I think this Claw machine loves us!

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hey guys look what machine we're back at today but there are new prizes in the machine some different looney tune prizes but look at this do you see the purples do you see the orange they're space jam characters like what that is such an old movie i don't even know when it came out sometime in the 90s i believe but space jam was the jam guys so i did not remember the character's name so we had to look them up but this one back here is pound like i'm gonna pound you into the ground you pipsqueak and then right down here is uh bubkus yeah i hope i said that name right and then that one's not the little pink guy little pink little thing yeah so crystal's gonna go for this purple one first yes oh no you got one oh basketball you know but there's actually a new space jam i think coming out soon that's super cool yeah i saw it recently some when i was watching something on youtube i think i believe it has lebron james in it yeah so the original space jam has michael jordan of course yeah oh she's going for one back here let me look back here for you oh you're going for the back one or the oh you can't reach the back one yeah you can't oh there's another one right here oh it's the same guy it's just from here it looks like he's um orange but then up there yes are you stuck with that one well you can actually go for the one that's right here if you wanted [Music] you don't have to go for the space jam characters yeah but they're really cool because there's some new tasmanian devils there's one right there there's this one over here oh i can double crochet okay so she's testing out the waters trying to see how it's working all right i'm gonna go put the one in the middle here again maybe you should go for stuff that's around it that you think you can get okay to free up some space yeah like which one is that the um what's his name uh what's his name i forgot his name oh the creepy skunk what's his name i don't know ah i totally forgot oh you got him you got the scoopy scone what she got the creepy skull look at this doesn't have his name on here pepe his name ain't that his name yeah it's pepe it's pepe yes i was right that's awesome you see that don't let him fart on you why he farts i don't know but i don't remember pepe farting but um okay i just remember him being kind of creepy all right i'm trying to see how old this thing is oh my god it's not super old do you remember that one time oh dang it on the back on the tag it says 1995. no way that was when this copyright date is is this thing from 1995 seriously okay that is okay where is this thing i have no idea what in the world i'm trying to find a tag on it so i can see like the real date of the prize itself yeah well crystal plays over there okay so on the tag it doesn't say the date darn it it doesn't actually say the date it was um produced okay here i go but i believe it was 1995. oh oh two on one you've got to buy the jersey you got the motherfucker's jersey you can't wait okay so i'm gonna ask you a question this is very important whenever you swipe the card does it automatically go to the right or did you make it go to the right this is very important [Applause] okay try shaking the machine just a little bit just gently yeah just gently i think you're being very gentle try try pushing it like this way yeah there you go so this is what bumpkiss right yeah you have this man you pulled his jersey this is like the most exciting win of this year just because how old this movie is and i i used to love it and the way oh that is so crazy okay chris you have to go again you have to go again oh man okay so i'm gonna pay attention to the claw just so we know for future reference okay it does move by itself it does move by itself do you think you can get one of the small ones then not or something like that i feel like that very you know if you don't think so don't go for it don't go for it she's at two wins guys all right but yeah i do remember him being pretty pretty creepy maybe i'm wrong i don't i haven't watched any tunes in forever another one another another oh man but that one's freed up now yes all right i can't i don't know where this arcade gets these very old prizes but they're awesome yeah let me see here i want to see what year it says on him yeah so check him out guys oh oh they're heavy too like they have some nice uh fluff in them some they got some weighted in there oh no you don't you can still get him you can still get him all right let's see on this one it says uh it says on the tag it says 1996. but let me check the actual tag collector that's what i'm thinking this one says 1996 on it this thing is 1996 plus tens two this is 15 years old this thing's 15 years old did i do that right yeah no 10 is 2006. right yeah plus another five yes i did that right you can't do math this thing is so go old i cannot believe this [Music] okay you could totally get this because the reason why i feel like it's grabbing them is because if you notice the rubber is a lot longer on the back too oh yeah and it's grabbing onto that it's really hooking on oh can you get the one off the wall what did i say his name was pound yeah do you think you can pound him off i wonder if you no i don't think you know it's possible it's only if you could swing it i don't know if you're willing to do that hey i'm gonna try this machine for sure actually let me try chris you're hogging all the fun okay okay all right come on please get another one let's make like a few of these just to collect them oh wait you got much money by this oh it's that rubber though you see that yeah it's stuck one more time one more time you can't actually shake this one in yeah no but see it's gonna put it oh that's okay it's still really close do you want to go for no um one good luck good luck you little bub kiss pound it in oh no pound it in two in one two one this is crazy this is crazy oh look and he's like oh man what look at his face you look so worried that you won him okay you have to go again you're on a windshield okay you cannot stop a win streak don't oh is that that's taz from um space jam what's the times with a basketball oh my god do you see uh oh wait oh yeah wait no i think that's i think that's the basketball for the other one all right let's try bugs bunny big head i don't see any bugs though for um space jam there's a soccer ball one up there that's supposed to be space i don't think so i don't think so oh my gosh oh my god yes oh well don't worry chris i think i might be able to get that one before i go for the uh bugs bunny i'm gonna try the the purple guy yeah okay hope i'm saying the same one actually wrong with that like i said oh my goodness no come on over here come on over here that's another one for our collection um i think this is really cool but it's basketball oh there it goes oh my gosh basketball on the back of his arm he has like some uh velcro here so it's supposed to stay but it doesn't really want to throw him in the pile hey that sylvester is really nice and open i want to get this one off the wall though oh yeah oh my god this is so awesome can i get them off the wall um oh whoa i don't want that one i want this one um oh did you run out of time or you did that i tried to yeah bring him down that's my fault no more than that no more okay too bad pound the orange guy is not in the play field do you think if we ask him don't move it it's possible i don't know let's actually go for the sylvester all right but you have that let's go for the bugs flavor bugs bunny the big head that is actually a backpack it's a yeah yeah it's a backpack here we go ready yeah all right come on come on please oh wow he's really heavy he's like one of the bigger items in the claw machine that was close that was close i just want to get him because he's on top of another one i want yeah and these little pink things they are so small i don't know if you'll even be able to get it you gotta get lucky like a two on one yeah definitely yes i think so here we go come on pick him up on me oh that perk that pink thing it almost got it yeah two and one there we are bringing it closer but i'm gonna try it one last time look at this bunny's bumpy so cute all right and because he has whiskers too which is really cool please last place please angel's checking his side come on bugs bunny come on bugs bunny here we go come on big head oh no okay we're not tipping him over here all right so what are you gonna go for i'm gonna go for the uh yeah the small ones seem like they're really difficult oh i just wanted to move me whoa okay moved him oh yeah he has little pants on do you see the jeans oh it's so cute it looks funny because he has jeans it dies i'll try one more time for that one okay okay hey you can probably get tagged by the arms oh and this machine doesn't show how much time you have yeah so it's risky oh look you're bringing them closer the purple guy you bought buckets i know we got two of them now i don't know i feel like i need to go ask if they'll take the guy at the back yeah okay oh if i get this one oh what's he doing what's he doing i'm trying to get this one off the wall oh oh come on that one actually didn't move oh come on whoa i think i get oh he's really moving so fast um okay see if you can win buddy one last time though because it's before because if i get pound on top of him you'll make it harder okay okay all right come on so that's a big head now that's a super big head oh is it oh that looks good that looks good all right yeah let's say maybe go further back so if we need to do it for the background yeah okay this is far as i can go let's see if this works come on please please just tip it in this way oh yeah this is painful he's just too big yeah all right come on he's under sling technique hopefully it works i gotta knock it off first yeah boom boom he won't hit him he's moving is he position maybe pick him up all right i gotta go i gotta get the pound i cannot believe you got him at least to fall into the play field that's crazy that's so funny all right i'm gonna play a couple times if i can't move and then we might have to leave him yeah but i'm still really impressed that you got him down here oh gosh what happened oh what's happening you missed him completely yeah i wasn't paying attention i was like is it gonna stop and then i was like let me double tap it now it was too late at that point so angel got the bastard big head to tumble down he got poundable oh my goodness it never ends guys if i get inside of his shirt that's how it pulled the other one oh yeah come on i was gonna get a hook in there maybe yeah i can't get that oh i don't want to break the machine okay let's see please maybe at least oh yes there we go oh my gosh holy moly that was crazy this is what we got last time yes super soft put it on your head are you yeah well yeah size reference that's not creepy at all that's not creepy at all what i did move town wow andy move books bunny that was crazy that's cool too that was crazy this video is crazy guys oh my gosh let's see if i can get pound if i can get here you're gonna take over i think oh gosh if you want to that's some serious pressure no sir no pressure this is so insane guys like oh yes yes it's on there yes yes yes oh no no no no okay one last time i thought that was gonna be good i think i gotta get butt uh get one of them get one of them i think his butt is in the way i just want the pound why is bugs bunny what like the bunny bugging us all right come on please please please please something yes yes oh hey you said that one to the left so you want me to play you in a play you'll play again one last yeah one more time this is my last play chris all right unless i win yeah you can do this please yeah i have a good feeling about this one i want to pound the machine here we go ready yes oh yeah gotta have faith to face the faith come on don't worry i'm funny for the win oh darn maybe crystal has the magic touch that she needs to win this because i could not win it i want her to win it though all right so let's see let's see okay so she oh no i don't know i don't know i actually don't know i'm not gonna say anything because i couldn't win it at all all right a couple more times and i think i have to go because if you don't think you can win them go for something different you don't have to keep going for that don't feel pressure there's no pressure if you don't think you can win it try something else honestly oh it's not yeah it doesn't work okay yeah i think bugs is being on pound is making it impossible i think this will be my last play oh you're gonna go for the double with that one yeah uh sylvester are there any others that we don't have that you can win in that pink thing oh well no there's actually um a tabs of buried oh yeah all right you want to check where you're at because you're a little bit too much still left i think yeah yeah let's try this all right good luck this is the last plate oh you might get ties oh okay you can't you've got to go for tess this is the last play this is the last play even though this is the last plan if i don't win i'm still really happy we won so much i can't believe we got some prizes from 19 what did i say 95 96 i forgot they're older than us right no they're not they're not older than us i thought that was the last play no matter what i'm not playing she's a liar don't believe her she's a liar who are you going forward okay do you want me to move no are you sure i will move if you need to last play right here all right here we go last one no matter what if she wins if she loses it doesn't matter that is the last play oh yeah guys that was an exciting video we want so much on this machine i think this machine is our favorite machine here yeah which he would have found the orange guy we'll get it next time yeah if it's still here we're gonna get it next time without a doubt my favorite of all these has to be uh bubkus yeah i haven't seen a movie in so long but i remember i used to walk it was a really good movie i don't remember all the details like you said it's so old like these prices are so old i don't know where they got these prizes from right i think all these are from like 95. yeah 1995. yeah so guys let us know which prize is your favorite this one is definitely my favorite chris that's crystal's favorite as well but we hope you guys enjoyed this video thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 99,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plush time wins, arcade games, arcade video, arcade videos, arcade, claw machine wins, claw machine, space jam, space jam movie
Id: zIVoVTqyKY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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