What They Don't Tell You About Firbolgs - D&D

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After hearing the first minute, Justin is really did a good job representing the Firbolg in the accounting class

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AeroVet πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

So he’s a natural accountant.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
as we continue on our quest to cover the Giants we're finally here in what is about to become the most contentious of topics the actual truth about furballs many of you might not even see the furball as Giants instead ass colorful red nose to fade ruit's with friendly demeanors and ID stays for treasure but man am I about to rock your world [Music] the fur box made their fifth edition to view in the source book Vols guide to monsters as we got an entire set of pages dedicated on playable furball characters now before I can do anything else I have to go through it and see what it is exactly that we're told about them first things first we're told that furball exploiter in remote forest strongholds preferring to spend their days in quiet harmony within the woods it says here that they love nothing more than a peaceful day spent amongst the trees of an old forest in their role as caretakers for bulks live off the land while striving to remain in balance with nature in their eyes there is no greater fault than greed and they believe that the world remains healthy as when each creature takes only what it needs it says that they have no use or value for gold or treasures fur balls have a great talent for druidic magic and druids tend to lead the strongholds of the fur balls fur bolts in general tried to stay clear out of sight it says here that they use their magic to keep their presence in a forest secret this way they avoid the politics of the elves humans and orcs even in the phase of an intrusion fur books prefer a subtle gentle approach to prevent damage to their territory first I will try and make the forest unappealing to intruders by using their magic it says down here that if that doesn't work then they will take a direct action they will observe the intruders and gently ask them to leave if that doesn't work and the intruders seem with evil intent only then will defer balks attack lastly down here we get various reasons as to why I completely segregated group of druids would ever go adventuring whether it is because the fur bloke was banished or because it was sent on a sacred quest by a druid leader or by a nature god over here we're told that fur books do not have conventional names instead they use descriptive words to denote an individual or animal they find traditional names to be odd and generally they allow whatever nickname other people have of them stick as their new name lastly we get their traits it says here that they are related to the Fae and because of that they have various fate properties this includes their long lifespan and their various magics including their ability to speak with animal as far as their languages is concerned it says here that they speak read and write common elvish and huh giant that's weird they are Fae I wonder why they don't speak Sylvan giant seems weird considering there's nothing in here that says that they have any relations to giants whatsoever bizarre but hey there you have it the entry in Volos guide to fur Volks unfortunately we do not get a description of how a furball is supposed to look like what kind of skin colors do they have what kind of hair color any properties to their bodies anything all we get is that they are related to the Fae and that they are about 7 to 8 feet tall but what we do get is a picture huh that's weird that's not how a furball looks like okay hold on let's go back to first edition and check out the fur blog over there now in here it looks like a traditional human barbarian however it is described as being ten feet tall so a giant alright well now let's go to second edition all right also described as been ten feet tall and it looks like a Viking of sorts basically another human barbarian in style here's third edition and fourth edition all of them ten feet tall I think we see a pattern here let's go over and see what the vollis guide does not tell you about fur balls okay so let's get this out of the way completely from the beginning this furball is not a natural furball but instead one that has been exposed to the Fae wild many creatures change depending on their environment and as you can imagine this change deepens the longer that you are in that environment now I'm not talking necessarily about evolution but more about the magics of a place that seep into your body and literally change you over mere generations I mean what do you think would happen to a tribe of humans if they were to live on the shadow fail for a thousand years well that tribe would look a lot more different coming out than how they looked coming in well that's also the case for the Fae wild the fire wild is an extraordinarily magical place and those who live in it are changed and molded by it such was seemingly the case for this particular group of giants this is a fate touched for bulk C natural fur blocks are actually giants like I mentioned before there are generally over ten feet tall they also look like normal humans and I mean like literal normal humans the only difference between a run-of-the-mill human from Waterdeep and a fir bog is that the furball dresses in leather is taller and has a grooming problem in fact it is described that the vast majority of fur books in the Forgotten Realms are 10 foot tall pink skinned red-haired Giants with long hair and thick beards much like from real-life legends they look like giant Irish men it seems that being fetched lowered their height and their strengths as well as changed their skin color and morphed their ears most of their bodies changed in exchange for magical abilities but yes originally firm oak did not come from the Fae as bolas guide to monsters seems to suggest instead they came from the union of two gods in the mortal realm the union of Lu Chu a minor northern god of the ocean and Athiya a demigoddess the furball actually came from the same litter as the foam Orient's the beer bags and the wood giants so for all intents and purposes they are considered literal giants this is why they still speak read and understand the giant language and you are probably wondering why in the blazes they spoke giant here in the character sheet well there it is if you want to know about how a Giants came to be including the fur bollocks then make sure to watch my last video on Giants I cover the whole thing in any case let's go ahead and talk about their culture I would have all of the soda Giants the furball gar actually the strongest and the most intelligent but they use their wisdom and strength only to protect and hide in the forest foolish guide it doesn't really say anything about this but in the forest they actually build pretty heavy fortifications fer bulk homes are not really described as villages were settlements instead they are described as strongholds that's because they do tend to build walls and watchtowers all around the perimeter of their home and because they are incredibly tall people their fortifications are also quite massive in spite of their enormity you will generally have a hard time finding them all thanks to their incredible ability to muffle their existence using potent illusory magic which is one of their greatest strengths it is said that fur boats are so naturally attuned to the forest that they can actually sense the presence of an intruder two days away from their stronghold at which point that will use their considerable magical power to divert you in whatever way they can their homes are enormous single storied houses made out of wood typically with all rooms connecting to a big common room with a massive fireplace right in the middle generally speaking communities of virbull are small since there are mostly clan based and clans seldom live together see a client will generally be comprised of about eight to twelve members including a shaman the clan will be incredibly close-knit most times all members being part of the same family though even if not they will certainly behave like a family if they are on the same clan that is because of the huge emphasis that furball culture puts on the clan see all fur bollocks follow what they call the code and the code is mostly centered around your clan and dictates the importance of your clan and nobody actually knows how old the code that governs their actions actually is it is described to us that its origin has been obscured by the mists of time but at the heart of the code is quote the idea that individuals should be judged based upon their actions rather than upon their birth to the fur box people's deeds are the truth of their being and quote it's also described to us that the individual is nothing without society and that the preservation of the society must be of the highest priority of all individuals quote every fur bulk clan reacts differently to the code but all see it as vital to their survival and elevation most verbal keep the code to themselves believing that it is virtuous to simply lift the code rather than preach it merely talking about Deeds and philosophies rather than living them is sometimes looked upon as a form of cowardice and quote see furball are charitable to a fault they will go out of their way to help others but only if there's a way for them to avoid obtaining recognition for it they actually believe that doing a charitable act for the purposes of obtaining recognition for it weakens your soul and puts it in danger if you are looking for a price then it is not truly charitable and you're being greedy which is one of the worst offenses in the minds of a furball if you as a furball were to break the code you would be punished something minor would probably just get you to do slave work for the Klan for a small period of time but something really bad would get you expelled and banished it is described to us that these punishments actually come pretty rarely as for the most part every single thurible is instilled in them the importance of the code from the moment that they are born and most would never even think of going against it in fact the code is so important to the furball that every member always carries the code in their person in one way or another for example quote the members of one clan the kappab roar write copies of the code on fine parchment and seal them in amulets that they wear around their necks while another the helical tattoo the code upon their chests in red dye and yet another the Cree gab roar edged the words upon finally made bracers that they swear never to remove and quote vollis guide monsters didn't really tell you any of this but every single furball carries the written code in one way or another now what is the code well I'm not gonna leave you hanging anymore here it goes the code is a set of five commandments written in Jotun the giant language one pract Streb rang clad beard bravery effort and honor over birth the first commandment which is arguably the most important commandment in any set of rules the first one that you have to say the first one that you have to learn and the one that governs them all and what does it mean well the first commandment is essentially a rejection of the ordinal the set of creates that all Giants follow as they were set by Anam the OL father the patron god of all giants the ordinate are the commandments of the true Giants essentially dictate that birth is all that matters that the noble caste that you were born into is the most important thing and that others should bow to you simply based on your nature a storm giant is higher in the caste system than the frost giant so a frost giant will always refer to the storm giant in literally all matters even the lowest of the lowest of storm Giants will still be higher on the caste than the highest and the most influential and important of cloud Giants this is how it was decreed by an MDL father and the furball just straight-up rejected this idea the setting instead that of your own merits is all that matters their entire society revolves around this number two storm rang clang do the tribes honor above your honor this one is pre straightforward the collective is more important than the individual what's interesting about the FIR bloke in this regard however is that when a furball does something impressive society expects the FIR book to explain how he couldn't have done it if not for the support education and resources of the clan a furball never accepts praise for anything without funneling that praise back to the clan this is huge number three blood Etten red blood comb the blood of a runt is the blood of a king this commandment elaborates on the importance of someone's merit but more importantly on the potential of those that might seem inferior in fir Bock society no one is a runt no one is inferior and everyone gets treated equal but more than that the real meaning of this excerpt is as a guideline on how to treat others those of other races the furball teach each other that everyone is equal humans orcs elves and others they all deserve respect because anyone can be king this provision has a lot of history for the fur book for it was the son of Adam the old father a runt that organized all of the pseudo Giants together to form an army in order to build a kingdom against the true Giants if you want to know more about this I implore you to go watch my last video on Giants once again number four key to sin van or give 1000 for nothing this passage explains the fer Volks fascination with charity though once again the point of it is to literally receive nothing that includes no form of praise for your charitable act and no form of glory for jus bravery quote for that reason while gregarious with friends most fir books are quiet in public not wishing to call attention to their often heroic deeds and quote and the last one number five truth soon stone part truth is the honor of the tribe I'm going to quote you the whole thing because I really wanted to absorb this one I don't want to paraphrase quote much of the Faribault society is built around the backbone of truthful communication without such communication the FIR books believe their entire society will topple as a consequence the FIR box don't lie by either omission or Commission in fact a furball who lies breaks out in a cold sweat his voice cracks and limbs tremble the very act of dissembling causes great physical discomfort and to quote I had to look that one up because I wasn't sure what dissembling meant the assembling means to conceal one's true motives feelings or beliefs so that right there is game-changing for any fur bug out there and something not told to you by Evolis guide to monsters not being able to lie is one thing but not being able to lie by omission is something completely different if you're always supposed to say what you're feeling regardless of the repercussions well that's that's gonna ruin some plants for sure now this probably interests you a group of giants that reject the idea of the ordinal thats new so now that question is well how do they make their decisions well we know that the druid or the shaman leads them though this is more when dealing with other furball clans if there's ever a dispute between the two verbal groups then the Druids of each tribe will piece it out but what about decisions that have to be made within a particular tribe of herb do that just leave it all to the druid to figure out is the druid make all the decisions no he doesn't in fact the real decision-making process might actually blow your mind it is certainly not something that volus guide would tell you but they actually have what might literally be the only form of democracy in the Forgotten Realms they call this the caste whenever a big decision needs to be made the tribe will assemble and literally vote on the issue but we're not talking about just a group of fur Bullock's racing their hands and whoever group races the most hands wins no I mean like deferrable literally used ballots to vote though of course not out of paper but instead made out of rocks with runes inscribed in them see every fir block will have a magical Brune that describes them they write that rune on a rock and the rock essentially becomes their vote now the actual way to cast your vote differs depending on the tribe but everybody uses rocks with runes as the vote quote the actual casting of the stones differs from area to area and clan to clan with some clans throwing the stones into holes dug into the ground and others simply holding the stones over their heads when called to vote in a large verbal settlement located in the cold mountains there is said to exist a 50-foot tall balanced scale that the fur box used to dramatically display the results of the cast the kin of this steding vote by placing their stones upon one of the huge pans on either side of the scale with the heavier side winning the issue and quote verbal always work as a team their society is built around it this also comes into play in combat where the furball conduct extraordinarily practice strategies where every member has a role in a synchronized manner they used to reign and the situation always to best effect this teamwork also plays an important role in their ability to construct things not just in creating their great strongholds in the forest but also to construct things for other members of the forest see generally speaking fur books are solitary they don't like dealing with others even other good folk of the forest creatures like the nihms and the sprites they generally love hanging out with everybody else even the unicorn for the most part does enjoy partaking in conversations with other creatures of the forest the fur bugs don't what they do do is trading the furball society is very pragmatic with what they need and take from the forest and the main thing that they worry about is always food see what they do trade with other members of the wood is their ability to construct things for food NIMS hate anything that's not natural so they wouldn't really want anything constructed but these sprites might the dryads might as well it is likely that they dry it for example might want a giant statue of the nature God that is giving her power something that is probably very easily done by the teamwork and strength of the furball clan and in exchange the Dryad might give the furball clan food for the winter now talking about food fur books are omnivores they eat meat but they do their best to keep their meat consumption as low as possible instead they try to supplement their diet with farming but once again only as much farming as they need to supplement their diet and never anything more when it comes to treasure there's never really any use for it just like Volos guy to monsters says this is especially the case for the Fae touched version of the furball there is just less use for treasure and gold in the Fae world but even for the natural fur books that still holds up what Volos guide to monsters doesn't tell you though is that a fun pastime for fur bollocks is to play pranks on adventurers and trespassers and their favorite pranks are those that relieved the trespassers of their gold lastly fur boats do not use armor or shields as it is seen as cowardly this is important in furball culture because if one member of the tribe is seen as cowardly or weak then it is assumed that the whole tribe is cowardly or weak which can bring serious issues upon the tribe remember everyone in a tribe is equal if you have one weak link then the whole tribe is a weak link the pressure for every single particular furball to not degrade the whole tribe is huge which plays out into the part that no fur bloke would ever want to go astray from the culture or the code lest lest they get banished thank you guys so much for watching I would like to personally thank my patron supporters Ruka dough fan nemesis ricin doctor cowbell major failed gaming Wyatt Kerlin berry mask and 5e magic shop Antoni class Ryan Ward jugde Guth Lord of Dreams Daniel Umar Morgan Johnson sack bowel max T Simon Holman rusty rein and mediocre at best for supporting me on patreon at the $25 level if you would like to support me as well then police headin over to patreon.com slash mr. Rex to support alright guys thank you so much for watching the video this one was particularly fun to research and to do science are just there's something about them that makes them fun to just talk about it feel like in any case I hope that you guys have been enjoying the videos so far I still have a couple of Giants to cover I'm not quite sure if I'll be able to cover all of the normal true Giants like the fire Giants the frost giants I I'll talk a little bit about why later on but you know we'll see about those cuz I'm going I'm getting into some issues but we'll see in any case hope you guys enjoyed the video and I will see you all next time bye bye
Channel: MrRhexx
Views: 505,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mrrhexx, rhexx, dungeons and dragons, d&d, firbolg
Id: pjdfu6Eoo1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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