Mildred come give me a kiss she will always come running into the room and jump on me she will turn her head to the side and I'll kiss a cheek then I turn my head to the side and she quickly pushes her nose into my cheek she will jump back down and go back about her way after it's the sweetest but I don't bother telling anyone though I don't need to be perceived as the crazy cat lady any more than I already seem law naming a cat Mildred is a pretty cat lady thing to do but also that's a delightful cat name my rabbit feigned illness to get attention there were so many times throughout her life that my pet rabbit would pretend to be dying that I would stay home from work or trips shower with love and treats etc that my boyfriend began to notice a pattern she was deathly ill each time we'd start packing for a weekend away not eating lethargic refused her favorite treats when I shook the bag when normally she'd come running etc I'm panicking and stopped packing getting ready to call the vet when my boyfriend pointed out she always does this just leave the room for a bit so I left the room and nervously kept getting ready when I hear a shuffle from her cage she sprinted to her food dish where I dumped the treats and ate them in two seconds sprinted over to her fresh pile of hay and started shuttling that into her mouth I called out her name from the doorframe and she greeted me with a thump of her foot while still eating another time once the oh you're leaving I'm sick trick wasn't working anymore I noticed she wasn't hopping at all she walked with her back legs she walked across her whole playpen walked into the litter box walked out then settled awkwardly in her bed I tried picking her up and she was just dead weight I panicked because here was my six-year-old rabbit with a dislocated hip or something so I shook her treat bad because that's all I thought of doing and she sprinted normally over to me stood up on her back legs with her front legs in the air bright-eyed and bushy-tailed waiting for those sweet sweet dried peas and carrots she actually just passed away last weekend at the age of 9 one stroke to she suddenly stopped eating and it took half a day of me syringe feeding her for my now fiancé to actually believe something was seriously wrong it's the reason I always allowed myself to believe her tricks because red come a day when it wasn't a trick unfortunately she was just old and even syringe feeding wasn't enough to keep her going rest in peace you little trickster I sometimes think you were more dog than a rabbit this is so adorable what a clever little bun mine is that our cat that passed away last year used to play hide and seek with my husband Curtis Curtis would hide in our cat Buster would run around everywhere until he found him he would even try to sneak up on him if he was hiding on the other side of our TV console Buster would crawl under the console just so he could jump out and scare him if ever Curtis hid so well that Buster couldn't find him my husband would jump from his hiding spot and say boo this would make Buster pout that he had not found him on his own and he would go sit on the couch staring at my husband with you son of a bee face Buster even got to where he would hide while playing the game cats are hard to find sometimes anyway without one intentionally playing hide-and-seek and playing with a dedication that Buster would play with we were both look for him until we gave up and sat on the couch he would then stroll out a few minutes later with a smug smile on his face she's slowed down a bit in her old age but for most of her life she ran to Ward's loud noises plates fall out of the cabinet she ran right in there to get in the middle of it drop a heavy piece of furniture on a tile floor hey guys what's going on I always said it was a good thing she's an inside cat otherwise she'd run towards the first car she heard on the road going oh hey what's this curiosity killed the cat now I understand why I have another cat of which in an old house he found out how to turn on the bathroom sink to get water it was one of those that you push pull not twist and so I'd always walk in to find the sink on if only he had learned to turn it back off my old cat liked to open cabinets and if he was angry at you for any reason he'd bang them he'd also leave the ones closest to the doorway opened so I'd bump into them my father's dog designs elaborate alarm systems with his toys at night before bed he arranges toys that squeak inside off doorways and at the top and bottom of stairs if you move the toys he politely waits until you aren't looking and then places the toy back they don't just end up in a spot they are placed there it also seems that the toys are chosen for each location based on ease of squeak and volume the loudest toys are inside the door of the bed one final note on placement if the door swings inward the toy is placed outside of the doors arc if it swings outward it's right in the middle I'm not sure that's a dog more of an engineer law our dog likes to watch TV no matter what's on or who's watching it she actively pays attention to what we're watching one of mine can hear a jingle from a commercial from the other side of the house and come running because he knows that jingle for that commercial means dogs will be on TV my cat is super social very much like a puppy likes to play fetch follows me everywhere and never leaves my side no one believes me because they literally never seen my cat he hides at the hint of a noise at the door and runs under the couch until they're bad strangers go away whenever I do push-ups my dog crawls under me and pushes up off the floor against my torso trying to help me up my cat likes to lay under me when I'm planking I consider it extra motivation to not fall my dog's idea of clang is I'm holding on to the toy while I drag him around the carpet on his belly belly rubs and attention you have a smart boy my cat gets super hyper after taking a dump she will do a few laps around the house stop meow really loudly then scratch her post are the good old post put zoomies my cat does this too my dog gets super wound up if you make a small pppt like farting noise from your mouth she legit breaks if you make this noise and starts running laps in the house and diving until you lap and begging to be pet it's very strange my other dog needs to look you right in the face when you come home she will jump up and want her paws held just so she can get really close to your face then gets down and goes and does her own thing she also hugs you if you're sitting on the ground which makes my heart weak my dog also goes mad with the fart sound she mostly just barks but the volume on those is cranked to the max a long time ago we had a cat who potty-trained himself the cat was outside most of the time so no cat litter box he peed and pooped in my toddler's small toilet it still had to be cleaned though but still I consider a cool and now we have a snake who likes to wrap himself around my laptop whenever he is out and the laptop is around came here to share this too my cat is litter trained but at some point he figured out the purpose of the toilet and decided to use it it was just a to office at the time so I was confused by the tiny turds in my toilet until I actually caught him squatting on the seat and hanging his furry little butt over the bowl it was pretty freaking impressive honestly I had a cat that would sit on my shoulder every time I went poop he would just come and jump on my shoulder and wait till I was done he was helping push my last dog was a massive 90 pounds Chow Shepherd mix that behaved more like a cat than a dog she hunted birds in our yard good rather than catch them with her mouth I would watch her leap up and squash them with her massive frame it was majestic like watching a blue whale breach just a big fluffy dog suddenly jumps and body slams a pigeon to death then she would bring me the dead bird as an offering that is both hilarious and horrifying my cat takes every Sherpa blanket we get she doesn't care about any other blankets only the Sherpa ones and she will lay on them and not leave for literally an entire day and just purr her little heart out I had a kitty who once accidentally got a static electric shock touching her nose to the edge of my metal flat files for the rest of her long life she would touch her nose to the corners of things doorways furniture et Cie looking for more when she did get shocked again she'd pour as the object and bite in its general direction I used to charge her up and winter by roughing up her fur so she could play her strange games and more I've never heard of anyone else's cat that diverse she was so unique with such a wonderful personality rest in peace corners My dear friend I had a cat named ninja nailed it on the name she locked playing fetch with a twist she would bring me her toy mouse and set it in my lap then she would climb onto the top of the reclining chair next me and get in Attack Position I would say ninja are you ready she would crouch and get ready and I would have to throw the mouse across the room but she would spring and catch it midair every time she would do it for hours that my overly happy energetic golden retriever genuinely gives me dirty looks to Frick off when I try to play with him past nine o'clock he wants to sleep and my shenanigans are keeping him from doing just that when we had enough of playing ball he gets upset and plays with himself in the most evil and ingenious way he brings his ball to the furniture with a space underneath of the couch then he nudges the ball really softly with his nose then grabs it with his mouth if he can reach if not he's fully extended trying to reach the ball but you'll keep scratching the carpet have the derpiest face until we get the ball for him love him my dog does this but instead of scratching at carpet she will start playing soccer with the ball and grabbing carpet with her mouth and dragging that across the house well every day when I get home my cat is usually right at the door to greet me every time I come and I go he'll you in a kind of high-pitched voice to her along with belly scratches and pets she's quite a vocal Kitty to begin with but now every morning around 3 to 5 a.m. she walks around going hello in all these strange pitches if you lock her out of a room you're in she'll sometimes stand at the door and go hello you in a sadder tone at first it was terrifying but man she'll get the zoomies sometimes and screech he'll oh all over the house for no reason she just loves talking I guess I thought I was a dog person but I seem to have a special place in my heart for cats now to I have a cat that knows how to turn a lamp on and off it's one of those twist knob lamps he grabs it's in his teeth and turns it my cat can open doors with his paws but he also will chew on mechanical pencils and eat paper so I'm not sure if he's smart or just lucky my roommates pit bull tries to jump in your arms like scooby-doo when she's scared my horse can play fetch I want to see this I used to be able to ask my girl Luna where daddy was and she would look right at my husband he said it was a coincidence but I've asked her where he was when he wasn't in the room and she'd look out the doorway like I dunno he's out there I guess I had a parent who would only whistle but sometimes he would straight up compose songs nothing amazing mostly spicing together bits off tunes he liked but still songs that did not exist my bird says goodnight when she's ready for bed if you don't turn out her light and leave she'll keep saying it and start growling she usually says it in the evening but she'll goodnight me out of the room in the afternoon if she wants a nap our parrot starts to say night-night when he's ready for us to leave he also says bye see you later whenever he sees his car keys and or other indications people are leaving he called our overweight Orkin man fat-ass years ago my dad had a male cat years ago he was an indoor/outdoor cat and one day when he did not return home for the night my dad went to look for him and found him injured somewhere after what looked like a dog bite so he got bandages and stitches on his leg and had to stay indoors because he was injured then he gradually healed and had a limp on the injured leg so my dad didn't let him outdoors fearing he might be attacked again the vet said the limp should go away soon but it didn't my dad believed the cat was faking the limp so one day he watched him from the corner of the kitchen door as the cat walked perfectly without a limp when nobody was around he just did not want to go outdoors because he feared dogs now my dog faked the limp after he injured his leg the limp is real for a few days but he faked for two weeks around me because I gave him extra sympathy cuddles and pets and treats he walked normally around my brothers and dad but played it up around girls my cat's intimate can be shifted by a few soft words in Ukranian like she will light up when my wife and I were watching the man in the high castle we gave our dog the official rank of Ubik repent no sir she's not even German but she was haaad cat would open our bedroom door in the middle of the night and stare at us from the doorway scared the crap out of me sometimes switched our door handle to her doorknob and it stopped would have just left the door open for him to come in but he also liked to pee on clothes and it is a B to get cat pee out of clothes I got my dog Snoopy when I was 10 years and ever since he was a puppy he had this weird love for lettuce he would go absolutely nuts for it and so whenever I had a sandwich or a burger I would give him some of my lettuce over the years it became a ritual that whenever I prepared any food that involved lettuce for myself I would grab extra lettuce for him so I could toss it to him as I ate he passed away almost five years ago after nearly 17 years together but I still find myself grabbing that bit of extra lettuce for him it's kind of funny that his little quirk has still stuck with me for all these years and I honestly never wanted to go it away because it's a little way I remember him we had a family dog that loved bananas and would come running if he heard you open one we always gave him the ends of each banana is a treat when he did so did it for so long that now four years after he has passed first thing I still do is pinch the end off the banana by reflex my old cat Starkid til when I was suicidal and would lay on my chest and go limp so if I tried to move her she wouldn't be able to be moved without making me feel worse she would / and / while giving me kisses until the moment passed I miss her more than anything my 9 month old kitten will treat me like a playmate and not like a regular cuddly person she will wait around corners to jump out in play she will run at me sideways all poofed up to initiate a chase high-fives with no treats and sitting when asked to do so tortoise of the best I have a cat that plays fetch he will also dunk his toys in water so that they can be thrown further sometimes he will also just grab his toy and fling it super high up into the air and keep tossing it around he also likes watching TV when it is on he usually finds a comfy spot and then settles in to watch it my other cat is a big fan of shoulder rides and will jump on your shoulders if he wants a ride if you are bending down to put on shoes or something he can also open doors that have a handle and occasionally doorknobs if he is persistent enough my cat throws his own toys too he flings them up in the air and gets himself really hyper my burb likes to sit in my cut hand like really gets Luffy smushed up and comfortable and it like gives his couch and make a real happy face while I give him scratches he bites my hand when I stop so this has to happen until he falls asleep or something when he is ready to cook birbs poop every half hour or so he walks out of my cut hand and onto my leg staring at me bobbing his head up and down so I could bring him to his cage if I'm spaced out watching TV he will walk to the edge of my foot and poop off the side he's so polite like that my cat will attack technology of you don't give him what he wants he's knocked over laptops TVs and his favorite laser printers he's broken many throughout his twenty years on earth his sister does Super Mario wall jumps in the morning the rest of the time she is the laziest little bull of grey fluff you ever met I read this as your cat has favorite laser printers you have been visited by the distinguished dog our delicious delicacies comment tasty supper popper and be blessed with delectable dishes for the next decade like and subscribe you magnificent person [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 22,409
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Keywords: pet, pets, smart pets, quirks nobody believes, things pets do, funny things pets do, weird things pets do, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: 1-qp8OlgSvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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