Dr Joe Dispenza - Break the Addiction to Negative Thoughts & Emotions

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most people try to create a new personal reality as the same personality and it doesn't work we literally have to become somebody else so then you would have to agree with me then then all this information that you're learning today mmm would inspire new thoughts yes and new thoughts should lead to new choices yes and new choices should lead to new behaviors and new behaviors should lead to new experiences and then new experiences should create new emotions yes and new emotions should inspire new thoughts and that's called evolution yes so then those emotions that Greg was talking about this morning the majority of people in the Western world spend the majority of their life living by the hormones of stress now stress is when your body's knocked out of homeostasis the stress response is what your body innately does to return itself back to order that's the first definition of resilience now you have three types of stress you have physical stress like an injury an accidental fall a trauma you have chemical stress like viruses and bacteria and blood sugar levels and heavy metals and hormones and foods and hangovers and then you have emotional stress right traffic jams and internet connections and second mortgages and single parenting and 401ks in each one of those things knocks your brain and body out of balance and all organisms in nature can tolerate short-term stress if the deer gets chased by a pack of coyotes if the deer outruns the Coyotes 15 minutes later it goes back to grazing and the stress is over human beings are different we can turn on the stress response just by thought alone you can begin to think about some future worst-case scenario and because the privilege of human beings is that we can make thought more real than anything else we can focus on that stability to the exclusion of everything else and you can knock your body out of physiological balance just by thought alone and your body is the unconscious mind believes it's in that experience in the present moment and we can unfold bass about past bitter memories that are that are tattooed in the recesses of our gray matter and like magic we bring them to life and in that moment it's real and so the hormones of stress long-term push the genetic buttons that create disease and no organism can tolerate living in emergency mode for extended periods of time so then think about this you can turn on the stress response just by thought alone how many people have done that you've done that it's called being human right and we know that the hormones of stress dysregulated down regulate genes that create disease so that means then your thoughts can make you sick so here's my question if your thoughts can make you sick can your thoughts make you well I'm talking to the right audience so then the hormones of stress though give the body and brain a rush of energy and it's like a narcotic it becomes a drug and people become very addicted to the adrenaline and the stress hormones and they use the problems and conditions in their life to reaffirm their emotional addiction so they can remember who they think they are the bad relationship the bad job the terrible circumstances all of that is in place because the person needs that to reaffirm their emotional addiction because God forbid they couldn't feel anything so then if the hormones of stress become like a narcotic and you can turn on the stress response just by thought alone then we could become addicted to our own thoughts how many people are still with me so then if you become addicted to your own thoughts when it becomes some when it comes time to change then you can understand then just like an addict the moment you're no longer thinking certain thoughts that are making certain chemicals for you to feel a certain way and those feelings drive the same thoughts you know like if you have an insecure thought you begin to feel insecure right come on and the moment you feel insecure you're gonna think more insecure thoughts yes and we keep doing that for 20 or 30 years it's gonna feel pretty familiar yeah and then you're gonna say I am insecure well whenever you say I am anything what you're saying is you're commanding your mind and body towards a destiny so if the body has been conditioned to the mind of insecurities don't you think then the moment you're no longer gonna think insecure thoughts and fire and why are those circuits in your brain and then produce the blend of chemicals for you to feel that way don't you know your body is gonna do what its gonna look back up at your brain and say hey I modified my receptor sites for you we've been doing this for 20 years I'm counting on those chemicals coming near you're just gonna stop and it's gonna start sending signals back to the brain and the hardest part about change is not making the same choice as you the day before and so these people understood that their twenty years of hatred were their thirty years of anger or their 15 years of fear and security was the very reason that they were sick and because feelings and emotions are the end product of past experiences and we can remember experiences better because we can remember how they feel if the environment signals the gene and the environment produces a chemical reaction then as long as you're feeling the same way every single day there's no new information coming from the environment and you keep signaling the same gene how many people are with me so then the emotions of anger and aggression and hurt and hostility and hatred and Prejudice and fear and anxiety and insecurity and hopelessness and powerlessness and depression guilt and shame those are all familiar emotions to us because we've experienced the events correlated with them how many people are still with me and it's those emotions that are derived from the hormones of stress and if you keep knocking your body out of balance that imbalance becomes the new balance and you're headed for some type of disease and these people began to realize that they had to change that and when we react to something or someone in our life there's always a change in our chemical State we're altered in some way and if you don't know how to control your emotional reaction to that event in your life and that chemical refractory period continues for hours or days that's called a mood what's wrong with you I'm in a mood oh really why thought you'd never ask well this thing happened to me five days ago and I'm living by the same emotional reaction now if you keep that refractory period going on for weeks or months that's called a temperament why is he so angry I don't know why are you so angry well this experience happened to me nine months ago and I'm living by the same emotional reaction one long refractory period and if you keep it going on for years on end that's called a personality trait and most people wear their emotions layer by layer and they believe that's who they are and there was an article in Scientific American just two months ago that scientists said that 50% of what you say about your past is not true because you're not the same person you make up stuff and so then if feelings and emotions are the end product of past experiences now stay with me did Greg say we need to think differently yes so how many people in this audience believe that the way you think has something to do with your life you do yes okay so feelings and emotions are the end product of past experiences yes you can remember experiences better because you can remember how they feel yes so then if you can't think greater than how you feel or feelings have become the means of thinking are you thinking in the future are you thinking in the past and as long as you're thinking in the past what are you creating more of quantum model of reality still applies and so if you're feeling the same way every single day then according to our biological model that means nothing new is happening in your life is that right because how many potentials exist in the quantum field how many so with every new experience there should be a pretty good emotion right you should feel overjoyed or in our and Wonder or excited or inspired or in gratitude or appreciation an elevated emotion but living by those same familiar emotions means nothing new is happening in your life and the body as the unconscious mind as long as we're living in the same familiar feelings is believing it's in the same past experience twenty-four hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year and if the body's become the mind of that emotion then the body literally is living in the past and we can't create a new future holding on to the emotions of the past so these people began to realize that no one or nothing was worth it and that the hormones of stress endorsed the ego for us to become selfish because when an animal is threatened by something in its external environment the job of the organism in emergency and survival is to K take care of the self and we identify the self as a body in the environment and in time when the zebra is being chased by the lion she's only concerned about three things her body like I better take care of this so I better put my attention on it the environment where am I gonna go and how much time do I have to get there and when you and I live by the cocktail of those stress hormones we obsess about our bodies our hairstyle our face our weight our problems things in our environment things we have things we don't have and we obsess about time but that's not who you are because as long as you're living by the hormones of stress you're living as a materialist because the hormones of stress caused us to believe that the outer world is more real than the inner world and those hormones absolutely make us feel separate from possibility why because when you're being chased by a lion it's not time to create it's not time to trust it's not time to learn it's time for emergency majority of people in the Western world spend the majority of their time preparing themselves for the worst case scenario and protecting themselves from it they're basically trying to predict the future from the past and you don't we get it right you know what we say right you need to hang out with me see how smart I am but what happens when it doesn't happen that's called anxiety it's called neurosis is called insomnia and so when we live by the hormones of stress and we're defining reality by our senses we become materialists because we feel separate from possibility and all of our attention goes on our bodies the environment and time another way to say that is from a quantum perspective the atom is 99.9999% energy and information and we're putting all of our attention on the particle and we're missing out on possibility and so these people had to hit a point of crisis where they finally started taking their attention off their outer world and started to ask themselves some bigger questions Who am I what is a greater expression of myself what would I have to change to be happy who in history do I admire that I want to be like and they began to contemplate and speculate and rehearse who they were gonna be if they got better and the mere process of thinking about who they were gonna be began to change their brain and when you marry a clear intention intention is a thoughtful process with an elevated emotion that's a heartfelt process you move into a new state of being and as they begin to remind themselves every single day of who they no longer wanted to be and they reminded themselves every day of who they did want to be they began to cause their brain to fire in new sequences and new patterns and new combinations and whenever you make your brain work differently you're changing your mind because according to neuroscience my is the brain in action mind is the brain at work so they reminded themselves everyday of who they wanted to be and they began to fire and wire new circuits in their brain that became the very platform of the foundation of who they would become but here's the point they said I'm not getting up from this meditation until I feel like that person now the privilege of being a human being is that we can make thought more real than anything else and when the font in their mind became the experience their heart began to open and their body as the unconscious mind began to believe it was in that new future in the present moment and they were literally signaling new jeans and new ways ahead of the environment and as they began to fall in love with themselves and gave thanks before it was man it made manifest the emotional signature of gratitude means the event has already happened and so now they were giving their body a taste or sampling of the future in the present moment and every day they they did it over and over again and they were unmemorable emotions that kept them connected to the old self and they were reconditioning the body to a new mind into a new emotion and that heart others began to open and they went from selfish to selfless and they moved from a state of survival to a state of creation and when they were no longer thinking and feeling in the same way they moved into the fourth quality they had long moments where they lost track of time and space what they were doing in their inner world became so real to them that when they opened their eyes they thought it would be 20 minutes later and it was an hour and 20 minutes later and when they did that that magnificent forebrain the crowning achievement of the human being frontal lobe the creative center it has connections to all other parts of your brain and when your asking open-ended questions like what would it be like how would it have to be the frontal lobe like a great symphony leader looks out of the landscape of the entire brain and begins to select different networks of neurons and seamlessly pieces them together to create a new mind and the moment the brain begins to fire in tandem the frontal lobe creates a picture and that picture is called an intention and when you can make that picture more real than anything else and you begin to feel inspired by it your body's no longer living in the past now it's living in the future in every day as they no longer fired and wired the same circuits in their brain and emotionally signaled the same genes in the same way they were moving into stasis and then they began to reverse the process and a new state of being is a new personality and a new personality creates a new personal reality so after I wrote evolve your brain then after what the bleep you know the most common question people asked when I was travelling around the world how do you do it how do you do this stuff why is it so hard to change I mean what do you do and so we started teaching workshops around the world and we were doing introductory levels and we were using science and brainwave technology and breaking it down the heart coherence so people could understand how powerful they really were and so we started teaching these workshops after what the bleep and for the first year and about three or four months guess what happened nothing I don't know if I was I live it was me or just whatever it was but there wasn't a lot happening and then after about a year and a half or so we started getting these emails you know people coming to the events and the first line of every email was always the same you're not going to believe this my 20 years of hatred towards my father you know I just decided I didn't want to hate any longer and my acid reflux went away what do you know did I signal a new gene in a new way and people started to correlate what they were doing they were actually practicing it consistently not as something that they had to do but something that they wanted to do because they believed it was possible and if you knew that you were creator of reality that your thoughts have something to do with your destiny if you knew that on a gut level would you ever miss a day never miss a day and would you ever let a thought slip fire awareness that you didn't want to experience and so when we started seeing the feedback started to come in we started people people started saying hey I'm feeling better things are starting to happen in my life that was for me the most important point in my career because I knew on some level that we were making a difference in people's lives and so people around the world started sending in these wonderful emails and I just was doing these in level one intensive workshops and then after I finished the workshop people would say um we do another one I'd be like okay well we'll do another one so we did like these level twos and then after level two - someone said can you do a level three and I said okay we'll do a level three then after level three someone said can you do another one said I don't think I know anything else but we kept doing them I kept learning and we were in Seattle a couple years ago and we we did in a progressive workshop and there was a lady with MS whose wheelchair her motorized wheelchair broke down and she came anyway and by the end of that event she was walking across the room unassisted with no limp and the motor functions in her leg came back now I have to tell you I was more surprised than anybody because now I knew that we were signalling new genes in new ways in real time that I mean we could talk about genes forever but your genes are a library of potential they are they a library of possibility they're a parts list and when you begin to do something differently when you begin to think something differently when you begin to experience something differently when you begin to emotionally embrace something differently you're literally changing your genetic expression and when you've turned on new genes or activate new genes you're those genes turn on to make new proteins so then people were literally turning the genes off or down regulating the genes that had to do with their disease and up regulating new genes right in their meditation and their body began to change before our eyes we did another event then a few months later and another lady with MS was dancing around the front of the room now there's a scientific part of me that I just couldn't overlook this and I became very very passionate about this idea called information to transformation and I said that if it's happening in real time people are doing amazing things Tom and people just like you you give them information really profound information that has to do with the truth of the way reality really is and you begin to have them share that information where they can repeat it their wiring it in their brain would you agree if you can repeat something it's in there yes the latest research that was done by Kendall the Nobel Prize laureate he said that when you learn a new bit of information you double the connections in your brain in certain areas from about 1,300 to 2,600 new connections as a matter of fact every time you learn something new you're making a nuke in there that's what learning is so he saw that you increased the number of connections in your brain just by learning a few bits of information but if you don't revisit that information and review it those connections prune apart within hours within days so it's important then for students to be able to learn the information and then repeat it and then that information then there should be some instruction and to demystify it so that they can understand that they can have a new experience and that new experience should produce some type of transformation and if it's happening in real time we should measure that transformation in our seminars and if we can measure that transformation and begin to interpret it synthesize it all of that information then that we've measured is more information to teach transformation better and if people continue to transform and we measure it that's more information to teach transformation and we begin to close the gap between knowledge and experience how many people are with me so this year in February we did our first advanced workshop and we had people from all over the world come and it was in Carefree Arizona and I brought in a team of technicians and neuro scientists and we brought in a physicist from from from st. Petersburg and I wanted to begin to measure transformation and we measured the energy field of the room because everybody says oh wow the energy was really great in the room well I wanted to see if there were physical changes taking place in the room I wanted to measure the energy field around people's body that if photons become excited and you begin to experience elevated emotions emotions are just energy and as Greg talked about the coherence that's created from an elevated emotion broadcasts a signal into the field that is you know feet 2 meters wide and then if we could measure all of those things and we can consistently have people retreat their life for four days to no longer return back to the same environment that reminds them of who they think they are so for four days people retreated from their world and we started at 6:00 in the morning and we went till around 6 or 7 at night and these people were passionate about transformation and we recorded amazing things and I'm gonna show you some of those pictures after we take a break but it begs the question then if your personality creates your personal reality and you walk back into your life every single day and you see the same people and you go to the same places and you do the same things at the exact same time then it's your external environment that's turning on different circuits in your brain causing you to think equal to everything that you know and as long as your same environment reminds you of who you are and you're thinking equal to your environment then your personnel your personal reality is creating your personality and there's a dance between the biology and your inner world and the experience in your outer world and that tango is called Karma so then to change them is to be greater than your environment to be greater than the conditions in your world to be greater than the circumstances in your life in every great person in history knew this whether it was William Wallace from Mahatma Gandhi or Joan of Arc or Martin Luther King the Wright brothers to have a vision an idea a dream and to begin to no longer keep doing the same things as Greg said because all of the adversity in our life is to initiate us into greatness it's the call out something greater in us and so these people retreated from their life for four days and they took away the constant stimulation that reminded them of who they were long and to change their brain and body to be ahead of their environment and so we measured some amazing things in these people we saw people with chronic diseases all of a sudden have normal bodies again we've had people in our work that more diagnosed with rare genetic disorders my thinking was if I knew the things from the people that had spontaneous remissions that I studied what those commonalities were we should be able to reproduce them right so that's why we developed the model of transformation in our workshops I just did what people already knew how to do and just use the science to explain it but we had to get people to reproduce it because anything that's repeatable is a scientific law or verges on a scientific law so I wanted to see if we kept doing it if we were able to produce some type of consistent change and we started to see some pretty amazing things take place we did a second event in July of this year and we partnered with heart math Institute and people wore the monitors for 24 hours and we were measuring heart coherence with brain coherence and I'll show you some pictures of some amazing people that's sustained heart coherence for hours it became a skill as a Greg said once you know how to do it you know how to do it so when we lived by the hormones of stress and all of the energy goes to these hormonal centers and away from the heart of course the heart is going to be the first organ that's starved of energy and when we live by the hormones of stress we will always try to force the outcome we'll always try to push and make it happen because we are matter trying to change matter and one of the things I learned in studying people that did amazing things in these workshops as I watched a lady for a whole hour I watched her brain on the scan and her brain was working so hard and I as I watched it over and over again watched it over and over again watch the door when organum or she tried to change the worse her brain got and I went up to her afterwards and I said how did it how was that for you and she said I had the worst meditation of my life and something clicked in me in that moment and I knew that most of us we tried to use our brain to change our brain we try to use the ego to change the ego we try to use the program to change the program and it only endorses it and in that moment something clicked and I knew that they had to become pure consciousness that they had to get beyond their body get beyond their environment and get beyond time because when you become pure consciousness and we have all the biological and neurological machinery to do this by the way you come preloaded with everything you need you don't need anything else that when you forget about yourself when you become nobody no one no thing nowhere no time and you become pure consciousness a thought impossibility the moment you are consciousness now you have dominion over your body now you can change something in your environment and now you can create some future time and the moment we saw people become pure consciousness and we will talk about that after the break the brain naturally gets organized the hormones of stress when we are under the gun or the fight-or-flight nervous system the brain and the heart move out a rhythm it's like a group of people playing the drums all at the same time with no rhythm it's noise and that's what happens to the neural network and the heart and the neural networks to the brain and they actually if you saw the brain on a functional scan it begins to compartmentalize different compartments of the brain are no longer communicating with each other because different communities are saying hey it's not a time to communicate now there's a there's a tiger on our back here we got a run and so the long-term effects of stress causes the brain to move into what's called high beta brainwave patterns like driving your sports car in first gear and different compartments of the brain no longer communicate with each other and if you were to measure that on a brain scan it's very erratic patterns the moment you become pure consciousness you forget about yourself that's my definition of creation the moment that happens the brain goes thank god he's out of the way now I can get organized again the operator is finally gone for a few minutes and we started in that event in that February event teaching people how to become pure consciousness and when that happened we saw their hearts get highly coherent we saw their brains get highly coherent and it's kind of an irony if you want to change something about your body you gotta forget about your body you want to change something problem in your life you got to forget about your life you want to create some future time you have to forget about time you have to become no face no gender no profession you have to become pure consciousness and we saw it over and over again that 91% of our people that had their brain scanned in our first event had a more than eighty percent change in their brain for the better and there was no drugs there was no you know therapies they just went through the process of observing their thoughts and becoming conscious of their unconscious thoughts because they're no longer being distracted by their environment pay attention to their behaviors and their actions and look at the body as the mind and the emotions and master that and the first day the energy in the room we measured it guess what happened to it we went down because people who are breaking all their emotional ties to their known familiar life but when we went to that next day and they became pure consciousness the energy in the room began to rise and when we saw that it was miraculous and we measure the energy as it began to continuously improve when we did our event in July we started seeing people having enormous amounts of energy that were stored in their body travel up through their heart and into their brain and we captured people with a full-on Kundalini experience full-on ecstasy in their brain and they were common people just like you and boy I tell you what after that experience they could care less about their checking account they could care less about their problems and we saw one lady move into such a state of ecstasy we were watching her on the camera on the screen like this and all of a sudden we saw her brain get very organized the front of the brain talking to the back of the brain the back with the front side to side strong level of coherence and all of a sudden she went into this high consciousness state called gamma brainwaves and gamma brainwaves his super consciousness and I looked at that screen and I looked at the neuroscientist and I looked at him again and I said I think she's in ecstasy and we turned around and she had tears running down her face she was so connected to something greater she didn't want the experience to end she I'm gonna show you pictures of her brain she wanted to cheat she wanted the moment to elongate she felt so connected and all of a sudden when that posterior pituitary turned on and released all that oxytocin into her brain guess what it did to the amygdala where all the stress circuits are it it anesthetized it shut down fear shut down hostility shut down Santis those circuits are turned off when oxytocin is like that and the heart begins to open its vascular channels and motility increases and she feels connected to something greater and she would never try to force the outcome in that moment she's already connected to the outcome she's trusting in the outcome and we saw it more than one person and so the concept of information the transformation is to empower you that it's possible that all of this information and science and everything that's coming out right now is for us to do something with and this is a time in history where it's not enough to know it's a time in history to know how and when you give common people the opportunity to understand the truth about themselves and then you inspire them to go out and try it to try it like a scientist hey I'm gonna change the way I think and feel I should see some effect in my life in the moment I can correlate the feedback in my life with what I did I'm going to do it again and so we've had people around the world heal themselves of all kinds of conditions we've had people win the lottery we've had people create new opportunities for themselves because nobody is so special to be excluded from this phenomenon and the phenomenon is that you are creator and when you live by the hormones of stress you forget that and so do i and when we live by the hormones of stress we are always trying to change matter by being matter or being a brain trying to change a brain or being mad or trying to change something in our life when people begin to understand how to apply these principles and they begin to practice them and make them a skill the more you practice it the better you get at it so think about this what if you woke up in the morning instead of getting out of bed and doing the same thing as you did the day before and going through the same routine as you did for the last five years what if you woke up in the morning and you said you place your hand over your heart and you say I'm gonna teach you what it feels like to be noble today I'm gonna train you to know what abundance is and you begin to marry a clear intention with an elevated emotion and you memorize that feeling and you're able to maintain that modified state of mind and body your entire day get ready because something unusual is gonna happen in your life that's the law in the hardest part about all of this hardest part is simply making the time to do it making time for our precious selves to decide then well jeez I want to be wealthy and abundant well if I want to be wealthy and abundant then I can't feel lack because a wealthy person never feels lack and if I feel lack I'm gonna attract like gold only attracts gold lead doesn't attract gold and so then when we see our life now as an initiation and we have to meet the conditions in our life from a greater level of mind every day it wouldn't it be a good idea every day to ask yourself a question like what is the greatest expression of myself that I can be today one lifetime today can I demonstrate love can I be patient can I be filled with energy and enthusiasm can I give who in history do I admire that I want to be like and you begin to rehearse a new way of being and begin to install the neurological hardware in your brain so you have the circuits in place that when you open your eyes here's somebody else and you get that heart centered emotion going you move out of these survival centers and the moment you open your heart it's a fact the heart math Institute did the research take a clear intention and marry it with an elevated emotion and you change matter you alter DNA at a distance because the thoughts you think are like the electrical charge in the quantum and the feelings that you a motor like the magnetic charge and how you think and how you feel broadcast an electromagnetic signature that influences every single atom in your life so what are you broadcasting every day so if you were able to practice it and change your brain and body ahead of the environment every day then you know your friends would go you look different you change your hairstyle no really you shave your mustache nope never had a mustache really jus lose weight no no whoa wow something's different about you because they're sensing a change in energy and when you change your energy you change your life how many people are with me so great time to be alive would you agree you we've signed up for this but listen you can't stand up and in the name of spirituality say hey let's all live in gratitude and get your car and cut people off what's that that's like you know eating a delicious you know vegetarian organic breakfast and then spending the rest of your day eating junk food that you have to lay down the very we have to lay down the very thing we used our whole life to get what we want for something greater to happen and it means that all of the conditions in our outer world somehow reflects some aspect of us and if you want peace in the world you better not be arguing with your coworker doesn't work that way and if you want to experience true true fascination for life make time for fascination I was in Barcelona a little ways back and I was invited to speak to the to the Ministry of the all the ministries in the government there are 17 different ministries and they're in a crisis right now and the one thing I didn't want to be with some know-it-all American you know and I said how do you become supernatural you got to start doing what's unnatural when there's a crisis and everybody is in LAC that's the time to give when everybody else is in fear that's the time to demonstrate courage when everybody else is hostile and judging that's the time to show compassion and if we can continuously do over and over again what is so unnatural sooner or later will become supernatural wouldn't you agree so then if you're working on your anger and your frustration and I'm working on my fear and my anxiety and my judgment and I'm taking care of me and you're taking care of you then everybody was doing that we would sooner or later start to see some change in the world yes so then we have to begin to start somewhere and the place we start then is looking within and beginning to look at some of those emotions and keep us anchored to the past that literally begin to break us down and if a person can move into an elevated state of being every day and they understand that they're signalling new genes just by doing that just by doing it if you have that understanding you will produce greater results if a group of elderly men can retreat from their life for five days and go to a retreat center north of Boston all these men in their 70s and 80s and they were told to act like they were 22 years younger just pretend and they had you know magazines with Mickey Mantle and Joe DiMaggio and Marilyn Monroe movies and you know and they have papers with current events and for five days they hung out with other men and they just pretended like they were 22 years younger they took height measurements weight measurements range of motion measurements finger length measurements extremity measurements and cognitive tests at the end of five days guess what 60% better scores on cognition finger lengths all of them longer range of motion all improved some of them were playing touch football again without their canes who are you pretending to be because if you can begin to understand that when you begin to change your state of being that a font begins to activate new neural networks in your brain new neural networks in your brain begin to fire and wire to create a hologram or a picture that hologram our picture signals the limbic brain to make neuro peptides and neuropeptides or chemical messengers that signal hormones and hormones and neuropeptides begin to dock on receptor sites of cells and cells begin to get a new message in signal new genes and new genes make new proteins and new proteins means the expression of life and the expression of life is equal to the health of your body just by changing a thought so then if you woke up every morning and you pretended to be genius of the universe unlimited mind healthy you would probably have to stop on the side of the road with your pen and write down the down load that you were getting from the field because you never fought in that way and so you and I have been hypnotized and conditioned into believing that we need a reason for joy that we need a reason to give thanks we need a reason to feel inspired that's the old model of reality of Newtonian physics of cause and effect wait for something outside of you to change how you feel inside of you in the moment you feel better inside of you you pay attention to who caused it outside of you and that events call the memory that's cause-and-effect quantum model of reality as Gregg said is about causing an effect begin to change how you think and feel broadcast the whole new electromagnetic signature and give thanks before the event is made manifest materialists would never do that but the quantum line the in materialist always does that because the moment you begin to observe a new future that's called intention with it elevated energy you are causing infinite waves of possibility to begin to collapse into new patterns of information called your life but if you're observing your life from the same level of mind every day and you begin to anticipate the next experience based on your past I'm curious tell me where the unknown is gonna show up in your life is there any room for that it would just be too inconvenient the alien ship landed in the back are you kidding me Dancing with the Stars is on tonight can they come back tomorrow I'm busy so this isn't convenient so this is a time in history where we have to meet these challenges with a greater level of mind and we can't keep doing the same things thinking the same thoughts performing the same actions and living by the same emotions and except secretly expecting our life to change we have to meet all of these challenges and we have to be the heroes and heroines that begin to leave a legacy in this particular time there's a stigma that you and I have been conditioned into believing that all leaders get it in the end mmm Abraham Lincoln Martin Luther King William Wallace Joan of Arc they all got it in the end it's a subconscious subconscious conditioning that leaders somehow pay the price with her life you ever see a group of birds that all move in the same direction you ever see the fish that all swim in the same if you study that phenomenon biology that's called emergence you would think that there's a leader like there's a it's a top-down phenomenon turns out there's no leader it's a bottom-up phenomenon everybody is leading there's one mind one consciousness so you can't take out all leaders if everybody's leading now could you so this is a time in history where emergence is the model that we have to lead by example and all of this information is to empower you to understand that it's possible [Music]
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Keywords: growth events, GEQ855984982, joe dispenza, breaking the habit of being yourself, joe dispenza workshops, gregg braden, gregg braden events, divine matrix, the biology of belief bruce lipton, seminars in london, london events, dr joe dispenza, joe dispenza uk, dr joe dispenza meditation, joe dispenza meditations, dr.joe dispenza, how to unlock the full potential of your mind, joe dispenza london, law of atraction, becoming supernatural, growth events.org
Id: AXrdVagSjjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 47sec (2987 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 28 2018
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