5 Front End Interview Questions That Every NEW Developer Should Know

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hey developers today we're gonna look at five interview questions that every new developer should know about so these five questions are pretty common I think everyone should know about them so we'll take a look at each one and I'll explain the answers as well hey and if you're new to the channel my name is Eric I'm a software developer I'm a full-stack developer for over ten years I have a lot of experience so make sure if you like this channel click that subscribe button I do a lot of videos on front-end development UJS and a lot of other things and before we begin let's have a quick word from our sponsor today's video is sponsored by progress now if you don't know if progress is there behind kendo UI they create a native script they do a lot of stuff in the mobile development landscape and they created this ebook it's a hundred percent free in the description below make sure you click on the link you can put your email address in and get this ebook and it has everything about the mobile development landscape it's actually a pretty interesting read talks about mobile development in the early days and what it's like to create mobile apps today so make sure you click on that link in the description and you can download this free ebook and let's begin so when you're a new developer and you're trying to find a job you'll go on a lot of interviews and you'll find out there's quite a few questions out there that people can ask you in fact new developers have a lot of studying to do because there is a lot of things you got to learn to be able to land that first job but what I found that there are some common questions that I hear quite often and these things really you should know about so I'm gonna talk about five of them in no particular order so the first one is if you're a new developer and you're interviewing for a position that uses view Jas react angular ember you really should know and understand the lifecycle hooks of each one of those frameworks and libraries and if you don't know these lifecycle hooks are kind of the basics of how the app loads and when things happen at different places so you can actually have these hooks inside your apps and when different components load you can have different things occur so this is like really low-hanging fruit so if you go in an interview for let's say view and they ask you this question you should be able to come up with some answers so for example for view Jas you may talk about the create or before create or the mounted hooks and you might talk about how the mounted hook is great for when you're trying to insert something into the dom and react you might be talking about component did mount that might be one of them or an angular you might talk about the ng on in it and of course you'd want to talk about the destroy hooks so that way if there's any events in place that you can unbind them so really try to understand the basics of the framework before you get into the interview because you will be asked some simple and easy questions like that and also try to get an idea of why you use that tool so if you're going in a react chopped and they might ask you some basic questions about react but they might even ask you why should we use react what is it so make sure you're able to answer those questions for any front-end job you'll probably get some questions on CSS so you want to take some time and learn some of the basics of CSS of course you'll probably get some questions on how to do selectors like class selectors ID selectors but you'll be tired they'll probably ask you questions about the nth element selector or the first - child selector or you might even be asked about the different types of selectors and how you can combine them to find the each element so make sure you spend some time and just play around with CSS selectors and so you understand it there's also a lot of gotchas with CSS one particular one that I see a lot is the CSS box sizing border box which is a way to account for any border and padding in the values that you specify in the elements width and height so you might want to just make sure you understand about that you could also get some questions on display:none display hidden floats those are all common questions that you'll see on CSS so make sure you were able to to talk about those and understand them on the JavaScript side you might get some questions on promises so a promise is an object that may produce a value some time in the future so essentially you have three states for a promise they can be fulfilled rejected or pending you may get into an interview and if you don't know promises they may ask you some other questions about that you might want to know about a sink and a weight or callbacks or you may even talk about observables if you're using something like rxjs so make sure that you do a little bit of research on basics of what promises are they're super common a lot of code bases use them and if not be able to talk intelligently about callbacks async/await and things like that another really common interview question is scoping so still especially for new developers trying to make sure you understand the differences between VAR Const and let that VAR has a global scope or a function scope depending where it is lettin Const have block scoping so anytime you see that little squirrely squirrely brackets curly brackets it's inside there and then with Const it's actually some people think it's immutable it actually can be changed you can't reassign constant change the properties with inside them so make sure you're able to talk intelligently about all three of those those are really common interview questions a couple of other ones I'm not getting into but you might be asked about closures you may be asked about how inheritance prototypical inheritance vs. es6 classes currying and hoisting are all common questions that you see on the JavaScript skies especially for new developers last but not least you'll probably be asked some interview questions that you have to get up on the whiteboard for so these questions usually for new developers aren't too difficult although if you're interviewing at like Apple or Google or Amazon expect to to study your data algorithms but most shops that aren't that big will probably ask you things like how do you reverse a string can you do a palindrome Fibonacci sequence fizzbuzz things like that so they're not super difficult but you should be able to do them on the fly without a compiler just on the white board and be able to explain your process and your thought process and how it works so that's it for my list of 5 front end interview questions that all new front-end developers should know about so have you guys seen any of these questions and interviews I'd love to know put your comment and question below I've also definitely seen on senior level or higher level developer interviews where they go way into depth in something like this you may get questions on network connectivity you may have to talk about restful interfaces or what rest is the all the HTTP verbs you have to actually diagram how you would structure a whole application and the back end so it can definitely get extremely complicated and difficult but just keep in mind that most interviewers especially for smaller companies they're probably googling their questions so you may want to just spend like 10-15 minutes googling the common interview questions for the types of technologies that are using just so you can have a better idea how to answer them you wouldn't keep it's actually quite common that some of these companies don't spend a ton of time actually preparing for interviews so make sure you just spend some time googling and and practicing those interview questions and just realize that it's okay if you don't know the answer to one of these questions the worst thing to do is actually to make it up you can kind of preface this by saying you know I think this is what it is but if you're completely lost it's okay to say I don't know and the interviewer will move on and ask you a different question usually the interview that you're doing they're trying to find like what your limits are so eventually you'll probably come to come to a question that you don't know and it's okay to say no or I don't know rather than having them rather than saying making up some answer or just trying to them because they'll know that you're not you don't know what you're talking about so never do that and also one more quick tip that's not in this list if you haven't a resume only put on technologies that you can talk about I've been on interviews where someone has put a technology on there but they haven't used it in years and years I understand that the HR world out there there's keyword matchers and that if they don't see this regular this keyword on there then you just get disqualified but I would be careful about what keywords you put on your resume is trying to make sure that you can talk intelligently about any one of them you put on there so that's it that's all I got so let me know in the description what you think if you guys like this type of video make sure you click that like button and subscribe make sure you click that Bell button and share with your friends and if you guys really like this I'll do a couple more like this I have tons tons of interview questions I've given interviews I received interviews I can make a few more videos like this so I mean if you like it Thanks
Channel: Program With Erik
Views: 99,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Front-end interview questions, front-end web developer questions, Interview Questions, Whiteboarding questions, Front end, Web Development, Front end questions, Interview Prep developer, Web developer interview prep, 5 Interview questions, Five Front end interview questions, Algorithm questions, Program With Erik, Program With Eric, Erik Hanchett
Id: z6cvj6cMIr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2018
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