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[Music] polygraph what is going on guys today is gonna be a little bit of a shorter video there's a reoccurring question that I keep getting asked in the comments section is hey do you have any tips or any suggestions on what I can do to help better my chances to become a law enforcement officer well today I'm gonna give you guys five tips to help you in your career path to a law enforcement officer tip number one decisions you make today can affect your future again I'm gonna reiterate decisions that you make today can affect your future into becoming a law enforcement officer and what I mean by that is those of you guys are in high school in college there's plenty of opportunities in that atmosphere that might present themselves that you end up making a wrong decision or a bad decision and now that affects your chances in becoming a law enforcement later on in life a couple of scenarios that might pop up maybe you get into a fight somebody steps on your kicks you punch him in the face and now you're arrested for battery well that affects your chances later on and becoming a law enforcement officer the obvious is a DUI those of you that are in relationships maybe you get into some kind of domestic violence with your boyfriend or your girlfriend and also reckless driving or numerous amount of infractions in a small amount of time or you have a lot of speeding tickets leading up to the hiring process so these background investigators are looking at that and one of the reasons being is that as a law enforcement officer or a police officer you're in your vehicle for long periods of time basically you're driving on shift so if you get into an accident or something happens the city or the agency might be held accountable because they let you become a police officer knowing that you have all these speeding tickets and all these previous accidents that you've been into and now they are responsible so when opportunities present themselves just keep it in the back of your head I want to become a law enforcement officer I want to become a police officer or put that above everything and make your decisions wisely because they will come back to affect you later on tip numero dos and that is education continue it a lot of you guys ask me hey what should I do I'm going to school or should I just become a cop right away I suggest you continue your education and you don't have to go to college to get a criminal justice degree or a degree in kill for criminology you can get a degree in psychology or business management essentially it just doesn't it doesn't have to be criminal justice it's good but it doesn't have to be now some agencies only require a high school degree to start but believe me if you want to move up through the ranks you're gonna need some sort of degree in a a bachelor's master's so some sort of degree is needed to move through the rings now I say finish your degree before you become a law enforcement officer because once you become a law enforcement officer it's really hard to go back to school because you have shift work you have long nights you might start a family it just gets a little hectic it's hard to squeeze in school in that timeframe so if you can finish school first that's a plus and if not it's still okay you can go back and figure it out but it's gonna be a little bit harder you got to be physically fit now not only to pass the physical agility test which mostly all police agencies require some sort of physical agility test not what a physical agility test is is what it sounds like you have to run a mile or two miles or whatever it is in a certain amount of time to a certain amount of push-ups push a car jump a wall sometimes a six-foot wall sometimes it's a four foot wall but in some sort of manner there's gonna be a physical agility test so you got to be ready for that and once you pass the physical agility test then starts the Academy and in the Academy they're gonna be pushing a lot I mean you're gonna get some nice shoulder chest muscles because all those push-ups you're going to be running a lot pretty much every day is some sort of PT and when you're not doing exercise you're also gonna be rolling around on the mats and doing some defensive tactics incorporates jiu-jitsu MMA all kinds of different stuff so you need to be physically fit in order to make it through the Academy I've seen people fail out of the Academy because either they get hurt or they couldn't make the physical agility test so physically fit is a big thing I if you're going into the Academy or plan on getting hired and you're taking it serious that means you should be eating right you should be running you should be exercising every day and getting ready because there's people that sign up and put in their application oh my god I got time they show up on the physical agility test and want one they fill out because they're not ready so as soon as you're ready and you have that thought that I'm gonna be a police officer and I'm going for it you need to start pushing you need to start running and you start eating right number four when applying for a police agency you need paperwork tons and tons of paperwork so I would suggest getting it ready now and getting that stuff together now and what is that stuff just to name a few off the top of my head you're gonna need some personal identification to identify who you are something such as your driver's license you're gonna need your birth certificate you're gonna need if you have a passport you're gonna need your social security card and that's just some of the items that you should have ready and start putting and building a file you're gonna need your high school transcripts your college transcripts when it comes to employment you're gonna need your past employers their names their contact information the addresses to the jobs that you held you're gonna need your past residence history so go back and get all the places that you lived at all those addresses because background investigators will go back and contact your neighbors around there to find out a little bit more on who you are you're gonna need personal references I would say to get about five just get five people that you have get their names get their numbers get their addresses and let them know that they might have to write some kind of personal reference letter give them a heads-up ahead of time then let them know also that a background investigator might be contacting them now the reason I say that the reason why it's important to get this stuff together now is because you can get disqualified for missing information wrong information or forgetting to submit something you can get disqualified from that and your chances become a law enforcement officer stops right there you won't even be able to take the physical agility test or make it to the Academy so your paperwork is important start working on it now and lastly about the paperwork when an agency opens up they might have a window or they might have a certain amount of applications that they'll accept and if you don't enter your application before that let's say a thousand applicants enter theirs then you don't make it that's another reason why so normally they're gonna announce that they're gonna open up for hiring soon so they'll give you a heads-up on everything that you need but if you go by what I said you might have 90% of the stuff done and you only have to do 10% research so when that day comes when they say we're gonna open up on this day you just sit there and waiting as soon as they open up send and you submit your application and you don't have to worry about getting or missing that window very important paperwork and number five your appearance your appearance is huge it's your first impression it's the first time they're gonna see you face to face so make sure that you're squared away you look professional and you look presentable fellas I love you guys and I know that beards are in style you're not cool unless you have a business beard but I suggest you lose the beard for the interview when you're applying in person clean shaven a nice neat haircut it doesn't have to be a buzz cut but something nice and neat squared away I mean if you take a look more or less at the officers walking around the station or the officers that are on duty you'll see how or what the department is looking for more or less in appearance so to kind of gauge it off of that if you're going to go to an interview and tie suit and tie and have some kind of dress shoes on I'd suit and tie and bands just just a tip just a tip that's all ladies business attire professional pant suits dial it back on the makeup a little bit it's a little bit you know none of that nighttime going out to the club makeup dialing down one layer really really light keep it natural and earrings if you're gonna wear them little studs little maybe little pearls something small nothing hanging and hair back as a law enforcement officer you're gonna have to wear your hair back anyways and in a bun because when your hair is down in a ponytail it's easy for a suspect to grab you by the hair and then they got control of you and then you're in a fight for your life so they recommend tight hair back tighten a button so those were just five basic tips that I can come up with I was sent this book here it is the applicant to police cadet this was written by a police officer and this is basically to help navigate you through the hiring process and to help you pick whether you want to work on a federal agency at a local agency at a county at a city so it breaks down what's the difference between the different agencies it also breaks down what to expect like the psychological the polygraph the oral board you're gonna have to take the background that they're gonna do the physical agility test I mean it breaks down a summary of what each exercise is comprised of it also talks about pay pay rates pension these are this is all important stuff to know prior to becoming a police officer so it talks about that and it talks about actually showing up to the interview and want to expect when you're at the interview so good book if you're considering becoming a law enforcement officer and you want to be well-prepared I suggest you go out and do a whole bunch of research on different situations different scenarios and this is a tool that can help you it's the applicant to police cadet again sent in by a law enforcement officer wrote this book himself it's a veteran cop out of Texas if you guys want to I'm gonna link it down below so you guys pick it up good tool to have with that being said look forward to some huge police car episodes coming soon I mean these are some doozies so if you're not subscribed to make sure you click Subscribe thanks for staying all the way to the end of the video and now here's the sign-off I'll see you want to see it and if I don't see you then I'll see you [Music]
Channel: Nick OFF Duty
Views: 367,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick, off, duty, miami, miamipd, police officer, police hiring process, police questions, miami police, things to know about police
Id: FVxxDgDlBok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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