What the Hales, Get Swamped, Storage Legends & 2nd Cents @ Gatorpalooza! - Deadly animals & MAYHEM?-

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are you ready dude what kind of question is that i was born ready baby i put 100 bucks on your team don't let me down if not i'm not going to be able to get anywhere don't worry about it this is in we got to fix in we paid jeremy off okay i just want to make sure is that true corey huh is that true did he pay him off maybe other than annoying i don't know if you want a background [Music] what about ohio boys [Music] i got my thumbnail now thanks guys jumping out no jumping out swimming don't paddle with your hands in the water they're taking away everything oh i know how you are that's why we've got to go through all of this if you go overboard make sure you got your life vest on so we can find the life vest later if you go overboard i'll throw you a hot dog yeah you're going to be i thought you're going to get peppered with hot dogs close your eyes if we catch a hot dog in the mouth can we eat it oh yeah oh yeah yeah you should come up with a point system yeah we can earn extra points like that with the mouth with yours yeah yeah part of the leg you're gonna catch four or five of them part of the leg is they're going to be swimming if they make it through the swim they're going to get in the boat three of you are going to drive the boats across paddling avoiding being eaten by hit by the hot dogs and eaten by alligators you're going to get out on land and you're going to run through what is usually a heavily infested area of alligators on land can we ride the alligators through the alligators may ride you through cool i know how they do with you come on over here fred you need to hear the safety brief because you might have to be one of our people first one to cross through the finish line under the tower is the winner fred and i are going to be watching we're looking good today too how do you guys hey guys you guys talking we're looking good all right gentlemen how are we doing today i'm robert zaba from second sense auctions i'm the auctioneer extraordinaire i'm i'm worried about this thing don't be worried i'm worried so this is the ceo of gatorland yeah how long have you owned gatorland at random gatorland 25 years now i'm the son-in-law running the family business because i came here when i was probably about eight years old oh yeah yeah oh man so it's changed a lot then they used to have a lot we do a lot now did you use the feed with chickens like and put it over the water or something like that you know social distancing has stopped us from doing that show right now but that's a classic we still got it the gator jumperoo man it don't get no better than that i remember when i was a little kid i was like wow look at those gators come out of the water oh we still got it get past some of this social distance stuff we'll have that back in here question yeah who do you got your money on the win the race you know i know it's not gonna go with savannah i was gonna say but you know you got robbie and mike they're super competitive the biggest mistake they're gonna make is if they try to trip savannah she's going to stomp a mud hole in them and then the race is over but you know those guys are going to be trying hard to win savannah and chandler oh man you know those guys endangered danny savannah and chandler are a team i don't know how they lose i don't know how they lose unless the other guys cheat and i wouldn't put that past them at all oh we can't wait to watch this oh it's gonna be great hopefully you don't get blinded by hot dogs yeah i know cover up man they need eye protection these hot dogs are gonna be flying off of this tower raining down on them oh man and then you know and these alligators love hot dogs so this could go south in a hurry oh yeah i can't wait all right everybody this is when they're getting ready for the big race we're gonna get the video we'll go up top and get as much video we can [Applause] is it johnny chestnut the hot dog eating champion right there are you the hot dog eating champion am i chestnut how many hot dogs can you eat right now i'll eat 30 million thousand hot dogs right now let's find out if you eat the hot dogs from the gators yeah i saw him put it in there [Laughter] i don't know if i throw 20 of these into shorts and throw him in the water you think he'll make it in his shorts all right he ain't making it that gator right there because it ain't going to be the gators that get him it's going to be all the fish and turtles gonna be starting in about 12 minutes actually about 11 more minutes guys okay so we have some hot dogs here the hot dogs are for you guys to be able to toss out when they get started not necessarily right at the beginning you're gonna notice it so we're gonna part of the start of the challenge is we're gonna have a couple people swimming inside this fenced in area when they get to the end of it they're gonna be hopping in a boat once the boats get going then you can start tossing the hot dogs the point of view is to either try and get the gators closer to the boat or try and get the hot dogs in the boat because they're going to catch them as well everybody that wants to do it can come up here not yet okay come up and get three hot dogs three only per person okay guys please cause we gotta give everybody a chance to get some three per person you can come get them nice single file do this orderly i expect you guys to be able to do this correctly all right otherwise we're tossing you in and you're getting fed okay but three only hang on to them don't eat them don't throw them at your loved ones wait for the competition guys feel free to come on up who wants to throw some hot dogs yeah three number three three hot dogs we're watching you you have your youtube channel misha i do and i'm auctioneer extraordinaire nice to meet you this is he's an auctioneer extraordinary he's an auctioneer from cleveland ohio we came do you even know you know what auctioneers we were invited here all the way from cleveland ohio so i'm storage legends and this is second sense an auctioneer sells stuff really fast i go like this yep yep yes yes that's what auctioneer does all right get a picture oh yeah the gators closer or get them in the boat three hot dogs [Music] save your hot dog [Laughter] where's jacob at troy you're not supposed to eat the hot dogs troy come on man it's for the gators come on troy dude i need to get three hot dogs i'm gonna blast somebody in the face with a hot dog there's hails walking down the platform too early for the hot dogs they said when they come close try to either lure the gators close to the boats or try to get him to hit the competitors with the hot dog all right everybody we're going to start jamming team savannah ready team savannah team savannah man up team savannah team savannah team savannah team savannah team savannah you're gonna do like a split or anything skunk skunk eight skunk welcome everybody upstairs we're about to get started here just a couple of minutes we've got two big teams out there folks getting ready to go here we got team one made up of savannah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] let's go one more over there on the deck that's magic mike [Music] over here on the boat for team two we've got floppy cassie of get swamped on on vlogs you gotta check him out get me away robby he can't hear me and there's a bringer that they got in the boat there that's christy thompson that's team two [Applause] my imaginative danger daddy are going to jump in the water and swim we tried to get the alligators out of that little fenced area this morning but i don't know if we did or not but we'll find out pretty quickly [Applause] get some hot dogs people are we ready no everybody got [Applause] [Applause] three minutes three minutes away three minutes guys get your hot dogs three minutes away i think we're ready to go we're ready to go yes dude we going up one more five four three two one all right guys the race is starting somebody tried to throw when they hit the ceiling all right guys we got a huge competition here who's gonna win my goal is to hit somebody with a hot dog oh i'm taking out savannah three to seven the hot dogs here oh dude i almost want to throw one right from here i feel like i can hit him from here i bet you can't do it good go do it come on okay hang on here hang on can somebody hold my camera don't throw the camera hold my camera everyone's like no you're gonna touch it okay nice okay point it right there guys i'm gonna hit him watch hang on come on stewart's legends come on who are you robbie hold on where's robbie he's right there in the back here we go here we go guys guys guys here it is on no there we go i'll take a couple thank you there you go hit him in the head hit him in the head all right guys we're getting pelted by hot dogs right here oh no storage was just trying to hit him there good hit good hit hit robbie guys hit rocky he's not getting swamped he's getting hot though hang on right here go go all right guys i'm gonna try to get down there running through this people are still hitting with hot dogs they're still getting hit with hot dogs guys oh he's getting caught up he's caught go people are still whipping hot dogs guys he just knocked over little kids storage legends what the heck's going on you're getting too excited [Music] people are still whipping hot dogs dude thank god you got your phone dude i was so mad dude that would have went away dude i appreciate it i see the video it looks like i see what the video is like hot dogs right it's your phone dude that was awesome oh robbie i blasted you you feel a big adrenaline baby you're traveling you ate my four in the air bobby you're bleeding robbie you're bleeding your elbow's bleeding number three robbie robbie you made it bro bro for your bro come on man you're a warrior look at that blood look at that blood these guys man honestly guys i didn't get a chance to record because i was too busy whipping hot dogs i got to record did you really win number one baby loser champion get swamp guys the winner he called it guys he said he was going to cheat and he did talk his cheat but not i'm going to let's see the man actually he paid me off look at that cut right there guys he's bleeding if he gets back in the water that's just gator juice coming out they'll be loving that it's like that bag of meat you brought earlier that's what we should have brought out through that in the water get those alligators going oh dude he got it on camera me hitting your phone in the water oh i can't wait to see that what happened i need that one yeah dude be careful [Music] [Applause] he's the wiener who's the wiener you're the wiener danny's gotta eat [Applause] here it here right here [Applause] that's how the real losers take next year next year next year robbie robbie robbie robbie [Music] savannah hit him in the family jewels kick [Music] savannah just took a wiener what happened they got a robbie on the ground [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh my goodness next year guys guys next year next year so there's a gator right there guys a huge gator yeah i think it is going to get them great it's a little one don't worry he's messing with it see they'll get her you don't want to mess with anybody he's trying to tempt it with a hot dog guys [Music] uh here it is this is the gator they are messing with guys here he comes in the water this thing's not a little one this thing is huge [Music] thank you tons of hot dogs left so many hot dogs and i wish there was a girl around i might cook hot dogs oh that's too funny i told guapa i was just going to shove these into shorts and throw them in the water see if you can make it blasted robbie so many times even when he got out and he was sitting there i was still throwing hot dogs at him dude i was still throwing hot dogs man nobody's safe she just wienered you dude she's taking you it out oh no hot dogs in the face guys watch out for look here get a clip get it get up i want you to get something my pleasure let these kids get some hot dogs wait wait wait wait wait wait all right ready get a handful of them today i'm going to say these guys i'm going to say go to the alligators don't eat them yourself i'm going to say that was the most epic man race ever and you're going to fly alligators that was the most epic ending to the florida man race ever all right come on i got some fun you're weak and then go do it again dude dude you gotta put that in there bro no no all right that was the most epic ending to a florida man race i've ever seen in my life i've never ever okay you gotta actually okay go go go go go go go sorry i'm sorry three go hey casey daddy headed all the way all right guys hot dog i got that giant look at the bird just sitting on the back rob you're pretty good with a wiener in your hands thank you jeremy it means something coming from you because i know you know about wieners in your hands [Laughter] look at this speed limit at 4.7 miles per hour move your vehicles we're here at gatorland guys we're gonna do the two clips okay [Applause] this here is rocky and all you need to know is two rules rule number one i am number one and rule number two the gator is number two all right another question and now i'm gonna kick my feet i thought you were going to get in there with them thank you i was gonna go behind him did he just break the wall and admit it to the boss everybody everybody's feeding them so i was like okay okay you see do you think he just likes the protein you know what i can't blame him today they actually taste pretty good what does it taste like robbie robbie is a crocodile or an alligator it's got a little iron taste to it so that blood he even has scales on his arms a little bone in there hey jeremy i dare you to take a bite of this oh my gosh oh my gosh jeremy jeremy i'll give you 30 bucks okay oh i'm scared oh rob you want to go fix it i just thought jeremy would do it i thought it was better than here if you want to see him eat it you better put it on your channel i won't put on my eat it he [Music] so much makes so much sense right now wow i love these guys the apple is close i need you explain this to me what did it taste like it it was almost like biting into a dog biscuit but then the flavor was more like a graham cracker just not sweet like now if you were gonna have to like drink it with a wine what type of wine would you suggest drinking this with well i don't i can't drink one white wine or a red wine i can't drink wine all right please do not be a special guy hold on guapa i gotta get a picture of this thing here these are the alligators and this one here is extremely rare alligator their chance survival are basically zero without natural camouflage they cannot hide from predators their white color is useful for neon signs saying come and eat me all right guys we're gonna go behind the scenes here at gatorland i got guava look at the whole crew up there we got everybody we can't wait who knows what we're gonna see if i can show you anything i will videotape it if not i'll let you know what happens this giant one over there guys if they would let us know in the water sleepover he decided to stop huh huh he decided to stop stay behind the guy in the blue shirt mark i need you to run block right here okay okay i'm going to turn around and feed him and she's going to film it you guys can come here okay listen to what everyone says and i said it right guys croc not alligator gatorland has a lot to offer beautiful crowd i don't know if he's going to show up we're taking pictures of you smile smile lyle that's a good one hey lyle big miles hey big boy here live come on big boy come here live here here here live look at me flat there you go there you go this guy's a tank he's about 14 feet long maybe a little bigger doesn't like to put his head up very well so it makes beating difficult sometimes big lyle look up big lie look up don't fall that little gator keeps trying to move inside yeah he's bigger than me he's gonna fight oh he got the chicken good job [Music] so it really doesn't matter what lyle does he always gets the most views people love life was awesome so guys check out gatorland check out their youtube channel and check out wild vlogs that's what it is go subscribe incredible guys gatorland florida did you see his eyes he doesn't see his eyes so i was watching his feet so he was watching me watching me watching me and then i didn't move and then he went and he felt and he turned his eyes straight when you started moving there he flinched he tightened up oh hurry haron you got it run fly oh man don't let that alligator get you the birds of gatorland are very brave yeah very the stupid ones aren't here anymore right we saw a stupid one just the other day didn't we savannah yeah we did it was it was flying around in this crocodile's mouth down on the other end of the oh my gosh american crocodile snatching mistake one time incredible ladies and gentlemen robert what do you think about this huge crocodile close encounters with the crocodile oh
Channel: 2nd Cents, Inc Cleveland Auction House
Views: 10,081
Rating: 4.9790025 out of 5
Keywords: What the Hales, Get Swamped, Storage Legends & 2nd Cents @ Gatorpalooza! - Deadly animals & MAYHEM?- gatorland
Id: DoC7P6Ecka0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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