What the Hales is 2nd Cents & Storage Legends doing with WILD & DANGEROUS ANIMALS at Get Swamped?

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oh my god [Music] come on maryland let's go [Music] all right everybody in this video you're gonna see us go to the get swamped farm unbelievable tons and tons of baby animals you guys won't believe it there's baby lemurs and baby opossums and all kind of other stuff so take a look and this is how he makes money ladies and gentlemen he has all these animals he's a professional and don't try any of this stuff at home there's alligators there's this crazy crazy giant giant turtle i mean unbelievable stuff guys so appreciate everybody out there watching don't forget give us a thumbs up take a look at some of our other videos and you can buy all kind of awesome stuff take a look www.secondsense.com we ship everywhere in the world appreciate everyone watching thank you so much you're on cam everybody we just showed up at robbie's place here that's right get swamped here's the gator fence very ornate say it's all made of metal and uh right now we're trying to get inside i was gonna climb the fence but jeremy said i might get shot or eat the later gator exotic animal i like the van get swamped right here guys look at the other side dude can you still go to get swamp.net no but it's under construction all right oh wow that is too cool so this is a get swamp paradise all right guys we're get swamped here we are going we got animals everywhere we got chickens i'm going to go ahead and kiss a crocodile today for a second census channel i'm 5-0 5-0 kissing it kissing it fighting it wrestling it hugging it oh this little thing this little baby here you're talking about um what's up ricky not eat me guapo i'm about to be faster than gator i just gotta be faster than guapo no all you got to do is trip papa you don't have to beat that i know run sideways zigzag no okay what do i do hey guys i'm looking at ricky right now um he is a cuban crocodile one of robbie's favorite crocodiles last time he almost took my head off by the fence this time we're not gonna do that because we learned our lesson last time did we and did we [Music] he is look at how aggressive he is remember guys crocodiles are the aggressive ones now how much does this one weigh robbie it's probably 250. 250 pounds so outweighs me maybe a little more because crocodiles are more dense than gators when it's about six foot long uh eight eight nine guapo lay down next to it real quick put your feet where the tail is all right all right jeremy all right guys i'm gonna lay down next to ricky give me another dude again give me again i'm gonna lay down next to ricky now guys it's such a big croc that like he literally probably can break through the fence i'm crazy but it's okay we're going to see how big he actually is i think i'm like 5 10. all right a little close i might bite your man bun off oh my gosh dude i am the eye of danger dude at any moment he can bite me and a tooth would just stick to my forehead through the fence i'm actually i'm actually pretty concerned for you oh dude dude dude come on man come on what the hell are you doing to him jeremy what are you doing all right i'm getting off i hope you're not alright guys where i get swapped there's a peacock right there the baby peacocks we saw earlier that's where they came from all right what are we looking for here a kangaroo what's up buddy remember me again if you want he bit you last time yeah what's up little dude huh he'll start attacking the out of me last time he last time he's pretty bad all right i'm sorry here let's drop the corn let me eat the damn thing if you want to attack me you can we'll fight again you can bite me before you want i don't know go attack me watch anything look right now come on stop stop robbie stop stop all right i'm done i'm done because i already know you be biting you bite you bite wait i'm in there that's my boy dude we kick it all right i'm trying to get some water yeah all right guys there's one of the peacocks over here let's see it went up here what's a little peacock peacock way up there more what's up man you want to grab my phone can you grab my phone would you grab my phone scratch your phone you might bite my phone huh how cute are you baby well you got three babies yeah how many total lemurs uh there's five adults in here and i mean about a little bit right there hey little babies you doing one two three one baby this one's got two babies oh nice jumping get away from me a baby on the back and a baby on their knees go in there rob all right [Music] hey little one where's baby yeah see my kids say that any baby animals we need video or pictures of them oh [Music] wait what's up if they don't eat the leaves it falls to the ground like you see yeah see yourself now this is the mama she wants some more apple i'm giving the mama food she's got the baby right down there oh we're having a baby well don't be so greedy dude don't jump back here you can't take it you can't take it where's the other mama down there everybody's eating apples life is good for the lemurs oh um my first live streams maybe five people on there with that oh somebody in the super chat just asked no joke i would have can't everybody else see in the super chat i'll try and give you more heads up next time uh i am in town but i well i was in town i was discouraged but now [Music] what what you want oh now they both want it gonna make you fight for oh stole it and the rest is history huh all right look at this little tiny blizzard what kind of lizard is this little thing i ain't catching i can tell you that they're too quick 25 foot the furthest i've ever there it goes you got little horns my fainting goes huh [Music] you guys know you're my nemesis right yeah i got attacked by a goat when i was a kid yeah by you oh hold hold so is that a command did you guys work with him on that really that's incredible dude got him water taught him hold here you've had him since he was like little little little since he was that big wow that's incredible man and now that he's this big you just can't chance it he'll bite you and eat you at any point or what he just he gets he used to be great but now he's it's just too risky yeah at this point like when i used to run we used to bring him out across the field over there and we filmed a tv show called moment of impact and i was literally running and he was galloping right next to me but you could always see him like galloping and looking at my leg yeah there's two cracks here right there's there's ricky and then there's sophie right lucy lucy guys this guy is insane i mean he is breathing heavy he's probably he's touched on his arm he is and then he's got water over there so you put a fence around the whole pond huh so so what else can you could you make him do something through the fence not to not well or get from the big dubs i mean i mean rob like dude like when do you see this on private property i mean how many i'm really in florida a lot down here maybe more i don't know how he's blinking dude like that's just like insane this is amazing he's actually measuring you up the cv it would take one or two swallows you're a little uncomfortable over that back could he swallow a human though well watch your arm i know you ain't worried but i think could jump in if you drop your phone he's gonna eat it would he eat your phone yeah find out he'll crush it exclusively on second sign squat where's lucy probably by her neck pre-killed so you put them in a fridge or something no yes uh co2 no like how do you store them though in freezers okay you store them in freezers oh this is nice hold that's cold very nice guys look at this crazy [Music] how to command a crocodile oh this is amazing guys see you jumping getting ready to jump i'm done i thought he was gonna get it he'll get it have iso's on their scales on their belly and their bottom of their jaws like a shark and he knows it where it's at right now incredible look he's looking around now he might not get it because he can't he has no isos on him isos are under his belly or no they're on his belly and at the bottom of his jaw does he know the rats under him right now or no he doesn't know where it's at he knows there's one in there you're gonna have to come over oh my god ricky here he found this nice nice [Applause] nice yes yes ricky moment of silence waiting for the burp man when's the last time somebody's been in this cage you're just in there yeah last week oh really with them in there oh so you guys can go in yeah you gotta have a stick with you number one hey just film them right here i swear tivo was in here neo up up come on nice nice look at this content guys nice good boy nice [Music] oh my god eat my tail i got the rat i got the wrap you wanna get one from there yeah wow we walked this one though right yes we did i have one all right here we go here we go how to feed a crocodile no no maryland come on maryland let's go maryland no no no how many cracks are in here robby are these two the biggest come on then come on come on maryland good night good girl nice marilyn enjoy that good girl enjoy that um a nice sirloin for you you can go back in the water nothing better than a fresh rat on a sunday yeah and then other alligators been seeing everyone get fed yes i do i was telling george i was like well i instigated it but this lobby [Laughter] how many rats you go through a year robbie oh god over ten thousand and where most of these rats come from they come from new york city and lawyers yes definitely definitely sell back come come on he's like no you come in you got it plus we get them from uh cold blooded cafe up in indiana is that ready all right you want one you want one nice nice dude good boy nice this is a crocodile nest yeah an alligator makes similar nest yeah alligators well this is a cuban crocodile some crocodiles just make a hole in the ground and deposit the eggs in the hole and cover it up others are nest builders okay uh cubans are nest builders alligators are nest builders niles just dig a hole and deposit their eggs in the hole like a turtle yeah like an egg chamber and these guys build a huge mon mound then dig a hole and have an egg chamber above ground level okay interesting they don't like to get too close it's probably going to take offline in a minute oh my gosh wow wow insane this is the alligator stamina insane wow water turtle in north america you see how it looks like a warm amount of tongue there oh my gosh look at how big this turtle is dude robbie how old is this turtle oh real no for sure he's over 100. he likes tongue scratches you want to lose your finger watch would he bite oh yeah absolutely he'll take your hand figure right off bro see how open his mouth see that looks like a worm in there here watch this he knows he knows the trick oh my god it looks like a muppet almost no what is that it's all oh can i right him i wouldn't you wouldn't did it if that thing bites your hand dude it will it'll take it off quite often okay okay he'll take your hand though they don't call it an alligator snapping turtle for no reason this is like one of the top five coolest ones here dude and it looks like you're scrotum that's awesome is he trying to pull oh yeah there's a lot of muscle in here yeah [Music] how big this turtle is dude 180 pounds i've never seen a turtle this big or actually i don't swallow so very aggressive they call them alligator turtles why they're not aggressive really they're just aggressive if you pick them up out of the water they're not going to chase you down in the water but they're just a large they're the largest north american freshwater turtle um they live in swamps slow moving rivers and they'll go underwater open their mouth like that and that little pink thing that looks like a worm he'll wiggle it and then fish think it's a worm they'll come over there and he'll grab the fish and eat it wow guys these guys were actually hunted to the point where they're endangered because of uh people eat them and also the shells they would make things out of the show yeah well that's that shelf you try to i mean you probably get what a thousand dollars for that kind of shower home not anymore but yeah in the early days you get a couple hundred bucks for it i mean so huge yeah dude i want to pet him so bad i heard jeremy likes turtles i like dodo jeremy go find the female i don't like dodos that much he's coming right there that's a girl that's his girlfriend yep so you're hoping they have some babies i don't care we don't incubate them they're pretty quick because they're illegal though but they usually don't he's not going please all right no but if he comes my direction he's like bumps we got the turtle versus chicken ladies gentlemen chicken's winning nope but only by a feather [Music] where is the hair the tortoise on the move here let's go you [Applause] look at my shoes what are these things velociraptors turkeys guinea handsome so here's the little baby ducks oh yeah that's definitely a possum oh that's it's plain opossum it's a kitty it's a baby kitten baby the only marsupial from north america what's a marshmallow it's a mario sit there robbie's like trying to freestyle something funny to say dude like it's it's not a super mario it's a mario supio a mario supio dyslexic the things that play dead they have a pouch in there you know like the kangaroo oh so every other one is located in australia okay i knew it was something like that look at the possums so guys robbie officially has a possum so how long have you had to pass on for um because that female is pretty pretty nice she's might be better i mean what the babies are out there should be hissing at you at least you probably like taking them from me for a little while give me a break take these damn kids can't you take them to universal or something this is your weekend awesome when did you get the possum did you find it in the wild uh no a guy brought him over dog attacked it and it had babies so we took it in so what are you feeding the pound just those dogs you just looking at me i'm not doing nothing to you man you watch that guap over on the other side man he's crazy that's crazy oh what's this what you got a face just petting you and now you're gonna be all hissy hissy gonna put sticky finger in her mouth so robbie's got the baby here and uh my mom is looking like what are you doing my little baby don't eat my baby what's that with the bear what's the ferry [Applause] this one seems super funny dude they're sleeping daytime my beards are extremely smart animals you can teach it to do a lot guava you feel like having retrieve stuff for you come on curse are there any in this tube oh no they're not here i see one paw is sticking out over there hello oh my god you're the cutest thing ever i fostered parrots for a while did you yeah nice yeah you there's two ferrets or three fair three so the other one's gotta be in that too you were a foster ferret parent i was a foster parent parent for a while relax relax there you go that's better
Channel: 2nd Cents, Inc Cleveland Auction House
Views: 6,397
Rating: 4.9813738 out of 5
Keywords: What the Hales is 2nd Cents & Storage Legends doing with WILD & DANGEROUS ANIMALS at Get Swamped?, 2nd Cents Auctions Cleveland Ohio, How to make money buying and selling, abandoned Storage Units lockers unboxing video auction, cute baby animals, lemurs kangaroo peacock, alligators crocodiles turtles
Id: uUubaFHNCpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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