5 Things to do When Joining a New Company (as a Software Engineer)

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You have been preparing, excelled in the  interviews and now joined a new company.   Or maybe you just switched  teams in the same company. You're excited but maybe  also a little bit scared too. How do you cause a good first impression? How do you get up to speed as soon as   possible and start providing value? and how do you gain your team's trust? I'm Christian and today I'm going to give  you some tips based on my own experience   in different companies and teams, and also  learnings that I've seen from other software   developers that can help you to get up to  speed as soon as possible in your new team. Welcome to A Dev' Story! First of all, it's very  important to know your position.  There are quite a few differences  in terms of expectations between   a Junior Developer or a more Senior one, and  expectations can also vary between companies. Typically, as a Junior Developer your  responsibility will be yourself and trying   to become more autonomous in the team. As you start growing, your influence and   responsibility grows to that of the team,  the organization, and even company-wide.   So your role expectations may vary based on this. I recommend you to watch Beyond Developer from Dan   North to know a little bit more about  how to grow as a software developer. Having said that, my first tip is to Clear your   Role Expectations as soon as you  join the company or the new team. There are different ways to get  this information. Typically,   the company will have a role description  for your position that you should check. You could also ask directly:  What do you expect from me? or  variations/complementary questions like:  What can I do to make your job easier? or What would you do if you were in my position? Ask people in the team what they expect from you.  Here, of course, the most important opinion will   come from your manager, but it's also good to ask  other roles, like maybe the product person or the   most senior developers in the team, and sometimes  even some stakeholders can be also useful. My second tip is to Understand the Team's Culture. Identify what are the communication   patterns in the team. How do people prefer to communicate?  Do they prefer more formal  or informal communication?  Do they prefer chats or Zoom calls? What are the team agreements? Some things will be quite obvious or you  can get direct answers by just asking them.   Other things will be a little bit more subtle  and the team might not even be aware of them   happening. There will be unconscious biases and  even some inertia in the team based on the time   they have been working together. Try to understand and adapt first   to the way the team is used to doing  things before suggesting new changes. There are different ways to ask questions to  get more information. Something direct like:  What are the team agreements? How do you prefer to communicate?  or a little bit more subtle like,  What is the best way to get  input and feedback from you? My third tip is to Focus on Priorities. It can be hard to fully focus on the highest  priority things when there are multiple of them.   Ask the team and the different roles about  what are the highest priorities and try   to clear them as soon as possible.  Then, when you get your first task,   you will know how important it  is and how much time to invest. Learn the highest priority things first. If there are too many one of the things,  something that I do is to apply the Pareto   Law [Principle] trying to take the  two most important things out of 10. In terms of people, also identify what are the   highest priority stakeholders  both for you and for your team. There are tools like the Influence Matrix  that can allow you to understand it better. In terms of questions, some useful ones are: What are the top priorities for the team? What can be dropped? What cannot be dropped? What happens if feature A doesn't get  delivered but feature B is instead? Who should I meet outside of the team? My fourth tip is to Ship Something Small Quickly. Different teams have different  ways of shipping changes to live.   Some teams do Continuous Deployments, others do  deliveries at the end of the Sprint, for example. There are also spoken and unspoken team  conventions when shipping changes to live.   One of the things that you can do in your first  two weeks is to ship a very simple piece of code.   By doing this, you will learn a lot of things  like: what are some of the team agreements,   what are the tools used for coding for  committing changes for releases, who do   you need to notify and even get some permissions  that you need to get approved out of the way. This way, when you need to do  a more complex change you will   have a clearer vision of what  is the full release process. My fifth tip is: Take Your Time Learning. Truth be told, most people won't expect the   new person to be productive in  the first weeks or even months. It's better to take your time, even if under  pressure, to understand the most important things   in depth, as opposed to rushing through them and  then finding some important gaps down the line. So take advantage of these low expectations from  the team in the first weeks in order to explore a   little more the code base or identify areas where  you have some gaps and ask for help in those. As you have seen throughout this video,  ask a lot of questions. Enjoy the extra   focus time these first weeks in order to be  kind of in a "training" or "learning mode". Bonus tip: Have Fun and Bring your Value. A job is a way of living but it's also a  way to learn new things and meet new people.  Take the opportunity and the time to learn about  the things that you find interesting. You can also   share some fun facts, articles, learnings  or even new approaches to your new team.  Maybe there are things that you have solved  in the past and you can provide the team   with a quick solution for something, or grab  those "low-hanging fruits" as they are called. The team will be happy to have you with them  and by presenting some new ways of doing things,   good challenges on current approaches  or learning about new technologies,   will make you and your team to  be happier to work together. Now is my time to ask you: What additional tips do you have  for someone joining a new team?
Channel: A Dev' Story
Views: 13,982
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Keywords: 5 things to do when joining a new company (as a software engineer), joining a new company, joining a new team at work, what to do when joining a new company, what to do when joining a new team, new job, software engineering, starting a new job motivation, first day of work, starting a new job, tips for starting a new job, first day at work tips, software developer career, things to do when joining a new company, new team, software developer, software engineer
Id: JVN2QYxlcbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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