General Examination - Clinical Skills OSCE - Dr Gill

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[Music] hello my name is Dr Gil um I've been asked to do perform a general examination on yourself before we start could you please confirm your name and date of birth yeah my name is Megan sters and my date of birth is the 22nd of February 1998 super thank you so in terms of doing the examination today that's going to involve having look to hand having a look at um your face getting you to um do some maneuver for me we're also going to have a look at uh your chest we're going to do your Vital Signs and we'll also have a look at your legs is that okay Y super so to start off if I can see your hands please okay so I can't see anything on toward there if you could turn your hands over please okay no obvious issues to P our hands out straight and we're checking for a a initial Tremor and then we also want to the wrist back so we're going to go on I'm just going to take your pulse on both sides okay then checking the pulse super so you've got a normal pulse there and also a normal respiratory raise I'm just going to check your arm okay and there's a normal pulse there as well so I'm just going to have a look at your eyes if I might so if you could look up for me okay and then look down for me super can you show me your teeth okay and show me your tongue okay and put your tongue to the roof of your mouth please super that's fine so I'm now just going to do your blood pressure do you have any problems with either of your arms no super so we're going to do this twice we're going to do it once without the stethoscope and then once with so just checking the size okay that's fine over the artery and then coming around okay and just relax for me so the pulse has disappeared and the pulse returns to about 98 okay so we're just going to do that again with the stethoscope okay can relax the armful just putting that over the artery okay we're going a little bit higher and I can hear the sounds that get at 100 and they've disappeared at 68 so normal blood pressure there thank you so just going to check uh your temperature at this point okay we got a normal temperature all on the green and we're just going to check uh the oxygen saturations at this point we just have a finger for me thank you okay so we've got 99% stats that's absolutely fantastic okay you swing your legs forward and set uh that way I'm now going to put my hands on your neck if that's okay and we're going to see if we can find any lumps and bumps yep okay so if you can move your hair backwards please okay starting off under the chin okay and then in front behind okay and if you could shrug your shoulders up for me please thank you and relax down that's all fine so if you could lie back again on the bed for me so just having a look at uh your chest I can't see any obvious issues in terms of the skeletal appearance so you're going to go down to your legs I'm going to check for uh any problems with uh uh edema down here any swelling so pressing on both sides and there's nothing there and then the pulse is behind there good and we've got normal pulses there so I couldn't find any abnormalities on that General examination do you have any questions for myself no super thank you very much for your [Music] time
Channel: Dr James Gill
Views: 403,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: general exam, clinical skills, OSCE, clinical examination, asmr examination, dr gill, medical examination, basic exam, health checkup, vital signs, unintentional asmr, clinical skills revision, dr james gill, medical education, medical school revision, asmr exam, physical examination, macleods clinical examination, medical school revision guide, medical education lectures, medical education for visual learners, medical education videos, medical asmr exam
Id: kBsRSlH7eDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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