Mock Junior Front End Web Developer Interview with Mike Chen and Silvia

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meet mike today's interviewer mike used to work at google and yahoo and airbnb as an engineering manager now he's the co-founder and cto of his own company but still makes time to help new developers gain confidence in your skills and perform well in interviews next meet sylvia today's interviewee sylvia is a new front-end developer with no professional experience yet she's been learning on scrimba for a while now and today mike is going to put her through her paces to see if she's ready to interview for a junior developer role mike is going to test sylvia's ability to create and work with react components enumerate data in a data source and then bring everything together using css grid in the end mike is going to tell sylvia whether she's been hired or if unfortunately she's been rejected my name is alex i am your facilitator today and i will see you at the end when mike myself and sylvia do a debrief to see what went well what could be improved and ultimately if sylvia was successful in the mock interview here's a challenge for you while you watch along try and put yourself in sylvia's shoes like you don't have to code the code but just ask yourself as mike presents the questions do you know the answer or at least where to find it comment down below how you're getting on as i think it's going to bring some people together with all of that said let's get into it tell me a little bit about your background i saw that you're self-taught give me some of the highlights of kind of your learning experience and kind of what you're looking for in your first role it was amazing at actually learning to code because i am an economist by university and then worked for several years in international companies and also in international projects so i got to work with i.t people and i was always wondering how can they code such amazing things just with programs and in 2020 i was unfortunately laid off in a big reorganization at my at my company so i started thinking about what should i do afterwards i couldn't work straight away because i had a little baby and i started thinking about learning to code for full transparency the initial idea was learning to code to turn myself into an idea project manager because i had i had done project management before so i wanted to understand a bit more of how things get done to be able to manage projects but then i started with a boot camp here in barcelona mid 2020 it was front end basically because as a beginner and i think it's easier to see what you're doing when you code and i totally fell in love with coding so i finished the boot camp it was yeah javascript to react the typical and then i wanted to learn a bit more about javascript and react so i went on studying and now i'm looking for a job uh very nice to meet you i'll tell you a little bit about myself and then we can get started with the uh with the coding challenge sound good yeah uh well i guess like my introduction for this i just done i've done a lot of these uh like on both sides of the table both as an interviewee and an interviewer so i am like well familiar with how to conduct and uh and and and perform in these interviews unfortunately i think it's one of the biggest uh levers for increasing your income in engineering i believe very strongly in like people getting good at it uh in his current iteration uh and maybe someday uh there will be no more live coding reviews but in the meantime you have to get good at them so i really like teaching people how to how to do them well and um so that's that's what i'm doing here i shared with you a couple things uh i shared with you this codepen link that has a react basic element uh to get our basic component to get started uh so if you scroll all the way to the bottom you'll see this react component and then uh you'll see a bunch of uh test data that we have here the prompt is to build this uh little grid of of cards so this is essentially like cat profiles uh imagine like an adoption site or some other uh site that features cats kind of the highlights of this are the profile image at the top and so yeah like there's there's going to be a little bit of gap between each of the cards and there's going to be a profile image at the top and the name underneath that in slightly larger font and underneath that is normal size font that's uh slightly muted in color uh with a bullet in between the uh the number of years and the breed of the cat and then below that is a description in in that same size font and then a little bit of padding around that so uh this this image is deliberately low fidelity because i don't want you to get too worked up about like being pixel perfect um but definitely make it look like make it resemble this and so we're going to start with rendering six of the cards there's actually 10 cards or sent 10 10 cats in that array um let's try render the first six of them and then if we get through all that then i'll add a little bit of an extension at the end sound good yeah yeah good that's actually what i was asking if data was just that or there was more coming or yeah yeah i i thought about doing a whole api thing i think uh this is a good scope for uh for this um amount of time in question okay so for the moment six and then let's see uh what one one second real quick uh let's go back to the screenshot note under vanilla uh it says one year so that is just something to to keep keep in mind too uh it says one year and it says we want to get the pluralization correct so let me see what we have here uh absolutely nothing for the moment just hello printed on the screen okay uh should i keep this with just one uh all within this js right because uh yes yes definitely uh render this all in react if you're gonna use react okay but i can make like a component card here right okay so as i need to um render with sorry i have different keyboards here as i need to render six or more cards i think it makes sense to build a component that can take data and map through that array rendering the same structure but with the different data inside so this let me see the data first so name bread url description h okay so um okay i will start maybe with just one and then i will do a mac does this make any sense yeah that sounds like a good plan i think like do you want to start with kind of rendering the data to the the page or do you want to start with styling i normally start first making it work and then i do the styling okay but um yeah we can do both no that sounds like a good plan yeah okay so this will be probably [Music] is there any shortcut here in codepen to like amit or uh i think you can use emmet in the html but you cannot use it in the jsx unfortunately okay so if you want to write html in the html panel and then copy it over that could be a good but then you have to like change all class to class name it's it's probably not worth it unfortunately this is one thing that frustrates me about clickbank no never mind never mind [Music] i feel your pain a bit of pain yes i'm feeling bad no worries okay i just would like to see basically if i can make at least one card work so now i will have the code data and i will go back so it's name hmm [Music] name puffins no oh i also am on the laptop so with a small screen and people watching you type which is the worst actually uh it's my first live coding with a big part of like coding because i just did some bug finding but no wow you're very brave well i don't think i will die okay and then you said uh a dot here a bullet how can i oh yeah why don't i give you the why don't i give you i don't remember where is that yeah i'll give you a little bullet here ah okay thank you very much [Laughter] it's a lot easier i actually don't remember how to do it on windows it's a lot easier to do a mac it's just option eight for our viewers in case you are curious okay and description which is nothing more than your button it's zoom here up high piece okay okay [Music] i don't think i even need this well yeah i need a div year but my [Laughter] okay just want to see if something happens all right something happens okay so now i have my card with all these type hard code data typed with uh with paying by me copied but now i should map those data into into the card so me see here [Music] cuts okay [Music] um i have a question but yes it's more of a i don't know suggestion it's better if i map data here in the return directly or in the component body like here it is almost always better in my opinion to map and like this is what i've observed people just map directly like you're i guess like the the alternative would be to create an array of jsx and then render that yes um yeah i think it's better to to map it inside the uh inside of the the jsx okay so let's go here oh gods okay so we will map every item um well we can call this cat because it's actually a cat and um we will return a card but we we need to give this some props because otherwise it's impossible to render the data it will be just 10 i don't know how many items it's here 10 of the same because it's all already typed there so here i need i need the image source the name well actually actually i could also pass the whole object it would be maybe easier what's your what's your preference for this kind of thing i normally pass the whole object but then i distract her because i don't really like having just props here and then repeating it everywhere so i saw a question about this recently on twitter like whether people use the props variable i never use the props variable i always just structure right right yeah so yeah i think i can do this [Music] actually i don't know if you can do this with the same name yes why not yeah you can yeah okay so here i will laugh name great description page so images will be url let me save something oh um what did i do here [Music] okay i broke everything what is wrong yeah me see i'm passing here the whole object right to the component and here i am destructuring so should actually work why does so what what are you destructuring inside of the card because i don't actually need the whole object there i need its properties what is the object that you're talking about so for example this one right it's a cat right it's a cat yeah yeah it's a cat with a name a breed a url description and an age so on line 74 what is happening in um what what what are you destructuring like in that in the in online 74 here you mean this one i mean like what right you're destructuring something but the this is the structuring the react props that are being passed a card right yes which is this cat this cat yep so props has props has a cat property right like props has a cat object that is named right yeah okay so so there's two ways um okay yeah yeah yeah so this would be um there's another way to fix this too uh i'm curious if you if you know if you know what the other way to fix it is uh there's another way to fix this like if you if you command z back to or control z back to back to where it was when it's broken there's one other way to fix this i'm curious if you if you know it if you if you don't that's totally fine but always destructoring or yes yeah there's there's one very small change that you can make to make this work as well um [Music] you might you may or may not be familiar with it already but i i can i could show you what it is and then we can move on uh we can move on with the original approach because that that was working too yeah i nothing comes to my mind so got it yeah if you uh if you spread cat on line 89 that will also do what you want to do yeah nice clever it just depends on how you want to how you want this information to show up yeah if you uh get rid of the cat equals too yeah here uh if you get rid of cat equals ah okay yeah and just spread it just depends on what you want to do with um like if you want props to have name breed url description age or if you want to have like the whole cat object in case you need to like use that for some reason um this would be i i don't i don't think i would have a strong preference either way if i was looking at this particular problem but just something to be aware of is that there's two different approaches yeah that's actually nice to know i don't know if i ever seen props like this it's actually not too bad but i i think this way is a bit i don't know maybe because i've always seen seen it like this you know so yeah i think that makes sense maybe it's clearer but yeah wow okay so now we should see the images again yeah okay so let me see if we have different names at least yes we have different names so that works and here um we have to do let me see if i can find sorry if i am slow with this oh that's fine i have an italian laptop with the spanish [Music] virtual keyboard i can't imagine how difficult it is to code in other keyboard layouts no no it's okay actually i was uh i was a bit in a hurry so i didn't really um set up everything as it should be but never mind uh here it was breathe and here it's h [Music] and here let me see what we have for age so what you very kindly highlighted before was that when the age was one year was singular so i need to find a way to render this conditionally based on the age and um vanilla oh what's happening here no no no no no no no no of course [Music] better now yes you don't need those back ticks either yeah why did i do all this [Music] i must have fell in love with template literals okay so this is eight seven four one yeah okay good and here in description [Music] which actually is the same yeah but we have to render all uh just six right okay so [Music] i would limit here to the first six elements i don't know if well there must be another way to do it but this is the first thing that comes into my mind so and no i got the wrong okay no um i just want this okay [Music] so if the index is more than five well actually i could do also the other way around i don't know i'm always wondering which one is better and return okay it is really different when someone is watching you oh yeah yeah it totally is very much is that's why you have to practice this environment it's a very different skill than just quietly coding at home yes yes yes yes yes okay uh we get up to sudoku i think is that right the last one yep yep that's what i was i was checking great we're in good shape okay i think we have the the cards ugly ugly cards but we at least have the data so now we can do the css maybe um [Music] here i don't know flex or grid what are what are your um thoughts on it i mean if you always want uh three um three cards per line flex works because you can wrap it but if you want it to be a bit more dynamic i think it should be great um yeah i would say that this is a grid uh if you're if you're comfortable with the the syntax i would suggest using grid um i can talk you through like where flex breaks down after if if you want to uh okay yeah we can talk about that later but um yeah if you're comfortable with grade i would go with grade if you're more comfortable with flex flex will probably work for what we're trying to do here yeah definitely more comfortable with the flex because i used grid but like some time ago but we can do grid if you want and maybe it's up to you it's up to you whatever you're more comfortable with by the way i don't know if it's obvious uh but you can google things uh during this interview ah sorry that's that is something that i should have said in the beginning i apologize but so far you haven't really needed to do any of that so yeah there wasn't really anything to google so yep yep you were very comfortable so yeah it's really nice if you want to google any grid uh syntax and uh and use grid that's totally fine okay perfect then we use grid here it's already linked the css or what's the deal with the code yep you don't need to include a css file or anything okay okay so um i think i need to put grid in the outside container if i'm not wrong but yeah i may nothing happens of course because i didn't say anything about the the columns right so okay let's go to our friend google maybe any googling is okay yup anything looks fine like there's literally nothing that you can google that would be considered a cheat here okay so okay do we want three uh cards let's just assume we want three cards one of the other things that grid gets you is the ability to easily um have show different cards depending on what um screen size there's different lengths depending on what screen size you're in um that's much much harder to do in flex it might be not not much much harder but like significantly hard you have to use media queries but you don't need meter queries for this so um that's one nice that's one really nice thing that we get from using grid why don't we constrain your screen the the card container with too why don't we give that a max width yeah sure because otherwise we don't really see anything it scrolls a lot so um i no i would i would constrain the the card container with instead of um okay the parent you mean yeah okay um maybe we can give it a max width to like 800 and see um what yeah i don't want to be horizontally scrolling the whole time yes are we still horizontally scrolling yeah why orange oh i think i know why you do maybe let me see maybe the the root is bigger i don't know or the images yeah the images are not really sized at the moment so yeah yeah so we should do that probably [Music] um i always have doubts if the image okay card image yeah much better okay i just want to see something if i put 40 then they have no gaps so i should give some gap anyways and there was a property somewhere great column gap okay and i don't know okay something like that and also some gap in the row i don't remember the the screenshot actually let's see yes um okay why don't we make the wanna make them both the same yeah also it was just that's good okay maybe there is a shortcut for this yeah it's just gap normally there is a short end for this in css okay so now the image was the image i don't know padding in the container okay so the name was a bit bigger yeah we'll call the we'll call the title 20 pixels uh font size ah okay fixed that's the name yeah okay um wait no oh no of course font size yeah don't wait not really um read age normal you say it right but a bit lighter mhm okay [Music] okay i don't know if these are the best class names no one ever knows that they're the best class names it's also hard to name variables sometimes i spend a lot of time with that let's do seven seven seven or yeah whatever whatever you're gonna do there yeah uh i was going to put like let's see if this works we can try regular gray yeah yeah that'll do yeah and the description was generating normal okay now a bit of padding here so i will need actually so those borders also around the card are part of the spec okay okay i didn't break anything because this is always a possibility um here it's um i was gonna say how are you going to name this one good [Music] i think so yes i need this card content card content is what i would probably name it but i never i'm never sure about these things either that's why i use tailwind yeah yeah i actually tried it for my my portfolio the first time and i actually did it in react also because i wanted to try react and tailwind and it was really easy amazing yes i i hate these like coming up with all these names it annoys me a lot yeah bad thing could be i don't know maybe great too much it's too much it's fine it's like yeah i think why don't we go with one one or one point five i think but like it's totally fine like i just the the thing that we're evaluating is whether or not you know the syntax and like not even the syntax but like ken can get to the uh can get to the right thing but um and you clearly can so here it's a card container i would just name it card right ah because you don't have an actual card class yet i always welcome suggestions on classmates because it's painful for me yeah i feel like you it makes sense you like talent yes but i actually liked also using style components because i learned a lot more of planches css with that um oh no what did okay now i have a problem with the image i see but i don't want the red border there perfect okay um it's okay one pixel yeah yes that's totally fine okay so now we will do [Music] to center this image i could actually use flex it would be i think easy so we don't actually want to center it um because if you look at the image um no we don't there's no gap right okay i understand can i use the dev tools here or no sure yeah yeah of course oh sorry last time it was okay a bit more please so actually it's a problem of the size of the image okay so um but one moment because the size of limiting the size of the image let me um limit also the width of the whole thing so what if i limit also the size of the whole card container no no card container no because you see i was already confused the card the card itself let me try so i guess like in your in your words what is the problem with um the image right now uh the problem is that i'm limiting the size of the image so the image was smaller compared to its container because the container could space up really it's how can i explain that it's um regulated by the grid of the parent and the gap so the container could be bigger the card could be bigger but the image was a bit smaller so now seems to me it's fixed well yeah so if you mouse over your grid um if you mess over in in devtools if we can find it i would close that uh highlights at the bottom to make more room yeah okay uh the the bottom panel yeah the console yeah yeah yeah okay all right so let's find the grid and highlight it oh we're like no because i'm oh here yep uh okay so if you exp if you dock your devtools to the bottom and expand the page i think you'll see uh maybe a little bit of an issue yeah okay it's hard to do on codepen with such a small screen size yeah so uh mouse over that grid again uh you'll see that um your gap is not accurate anymore right oh yes three okay let me see now the gap is is three it's yeah it's three but uh if you mouse over it you'll see that there's extra space ah okay okay um let's uh can we yeah yeah you'll see that there's extra space yeah the um the pink stuff is the gap and then there's extra space on the left of it yeah let me see one moment ah okay it's uh it's on the whole card um no worries i i think this is like a relatively minor detail um yeah i think we can uh you know we're coming up on time so i want to i want to make sure that you have time to basically like think through what um what would you do if this was an actual pr or like a pull request that you want to create like what what um what would you do to clean this up or uh or like any anything else that you would do to kind of like improve this if you had a little bit more time okay but you mean uh forgetting about this uh gap yeah yeah yeah for this this image thing i'll go over it at the end too uh whenever oh okay okay yeah please um it is relatively minor i want to i want to promise you that like this is that's something i would have dinged you a lot on okay so if this was a real pr um well probably i would do separate files but here on codepen no because i basically think uh it's a much better structure and then i will i would separate the data from these components and i don't really have so much functions here um so i don't know uh i don't particularly like this the the condition on my mapping probably if you're getting data from an api you will limit this by number of records instead of doing like this but since it's static here doesn't really make much difference to me it's just not really reusable maybe now and i don't know okay that's cool yeah i think that's uh that's good anything else from like a ux standpoint or any other um any other considerations that you think about the design yeah i would put some more gap here maybe then i think it's aesthetic if you let me because i don't like pointed borders so i would make it round yeah this font is like always the same so maybe you can find a font that resembles this which is much fancier and and yeah if you want to add more functionality of course you can put a favorite here maybe saving local storage i don't know and maybe not a buy button because you don't really buy the cat but adopt me oh i was thinking more like from a like a mobile responsive standpoint ah yeah on mobile of course you should say only one card at the time so um that is one thing that grid does kind of do pretty easily but it it does take a little bit of work to to make that happen um but like i said you'd um you can make it so that with grid you don't uh you can start collapsing it and then it'll go to two and then uh it'll go to one and you can do that without any media queries which i think is awesome um but it takes a lo i i like never remember how to do it off the top of my head it's like something to do with like min max um uh grid template columns situations so um yeah i would definitely uh update the grid template columns if if we did have more time so um but yeah anything else uh before i kind of go into feedback um no i don't think so i would i would improve the the class names because i don't really like that much the class names that i put there and no i think that's it okay yeah great um okay well you're hired uh you did you do really well i am um yeah uh you did really well so like uh just able to get through you didn't know that you could google at the beginning which is great you're just able to just like go through the entire uh first part of the problem really well um without any guidance from me uh and any any googling so that's that that was really good like that you got the the the chunk the core chunk of the problem all independently and like fairly quickly um some of the more minor things that we can we can improve on so um the big one here is this card image um so pretty much like okay i also want to say that it was really good that you recognized that it was the image causing the problem uh when you did um the fact that like you saw that the image was stretching out the whole grid uh was really impressive um so that's i feel like your instinct immediately went to that that was a really good instinct that you had um if you scored the top of css um you actually in my opinion don't need a uh an explicit width on images at all uh and so we can get rid of the card max width as well and this will expand the card to what we want it to do so um i put image max with 100 at the top of like pretty much every um every css file i work on and like most of the css files that you work on if they come with like a reset or something like that will have this because this prevents that problem that you were talking about yeah very interesting yeah this is like a this is like a base class i put like in my opinion it's a missing thing in css uh to not have this so um yeah this this allows us to get rid of any of the max widths on the individual um uh elements within the grid uh so that was that that would that's kind of the preferred way to solve this problem um the other issue is i would say we could do a little bit better with like our semantic html tags um so in my opinion this card is an article um it's something that could be uh reused on like potentially like another website and so that's what article's pretty good at um i think this card container could be a section i feel like this this card name could be an h1 uh we would need to reset the the we need to set reset the um the sizing for that uh and maybe the card breed in h could be an h2 uh the description i think is is correctly a description um but i would just give a little bit of hierarchy for people who are like sight impaired to be able to see um like what the most important elements within this uh this card are yeah so we had to reset the visual styling but um but i would definitely recommend uh having a little bit of hierarchy to these uh these texts yeah makes sense um and then the last one is around if we scroll down to the the uh conditional for this um i the uh the the i equals conditional yeah so i would say what i would do here is like const max cats equals six and i would do a slice here uh slice it up to six and then you don't need this conditional at all okay yeah that conditional wasn't really convincing me but yeah it was serving the purpose for them yeah yeah so this is what i would do to get it to be uh yeah much better yeah oh whoops uh this should be max cuts uh other than that one other thing that i thought you did really well was that name spacing your css classes the fact that like you put card bash for all of them um i think if i were it's like a mini block element modifier situation um so yeah i would say that uh it's good that you like had some kind of naming scheme where you name space it all to card like you didn't just put name you didn't just put description like i think that would have been bad um you put a card dash name uh i think we could get even more specific but um you know i'm not um i also hate naming css classes but the fact that you thought about like yeah let's you know let's make these both reusable but also like if there's some other name somewhere else in the app we don't want to like override it with like the stuff that we're doing here so um yeah really good really good job overall i was very impressed thank you no i had that moment of confusion with destructoring very well no you you you recovered really well from it like and you you figured out um you figured like i actually would ordinarily let you struggle with it a little bit longer but um just to keep it like more brief but um once i gave you that nudge you like figured out immediately what you had to do so um that was good too all right that is it uh congratulations you got the job congrats sylvia five job offers in one week brilliant job both of you that was awesome to watch i don't know why i'm relaxing i was just chilling out watching and enjoying but yeah yeah uh you didn't seem you didn't seem phased at all sylvia you looked very you know calm and collected the whole way came across really well and uh yeah same same for you mike obviously really great to watch uh silly you did an awesome job like i um for someone who has never worked in the industry before that was like really impressive that you just you knew everything off the top of your head you knew exactly what you're doing um so i i i am very impressed with the with your skill level thank you it wasn't too hard as a challenge actually i had my first technical interview but yeah as i mentioned it was just a bit of a live coding uh just finding some bugs in javascript so it was quite easy with a timeout and yeah not too bad the rest were like the theoretical questions about react and javascript but i have never tried this whole code some kitten cards from scratch yeah for me yeah you know you did great it was quite clever like um challenge because you covered so many bases from like i mean right away you clearly showed that you had a strong understanding of like react and props and your jsx and then you even like involved some sort of destructuring and spread operator in there a bit later which i uh which i thought was nice and then like you had a little ternary condition for like the years which was just another little detail and then finally oh yeah yeah that was smooth and then the then using css grid and sort of i just like the whole thing you were sort of debating going back and forth about grid and flexbox and then at some point you two just str you struck me as like co-workers just chatting about tailwind and your projects and things like it was a really good vibe i wish i was my colleagues that would be an honor but not yet just give me some time sounds good sylvia yeah it was so great to to work with you on this i uh like yeah like alex said um so many things that like i thought that like honestly you would be surprised i've done a lot of these for juniors and you'd be surprised uh you you mentioned like everything that you you did was like pretty easy um you'd be surprised how people struggle with this um like even i think that i would find a lot of juniors who struggle with this problem quite a bit and like you like like alex said like the pluralization you just like you knew exactly what to do um just so there's so many of these small things that like i threw in throughout that uh that you figured out how to do like you know this the slice thing uh the fact that you knew uh you didn't know slice but you knew how to get around it like you didn't know how to get around your your knowledge gap by doing something equivalent right uh and that's a lot of what programming is and like you know maybe maybe you learned something uh a better way to do it from a more senior engineer that's great you know so um but the fact that you knew how to do it was great so i think uh yeah really really solid work part of the reason people struggle also with easy problems in live coding it's because it's live coding yes yeah yeah totally yeah yeah no i was just going to say i really liked how if the you use it with the map you use the index argument and you didn't if condition and like i i was thinking maybe there was a more declarative way to do it with slice or something um but i love how you you sort of like pointed out but you weren't like totally happy with it because i think half the battle of like coding is like this you know you if you look at something and you know it's not right that's actually a skill like that's a great indicator that you're about to figure it out and move on to the next thing so i i really like that as well yeah i totally agree like i think there's so many people who they would not quite know how to do it the right way and they would just freeze uh and you did not you like hey i know that map takes this index argument i'll use that instead of like just freezing right like uh i think like other people might even search for a solution too like they like i think that that would have been totally valid um but but you like took you took your knowledge base and you figured out what to do so that's that's really great mike then tell you that you could google and sell halfway through so you're playing on hard mode for a bit as well i'm just like so used to people knowing that they can google that like i just like forgot to tell that you that you could go i apologize and yeah so you got like halfway through but like you didn't you didn't even need it it like didn't even seem like it occurred to you to need to search anyway but you gave me such a great happiness when you told me i couldn't do this i will uh yeah if i do another one of these i'll make sure to say at the beginning i always say at the beginning of my interviews but i just like completely forgot this time well to be honest i didn't really need to google yeah before grid agreed it's hard to remember for me and also i haven't been using it for a couple months so you just forget the syntax but yeah i literally could not tell you the syntax off the top of my head either like i know a lot of syntax by heart but i just i definitely have to look up good every time come on let's go i'm so excited for sylvia that was epic and actually around the time of this mock interview sylvia got four like real salaried junior developer job offers meaning around this time you could say that the mock interview was like her fifth job offer which is kind of remarkable and hopefully super encouraging to anybody watching who's like wondering am i ready to start applying for jobs like if you felt like you could have been in sylvia's shoes and like you could have done reasonably well then i think totally you're ready and you should start applying unfortunately you know technical interviews get a bad reputation don't they like you think there might be gotcha questions or it's all about whiteboards i think what mike an experienced engineering manager out of silicon valley demonstrated is a more representative example of an interview something which is more about collaboration and you know of course sylvia has to demonstrate some technical knowledge around you know react and passing data through react enumerating data css grid and things like that but it was always a dialogue right like it was friendly and fun but also you know the job was to turn mike's wireframe into a real website and sylvia had to listen carefully to do that successfully likewise she asked clarifying questions and there was a little bit of room for fern in there as well which i think is always nice to see like if you can uh still smile with your interviewer or if like the interview goes on like longer than you had scheduled in my opinion those are always like two really great signs because probably the interview is enjoying it and would probably enjoy working with you if it's really tense and like you're struggling i think you'll feel it and so yeah i really hope this gave you confidence if you did take me up on my challenge to sort of put yourself in sylvia's shoes make sure you comment down below how you felt about it because i think it's really encouraging to see how other people are thinking about it right you might recognize someone struggling and you can help them you might share your own experience that inspires others that's really what we're about here on the scrimba youtube channel and if you're all about that and you want to see more helpful content about learning to code or becoming a junior dev make sure you subscribe as well as there's lots more coming in the meantime though you can check out two of the videos we've uploaded recently here at scrimba and until next time i will see you [Music] you
Channel: Scrimba
Views: 30,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j7CG7awlrQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 52sec (4012 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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