What the Hell Happened This Week? | The Daily Social Distancing Show

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] coronavirus the only thing in 2020 that still hasn't been cancelled yesterday New York City recorded zero covered 19 deaths for the first time since March and that's truly amazing news guys because if this continues then hopefully New Yorkers can get back to dying from their usual things you know like being kicked in the throat by a subway dancer but unfortunately across the rest of America things are worse than ever breaking news tonight staggering numbers out of Florida more than 15,000 covered cases confirmed in just one day miami-dade hospitals are at 94% ICU capacity with the mayor confirming six are now full if the Sunshine State were its own country it would rank fourth highest in the world for new kovat cases in Texas confirmed cases continue to climb nearly six thousand reported today hard-hit Michigan now seeing an uptick in cases after hundreds attended July 4th lake parties and we've seen the stunning images of testing lines stretching for miles thousands waiting weeks for results in Arizona some labs facing a 30-day backlog 13 states are reporting testing problems you know I don't know what's worse honestly the fact that so many states reopened too early or the fact that they are now facing problems that should have been solved months ago surging cases PPE shortages testing backlogs these are all the same problems America was dealing with back in March so clearly other than coronavirus getting a summit an nothing has changed and these states saw what happened in New York they saw it happen here months ago they had time to prepare and there's still not handling it right you know in a horror movie when the teenagers run upstairs away from the killer instead of running outside this is like if they didn't even run they just stayed on the couch watching TV Oh where's Darren he's dead all right what's the next episode I mean if this rate America is gonna solve its testing issues 8 or 9 months after we have a vaccine and while hospitals are filling up and more people are getting sick Mickey Mouse has decided but the show must go on Disney welcomed guests back to the most magical place on earth Saturday the biggest test yet of a major corporation opening its doors in the middle of a pandemic there were strict safety and social distancing protocols visitors are required to wear masks and will hear this message everyone will face suffering wash your hands often and thoroughly cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing and maintain physical distancing thank you for your cooperation it's crazy that we're in the middle of a pandemic that's killed hundreds of thousands of people and there are still folks out there like life isn't scary enough let's let's go on a roller coaster I mean look when my time comes my time comes but I'm gonna do all I can to make sure that my obituary doesn't say cause of death Space Mountain and this isn't just dangerous for the visitors think about the risk this poses to all of the Disney employees I mean the safest job they have right now is the one inside a 200-degree rat costume like what Dad is so cheap that this vacation is worth the risk honey it's 15% off Disney tickets but Harry isn't there a pandemic right now 15% off you go get the kids I'm gonna load the van now Mickey Mouse isn't the only cartoon character people have been imploring to take the coronavirus a little more seriously because for months now people have also been begging President Trump to at least lead by example and wear a mask in public and for months he has flat-out refused but then this happened breaking news tonight a huge shift for president truck wearing a mask in public six months into the corona virus pandemic and President Ron finally wore masks for the first time in public he did so while visiting Walter Reed Medical Center this weekend this image again about the president wearing the mask will stick out to a lot of people in the days and weeks ahead okay guys I don't know about you but I think this is the day Donald Trump finally became president and look I'm glad that Trump finally put a mask on but it's got to be confusing for his supporters who have been mocking face masks in this whole time I mean to them this must be like seeing Trump at a black lives matter March with aoc and I know that part of the reason Trump is just wearing amar so long is because he's very self-conscious about his image all right that's why he didn't want to do it so let me go on record as saying president Trump don't listen to any of the haters out there who's saying you look like diabetic Bane or shredder from the Ninja Turtles if all he shredded was cheese you look great so please keep wearing that mask so the good news is that Trump finally seems to be catching up to the reality of the pandemic but you know Trump now he has to pretend that he was doing a great job the whole time which means he has to find someone else to blame for doing a bad job and you'll never guess who he picked the president and the nation's top infectious disease doctor are not on speaking terms now the White House is trying to discredit dr. Anthony foul a foul she now says he hasn't briefed the president in over two months and hasn't actually seen him at the White House since June second in a stunning development some administration officials are treating him like a political rival releasing what they say is a list of questionable statements by dr. Falchi even though many of them were taken out of context or widely accepted in the early days of the pandemic last night mr. Trump view the apparent views between him and dr. Anthony Falchi doctor foul she's a nice man but he's made a lot of mistakes unlike me who's not a very nice man but has never made any my blake's is positively insane Donald Trump is spending more time trying to defeat dr. pouchy than defeating the coronavirus can you imagine doing actual opposition research about someone on your own team it's like if been put out a press release saying that Jerry personally sneezes in every pint of chunky monkey you both lose and don't get it twisted I'm not saying dr. foul she never got anything wrong I'm not saying that every expert in the world got something wrong when covert 19 first emerged because it was something they'd never seen before hence novel it's like when you first start baking bread you don't know how to prepare yeast properly but then after three months of baking it you've got enough experience to know that you can just get that [ __ ] at the store I mean we're four months into a global pandemic and the leader of the free world just started wearing a mask this is the same person who was thinking about bleaching his lungs and now he's trying to point his tiny fingers at doctor foul Qi but if you ask me the worst part about all of this is that the White House isn't just attacking doctor foul Qi they're doing it like cowards with leaks to the press if you're gonna go after someone at least give them the respect to be upfront about it like this as the corona virus pandemic rages and cases rise uncontrollably there's one man to blame Anthony vouchers doji says he's a doctor but what kind of doctor doesn't wear a stethoscope and if he's really a doctor why is he so short we don't need leaders who adjust their assessment when they get new information we need leaders who stick with their gut assessment despite new information that's going to so just disappear if foul she cares so much about saving lives why didn't he do anything about the Spanish flu and if he loves Americans so much why is he palying around with suspicious immigrants anthony foul gee definitely the only person to blame for this whole situation oh boy I think Trump is gonna do pretty well against doctor foul Chi in November [Applause] California home to the most gorgeous Emmy voters in the nation sup y'all one month ago the Golden State announced that it was doing a good enough job fighting the corona virus that restaurants stores and other businesses could welcome customers back in the bad news is one of those customers was coronavirus California the home state of nearly one out of eight Americans is making an abrupt u-turn to try to roll back a surge in corona virus infections California has recorded nearly 110,000 new cases in the last 14 days including another 8,000 yesterday Cobin 19 is not going away anytime soon just over one month after reopening several sectors of California's economy Governor Gavin Newsom is reversing course yesterday he announced gyms churches and hair salons would be among those forced to closed in 29 California counties while bars indoor restaurant and movie theaters will close across the entire state and the state's two biggest school system said today they will only do distance learning in the fall that's right they might have taken a while for California to blow up again probably because Corona was stuck in traffic on the 405 but now they've become the biggest state to roll back their reopening because you see even though many of us have become bored of the corona virus the corona virus is not bored of us corona virus doesn't care about the new cycle people are like wow did you hear about Will and Jada and Corona is like the only thing I'm trying to get entangled with is your lungs and what's happening in California is a preview of what the next year is gonna look like for a lot of places gradually reopening then shutting down when things get dangerous this whole thing without a vaccine without tracing without enough testing it's like it's like trying to have sex in your parents house you know things are ramping up then you hear something creak it's your dad getting a snack in the kitchen you're gonna shut everything down till it's safe again pull your pants back up and California's unopen is also a good reminder that coronavirus is playing the long game people with numbers skyrocketing around the country some of those very cocky statements that people were making just a few weeks ago haven't aged so well Florida got it right Texas got it right and guess what now it's time for all the states to follow their lead [Music] governor de santis now looks like a genius Ron de santis of Florida the governor's doing a fantastic job in Florida governor those dire predictions have not come true they look to Florida and they look at Texas that have reopened and it hasn't led to a massive second wave in a very real sense Florida's leading the way it's been two months and Florida has figured out how to manage this pretty effectively governor De Santis who's doing a phenomenal job state of Florida which just happens to be my great home state I can't get to Florida or Texas fast enough and I think there's plenty of people thinking the exact same way how much longer are you going to keep me out of your state I would like to go visit my kid we're glad you're opening God we're ready to have some second shine and get out of al it's great to be in Florida I'm gonna be back here in a week and I've always wanted to move to Texas now I do think I have to governor of Texas Greg Abbott he knows what he's doing he's a great governor governor Greg Abbott we can learn a lot from you and a lot from Governor De Santis but we can also learn a lot from Governor Cuomo and Governor Murphy what not to do because they did the opposite of what you guys did Texas Florida gave us clues take the success clues these successes of Florida Texas the failures of New York New Jersey we got to get the whole country open like Tennessee and Texas and Florida he's got it in great shape Texas Florida's doing very well how did you do it because we need to learn as we reopen great job down there keep up the great work he did a great job you saved a lot of lives and there's a lot to learn from your success yeah maybe not a great idea to take a victory lap in the middle of a pandemic and I know there's a lot of politics tied up with who's rooting for which states and policies to succeed but people we need to understand coronavirus has no politics it doesn't give a [ __ ] what state you live in coronavirus is the most bipartisan things are happen to America since hating justice Millette and celebrating too soon and letting its guard down could basically guarantee that America is not going to beat this virus yeah and if you want a visual representation of what that means here it is folks this guy go this kid is yes you see if you're not flattening the curve you're flattening your face [Music] America has been waking up to the way police specifically target black people and now some Los Angeles police officers are facing the consequences well state attorney general Xavier Becerra has revoked access to records generated by the LAPD for the Kal gang database LAPD Chief Michael Bohr withdrew from that program after an internal audit uncovered significant misuse of the gang tracking tool criminal charges have been filed against three officers accused of falsifying records the department believes those people that officers stopped were labeled as gang members or gang associates more than a dozen officers are still under investigation holy-shit cops in the LAPD have been charged with putting innocent people into a gang database and the reason they allegedly did it is that the officers performance reviews were based partly on how many gang members they dealt with each day so to make their bosses happy they just said everyone they stopped was in a gang and this is basically the equivalent of putting your Fitbit on your dog to get your steps in except instead of cheating yourself you're cheating innocent people's ability to get jobs or housing and undermining community trust in law enforcement and you don't think about this but this is bad news for the gangs too I mean think about those gangs they thought their membership was way higher than it was recruitment is through the roof guys now we can finally afford that pool table and you see this is one of the biggest problems with policing in America police are incentivized to create criminals and crime because they get paid if they do if you pay them more if there's more crime they want to create more crime and more criminals but if they lived in a system where they were trying to just protect and serve they wouldn't need to do this and this is the reality of being black in America it's almost impossible not to get tangled up with the legal system in some way at some point in your life and a new story out of Michigan shows how it can even happen to children a michigan teenager reportedly had her probe revoked after she failed the complete online coursework for school a 15 year old only identified as grace is now in a juvenile detention center ProPublica reports she has been there for over a month and was originally sentenced to probation for stealing and fighting with her mother the judge in her ruling said this wasn't punishment this was a way that she thought Oakland County could best help this girl this student was placed in detention on May 14 she remains there today this is truly one of the most fucked-up stories I have ever seen a fifteen-year-old steals something at school gets put on probation and now months later during the pandemic she gets arrested and locked up because she didn't do her homework online I mean it's crystal clear at this point that this system is set up to punish people rather than help them because I don't know about you but when I was in school kids didn't get arrested for stealing like when I was in the seventh grade Darlington mochila stole a gameboy from Thiessen Pillai but the school didn't call the police the teachers just made us hold a fake trial in the classroom to see who was guilty and then once we reached the verdict as kids we decided that the punishment was death I look in hindsight I was Alec's dream especially considering that I was the one who actually stole the Gameboy but the point is we handled it internally as a school no need for police if you ask me the root cause of all of this is that in America black children are not seen as children whether it's a 15 year old girl in Michigan or Tamir rice in Cleveland American society acts like black people don't have children they just give birth to smaller black adults who are born criminals so look it's clear that as much progress has been made recently there's still a very long way to go in this country and it doesn't help that the guy at the very top is still very much in denial president Trump attempting to shift the focus once again he now says when it comes to police shootings of black Americans white people have it worse why are African Americans still dying at the of law enforcement in this country and so are white people some are white people what a terrible question to ask so are white people more white people by the way more white people okay okay setting aside the fact that black people are disproportionately stopped arrested and killed by the police what is Trump's argument here because this reporter was like cops are killing a lot of black people and Trump's response was no you idiot they're killing everybody these caps are lunatics blacks whites browns all lives don't matter I mean it actually almost sounds like Trump is one step away from defunding the police because of how they treat white people and you know what that I don't agree with his logic but if it gets us to meaningful police reform I'll take it I call it defund plus plus Twitter social media network and Trump's longest-serving press secretary on a normal day it's a place where people can share ideas with each other while also getting yelled at by neo-nazis but yesterday was not a normal day today twitter is scrambling to recover from one of the biggest security breaches in internet history after Bitcoin scammers apparently compromised some of the platform's highest profile accounts for hours Wednesday targeting companies like uber and Apple and wealthy public figures like Bill Gates Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos even former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden many of the hijacked accounts posting similar language inviting users to submit Bitcoin payments to a single account promising to double their money several hundred people quickly responded sending in tens of thousands of dollars Twitter revealing the hack was a coordinated social engineering attack by people who successfully targeted some of our employees with access to internal systems and tools Twitter also confirming they prevented some verified accounts from tweeting Wednesday evening as they investigated the attack that's right Barack Obama Joe Biden Bill Gates Jeff Bezos Kim Kardashian yo if you were famous there was a good chance you were hacked on Twitter yesterday now for some reason the hackers missed my account which makes no sense because I'm famous before whatever it's probably like a second round or something I don't care so Twitter released a statement saying that luckily the president's Twitter account was not hacked but how would they know I mean this is the same guy who tweets about beans Iran and the Confederacy in the span of 10 minutes he pre hacks himself the only way you'd know if a hacker got Trump is if the spelling was correct guys Tran spelled coronavirus right I think he got hacked so in response to the HEC Twitter actually disabled tweets from anyone with a verified account yeah blue checkmark couldn't tweet and I've got to be honest as someone who has a verified account because I'm famous remember it was hard not being able to post for a few hours yesterday and I had to resort to some drastic measures at Anna Kendrick I have a great voice and I would love to be in the next trolls movie at Trevor Noah I told you to leave me alone blocks have reported at Anna Kendrick thanks so much for responding big fan moving on to some political news last week Kanye West hip hop superstar and permanent residence on everyone's prayer list announced that he was running for president and then a few days later one of his advisors said actually he's not running for president but now maybe he is Kanye West's unconventional presidential bid is showing signs of life Oklahoma officials confirming that he will appear on the November general election ballot of a group called Kanye 2020 file the first federal election forms for West's candidacy okay I'm sorry this is just crazy Kanye West is actually running for president I mean I guess he reversed his position on whether one man should have all that power now a lot of people are worried that Kanye will be a spoiler for Joe Biden but I don't know man think about it who is Kanye West he's a man who goes on long unintelligible rants constantly flip-flops on his positions brags about the size of his penis I mean if anything Kanye is Trump but with better beats and I mean this all goes to show you how much things can change who would have thought 10 years ago that one day you'd be thinking who came here I'm scared that Kanye could become president but at least Kim Kardashian will be there to bring some seriousness to the White House before we go America is facing a nationwide poll worker shortage and it's because most poll workers are over 60 and kovat is still in the air and so understandably they're not showing up but fewer poll workers means fewer polling stations are open and it means there's gonna be longer lines and not everyone can afford to stay and wait in those long lines especially in communities of color but the good news is most poll working is paid and in some states you can be as young as 16 to do it so if you're interested and you have the time this is your chance to save your granny protect democracy and get paid sign up at the link below to learn more [Music]
Channel: The Daily Show
Views: 2,708,244
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Keywords: the daily show, trevor noah, daily show with trevor noah, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, noah trevor, trevor noah latest episode, daily show, trevor, news, politics, daily show trump, trevor noah trump, trump, coronavirus, corona, virus, COVID, COVID-19, headlines, trump mask, california closes, lapd, lapd gangs, gangs, police brutality, japan, japan amusement park, russia, trukmenistan, barbados
Id: Io7D-yR155g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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