Fans React to Stranger Things Season 3 Chapter Eight: "The Battle of Starcourt"

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(Stranger Things Theme) (Eleven screams loudly) - All right, El, it's going to hurt like hell, okay? - Have you ever done this before? - This may be a reach, Jonathan. (Eleven screams loudly) - Oh my god. - You're doing great, you can do this, you can do this. - What are you going to put your hand in there and get it? - Oh! - My god, what the fuck? - Oh, hell no, I can't. - Oh, that's fucking gross. - I can't watch this. - Stop it! - That didn't work. - She's going to do it to herself? - Oh my god, we did all of that for nothing. - Oh, sweet baby girl. (Eleven screams loudly) (glass exploding) - (laughs) Oh my god! (Mind Flayer squealing) - It's a boy. (Mind Flayer squealing) - No, don't throw it! - Somebody go step on that ho. - This the fucking Terminator? - Hopper? (80's synthesizer music) - Oh, shit! (applauding loudly) - Hopper! - Oh thank god! - (applauding) Yes! - Ah, the gang is fucking back. - The final intro for the season. - Chapter eight, the battle of the Starcourt. - I'm not worried about me mom, I'm worried about you. - I'm going to be fine. - When people say that, they die. - I need you safe, I need you to understand. - Already crying and everybody's still alive. - Mike, be careful. - Hmm. - There's too many farewells. - This is gonna to be a sad episode. (car engine sputtering) - Ah, shit. - Why do cars never work in 80's movies? - [Jonathan] The ignition cable is gone. - Oh. (car tires squealing) - Oh shit! (car engine rumbling) - It's Billy. - Fuck! - Everybody get out of the car. (guns clicks) - Oh my god. - Oh bullocks. (gun bangs) - (laughs) Holy shit! - Oh my god! - Yo! - Damn! - There ya go, Hop! - Hopper ain't playing man. They're on a mission! - Gee gee, Hopper. - I'm improvising. - I love it, they're in disguise. - That's another two fun cake pops they can make. (can crunches) - [Mike] El. - She can't do it. - What if she has no powers now? (Mind Flayer fluttering) - Oh, here we go, take a shot. (monstrous thudding) - Oh bullocks. - If Eleven doesn't have any powers, those kids are dead. - Ya'll need to hide. - Run! (glass crunches) - Oh my god! - That's the way to make an entrance. - Well, he's a beautiful beast, isn't he? - I don't think the malls going to be open tomorrow. (mechanical door whines) - Oh, this guy. - Oh, look, it's Arnold. - If we actually do make it out of here, we deserve to celebrate, right? - One of them's gonna to die. - Somebody about to die. - What do you say Friday, 8 o'clock? - 7:00pm, Friday. - It's a date. - She's asking him out now. - Finally. - Now, I'm scared! Now, I'm fucking nervous. - Now you've both gotta live. (Mind Flayer growls) - That's the best place ya'll found, in the food court? - It's like a spider and an ape. - Oh my god and we don't have Eleven. - Where are you going? - To get them the hell out of there. - Oh my god, Steve! - Get to The Gap. (Mind Flayer thuds and growls) - This is so Jurassic Park. - It's like War of the Worlds, too. (Mind Flayer growls loudly) - Oh my god, do you see how fast that shit moved? (porcelain crashes) - Oh my god. - Don't Lucas, Lucas. - Come on, Lucas. - Shoot that fucker mate. - Go on. (balloon pops loudly) - Boss, absolute, boss. - Good job, buddy. - Love a Lucas. - Smart thinking. - [Lucas] Go, go, go, go! - Go, go, go, go, go, go, go. - Get the fudge out of there yo. - Give me the code. - 6-2-6-0-8-0-0-4 (short beeps) - Oh fuck. - What the fuck, what the fuck. - It's wrong. - What, are you sure? - Yeah. - Planck's Constant. - You know it? - Not by heart. - He about to hit up Susie, and she going come through in the clutch with the code. (engine revs loudly) - Get the car started. - Oh, Billy is still there. - Whoa Nancy girl. - Fucking get it, Nancy. - You want to rock? Let's go Billy. - Don't kill Billy please. (gun bangs) - Come on Nancy, hit your shot. - Oh my god, oh my god. - This feels like Back to the Future. - Uh, you might want to move. - Oh my god! (metal crunches) - Steve! - Steve! - Steve just hit him! - Holy shit! - Let's go Steve. - Yes! - Goddamn! - Oh, thank god. - Steve save the day every season bitch! - Oh fucking Steve, you absolute legend. (Mind Flayer thuds and growls) - Oh my fucking god. - Holy god, dang. - Must go faster. (80's synthesizer music) - Why are we in Utah? - Is it Susie?! - Susie! [Dustin] Susie, do you copy? - She exists. - Susie was real fellas. - We knew Susie was real. - I never doubted him. - Come save the day Susie. - This is Susie, I copy, Dusty Buns? - Dusty Buns! - Do you know Planck's Constant? - Okay, let me just be clear on this. - Okay Susie Bun, we don't have time for this. - Susie Poo, I promise I will make it up to you as possible. - You can make it up to me now. - What? - What? - I want to hear it. - Okay, okay, okay. - Is he going to sing? - You've got to be kidding me. ♪ Turn around look at what you see ♪ (laughing) - Oh snap. - It's not Never Ending Story yo. ♪ Make believe I'm everywhere ♪ - This is so random. ♪ Written on the pages is ♪ - Oh he's getting into it now. ♪ Story ♪ - They're so cute! - Yeah, this is so great! People are going to die. ♪ Reach the stars ♪ - Oh a split-screen moment. ♪ Fly a fantasy ♪ - We do not have time for this! ♪ Dream a dream ♪ (laughs softly) - Choice! - Even Joyce over there like bitch. - Yo, they're like "We're screwed." (laughs) - Oh my god, this is hilarious. - ♪ Rhymes that keep their secrets ♪ (Both laughs) - They're jamming. - Everyone's just like "What the fuck?" - I love this, I'm obsessed! This is so funny. ♪ Story ♪ - They going to do the whole joint! (Both sing and laughs) - Yo, could this be any longer? - Now what's the damn number? - Planck's Constant is 6.62607004. - This better be right. - Yes! - There you go, that's a little side mission. - That was so random! - Thank you, Susie. - God dammit, Susie. - Billy, how are you alive? - Oh no, they didn't get out? - [Eleven] Go, go, go! (Billy screams loudly) - Oh fuck, Billy's so scary. - Everybody out! (rapid gun fire) - Oh my god. - Persuasive. - Okay but where is Arnold? (slow dark music) - Billy, your name is Billy, Billy Hargrove. You live at 4819 Cherry Lane. - Fight it Billy, fight it. (heavy whack) - Oh Damn. - Oh, Max! - Damn it. - Oh! - Oh crap! - Her powers don't work anymore. - They've got El dude. - Billy ain't playing. - On three. - One. - Just do it now. - Two. - Yo, fucking Russian Terminator. - Ah! - If you did it on one, we'd be fine. - Fucking, Arnold Schwarzenegger. - Fuck's sake, I knew that was going to happen. - Every fucking time. - If you shot him in the head at the fun house, this wouldn't be a problem. (heavy whack) - Let's go, Hop! - Fat Rambo, come on! - Get this W. - Okay Joyce. - Joyce, quick, just do it! - Oh no! (screams) (mechanical door opens) - Wow this is really like the lower point right now, Eleven's captured, Joyce and Hopper are getting the shit beaten out of them. - [Billy] Don't be afraid. - This is why he's set to have a-- - He's going to convert her too? (Mind Flayer thuds) - I don't know who's going to save her. Who's even here? Who's left? - Can someone do something? - El, get up. (fireworks explode) - Yes, the fireworks! - Lucas and his fireworks! - I fucking love you, Lucas! - Take this you ugly piece of shit! (fireworks explosion) - Oh right in his mouth! - Let's go, Lucas! - Hell yes. - Firework his ass. - Lucas is the only pair of the season, I don't give a fuck. (metal railing slams) - Oh shit! - Come on Hopper, don't let him beat your ass again. - For once just beat him. (metal grinding) - Terminator is going inside that machine, calling it. - Yeah, Joyce, awaken from your slumber girl. (loud whacks) - Hopper's not winning this. - Go for the nuts. - No! - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - No, no! - They ain't going to kill Hop like that, are they? They put his head into a blender? (dramatic music) (Steve's mom laughs) - [Steve] Leave me alone! Mom! - Is he seeing that now as well? - You told her the wave was seven feet. (dramatic music) - That's why he showed her that memory. - She's going to get him to snap out of it. - You trying to have me cry god dammit? - [Eleven] She was pretty, she was really pretty. You were happy! - Paint him a picture girl. (metal grinding) - Come on, Hopper, come on, Hopper! (metal railing thud) - Oh! - Oh, that hurt! - Get ruined. - Die already bro. - What's this guy made of? - He's the fucking Terminator. - I'll see you in hell! (loud explosion) (screams excitedly) - Oh! - Yeah! - Yeah! - Yes, Hop! - Let's go, Hop! - Oh my god! - Shit, take that Terminator! - That was satisfying. (electrical bursts) - He's not going to get out! - Oh my god, he's trapped right there. (dramatic 80's music) - Billy, he's going to fight with him now. - Uh oh, no, it's going to kill him. - Is he really going to get eaten like that? (loud smack) - Oh! - Oh, you're about to have me cry for real. (soft screeching) - [Group] No! Oh my god! (Billy screaming) - He's going to die, isn't he? - Oh no! (dramatic 80's music) - Oh god, he sacrificed himself for Eleven. - Woo hoo, wait, wait! (guttural screaming) - Oh my god. - Damn Billy, he was racist. - Billy! - God damn it. - (crying) I'm sorry. - Oh, that's so sad. (dramatic music) - No! - No, don't do that. - No fucking way dude. - Is Hopper going to die? - Oh my god! - Salute, Hop. - Wait, wait! - They're not going to kill off Hopper, they ain't going to do that. - What the fuck? - They had a freaking date. (mechanical click) - Wait! (metal grinding explosion) (Mind Flayer screeching) - [Billy] I'm sorry. - Billy, Billy. - Oh no. - I can't believe I'm sad about Billy. (dramatic music) - Is he dead? - Did Hopper just died? - Hop really dead though son? - Hopper can't be dead! - But they didn't show him die! - We didn't see him die. - Yeah but come one, we didn't see... - We didn't see him die! - No, I'm not going to believe it. - I'm refusing to accept this. - It can't be real, like he can't be dead. - Is Joyce ever going to get a break? - Damn, she has bad luck with boyfriends. (helicopter blades whirling) - Oh wow, thanks for showing up guys. - Why do they always arrive after it's done? - Fucking useless pricks. (dramatic music) - The guy was like, "Not this damn thing again." (dramatic music) - El's looking for Hop. - Oh, no! - Oh god, oh god! - Oh, hell no. - No dude. - No, no! - Aw, Eleven, oh god. - Can't watch it, tell me what happens. - She just lost her father. - Can someone please give her a hug. (dramatic music) - She knows, she knows. - I just finished crying. - Ugh, damn. - Don't tell me that's the end. - I need vodka. - Three months later? Time jump. (upbeat 80's music) - [Eleven] Sorry. - They're moving out? - Where are they moving? - Oh, they're getting the fuck out of there, thank god. ♪ Rhymes that keep their secrets ♪ (laughter) (laughs) - [Max] Did we get that verse right? It's unfold by the cloud. (laughter) - [Dustin] Yes, by any chance could you please stop. - [Jonathan] Seventeen years of my life, packed up in one day. - How far away is he going? - What's happening? Oh shit, are they going to break up now, because they're moving? - We've got shared trauma. - So what's a little more? - Finally a cute Nancy and Jonathan scene. (futuristic electrical noise) - Her power's gone? What is happening? - They'll come back, I know they will. - Okay, so she's been living with the Byers. - Remember that day at the cabin? You talked about your feelings. - Oh yeah, yeah, that, that. - Tell her you love her, Mike! - Fucking hell, Mike, come on. - I love you too. - Aw! - All right kids, growing up! (paper crinkles) - What is that? - It's the speech, Hop wrote for you and Mike. You know the heart-to-heart. - That he never had. - He never talked to you, did he? - Classic Hopper. - Please don't read it out loud. I don't think I can take it right now. - Why are they doing this to me? - Oh, I'm going to cry again. - [Hopper V.O.] There's something I've been wanting to talk to you both about. I know this is a difficult conversation, but I care about you both very much. It's important that we set these boundaries, where we all feel comfortable, trusted, and open to sharing out feelings. - Ah fuck's sake. - [Hopper V.O.] The truth is, for so long, I'd forgotten what those even were. I've been stuck in one place. - Oh crap! - [Hopper V.O.] In a cave you might say. And then I left some Eggos out in the woods, and you came into my life for the first time, in a long time, I started to feel things again. I started to feel happy. - This is so sad. - [Hopper V.O.] Making triple-decker Eggo extravaganzas at sunrise, watching westerns together, before we doze off. Lately, I guess I've been feeling distant from you. Like you're pulling away from me or something. And I know you're getting older, and I guess if I'm being really honest, that's what scares me. - Fuck. - [Hopper V.O.] I don't want things to change. - I don't want things to change. - [Hopper V.O.] So, I think maybe that's why I came in here, to try to maybe stop that change. To turn back the clock, to make things go back to how they were. - I can't believe I'm crying. - Oh god, fuck. - [Hopper V.O.] But I know that's naive, that's just not how life works. And yeah, sometimes that's painful. And sometimes, it's surprising. So you know what? Keep on growing up kid, don't let me stop you. Make mistakes, learn from them, and when life hurts you, because it will, remember the hurt. It means you're out of that cave. But please, if you don't mind, for the sake of your poor old dad, leave the door open three inches. (crying) (loud exhale) (loud inhale and exhale) - Damn it, Stranger Things. - I hate you all. - Oh my god. - Why do you we do this to ourselves? Why do we sit and watch the whole thing in like 24 hours, and then sit and cry? (soft knocks on door) - Are you okay? - I'm not. - I'm not. - I'm not okay. - I've got tears in my beard man. - Oh, they're using that song again. - They played that in Season One. - Oh not this song, fuck off! (optimistic music) - Every time I think I'm going to stop crying, I just cry again. - So much happened in that house. - I can't believe they're actually leaving. - Oh shit, that was it. Season 3 guys. - It cannot end like this. - Don't tell me it ends like that. - Is there anything else? - 5 minutes of credits, okay why is it snowing? - There's more. - Yes, come on! - I knew something else was going to happen! - Why are we back in Russia? - They're definitely teasing Season 4. - You better fucking have my Hopper over there, I'll be real pissed. - Not the Americans. - Not the American? - Not the American? - Who's the American? - That's Hopper! - Wait, did he survive? - No way they have Hopper, right? - What other American would they have? - We never saw the body. (steel chains creak) - What the fuck? - What's it like the Mind Flayer? - It's the Demogorgon. - Oh god, they're back. - Of course. - How did they get one of these things? (Demogorgon growls) - Oh shit! - What the hell man? (dramatic music) - Oh god. (loud high-pitched screech) - Oh, it's freaking back. - Dude, they didn't even show it. They just said, "Not the American." - That's what they kept calling, Hopper, was the American. - Could be Hopper. - Please say it's him. - We have to get another season. - That was an emotional roller coaster. - That's how you all are going to do Stranger Things? Fighting and tears, just to have Hopper still be alive? You put me through all of that? - I went through it man. - I look like a wreck. - I hated all of that. (laser beam echoes) - Season 4 better be about finding fucking Hopper, that's the only thing that's keeping me from sobbing like a baby some more.
Channel: GammaRay
Views: 4,098,754
Rating: 4.9425316 out of 5
Keywords: Gammaray, GammarayTV, chucky, child's play, bride of chucky, iconic, snarled, sapphire sandalo, something scary
Id: Gp_hMMxJjzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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