What the HELL is Oaxis? (come on Butch...$270,000 for this mess?)

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this video is brought to you by helix sleep [Music] butch hartman talk about a fall from grace i recall a few years ago when this guy popped up on youtube with his why nickelodeon fired me video and a lot of folks including myself were like wow i can't believe that nickelodeon was so mean to budge this guy made fairly oddparents danny phantom tough puppy and then something else i mean this guy created our childhood that's right when your mom and dad were in bed and you were being conceived butch hartman ran in there and was like who are you i'm butch hartman he winked at your mom and boom childhood created what the [ __ ] am i talking about okay so butch hartman's reputation would take some hits over the years allegations of tracing art commissions saying some unsavory things about curing autism through prayer and then the case in point here in this video the entire mess that is o access for those who don't know oaxis is a streaming service that butch hartman was campaigning for on kickstarter it's something where he said like i want to launch this platform as a place that is family friendly secure safe though we also have amazing content uh animated stuff we're also going to have things like sports and uh the comedy all in all though butch hartman raised around 270 000 for this venture and then uh things got kind of quiet where it's like it's been about three years butch when you're going to update us on the progress of o access but here's the thing folks boom there it is oaxis.tv the platform went live for like three days yeah it's gone now you go to oaxas.tv and it takes you right back to butch hartman's website so uh what for like a brief moment we got to see what looked like it was o-axis which includes things like some potato cartoon show and butch hartman videos from his youtube channel and of course among us three you heard it here folks oaxes.tv the home of among us three well the website as i said is down we're not sure if it was a test that failed uh something that never should have gone live to begin with if these videos and images were just layouts for how o-access might look though as far as the content goes we still don't know all in all it's a mess we just don't know and the track record of butch hartman and how he's not very forthcoming brings a lot of things into question i mean this is the guy who went to a church and basically said like oh access it's family friendly and we're going to use it to take christian values into hollywood to which um wasn't said in the original pitch for oaxis folks who donated were like hold on um why is this information just now coming to light i did not want to sign up for some bible thumping streaming platform that wasn't a transparent note in your presentation to us so the entire thing is just a mess we don't know and with every passing day things just look more and more suspicious and we have the right to hold butch hartman and his toes to the fire and say yo what are you doing with this money and you know what folks i decided to just hop onto the website check out the content and essentially do a review so i present to you all my thoughts on oaxas.tv maybe alpha i don't know but yeah it gets pretty bad brace yourselves so this is o-axis we think we don't really know to be honest it went live a few days ago i think it was a wordpress website and it's gone now it's down whenever you go up to oax's dot tv it now goes to butch hartman's website with hartman.com or something like that because oaxis was a website for a while like there was a landing page or whatever but when you went to oax's dot tv it's like oh access it's on its way and give us your emails we can send you updates and that's that's it it was like that for like two or three years and then this popped up like three or four days ago though again it's gone now um a big shout out to pie guy rules he's been one of the best investigators when it comes to following the butch hartman saga especially with oh axis so um full on credit this is actually his video footage here from the stream uh go support him if you want to continue to follow the butch hartman saga so first glance you're like okay o axis entertainment comedy and you kind of if you're familiar with butch hartman you're like wait there's what these are his uh his art commissions like this is art he's drawn i mean isn't it great how cool is it that uh butch hartman was able to get his hands on things like among us and among us three that's pretty cool um sonic's a hedgehog learn more i don't know exactly what that means sofa spuds too yes when i when i heard about oaxas.tv.org.gov i was so hopeful for um sofa splits too i know it's on youtube i know that practically every single thing that is on oh access being presented is basically youtube repackaged videos but who wants to go to youtube when you can go to oax's tv to watch videos that are on youtube that are linked to oax's tv that's pretty cool do you agree or do you disagree uh the among us three how about that i i'm so excited we we skipped a mogus too [Music] when right to among us three i don't know guys i think butch hartman's looking a little silly i won't say sass just said suss well let's look at the video uh once more i did go through oh axes.tv this this webpage uh though i didn't record it i wasn't expecting him to take it down though now in hindsight i'm not too surprised but this is pie guys footage so again thank you so a lot of this i remember when i went to the website there was like okay that that's something like where access is very um in your face about give us your information give us your give us a make an account let's make an account make an account for roaxes.tv which really doesn't entail much uh a lot of it being like get started browse or access now i remember clicking on the browser x now which by the way would just take you right to him saying hey give us your email and give us your information like we want to be able to show you updates every four years i mean i don't know about yeah there's that tab right there with like oh library comedy animation drama homeschool i i don't know what that means i don't know what he means by home school if you if you aren't a homeschool student turn it off all right how dare you how how how dare you click on homeschool when you're some public school yeoman farmer that's just the reality of this adventure um i i'm really excited for the reality section you want to know why i'm excited about the reality section because we get to see really cool reality show things like hold let me find it here this yeah reality tab art men i i want to watch i want to see art man i want to see butch hartman art man fart man i i think it's starting to sink in for a lot of folks they're realizing oh axis.tv is it because okay let's at least give him one one benefit of the doubt it is possible that this wasn't the final version that this was a test that these thumbnails were stand-ins to present the layouts and that the actual content which is well i'm that's what i'm wondering about what's the content going to be uh that the actual content isn't there yet so for all i know um i just put in a pre-order in for a big old slice of humble pie though and i will gladly admit if i'm wrong if this ends up being where it's like fine shut up sabre spark here's oax's tv here's the content that's actually succeeding i'll be like okay i'm wrong i'm wrong i will gladly admit that i'm wrong but when you look at butch hartman's questionable track record i feel like we have uh enough doubt to raise concerns and be suspicious of how things are going down especially when it's going at this snail pace of updates it's been cryptic with like where is it now with also when there's footage of like him in front of churches saying we're gonna be a christian trojan horse in a way it's like that that makes me um if i was a gambling man let's just say i wouldn't put it all on fart man all right let's uh see what we got here again it's mostly like videos from youtube on his channel or other channels it's him his own content his own uploads uh butch hartman is um there was a moment where i felt like he must have had some kind of producer working with his youtube channel because he was putting out videos like every two to three days and he also learned the art of like those youtube thumbnails and titles you know the ones where it's like i can't do this anymore or the truth about fairly odd parents or whatever and i think because there was that first video where he's like why i left nickelodeon he kind of like piggybacked on that video success like six times with other videos where it's like the truth about nickelodeon or the truth about fairly oddparents or the truth about danny phantom that's like dude stop this this well is now dry leave it alone go find some other content go do something else but that's the thing about butch is it's been very difficult for him to actually find anything new on a creative level for the audience he connected with the folks like myself who grew up with fairly odd parents and there was that moment of being impressed with like oh it's the guy who had failed my appearance i'll watch his videos but then after like a year or two of him just going on and on and on and on about it i'm like i'm kind of i'm good i'm i'm good what else can you do and it's like i can talk more about fairly eye parents and how i made it how i made your childhood and how i'm i shot all you all into existence i'm good i'm good i think i'm done watching you a lot of click bait and also like not to sound cruel but there's moments where i see his art like his commissions and his current drawings of my danny phantom and i'm like that's not good or it looks at least it looks a lot worse than what it was which again makes me wonder i'm like who do we actually owe thanks for this um all right let's keep going who do we owe thanks for for uh the shows that we grew up with um yeah this is a lot of like those youtube kid videos whereas like little four-year-olds playing among us or their families trying to cash in on the youtube kid craze or whatever once we got oh yeah i'm i'm excited about frozen star wars i don't exactly know what that means it could be the movies but uh oh my god i did not see this part um frodo triggered how about that frodo don't give in i mean wow come on frodo what do you have to complain about gator is airboat surprise egg nerf blast finding grogu you know minecraft too um kim possible ooh that is a not a good drawing um oh my god i'm sorry i i'm not trying to sunk why is ronald reagan on this video why is ronald reagan on o-axis with the potatoes that's what we got here uh the pixie wrap nominee martin luther king jr day um what what is this under is this under like comedy and i gotta find out i wish the website was still up i tried going through a wayback machine to find it but like i couldn't find it i should have wait hold on there we go from what i can tell according to this video the mlk video is under comedy i have a dream that one day oax's tv just burns up in the atmosphere all right well what else we got we got a dog we got bald beagle again um we got like looks like this guy's cosplaying his bible man which is not a really good place to start to begin with pants got donald duck wearing pants wow um pet delivery good god it's it's all looks like it's content that like again you can find it on youtube or butch like okay speech bubble it's something that he did it's like a podcast in a way so hmm this this is just i mean i again i will say that again it could be possible that this these are just stand-ins i'll just grab some youtube links from my channel or whatever our affiliated channels or friends channels and put it on oh access this is what it's gonna look like but even then it's not a good presentation like there are even big like streaming services where i still have complaints with how they present their content or how it's difficult to access certain things but um yeah i mean as of right now this does not build confidence now yeah tongue twister is super saiyan as of right now it at least says that o-axis is not completely dead in the water because there was speculation of whether or not this was a scam how much money was pocketed how much money actually went to oh access because as of right now the money isn't showing it's not it's not really reflecting in this product that being said it could be tied up tied up elsewhere behind the scenes with contracts with shows or creators i feel like as much as i want to have a go at butch there there's a chance he might there's something we're not seeing that's possible but that all being said again i don't have much in the way of confidence because i've one of the most dangerous things for being a creator or an artist is to let your ego and your pride block out any kind of constructive criticism you could possibly receive where you think i'm just too good have you seen my record have you seen what i've made don't even talk to me i'm a god i know what i'm doing i'm gonna turn out the haters and yeah there are a lot of folks online who are spiteful of mean and they don't add anything constructive but there are also folks who are like butch you're screwing up you can improve by doing the following and he's like shut up hater i don't want to hear it and you're just tying your own noose you really are because you're alienating your audience you're not listening to feedback and you have an echo chamber by your own design where you think that you are right and everybody else is wrong and ultimately it's gonna be a price that you have to pay personally and as we've seen with the decline of butch hartman's reputation online he's been paying that price so here's um here are my final thoughts the best case scenario for butch hartman with o-access is that he could sell it to a parent company or to some other streaming service who wants to acquire the content or something or possibly the name something of value no access that's worth buying which at that point um if he sells it and has no kind of affiliation with it from that point on then it's possible that everybody who donated got screwed where it's like well i donated because i thought budget hartman would be running a streaming service with his expertise and it's like nope he sold it which again hasn't happened but it's something where i feel like is i mean isn't that everyone's dream does it be bought out by apple or google or facebook or youtube or something right but uh it's be that as it may uh let's let's say it's just him running it you know just him and curating the content and trying to pick up folks 270 000 is not enough by any means to run a streaming service by by any means and i'm wondering like where are you going to get the content to bolster your ranks why should anyone go to the streaming service what do you have that doesn't already exist family content disney plus go to disney christian content there are christian streaming platforms out there why should they go to you what do you offer that doesn't already exist in a much more capable higher capacity what can you possibly do i can't help but feel that you are dead in the water at this point and the best thing you can do is either sell it i hope someone buys you out or do one of those free streaming services where there are ads in it i don't know what butch hopes to accomplish christian streaming service if that's the case for all the folks who donated i'm sorry because that was not part of the proposal when he pitched oaxis with uh kickstarter on youtube i'm quite certain that uh him promoting things like spider-verse or kim possible or star wars i don't think he uh i don't think he has the rights to promote that either to say that he can host that content on his website i think that was a lie so all in all butch hartman's in a really precarious situation i i i'm curious how he's going to succeed because i don't see this working out in the long run and if i'm wrong i'm wrong i will gladly admit that i'm wrong but when we look at the the long list of grievances and questionable business methods and also these videos that document him saying things like christian trojan horse or i can help cure autism through prayer or o-axis can do star wars why not these things uh they damage your reputation and and they don't build trust and if you don't have trust then you don't have anything at all because folks aren't stupid well i mean there are stupid folks let's just hope that butch hartman doesn't find them all in all we'll see what happens next i do not have any faith and or access whatsoever butch has not done a good job to really foster that kind of relationship with his audience and if it goes down the same way past things have gone down for butch then it's just heading to disaster you know what i could be wrong though and i will gladly admit if i'm wrong maybe this might be a smashing success and i just don't know it but we have every right as i said before to follow this venture to make sure it's going in the right place and that no one's being scammed or tricked or misled so hey butch the ball is in your court you better sink a three-pointer because you need it so a big shout out to this video sponsor helix sleep i am now on month number three with my helix mattress and it just keeps getting better i've legit had the best sleep in my life since my helix arrived helix is a premium mattress in a box company that makes mattresses to fit your unique needs based on your body type and sleep style they even have this awesome sleep quiz to help you find a mattress that fits your personal preferences just hop over to their website take the sleep quiz and get matched with a mattress that is perfect for your unique body type and sleep preferences do you prefer to sleep on your side or maybe your stomach or are you some 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over how this mattress was mailed to my front door for free when it first arrived i was like hold on how does this entire mattress fit in this box there's no way and then i proceeded to open it and uh boof there it was no joke like it poofed out of the box i was not ready for it uh word of advice when you do open the box do it in a room that can actually like fit the mattress or you'll be like me where you get pinned up against the wall that was a lot of fun it's also good to let the mattress unfold breathe just i wasn't thinking you should think unlike me and if you're hesitant about buying a helix you haven't been able to try no worries there's a 100 night sleep trial so you have over three months to try it out and make sure that you're happy with your selection if you're not helix will pick up the mattress and you will get a full refund so i absolutely recommend helix sleep i'm a very happy customer and i think owning a quality mattress is important especially one that can be 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Channel: Saberspark
Views: 811,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: butch hartman, butch, oaxis, saberspark, saber
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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