What stunt did your D&D players pull that completely derailed the campaign? Part 2

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what stunt did your D&D Player's pull that completely derailed the campaign part - I have a player who's really good at this for him a big part of the fun of role-playing is coming up with a really interesting usually warrior concept and finding the magical min/max of abilities quirks feats advantages disadvantages pick your system gurps Wow etc whatever it was he'd find a combination of abilities that were technically legal because basically he wanted to be the biggest badass that walked into any room this was in the gurps system a particularly brutal system honestly I mean fights are not against 500 hit point monsters fights can be over in two terms so here was the GM's conundrum his character the way he was built was an epic swordsman a creature of legend someone whose skill would be sung for years to come someone with such a concentration of stats and skills that it was as if he was bred to be a warrior and in fact that was the background we came up with for his people warriors without peer a dying race of which he was one of the few remaining members but for a character that impressive for him to actually be impressive you can't just throw Giants and Dragons and everything else at him right at the beginning of the story his abilities were exceptional and some part of my mind felt like he deserved to feel like he was exceptional he'd put work into the character he was more than just a min max er to be clear he was very much into the personality and history of his character would draw very impressive pictures of him during our sessions but for all of that he was very clear with me no cheating no cheating on dice rolls if he was going to die because of someone's attack he didn't want me saving him he wanted to die he wanted to feel the real risk of life and death but how do you do that when your player is so damned powerful eventually I crafted an assassin who was hired to take him out nothing personnel kid but this was an assassin with exceptional experience characters and gurps are built according to a profile so I add in an extra 150 points to this assassin beyond the points of my friends as sheet as you level up your points total increases so in theory balancing this should be easy right him and the assassin met for a duel because I was pretty confident this was going to be a fight for the ages and the assassin was so badass like I was literally worried I was about to kill my friend's character that I basically portrayed it like the assassin entity killing people for years but for someone who might actually give him a challenge who was a master swordsman it would be a violation of his honor to kill him in his sleep he would give him the chance of a fair fight even though he was an assassin he still had that curious quirk of honour so I was prepared for an epic fight you can probably tell from my setup it wasn't they faced each other exchanged words drew blades the assassin got off a single attack that was parried then my friend made his rolls and cut him in half I played it straight he wanted me to play it straight no cheating he cut that son of a [ __ ] in half in a single turn I struggled for several sessions to truly give this guy a real challenge but he was a freakin machine I kept increasing the number of foes gave them advantages allies stacked the deck every way I could to make things a little more scary and he'd just go headfirst into the fray and destroy everything seriously he was unstoppable in the end I had to meet up with a force of some dark knights I'd created and this guy was about 750 points a night of great power carrying a huge two-handed cleaver I just wanted him to be intimidating The Dark Knight demanded something but of course my friend does not back down my friend does not get intimidated and his warrior had yet to face any real threat despite my increasingly escalating attempts to do so so he basically insulted the dark knight the dark and I gave him a single chance to take it back and he said no the dark knight outnumbered him by 500 points that was finally enough in a single turn the dark knight easily parried his attack and cut off his lake Hey I played it straight he wanted it but I still felt guilty and the player was quite shocked to say the least later on I found better ways to challenge the characters and magic became more common in our fights it was the only thing he couldn't easily overcome unless I absolutely crushed him with an opponent three times more powerful than he was lessons learned it was a friend of mine running his very first campaign he had the pleasure or possibly the horror of finding himself Jia Ming for adventuring party PLC they listened to the story of the lich in the dungeon then they immediately went out to speak to some rich local merchants they offered him a share in the future profits of their upcoming adventure in exchange for some investment to get better gear they didn't use the money for gear they used some of it to buy the land containing the dungeon then they paid builders to block off all entrances except for one that one they entered cautiously they cleared the first room of its weak monster then they set about sweeping the room laying carpet installing all lamps and generally making it Pleasant they installed a lock on the entrance to the rest of the dungeon and built a small reception room this was when they decided to advertise their dungeon and charge wanna be adventurers a small fee to attempt to get as far as they could through the dungeon they would keep a percentage of treasure gained of course as the other adventurers tried and died the party slowly followed them carefully examining every room inch by inch over many days stripping it and breaking off corridors as the adventure progressed gradually through the dungeon finally a hapless adventurer discovered the final room a room full of treasure and magic items guarded by a terrifying high-level Lynch aha thought the players they walled up the room and had it excavated then they sold it on the open market room with treasure Plus Lynch they even got a one to prove how much treasure there was incited now finally they had some safe prime real estate already partially developed anyone want to buy my friend did a great job of rolling with it as his players spent I see equivalent of a year carefully milking the adventurer for money and never once risking themselves they had a lot of fun so I would count that as successful if somewhat unexpected we played the dark I alo magic setting in the classic fantasy world there was your traditional Knight a goblin sorcerer and a cleric of a thief's God they really wanted a magic item even though I said that they do not fit to the campaign we were playing I handed them the straw this gala fan more Lahaina I probably butchered that but I'm sorry punishment of fallen swamp corpses that's kind of cool a dagger that deals +1 damage to noblemen at full moon in a swamp or bog holy [ __ ] that's really cool the biggest mistake I could make they left the quest they were on and kidnapped the only nobleman they'd met the father of their quest giver a young woman who needed them to examine the disappearance of a merchants party but was luckily too far away then they brought that nobleman to the nearest bog which was a journey over 380 kilometres through a dangerous forest a goblin ridden mountain pass and over a wild river finally they set camp for 17 days waiting for full moon and then they stabbed the nobleman with the dagger dealing a single point of damage more the actual journey took two full evenings and was quite fun and afterwards we restructured our game to make it more fulfilling for our players as well as me a player not the DM but I have one or two stories let me tell you the story that resulted in a country being created so we were playing a campaign set in a world that was basically a normal fantasy world but in addition to normal fantasy stuff muskets were common in some armies as ranged weapons replacing bows and crossbows but not replacing swords magic and so forth we were just doing normal murder hobo stuff take quest finish quest loot everything celebrate in the tavern go to the next town etc until we reach this walled desert village now the only things worth mentioning about this town was that it wasn't the next stop on the road in the vague story the DM had going and that the head guard was corrupt he demanded a bribe to be let in and he was a total ass about it this annoyed me so blunt this annoyed me so I demanded we be let in for free he refused keep in mind here that this guy was up on a wall above the gate while we were arguing after talking failed I naturally decided to use violence so I told the parties rogue to throw a knife right past his head to scare unfortunately the knife grazed him so he called for reinforcements and ran at this point I ordered our party's orc barbarian to bash down the gate while the rest of us shot at the guards on the wall we only killed a few guards before the gate was breached in the guards were literally scared Atlas seeing their fear I told the guards to give us their corrupt and cowardly leader they promptly threw him over the wall and surrendered after letting the orc kill him good job the DM took this opportunity to reveal that the ring I looted in our last quest was cursed and made me want to conquer and rule it wasn't that strong so I wasn't a problem until circumstances triggered it but I did fail the will safe to resist it we then brought freedom to the village by freeing the slaves in the silver mine and forming an elected City Council with an elected mayor problem medieval serfs apparently have no idea how to rule themselves so they asked us to stay in rule my character who was a former soldier by the way trying to give the village and its land to his King and wash his hands of the matter after the ring wore off but the King refused the Sultan's terms were surrender and be executed so that was not an option either so we stayed and I became royalty we then needed to conquer more land and secure a food supply in a harbor for trade and since strategy games are my forte there was no way we would lose since our DM won't cheat all of this because I didn't want to pay a gate toll and that is how the story of how I founded an empire in D&D and completely and utterly derailed the campaign I had the players on an airship heading towards a distant City they were passing over a dense forest when they were attacked by the bad guys that had acquired Griffon mounts the plan was to cause significant damage to the airship have a crash in the forest and the rest of my well-planned campaign would continue on however one of the characters a Goliath barbarian wanted to jump off the airship and onto a Griffon and hurl its rider to the forest hundreds of feet below I told him very sternly are you absolutely sure you want to do this I don't have a back-up plan for you if you fail if you fail on your athletics check or the handle animal check you will fall to the ground and die be absolutely sure you want to do this he said oh I understand let's do this he ran and left from the airship and as is usually the case in D&D with these ridiculous situations he rolled in at 20 un-freakin'-believable you land on the Griffon and dislodge the Ryder roll to control the Griffon roll past by a mile he now has a Griffon mount another player inspired by this attempts to bring down a Griffon and it's rider when it passes over the airship he does makes the check by a mile he now has a Griffin - well damn they defeat the rest of the airborne adversaries and saved the ship conveniently for my plot anyway the big bad guy they weren't supposed to encounter until later appears and damages the airship just enough to [ __ ] it causing it to crash onto the forest as intended albeit not nearly as harrowing as all of the players were saved from the falling ship by the to new Griffon mounts named [Music]
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 454,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, all things dnd, dnd stories, d&d stories, puffin forest, d&d, dungeons and dragons, dungeons & dragons, roleplaying, role-playing, tabletop, table-top, tabletop rpg, dingo doodles, reddit dnd, reddit d&d, reddit dungeons and dragons, geek and sundry, dnd vines, critical role, runesmith, narration, dnd character creation, d&d podcast, role playing game, role-playing game, dungeons & dragons online, dnd stories reddit, dnd stories funny, dnd stories animated
Id: it3DLXg_PJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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