Minelab Goldmonster 1000 Metal Detector : Park & Beach Test & Review

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[Music] hello and welcome to digging socal this week at the parks and at the beach i'm going to try something different with a vanquish 540 i had tested that detector with some gold and it hits most of it but i didn't miss a couple of small pieces of gold um so i'm going to try using the gold monster 1000 while i hit these parks and see how it does i typically use this one in the desert but i'm actually going to try it at a couple parks this week and then i'm going to try it at the beach later this week and see how it does hopefully um it'll be a positive outcome maybe i'll pick up some gold that i might have passed over before so let's see how it does so this was my first find with the uh gold monster little uh round uh pink piece of metal not really sure what it was but that's fine number one can i tell you what this thing does do is it finds every piece of foil no matter how small and i found a few coins so far i got another hit here nice strong signal oh yeah look at that i can tell already nice that is a nice ring not sure what the symbol is almost like a fish it's got some uh what's it say on it hold on that's a marquee i can't quite make it out i will check that out and get back to you on that but that's definitely uh the uh first ring with the uh 1000. all right i was being followed around by some kids so i had to shake them real quick but uh on the way out of here i stopped in this little last piece of park and i'm getting another signal right here so let's see what i got the only thing wrong with the uh gold monster is it's a positive hit so you never you don't is that it no that's not it solid hit though i see it well that's a cool find a ring i will test it but it doesn't look like it's going to be silver it'd be nice that's a pretty good loop earring all right that's uh two pieces of jewelry at this park with the gold monster that's cool i would have probably found these with either other detector anyway but i just wanted to give the lab gold monster a run today i haven't had it out in a while so pretty cool we'll just finish off this little area and get out of this park something down here just check this out what is this showstopper oh that's some bling that's a pretty cool find huh i wonder what that was for show stoppa i just unearthed this target not really sure what it was looks copperish it has an e on the end i have no idea what it was all right another successful bottom of the slide search dug up a bunch of coins here and a battery and about a dollar 15. all right after finding those small group of changes about a slide i just had a deeper hit and i'm not sure what it is yet i see it looks like a key that's been down there a while let's see if i can break this up a little bit here not really sure the par very broke off shoot yeah the piece of key broke off so it's really bad shape it looks like a heart and a key i'll try to clean this up without breaking anymore but just see what it is but just junk all right another little find by the gold monster i don't know if you can see this hold on it's gotta be the tiniest little heart hmm cool very small tractor is kicked up with the dust okay part two of my experiment with the uh gold monster from mine lab the whole muscle 1000 um i'm going to try it down here at the beach i tried it at the park had some good success i'm not going to use it in the salt it's not designed for salt but uh we'll give it a shot and see how it does just for funsies all right we got something here we'll get it what is that it's a green twinkie uh plum flort am i sound drunk plum fork aloe grape is that a tobacco related or is like a vape yeah that's a big one how weird you suck on that there's the vent holes oh wow no i would never try that gross so first find with the gold monster and it's not gold so it's the trash monster yeah it is all right we'll keep going with oscar the grouch i'm not grouchy today okay look at this why are you mad we're at the beach how can i be how can i be mad we're having fun are we i am i didn't get a cupcake today it's early it's only like 6 30 in the morning it's never too early for cupcakes goodbye okay bye got fine number two let's see the downside of this is if you look at the screen here it's going away from gold that's actually bouncing back and forth but it's gonna be probably non-gold related but that doesn't mean when it goes to the right towards the gold bar does not mean gold it just means it it's more likely it could be so maybe you got one percent chance 51 instead of 52. anyway let's see what this is my golden joy golden joy gross i have a tent stake oh man how can you smile when you see we can go home now my day's complete the gold monster found this that was awesome pure gold pure gold wow so i should get these gold-plated yeah yeah that way when you set up your tent on the beach you can look real fancy i have a tent on the back of my truck i don't need the beach life's a beach right goodbye life's a beach yeah sandy and wet yeah goodbye why are you holding your chest like this i'm excited it's pure treasure that i don't even need to detect this is totally look at this no no you're sick it's beautiful you're so gross oh my gosh i'll cherish it forever goodbye oh my goodness find something real that is so real junk no junk find something good or i'll go ride the zamboni it's not his zamboni all right can you find something find me something it's gold it's gonna be gold i know it it's gonna be gold they're not sunflower seeds some platter seeds i don't see yeah that's all i've seen sunflower seeds one thing about the uh gold monster is it picks up micro pieces of foil it's unbelievable this stuff can be found that's going to the left which is never a good sign for treasures i see it oh who's that oh then you put your rope through it it's a squishy yeah circle squishy circle thingy with the spring yeah yeah that's the technical term yeah you are the expert [Music] yep not a lot of cool finds yet at huntington beach but uh probably the fanciest bobby pin i've ever found look at that just nice usually they're brown or black chromed out with a nice little star on top that's stuck to it this is for christine we'll clean this up and uh not give it to you you won't bet you use these i do occasionally anyway at least it's not a tent stake so just a little recap i've got a couple oh yeah jackpot nice collection huh how many do you have seven i think wow so far more time to get some more well i took the gold monster 1000 from mine lab out to the park and then out to the beach and i'm going to tell you right now unless you like to find micro pieces of foil it's not the tool to use at the beach the park wasn't bad um i found no gold on this trip but uh definitely was very frustrated in the amount of foil that i found and hauled off to the trash so let me show you how i did in the park and then i'll show you how i did at the beach with the gold monster these are my um park vines you can see i found a little a bling uh showstopper huge pendant i found a bracelet i'm sorry an earring and an actual ring then this looks like it's part of a chain that's been all crusted up and stuff with a heart on it it had a key tip to it that i oh here it is oh oh is that oh that was on there as well um and then i found some change tipped to a pencil thus i'm not sure what it is but it's definitely metal very strange and it looks like a dollar fifteen quarters thirty cents and died of the nickel and three pennies and then this thing here in a bb that was all found with the uh gold monster at parks i'm not sure what that was it's weird it looks familiar yeah now as far as the beach goes it was a very frustrating day with the exception with the exception of my tent stakes which i have three six eight of them to add to my collection um that's the find of the day with the exception of the ring at the park of the uh with the gold monster i did find a bobber that's pretty chewed up oh wow and a vape hair clip we dug up a lot of this stuff i just kept the last one i picked up to show you but this thing picked up a lot of cans out in the uh sand pull tabs a lot of bottle caps to why threw those away this is a little piece of metal here picked up tipped to a charger for iphone these were all in the same location i'm not sure these are sort of little tiny tint sticks hairpins they're really weird looking just odds and ends here you can see what i got and then a little bit of change not much and then i did find a plastic penny i found it oh you found it whatever i was like what's that boom yeah and then this thing here i'm not sure what it is anyway again i'll reiterate this the gold monster is gonna be back in the closet until i go to the desert when i'm when i'm looking for gold nuggets i will take the gold monster when i'm at the beach the park it wasn't bad but the downside is you don't know what you're looking for it goes left or it goes right right is a potential for gold left is not a potential for gold there's no no in-betweens so you're not knowing what you're digging you just have to dig everything which not not good because even when it went to the right it was like well there's a 51 percent chance it might not be trash and you're like 51 i think it's probably one percent but it was but you know what it's a good machine it did its job it found a lot of targets that's for sure it does not miss a speck of foil just as if it was a little flake of gold it's going to pick it up so it's a great tool but not for the beach and it acted upside like anywhere near the wet soil or the wet sand it was not happening so it's not good for the wet at all but it did good in the dry anyway we will uh see you on the next one and the next one's gonna be back at the beach with um probably one of the other mine labs either the thank goodness part of the vanquish and i have a new handle which i'll talk about in the next video for the equinox 800 so stay tuned for that out [Music]
Channel: Diggin' SoCal
Views: 3,363
Rating: 4.9693484 out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, gold monster 1000, metal detector finds, metal detecting tips, minelab gold monster 1000, minelab, beach metal detecting, park metal detecting, metal detecting finds, metal detecting beach finds, metal detector review, treasure hunting, metal detecting videos, metal detecting for beginners, gold monster, minelab gold monster 1000 review, beach metal detecting 2021, dirt fishing, diggin socal, metal detector
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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