WHAT! That is how you win from a claw machine!

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hey guys do these look easy or what if there's actual pieces i feel like they do look easy but then there's like a big old hole over here so we'll see we'll see how it goes maybe it's a trap but they have bullet bill in here goomba i'm going for bullet bill and i don't know his name um dr eggman okay and uh what's the other name he has he has like two different names okay but yeah and then it has south park yeah there's more southwestern oh one down yeah go for something okay what should i go for this time chris that's what i said you're saying it's bob um bob b-o-b and then o-m-b bob there you go oh my gosh i feel like that's what i was saying was that what you're saying i don't know i feel like you were saying maybe you were saying it right i'm saying it wrong [Laughter] oh this is easy looking so the thing with the goombas he has a really big head yeah it's like a crystal-sized head that's how i would describe this head definitely an angel size head there oh oh look it's stuffed she's a snapper it's like forked it yeah oh my gosh have i lost yet oh say that i can't say that let's just keep going till i lose let's go for the shy guy guy that's his name so shy guys in a spot where i have to only get one arm on him yeah like kind of scoop him yes like lift him up and hopefully he falls in i was like what is that guy with the red on i can't remember but he's a shotgun yeah oh i actually can't go any oh that's not good no no because oh hang on oh that was me though that was me i think okay yeah i think that's my fault oh does it get it can i get inside that little video this is the whole thing i don't think it's impossible but i feel like it's going to be really hard to do that you're right right i'm just going to go for a normal grab if it doesn't work i'm going to go for the impossible grill okay you have quite a bit of plus already now you need um sci guy and that's it no blue in this guy well he's not from uh oh he's not what is he from sonic oh sonic that's right oh so there's shadow there's sonic and then there's that the red sonic okay so i'm gonna try to go for the boom yeah okay oh you scared me there it doesn't go that far back though that's not good i got lucky with the other one i don't think that's gonna be absolutely impossible whoa this thing is so strong look how strong that is wow they're trying to just give these away they're trying to just give these away that's another one you just scared everybody at home why would you do that chris kind of scared me a little bit wow that's the one okay let's go for um what is his name i don't know it's eggman he watched the movie and then there's the other one that they call him i think it depends when you watch the show or what his name is or maybe it's the japanese version has a different name i don't know oh my god what that really flicked him okay my last play gonna go for him if i don't win chris is gonna win the shy guy oh my gosh what is wrong with this guy the towel oh is that a purple thing his name tell me something like that i don't know it's from southwest i've never watched that show before yeah it's not a show i've watched either but i remember that character oh there we go that's what i want that's actually what i want okay if it yes yes yes okay that was wonderful exactly what i wanted to happen [Music] all right so i got dr eggman or whatever his other name is now i want crystal to try to go for that sonic um prize and then you have to get shy guy too because we need that for the set let's see if crystal can win as well i hope so i hope you get a really good streak a streak of like 10. starting on the next play starting on the next play okay warm up warm wait no starting this way starting this way starting this play yes nice yup starting this play okay that's one in a row now you have to get a shy guy okay that's the only one we need is the shy guy and then we have the full set okay ooh is that far is it when are you stopping okay that should be good i don't know it looks like it's gonna close really tight yeah but oh you got it i told you look at it i'm telling you they're just giving them away they're just giving it away don't be a shy guy fall on in don't be shy oh yeah okay that's two in a row you have to keep going so you can't win so now whatever you think what's this guy's name i don't remember him i don't remember their names i watched like one or two episodes ever it's too risky oh this one right here that's not locka too no that's a trooper yeah it's one of the uh troopers that's not locket she thought that was locker too hey if it gets a gravel i think the other one name is butters the one with the yellow hair oh she wasn't even trying she wasn't even trying like that look it's gonna be fat no okay okay we're gonna leave it there because we have to get somebody because if you go back wait actually if you go back when it hit do you want to try it or no don't no okay don't risk it go get somebody so we can keep your street going so there's crystals three let's keep it going make it i'm calling five streak minimum here anything you want you know it doesn't go far back though for those back there so you kind of gotta go for this stuff actually oh goomba okay i think you actually have to barely own oh you like just tap it i think you have to yeah because as far as it can go over right you're grabbing a shy guy back here oh all right so the streak is over i why did i call it it's because i called it that you're not gonna win anymore now it's time for another streak she couldn't keep it going on over there so we're gonna come over here to the yoshi's and get a streak going because these look easy too if you get two in one here hey you got that right so that's one we can get them out in a second cause we're gonna get the street going she got the red one now can you get the green one and then there's the pink one and then there's the blue one and then there's a yellow one so what are you going for okay she's going for the green one right there you know if you get this position just right you're gonna get two three and one three sorry three and one three and one one none okay so actually your streak's over so i guess it's my turn to take over i'm gonna go for that that's the same one you dropped right yeah i'm gonna go for that one you got this get that yoshi get that yo oh yoshi yo she oh my goodness no she it's a no she's good okay so i don't have a street kid technically i didn't ruin it no i ruined it i just want to play some more we've never won the pink one yeah we've never gotten that one what are these little guys i don't even know that thing looks like something yeah that blue thing looks like it's from sanrio it does what's the name is it penguin do you want sanrio i don't know i actually don't know their name come on pink yoshi oh another nosh i honestly do want to win the pink one and i want to win the yellow one over there okay yeah if i can win if we get one of those i think we're fine because the green one it's okay that's the original but we want the very no oh my gosh that is so awesome yeah it's like stuck in his arm i think though [Music] i'm gonna go for this one now what do you want to play for no you go you go i guess i'm on the street 10 buildings over here just getting twos and ones over here hope i get one at least that was awesome all right here we go here we go this is something about a two in one that's so satisfying it doesn't matter what it is that's right getting two of one prize out of a claw machine is just like amazing it is oh come on oh oh no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait look at that guy look at that how tight does that happen oh i gotta keep going i am stuck right now strong is this claw to be able to do that wow look i'm just stacking them up over there when i get a big one right here the yellow one looks good like it's in a good spot now though somewhat it's the rare one it's the golden one it's not it's not it's yellow but it's not golden yeah it's clearly gold yes yes oh but i don't know what's going on [Music] how strong is it please be really strong i don't know i can't believe it oh my god please please okay we're done we're done have i lost though in a while oh my god that was wonderful i think i have to keep going though because i haven't lost all of those prizes under there i don't i don't want to stop okay keep going i do want to stop keep going i'm gonna go for that pile just so i lose on purpose and you might go i'm gonna win and you'll win something for two and one here i don't know as far back as it goes yeah unfortunately okay oh it's under that red one maybe it'll grab it we're gonna win a ball how awesome would that be two and one oh my goodness okay you got a red one okay let's keep going keep going keep going you know these are good prizes to give away yeah definitely oh dude i already put a play on oh no okay i gotta hurry up and get somebody all right got that prize let's go for the blue one all right we don't have any of the blue ones lucy what is this you started it you started it with all the weirdness all i said was no sheep like no you're not gonna win blue c that's a two on one you think so oh oh one yellow but maybe that match that one down there okay i'll throw him in there how many prizes do we have oh my goodness three five six seven eight nine ten twelve fourteen sixteen so many yeah these prizes were easy to win definitely i'm telling you i picked up the one yoshi like this i know and like by the tag i don't know why i guess because he doesn't talk much oh that's what i like but you guys let us know which price is your favorite if you can't pick one out of all these i understand there are so many of them down here yeah i hope you guys enjoyed the video thanks for watching everyone bye
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 147,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arcade video, arcade videos, claw machine, plush time wins, crane game, crane machine, claw machine wins, easy claw machine
Id: 6OotN6iZjS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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