What The Costumes of Each DCU Hero Should Look Like

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not too long before the making of this video we finally got our first looks at some of the costumes of the DCU specifically Mr terrific and Superman adding in Peacemaker vigilante Judo master and Blue Beetle and we have a pretty good start Superman specifically is a bit of a unique take on the suit with the colors of the classic suit complete with the Trunks and logo on the cape the lines and Cape placement of the new 52 suit as well as the color the logo shape of the kingdom come suit and the gold outline of the fer suit and this got me thinking of what the costume of the rest of the DCU will look like and so that's what I'll be doing in this video going over every confirmed character that has some sort of costume in this universe before also adding in some of the hinted at characters and just some of the bigger players of the DC Universe who it's safe to assume will appear and give my personal opinion for what I'd like their costume to look like including the comic inspiration what the material should be and whatever other details I could possibly add let me know what you'd like your favorite character to look like in the comments down below and subscribe to help me get to 100,000 subscri subscribers let's begin with all of the confirmed characters first it's entirely possible that any day now we'll get our first looks at the other heroes from Superman from SE photos so let's start with them if by the time you get to this video they've already been revealed then I guess you can just see how accurate I ended up being and let's start with Haw girl the version of Hawk Girl in Superman will be Kendra Saunders who has only ever had really two different designs with one of them being split into having two different significant differences between them one of those designs is from Earth 2 and I think is maybe not exactly what they would go for for a prime Universe version of the character so let's stick to her main Universe designs her original design had organic looking wings and a matching helmet while her new 52 updated design has nth metal wings and a lot of extra metal on her costume including her helmet in a vacuum I'm not exactly sure which one I would prefer because I think both of them work but for one I think because it's her current design in the comics and has been for a while but also it could help differentiate her from a character like Swift who would have organic wings so I'd go with her new 52 design but maybe with the mid drift being covered the wings would be CGI with everything else being a mix between metal and cloth depending on what it looks like in the comics I'd like for metamorpho design in the DCU to be a bit less clean and smooth than his typical design for there to be bumps and for all of it to be just a bit uneven as for how to make this design happen it could be CGI but also I do think they could do it practically and I think the actor who they chose Anthony carrian kind of already looks exactly like the head of metamorpho you just have to paint him white and looking at characters like and nebula I could definitely see someone like metamorpho being done like that in a James Gun movie that brings us to guy Garder with whom I'll also lump in the other two Green Lanterns the Green Lanterns are unique in their long comic history in that they mostly just keep their designs with minimal changes and instead new Green Lantern designs are introduced through new Green Lanterns for how I think the new 52 suit should be the basis using the same material as whatever they used for the Superman suit meaning it'd be entirely practical canonically would be made by the ring but I do think they're going to avoid the CGI suit because that's what they did in the 2011 movie and people did not like it John suits changed a bit more significantly throughout his comic history but easily his best one is the one he wore in the DC Au and also in the comics for a very long time and that should be the basis for his DCU suit as for guy the bold haircut is confirmed but I actually would like for guy to maybe have a bit of a character Arc and have his hair reflect that so later on he'd have his later comic hair as for the costume the jacket look with the logo on the side is so distinctly Guy Gardner it should definitely be his suit in the DCU maybe to make these Green Lantern suits unique to the DCU and a bit different from the comics the design of the Green Lantern logo specifically should be a new and unique one still looking like the Green Lantern logo but maybe with something about it that's a bit different crypto the super doog should be very simple a white Labrador Retriever wearing a gold collar with a gold Superman logo necklace and a red cape attached to it with a gold logo on the cape as well frankly this should be exactly his look in the DCU and it should be done entirely through CGI for Supergirl since woman of Tomorrow is being adap it should be the suit from that comic that is adapted as well this lighter blue is different from all the other modern Supergirl suits and is a lot more similar to Superman's DCU suit the gold midsection would be entirely unique in live action and the only difference could be that the logo could match Superman's exactly complete with the yellow outline looking at the villain of Superman we know that Lex Luthor will be a bald Nicholas Hol but what about his armor well it's very throughout his comic history but my personal favorite design is the new 52 one and it's that one that I like to see Inspire his suit in the DCU easily the most disgusted DCU costume after Superman is Batman who is in a unique situation since the DCU Batman movies will release simultaneously with the much more grounded the Batman movies and so the DCU could take a more Fantastical role while being as distinct as possible from the Batman suit so what I'd avoid is the armor based suit the very dark ray the many visible gadgets and the more thrown together look instead the DCU Batman could bring the light gray and blue color scheme of the' 70s and 2000s in a Fab based suit like the BBS one I would however definitely remove the trunks the trunks works for Superman live action definitely not for Batman because it would be a more comic Booky design though in a more Fantastical setting I'd love for this Batman to finally be given the white eyes in live action using CGI to do so like they did in Deadpool to make the suit more its own maybe the logo could be a mix of a few maybe the shape of the 2000s logo but with the gold outline of the rebirth logo so then that's something that Batman and Superman would have in common in this universe since we discussed Batman let's go over the rest of the confirmed bat family Damien has never been adapted in live action before so there's no real reason not to Simply adapt his comic costumes in order that being said his rebirth suit is pretty much a direct upgrade to his original while looking even more like it takes inspiration from the League of Assassins so it actually start there later on Damian would change to his most recent New Look which is my personal favorite of his due to it giving him his own unique gray red and black heavy color scheme while also just looking really cool it's one of my favorite Robin designs this is what I'd want Daman to look like throughout the majority of this universe but with the green Parts completely removed and replaced with yellow as for the material I'd say this suit should be made out of an assortment of different Fabrics with maybe a mild amount of armor added in but not too much DCU Nightwing should avoid the main design characteristics of the Titans Nightwing specifically definitely the armor based suit and they're really deep into the suit logo instead the DC Nightwing should have a logo that looks more like a bird alongside a much brighter blue that goes down his arms basically his current comic design the material used should be a lightweight fabric that allows for as much freedom of movement as possible and with the explanation that it's a special material that's thin and light but still protective Cassandra's black suit with the yellow outline logo stitch up mask and white eyes is my favorite backr design and should definitely be her look in the DCU maybe using the Batwoman suit from the CW as the design basis and maybe a similar sort of CGI use as the Spider-Man eyes from the MCU Wonder Woman is also in a very weird in the DCU right now because it's in my opinion that the DCU crafted the best ever wonderand woman design one that then became her look in the comics for what seems to be at least a decade unfortunately the DCU Wonder Woman can't really use that design because she'll need to be differentiated from galad Do's take on the character a good way around this would be to give her a very similar armored suit but with pants instead of a skirt Honestly though I think that's only really the case for the first suit I think that the first one has to be distinct later on they can just adapt the same suit suit again just with minor changes here and there Swamp Thing kind of only really has one design the question is not what it should look like it's whether or not it should be practical or CGI every previous Swamp Thing has been done practically and while it did look pretty great in the 2019 show I think it would look a lot better and also feel a lot better with CGI which is particularly effective at conveying plant-based creatures just look at Gro or man thing in the MCU I think Swamp Thing would be very limited by a practical design so he should for sure be CGI Booster Gold steals a suit and doesn't know how to make another one so I think whatever costume he has he'll likely have it for a very long time unless rip hunter or something gives him a new one for instance and that suit should be his design from I think Booster Gold Volume 2 booster could add accessories here and there like in his earliest phase of trying desperately to be a famous hero he'd add a cape to try to emulate Superman and Batman but would get rid of that Cape once he moves past his desire for fame and he evolves what I'd like this costume to look like is to be completely metallic super shiny and with a lot of fake muscles to purposely look as much like a DC EU costume as possible because I think something like that fits something like Booster Gold's costume and it would kind of act like a critique of the costume designs from the SN verse as for SKS who isn't confirmed but he and Booster Gold are a package deal I personally just really like the egg shaped design from the dcau I think they should go with that vixen's costumes in the comics were not very good until like the 2000s and even then it was a fairly limit Li mited design her hour RSE look I think did kind of Bring It Forward which then in turn inspired her rebirth suit and this is kind of like a snowball effect with each suit building upon the last and getting better and better so the DCU Vixen suit should take primary inspiration from the rebirth design but should also take this opportunity to maybe set vixen's new costume because she's never really had a great design the suit would be formfitting maybe using the material used for the Batwoman suit in the arse static has never appeared in live action so I think it'd be fitting to Simply adapt the Animated Series designed into live action with a disheveled and homemade look and so would simply be made out of regular clothing there should be one or two Minor Details that are different but that should be the basis later on static would somehow get a more classic superhero costume based on his new 52 look with the Superman suit material maybe being used while still keeping some of the plain clothing Titans adapted the new 52 Deathstroke suit while arrow and the DCU kind of just created all new designs using the basic destroke elements the DCU could very well do the same and make it its own unique Deathstroke design in fact they almost already did in The Suicide Squad as these two are concept Arts from The Suicide Squad as Deathstroke was replaced by Blood Sports this suit I actually really like specifically this one and I wouldn't mind if this design is repurposed for the DCU maybe the one change I'd make is in the shades of orange and/or blue although I'm not actually sure about that the biggest question regards to midnighter design is the cowl should it be his original which had these bumps and open eyes or should it be the later more Batman looking cow without the ear is complete with the white eyes as well the original cowl is more unique but it also just doesn't look very good so I'd go with the new 52 look in order to help differentiate from Batman the eyes would glow either red or blue the suit would be made out of a different material maybe even armor the suit would have a black and white color scheme and instead of a cape like in the comics midnighter has a trench coat Apollo has two distinct designs his original with the long white hair triangle logo and simpler design then is his new 52 design with short blonde hair mostly white suit and with the triangle being accents rather than its own portion between these two designs I definitely prefer the newer one it just looks a lot better and a bit more unique as well so I'd have the DCU base the Apollo look off of this one using the Superman suit as a material basis I'm not fully convinced that Swift will even appear in this universe but like I said earlier if she does then she should definitely be differentiated from Hawk girl she should be the one with the organic Wings somehow her costume is also very similar to Haw girl complete with the midrift so honestly if they do include Swift they should simply give her a completely new and unique design like what gun did for blood sport for instance the doctor kind of only really has one comic design and it's mostly just raggedy clothes so it really shouldn't be difficult to adapt so I definitely go with that Jack hawksmore also doesn't really have a costume his design is just really a normal looking guy dressed in normal clothes but with metal palms and fingertips and metal on the bottom of his always Barefoot feet so yeah just do that Jenny Sparks also doesn't really wear a costume the Union Jack tank top and jeans work add in a jacket if her appearance takes place in the winter cersei's comic design has varied wildly in both the comics and outside media if I had to choose one of those designs to inspire the DCU version I'd go with the dcau Cersei since in my opinion that's her best look that being said because of how different she always looks the DCU can literally make her look whatever they want that was the end of the confirmed characters now we start with the characters who have not yet been confirmed to appear in the DCU but are either extremely important DC characters or were hinted by James gun the most significant unconfirmed character is The Flash in terms of material I think the CW Show found the perfect fabric for speedsters in the last few seasons that balances looks comfort and ability of movement and honestly I think that these two can straight up just use the same thing and use different designs and color schemes to make it distinct starting with Barry Allen I would personally want him to already be dead and for Wally to be the flash but I could also see him either appearing in a flashback a project said in the past or maybe we'll actually see his death or also it's possible he'll just be the main flash with that in mind I'm kind of done with the new 52 design I would much prefer the DCU suit to be based on the classic suit complete with a clean red design without any of the lines or lightning bolt pattern with a slightly bigger symbol and a straight lightning bolb belt to break it all up for Wall-E he can start off with his rebirth suit using the same material as the final CW suit complete with the darker shade of red and open hair he would then move on to wearing his classic white eyes using CGI and with a a suit that is distinct from Barry in the lightning bolt with just one curve the belt that curves down and earpieces that are not Wings to complete this Speedster set in my version of the Teen tit D Movie Bart Allen would be Kid Flash his costume would basically just be the CW Kid Flash suit but using the season 7 and onwards flash suit material something the CW Show never got around to there would also then be some changes to make it look more like Bart Allen suit in the comics with The Winged earpieces a two curved lightning bolt to honor his grandfather and a black lightning bolt design separating the yellow from the red like Wonder Woman Aquaman is in a bit of a pickle here because the DCU Aquaman suit is absolutely fantastic but the DCU Aquaman will have to be differentiated from him so to accomplish that while still looking as good the DCU Aquaman would be a almost direct adaptation of the new 52 Aquaman design complete with short blonde hair and no beard with what is basically the same Scaled Armor suit but without the muscle design and a color that is a little bit more orange as the DCU suit does Verge on gold the Aquaman would have a thicker logo attached to a gold belt and differently designed gloves and pants Martian manager's comic book design is a bit too naked for Live Action but I think simply taking the classic design and filling in the places that need filling in while keeping the cord design intact could work really well Jean himself would definitely be fully CGI but I'd actually make him a little bit more human looking than previous live action adaptations since this is Jon's fitting in form that's not his actual Martian form up until this point the liveaction green arrows have exclusively either worn a hood or just nothing cover in their heads they've yet to adapt the Robin Hood hat into live action at least not seriously because frankly the hood just looks way cooler so while I do think Row's primary costumes should be hooded the first one we see can definitely be with the hat the costume itself could be based on the new 52 suit but with a domino mask and goatee with the suit being made with the same material as the Superman or Peacemaker suits liveaction adaptations of Black Canary have largely avoided the fish nets and I think it's time for that Trend to end i' ever start off with the leather jacket over a black leotar with a yellow zipper before later adding the canary logo outline basically that would then be her current comic costume brought into live action DCU cyborg was barely a cyborg just parts of his face remained and the rest of him was purely robotic as we go away from the new 52 influence on the universe cyborg should refer back to being 18 Titan and having a lot more human parts such as exposed arms and fingertips this is what they partially did on tup Patrol and I got to say when you could see it the Torso did look great unfortunately he usually wore a hoodie when he didn't he still was incomplete because he always wore pants and the face plant really does not look great the DCU should complete that look while upgrading it substantially as well using the higher budget of the Teen tis movie to do so and I'd say actually make it almost entirely practical because the Torso of Doom Patrol looked a lot better than anything of cyborg in the DCU but the face plate should definitely be CGI because I don't think a practical one could ever look good Raven's comic designs get pretty good but I think the Teen Titans Cartoon perfected it by by giving her gray skin something that I'd love to see adapted into the DCU with skin paint being used in the vein of Gamora in the MCU aside from the gray skin I actually think Raven's fortnite design is pretty much perfect and I wouldn't mind if that was the basis for the suit in the DCU Starfire has had a lot of designs over the years but I think most of them are a bit too revealing to be the basis for a liveaction design her design from no justice her rebirth suit and the Justice League Odyssey suits are all great but if I had to choose I think the Odyssey suit looks like it' be her royal ham ranian armor which can be the basis for her first appearance but then she would move on to a suit inspired by the rebirth suit created on Earth to be a superhero costume her skin would definitely be fully orange using skin paint to do so her eyes would be fully green not just the iris and would glow when using her powers as for her hair personally I really like the rebirth hair that starts pink and then looks like it turns into fire and so her hair would definitely be enhanced by CGI for Beast Boy first things first he should definitely be painted green something Titans just didn't bother with Titans adapted his red costume kind of twice so maybe the DCU should at least start off with his purple suit another thing to consider is how animalistic Beast Boy's default look should be like he has fur and pointy ears during rebirth or was half monkey in Young Justice this is a designed concept that is interesting but is entirely unnecessary as well he could turn into any animal and should probably just be fully human other than his color while in human form in my version of the Teen Titans movie Cassandra sandsmark would be Wonder Girl while donat Troy would be living in them mascara or something Cassandra is kind of like super boy and that she doesn't really wear costume instead just wearing clothes which is fine but I'd rather she have an actual costume specifically her design from the deceased Universe which is a great design and I honestly wouldn't mind if he became her primary design even in the main universe as for Donna I prefer the red for her but that was already kind of perfected on Titans to differentiate I'd have Donna wear a suit based on a rebirth design and would make it Amazonian armor with Damien Wayne being introduced into the Brave and the Bold Tim Drake should appear as the current Robin who Damian usurps in his debut he would wear a suit in inspired by his rebirth costume before then changing his superhero identity and superhero costume something the comics just have rugely struggled with the DCU would be a great opportunity to come up with a new superhero name for Tim while cementing a new suit inspired by his original and New 52 Red Robin costumes as his primary look I'd use the overall design of the original while giving him the cape wings of the new 52 suit this would all just set him apart from the rest of the robins giving him his own unique look and way of moving around using this General audience appeal brand Synergy thing to kind to fix the Tim Drake problem of the comics red Hood's original helmet and New 52 designs were adapted into Titans when it comes to the DCU I like to see his more recent look adapted this design with the mask that covers only up to his eyes kind of the opposite of Batman the rest of the design isn't too different and doesn't really need to be it's the mask that is the most noticeable characteristic while Cassandra Kane should be the main backgirl of the DCU Barbara I think should be Oracle meaning her design would just be a red-headed girl wearing glasses and normal clothes sitting in a wheelchair if she is ever seen as Batgirl in like a flashback I'd personally choose her black and yellow New 52 suit because it's my personal favorite of hers and use the Batwoman suit as the basis of the material Catwoman has been adapted enough that we could probably go for a less conventional and more comic Booky look in the DCU while the Batman movies kind of just continue with the skin type black suit specifically I'd really like to see her purple suit with the long hair flowing out of it I think that could go really well with the blue Batman after the Shazam movies in the DCU I think Shazam as a character should not be adapted for a little while when they get around to him both his portrayal and look should stray away from Shazam and closer to Captain Marvel specifically using Alex Ross's design as inspiration the lightning Bol covers the entire torso the white Cape goes off to the side there's a clasp on the top left and the suit would use the same material as Superman for the atom I'd honestly just take Ryan Choice suit from The Flash brighten the colors throw an adom logo on the forehead and throw Ray Palmer in there instead or maybe not maybe it should just be Ryan Choy and boom you kind of have a perfect atom costume it doesn't really even need to be different since that suit had like 1 minute of total screen time hawkman's design could be similar to the DCU version but with just generally with colors that are a lot closer to Hawkman in the comics Dr Fate's design could be differentiated from the DCU one by adding back the eyeh holes and symmetrical design of the helmet and the costume itself could have just small differences here and there including maybe in the fabric which I think could probably just use the Superman suit one because it seems like he's going to be played by Jason mimoa Lobo could probably will be done with makeup using his classic look with the same going for Brainiac both being upgrades from their looks on Krypton from here we're getting into the Lesser known and unconfirmed territory so I'll be going rapid fire simply saying which comic design should be the inspiration Stephanie Brown would be spoiler and wear her original costume the question would wear his Classic Blue Huntress would wear her initial New 52 design the D Patrol would all look a lot more comic Booky and superhero than what they wore in the DU Patrol show all with their original designs Plass man really kind of has just one design and should be that Captain Adam's full silver design is best and should be fully CGI zana's New 52 design Constantine's New 52 design Dead Man's one and only design done with makeup etan's armor design but with the colors of the classic all in CGI ragman's classic stitch together look the spectre's new 52 armor and cloak enhanced by CGI fir Storm's New 52 design Mr Miracle's Classic Suits big Bar's New 52 suit but in armor and animal man's classic orangee suit there are obviously a lot more DC character characters especially a lot more villains to go over but I just feel like we're getting into the Lesser known territory here and I really didn't decide to do that many villains anyway if you want to know my opinion on a character then comment down below and I will reply thanks so much for watching
Channel: The Black Lion
Views: 90,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: batman, superman, the flash, wonder woman, green lantern, booster gold, aquaman, martian manhunter, cyborg, teen titans, justice league, hawkgirl, guy gardner, metamorpho, mr. terrific, robin, nightwing, starfire, raven, beast boy, swamp thing, the authority, supergirl, woman of tomorrow, batgirl, red hood, hawkman, doctor fate, costume, suit, design, james gunn, dcu, gods and monsters, chapter 1, midnighter, green arrow, black canary, review, recap, breakdown, trailer, teaser, poster, deathstroke
Id: htAkbbiSdQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2024
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