What To Expect On Your First Day of Work As a Software Engineer or Developer

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hey friends welcome back to my channel i  am so excited to be doing this video today   because it is something that i wish i  had when i was starting my first job   as a software developer which is what to  expect your first day as a software developer   before we get into it though make sure to hit that  subscribe button for more tech and coding related   content shout out to some of these subscribers  here thank you for all your love and support   okay let's get started you've been through the  interviews you've been through the studying the   late nights the early mornings probably some tears  were shed working towards landing your first job   as a software developer and congrats here you  are you are landed you landed your first job as   a software developer now comes the next part  what do you expect your first day on the job   as a software developer the nerves from this can  be terrifying can feel overwhelming and equally   as stressful as it felt when you were looking for  the job and although it varies based company to   company and the size of company i want to share  with you what to really expect on their first day   and i'm going to be talking not only  from my experience but i also spoke to   a ton of other friends who are developers  about what their experience was like too   so when i share this with you it can be accurate  as to what exactly to expect on that first day   the first question i often get asked about what to  expect on your first day of starting your job is   what do i wear this is something no matter who you  are i think crosses our mind especially in tech it   can be tricky because on one hand tech can be very  casual t-shirts and jeans on the other though do   you want how casual do you want to go especially  on your first day here's my best advice if you are   starting at a company that is i would say medium  to large it doesn't hurt to just directly ask   whether this be the hr person the hiring manager  whoever has been your contact throughout the   hiring process just ask what is appropriate to  wear if you are starting at a startup i wouldn't   necessarily even feel the need to ask i would more  so go along of what they wore to the interview   so if your interviewer was in a t-shirt and jeans  maybe don't go that casual your first day but you   also don't need to show up in a tuxedo and i think  this thing can go from medium to large however   from my experience medium to large size companies  it's always easier just to ask as well they have   people there put in place to help you and support  you leading up to your first day the next question   i always get asked is well what do i bring and  if the company is not supplying your computer   bring your computer and do not forget do not  forget your charger at home on your first day   and obviously bring a lunch a water bottle the  basics a pen a piece of paper or a notebook   anything really that you could see yourself  using throughout the day but especially on the   first day it's better to be over prepared than  underprepared the first day at many companies   is really just setting up i know it's very  anti-climactic because you're all excited   and you have the nerves running through you get  there and your morning is spent usually just   setting up software so you get to the office  you get introduced to all your new colleagues   get where you or get shown to where you are going  to be seated set up your desk and by this time   it's already mid-morning a lot of times you will  have either onboarding documents to go through   or someone sitting next to you to go through  them depending on the size of the company   these onboarding documents will usually entail  different softwares that you should download   if you have to download a specific vpn a  code editor any of the above doing all this   is expected to take you typically throughout  your entire morning to bring you to about lunch   at lunch time don't worry there's a very  very small chance you will be eating alone   a lot of tech companies always ensure that if  someone new started you will be going out for   lunch or all eating together as a team this is a  great way to get to know more of your team members   in a more non-formal setting in the afternoon it  will pretty much be the same as the morning where   it's just setting up i know this is really not  that exciting but your first day they're really   going to schedule is you're not going to be  starting to code on your first day you're not   going to be picking up tickets your first day  maybe you will be if it's a very small startup   but even for startups that is not something you  typically would do if you do finish your setup   though and have a little bit of free time what  usually is asked of you is to start looking at prs   looking at other people's code that is waiting for  review this is a great way to get familiar with   the code base and also to how other people are  coding and what kind of parts of the code base is   currently being worked on a lot of times at medium  to large size companies what they will do on your   first day or first week is have kind of a session  where they'll go through the code base with you   this is so valuable and what it really does is  they go through the entire code base with you not   line for line or document by document but really  ensuring you understand how it is structured out   the different technologies they use what you need  to install if you haven't installed some certain   things and really breaking down everything  for you as to where to look for this things   even like how to name your commits what their  structure is like all of that and don't worry   it's going to be a lot of information and you are  going to forget probably most of it and that's   where it comes in that it's very important to have  a clear understanding right from day one as to   whom to ask questions to make sure it is clear to  you the person who is if it's your manager you're   supposed to be asking questions to or if it's a  bigger company maybe it's the dev lead but make   sure that's clear to you and if it isn't it's okay  to ask one of the biggest pieces of advice i can   say when you are starting your first few days or  first few weeks even at the tech company is to ask   as many questions as possible that is expected  of you that is encouraged of you if they are a   good company and you want to really take that time  to soak it all up okay so you're probably asking   tiffany when do i start getting to code when will  i get my first ticket and what will that be like   depends on the company in my experience one  company i worked at it was a few days in   about two or three days in at a larger company  it can be up to waiting till the next sprint   it really depends but it's not going to  be the first one or two days typically   the first ticket that you pick up what it  will entail is a it'll be very very small   if you are someone who is junior or even more  mid-tier they're not going to give you this   crazy feature to work on most of the time it  will be actually a defect that you are working on   so some small bug in the code that needs to  be fixed this might be as small as change the   color on a button change the text on screen and  you'll look at the stick and think this is so easy   but it will take you a bit longer than normal  because you're still working your way through   the code base and learning about where everything  is there's going to be a lot of smaller tickets   leading up to a big feature ticket feature  meaning it's going to be you're building something   completely from scratch within the project they're  not just going to throw you in over the deep end   and this is really important to highlight because  i know for myself when i started at the company   at every company i worked at i always have these  weird expectations that the first week i'm going   to get these crazy difficult tickets when in  reality if it's a good company they're not just   going to throw you right in and i really want to  state that and really remind you of that because i   think a lot of times we work up these scenarios  in our minds that it's going to be this big   terrifying scary ticket and most of the time it  will not so rest assured you will get to ease   into the process my biggest pieces of advice  for your first few days is to talk to as many   people as possible not just the technical people  talk to everyone on your team get to know them   because there will be times when you need their  help and they need yours it's gonna be way less   awkward if you just introduced yourself right out  of the gate another piece of advice i have which   i already touched on is ask as many questions as  possible be a sponge soak it all up and don't be   afraid that if you forgot something someone told  you or can't recall just ask again and just be   honest that you know i've been getting a lot of  awesome information i can't really recall what   is the process for this or protocol also there's  never a time in my opinion where it's too early to   ask why things are done a certain way maybe you  know you think well why why do we do this this   way or why does this work this way those are great  questions to ask as well and don't be afraid to   kind of step out and just ask what is on your mind  lastly do not expect perfection you are going to   mess up there are going to be a lot of fails and  there are going to be days where you feel like why   did they hire me and i want to remind you that is  totally normal and we've all been there and felt   that way they hired you for a reason you are there  for a reason just remember that take a step back   and breathe on those moments that get overwhelming  and you will soar with the company and do amazing   i hope this gives you more insight as to what  a day your first day is like as a software   developer honestly it's not that exciting and  that is a good thing meaning you're easing into   it so really take that and rest assured  it's not going to be this big scary day   that will come as you continue working on  the tickets and getting better and better   thank you all for watching this video make  sure to hit that subscribe button for more   tech and coding related videos and i  will see you all soon thanks everyone
Channel: Tiff In Tech
Views: 69,140
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Keywords: First Day of Work As a Software Engineer, Tiff In Tech, TiffInTech, learn to code, coding for beginners, learning to code, women in tech, how to learn programming, how to learn coding, how to code, how to start coding, how to learn to code, how to learn code, girls who code, women in technology, tiff in tech desk, career in tech, self taught developer, software developer, learn programming, software engineering, self taught programmer, Software development
Id: x6ZcAN8Ei9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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