What to Expect At The Six Week Baby Check - Clinical Skills - Dr Gill

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[Music] hello my name's Dr Gil um I've been asked to do a six week check with yourself and a little one today before we start please confirm your and the little one's date of birth uh I'm Bethany Gil and my date of birth is 10th of August 1993 and little one and this one is Felix and he is the of November 2023 fantastic so how are things so far yeah not bad brilliant now so tell me about the birth if you could to start off uh we had a a normal delivery everything went pretty well fantastic no complications at all no complications brilliant and you're happy with how everything seems to be so far with the little one am okay what tell me about the feeding uh he's being exclusively breastfed okay and have you had any issues with that um no jo good so obviously you you know you're doing a fantastic job breastfeeding if you do run into any problems please speak to us straight away we can help out with regard to breastfeeding consultants if you run into any issues like mtis infections to your breast please talk to us straight away we want to help and you know support you however it is you choose to feed so you're doing brilliantly with breastfeeding I'm just going to run through the safety fees anyway just in case please make sure it's in your case only breast milk that you're not using any cow's milk Go's milk there's not you're not using any honey and if you did move over to another form of feeding so for example infant formula please make sure you're only using the uh infant formula TS okay okay um where does he sleep he sleeps in a uh Crib That's strapped to the side of our bed so next to make card yes fantastic and how much how much time are you getting you having any difficulties with sleep no more than anyone else he sleeps for about 3 and a half hours at a time and then wakes like clockwork for a feeding a change good good now you say wakes for a change um how are his nappies um fine he does uh a good couple of wet and a couple of soil the day good so everything's opening is expect seems to be okay with regard to the feeding is there any vomiting um a little bit of spit up um initially a bit more but everything settled down okay just going to circle back on the uh the cot for a second just to clarify does he ever sleep in the bed with yourself um I might hold him until he falls asleep but then he always goes down into the C okay that's good so sometimes you know it's unavoidable as a m that we end up having a little bit of co- sleeping but where possible please make sure you try to avoid it there is there is an association with you know cot death something like that with that is there anyone in the family who's who's had a an infant die unfortunately not that I know very good now I can see that you've got the dummy in there different people have different approaches to them um there is information that suggests that they're useful for calming them and also there is a reduction in um sudden infant death syndrome so it's good that we've started with that I see that you've brought the red book with you you've seen the health visitor at the minute we are good and are they happy with the baby's weight gain she is good and are you happy with his growth yes good and tell me about you know how how he's interacting with you so have you heard him babbling yes wonderful timeing yes he's started to babble the last couple of days he's got the last couple of weeks he's gotten a bit more wakeful and um he will follow you around the room and um my husband says he started to smile but I'm not sure about seen it yet fantastic so we've got the fixing we've got the following does he respond to loud noises yes [Music] brilliant and have you seen any issues with regard to his movements and things like that no fantastic fantastic so the last two bits um does he ever get left alone for prolonged periods of time only long enough for me to go to the bathroom okay I think that's quite reasonable and when you do that where abouts you put him um he will either go into his cot or onto a safe area of carpeted floor I can see okay that sounds good sounds like You' be reading the textbook um and in terms of textbooks going forward um is he booked for his immunizations uh yes they're booked in about two weeks time brilliant okay so what we're going to do now we're going to strip him down to his nappy and we're going to have a look at him from Dr Toe so we're going to have a look at his eyes listen to his heart listen to his chest we're also going to have a look at his tummy and that'll involve checking to see if there's any signs of hernia so swellings we will also have a look at his external genitals see if there's any problems there and also if there's any issues with his bottom then we're going to have a look at do some check his reflexes I will warn you sometimes those can seem a little bit alarming to parents but they're completely safe we do them all the while okay so any issues with that before we start fantastic well let's go get them undress okay I don't put him down on the scales please fantastic it's okay be fine'll be [Music] fine so we'll P that 5.8 kilos so you pick up please thank you very much okay so his red reflex was okay so we could see the light flashing back in his eyes I know sometimes a little bit disorientating for them when we switch the lights off now I'm going to try and have a listen to his chest so keep him close to you mommy is nice and safe and what I'm going to do is I'm going to have a listen to his breath sounds okay we're just going to have a listen to his back lovely breath sounds there fantastic now if you keep him in that position I'm just going to check along his spine okay so I'm just going to move your hand up okay now sometimes they have a tendency to cry here because unfortunately my hands are freezing it's just feeling all the way down his spine okay can't see any issues and just checking the bottom perfect okay if we kind of have to try and turn him around for me I'll take the dummy for you okay and would you like me to put the dummy back in if you'll take it super there you go little man thank you we're going to try and have a listen to his heart now okay okay oh dear okay everything is fantastic there okay so we've T obviously taken off the muslin which is still warm from him if you be kind enough to Li him down on there so just checking up over the head okay and the fontel feels absolutely normal so we've got no problems there hello hello little one so we're just going to have a check on his stomach can we see any liver oh he's very happy isn't he he's very happy that's okay and we're just going to go up here and there's no no problems there and I can't feel any poo now at all so I'm just going to open the first bit of the happy I'm just going to check for any problems in the groin so checking for his pulses that's fantastic and we'll keep everything covered so we don't get hit I'll do the same we again on this side that pulse is fantastic so no problems there okay so we're just going to check his genitals so obviously you can see what we're doing M so we're going to check one testicle excellent that's all normal we're checking the other testicle that's great I'm just going to press at the top and there's no signs of hernes so that's ground so we going to pick him up by the feet and we're going to see what if there's any problems with his bottom no as you said he's been doing his nappy as well so there's no issues there let's wrap him up nice and tight he is really very good at fixing and following isn't he he's really paying attention to us here okay so let's just have a look at his reflexes so we just going to check his suck reflex fantastic so we've got no problems there hello little man hello you want to grasp my fingers thank you so much brilliant so we've got a beautiful grasp on both sides that's brilliant and he's certainly paying attention to me and looks like he wants to smile okay can I have those hands back thank you very much we've got good tone all very normal just going to check the Reflex on his feet oh a lovely spay of the toes again a lovely SP of the toes that's brilliant now it's going to look like I'm going to drop him okay I'm not we're testing a reflex to see how he startles you ready oh dear one two three o oh brilliant so you see how his arms went out like that that was brilliant now we're going to have a look at his hips so we're coming just relax on me just a little oh dear come on relax relax up and out and out a bit of pressure fantastic so we've got no problems with these hips at all would you like to put so would you like to just hold on to for a second and I'm going to get the tape measure and we'll just measure some lengths for him so we're just seeing how long he is so all the way from the top right the way down if you stretch that leg fantastic a fantastic length so 57 CM we're just going to have a quick check the length size of his head oops all around the front Okay brilliant so 39 CM entirely normal for his age so if you'd like to put him back together again thank you so that completes that and we've managed to swaddle him again fantastically so we've updated the red book everything is sorted on his six week check um I've sorted sorted out the um the growth curve so we can see all of that doing beautifully um you're going to follow up uh in the next couple of days yourself with the nurse for your health check um is there anything more that I can do for you at the moment Y super well thank you very much I do WR it if you've got any changes any problems you know any child under the age of one I will always see them face to face the same day okay thank you super thank you
Channel: Dr James Gill
Views: 133,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: six week baby check examination, 8 week baby check examination, 6 week baby check examination, 6 week check, new baby examination, new baby exam, baby checkup, newborn physical examination, mother and baby check, Dr Gill, GP 6 week checkup, 6 week checkup after birth baby, 6 week checkup after birth, 6 week baby check gp, week 6 review, 6 week postpartum check up c section, baby 6 weeks check up, 6 week postpartum check up, examination of a newborn baby, baby check up doctor
Id: pKaVvyQ_nbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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