What Really Happened To Selena Not Afraid?!

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all of the ad revenue raised on this video will be going to the coalition to stop violence against Native women this means that you can donate just by watching this video or sharing it last week's video is the same way and we've already raised a couple thousand dollars so please check that out if you haven't already hey guys welcome back to my channel and thanks for joining me for another true crime video today we're gonna be talking about the Selena not afraid case and if you haven't heard of it that's okay a lot of people haven't heard of it because of course it wasn't covered much by the media Selena went missing on New Year's Day 2020 so very recently Selena's family wants more eyes on this case and recently they expressed that it's been harder to get attention on it because of quarantine and everything going on in the world right now people need to know about what happened to Selena and people should hear what this family has been through so first of all this is Selena Not Afraid Selena was a Native American teenager living in Bighorn County Montana but before we go any further I just want to note for those of you who didn't know that Native American women and children and men make up a huge amount of people who are missing or murdered first of all just in Montana and Native Americans make up about six point seven percent of the population yet they make up 26% of missing people most of those people are women and girls and if you do the math that just makes no sense those numbers are from 2016 to 2018 but it's only been getting worse especially in the last year the National Crime Information Center reports there were five thousand seven hundred and twelve reports of missing American Indian and Native American women and girls throughout the United States but the Department of Justice Federal missing-persons database only logged 116 of those cases and on some reservations in this country women are 10 as likely to be murdered than the national average 84 percent of indigenous women have experienced physical sexual or psychological violence in their lifetime enough is enough enough is enough justice for our relation to hope they march on Main Street Montana there are family members we need to find out what happened to them it's just important that they do a thorough investigation when it happens so we can have answers instead of waiting for us to March what Selena was born on June 18th 2003 and she was actually a twin her twin sister was named Zoe and they were the youngest of the five siblings in the family their mom's name is Jack aleena big hair and their father's name is Leroy or Sheila not afraid this past year she was a junior at Hardin high school and like I said earlier she lived in Big Horn County this area is in southern Montana and Selena lived on The Crow Reservation Selena was known for being a really happy bubbly spirited person she also was absolutely beautiful she was five nine had brown hair a really big and beautiful smile and people described her to also have the kindest heart Selena was also pre active she loved to play basketball she loved to play volleyball she also loved to ride horses that was really her passion in life so much so that she wanted to buy her own farm one day and become an Indian relay writer she loved to spend time with her horses her favorite one was named warped she was practicing to be a future Ladies Indian relay race riding champion for the river road relay team she also loved to spend her time doing a lot of beadwork and sewing that was something that was a really big part of her family and it was also something that she just enjoyed because she really liked to be creative she also loved to bake and read and in her own words she said she would read anything but Selena and her family have been through some really really hard times back in 2014 at only 11 years old Selena's twin sister took her own life not only that but a few years later in 2017 Selena's brother died at the age of 23 and he was actually shot by a Billings police officer his name was Preston David Bell and it happened on November 18th of 2017 and because I want to keep this video about Selena's case I'm going to link information about that below if you want to know more and if all that wasn't hard enough on their family that same year in 2017 Selena's oldest sister was involved in a hit and run and died she was literally just walking down the road when some car hit her and drove off so before 2020 they had already lost three kids and only had two left Selena and her brother RJ in 2019 RJ was in college and Selena's plan was to eventually go to college with him because they were really close so moving forward in time a little bit to new year's eve like many people around the world Selena and her friends celebrated New Year's Eve at night by attending a party this party did have alcohol and her and her friends were drinking underage Selena ended up staying at the house that the party was at for the night and then the next day New Year's Day obviously she and five others four men and one woman got in a car and headed back towards Harding so they were driving down Interstate 90 and at one point the van that they were driving actually broke down so they pulled over at a rest stop between Billings and Hardin near mile marker 474 so this is actually where Selena was last seen at this rest stop on New Year's Day at 2:00 p.m. now the details of this are super flaky it's really hard to get information on these cases oftentimes the media journalists people with resources don't spend the time on cases of minorities in this case does have some kind of grey areas just confusing points there's a lot that I have questions about I'm sure you will too but let's go through what is available so from what we know like I said there was type of issue with the van and the driver of the van pulled over and fixed the issue but apparently he just temporarily fixed the issue and did not allow or I guess told Selena and her other friend that was there not to get back in the van with him because he said it wouldn't be long until it broke down again and it's really weird I don't really understand this but I guess he thought it was a better idea for them to wait at the rest stop and that he was going to have his mom come and pick them up according to him his mom was only about 10 to 15 minutes away and could come get them very quickly and pick them up so as far as we know Selena was just waiting at this rest stop for this guy's mom with her friend our Lana eventually the guys mom did show up when she got there she did not find them she ended up looking around the area and found our Lana just sitting in a ditch near by the truck stop she did not have Selena with her and she claimed to have no recollection of what happened at all she was completely confused she said she had no idea how she got there or what happened and she also had these scratches all over her legs and her shoes were missing as soon as word got back to Selena's family that she was missing from the rest stop they immediately called police they interviewed a woman who claims to be a witness to all of this and she said that she saw a Selena run off into the nearby field near the rest stop the woman even claimed that Selena asked her to go with her but she declined and Selena went on her own this whole story is just something's not right so it didn't take long before they started searching that field that this woman claims Selena ran off into they searched a 3 to 4 mile radius and brought in dogs horses ATVs helicopters and drones to help find Selena no not afraid was reportedly last seen at a rest stop between Billings and Hardin on New Year's Day today crews with the Department of Interior BLM FBI tribal and Bighorn County Sheriff's Department were all out searching as they covered ground north of Hardin according to Bighorn County Victim Witness specialist Devaney Buffalo the search includes more areas than just the rest stop off of interstate 90 people in area were really upset and lots of volunteers came out to search for Selena especially Native American people Selena's friends and fellow classmates teachers and family all here to say it's not okay and there's so many kids that I know that have gotten into bad accidents or have gone missing in similar situations and no one's doing anything about it so many women are going missing and being murdered and it's not okay an overall common message be safe know your surroundings and don't put yourself in harm's way just happen to basically be at the wrong place in the wrong time a place these students say you should never put yourself in people out there who are evil and trying to get at us and as a community we just have to we have to be safe and with the drugs and alcohol it's become so normalized in this society today and especially on the reservation there's so much of it and everyone's just treating it like it's not a big deal it's been six days in Salina not afraid has gone missing and her friends and students at Hardin high school have decided to not sit behind their desks but instead help spread the word they will find you we all hope we can find you we're here for you we are all hoping that you can return home safely and we're gonna find you Abby was best at least get the side shift what really it's a bet it's bad and at first the Bighorn County Police Department was in charge of the search but quickly other authorities came in to help him search The Crow tribe police the Billings police the Montana Highway Patrol and even the FBI stepped in to help search for Selena Selena's family was absolutely heartbroken and they were determined to do anything they could to find her they even camped at the rest stop where she was last seen the police searched the van that she drove from the house party to the rest stop in and they haven't released any information about if anything was found or what was found in fact they haven't released a lot of information about this case at all a lot of people really started to worry that someone possibly could have abducted her from the rest stop which can definitely be the case rest stops can be very very dangerous also police discovered that there was a green Subaru Forester with Wyoming plates in the parking lot of the rest stop at the time that she went missing people have speculated that maybe Selena was walking around the rest stop and this person forced her into his car also there was a lot of speculation that she possibly could have gotten picked up and taken somewhere else or left a lot of people started coming forward and saying that they saw Selena in all these different places and police did end up following up with each of these individual tips and after looking at security footage at these places they were able to determine that Selena was not in any of them of course they tried to track her phone see if she was possibly still using it by pinging her phone and looking at her snapchats police were able to figure out that the party was on Montana Avenue in Billings and this was key because they need to figure out where the party was so that they could figure out which route she would have taken to get to that rest stop this way they could broaden their search in a more targeted direction and it's super weird because they really did search like I said there were tons of volunteers there were dogs brought in but nothing was found that is until January 20th 20 days after Selena had originally went missing on New Year's Day her body was found in that field near the rest stop and get this her body was only found one mile into the field and they somehow missed it it took them 20 days to find her and I don't want to be too judgmental here because this is a lot of volunteers and people who did want to find her a lot of people have just brought up how can it possibly take that long to find someone a mile from where they were last seen we begin tonight with some sad news out of Bighorn County the body of 16 year old Salina not afraid was found this morning about three-quarters of a mile away from the rest stop on i-90 where she was reported missing she did have her phone with her however it was dead of course it's been 20 days like I mentioned dogs were brought in many people wondered how is it possible that the dogs didn't pick up her scent if she was only a mile away and they said that this is actually because the dogs first of all they weren't cadaver dogs they were just police dogs they were also kept on leashes I guess these dogs were trained to attack people and since there were so many people volunteering they didn't want the dogs to accidentally attack one of the volunteers so that's why they were kept on leashes also as we talked about they brought in helicopters and drones how did they not see her they said that the weather was really bad and windy and they weren't able to see from that Hyatt I guess I don't know 16 year old Selina not afraid reported missing from this rest stop between Billings and Hardin on New Year's Day found dead 20 days later about a mile away we tried to the quickest in the most likely areas first because we want to try to find her alive we spent 28 hours that first day just searching and then we spent another I think 12 to 13 hours up in Billings doing interviews chasing down people it was just straight forward every day 15 to 18 hours a day every day but that explanation and those efforts haven't been enough for some in this community you know you get Facebook social media we get slammed you know we're we're crooked we're you're not doing our jobs we're not investigating it it starts to wear on you that foul play was not suspected if somebody had killed her and tried to dump her out there they would either be footprints or there would be tire tracks there was neither one of those Lena's funeral was held on Sunday January 26 2020 and she was buried at the Fairview Cemetery and hardened over a thousand people showed up to Selena's funeral and they had her casket carried in on a horse-drawn carriage not only that but tons of people rode their horses behind her as she was being taken to her burial site and I thought this was really cool but there was this group of runners known as the gas cap of renegades who ran all the way from the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota for several days in order to get to the service in time they said that they ran to raise awareness not just for Native missing women but also women and children in general who go missing all the prayers brought our girl home that's what we asked for and you guys helped us we're not sad today you know the the joy and the relief take away all the pain right away a lot of people thought Selena's death was very suspicious and strange and they wanted to see the results of the autopsy and those finally came back on February 24th here's the autopsy report which was signed by four state medical examiner's they actually determined that Selena's cause of death was hypothermia and marked her death is accidental they said that she had no wounds no injuries no marks nothing that would show signs of foul play but a lot of people think there's something missing from this story this case is not closed it is still open and right now there's three huge three binder notebooks like you see back there that are with DCI the state DCI are reviewing in my case and making sure that we didn't miss anything are you glad the state DCI was doing that yes I am at ER of fact when he was here I challenged him to find something we we missed or or did something wrong because I'm I have all hard faith that we did absolutely everything and beyond what we could have done for her to just wander off and get hypose a mile away from the rest stop she was that doesn't make any sense a lot of people have brought up the idea that maybe Selena and her friend were intoxicated they're said to be drinking going on in the van so it is possible I also think it's possible that maybe they were given something they were given some type of drug I mean for her friend to be so confused and in a ditch and for Selena to just have wandered off and gotten hypothermia it doesn't seem like they were in their right states of mind if that's truly what happened so obviously it would be really helpful to know what her toxicology report says however it still has not come back yet it's now June it still isn't out yet so hopefully it comes back soon because maybe there could be some answers in there also it would not be totally shocking if there was still alcohol in their systems from the night before if they were drinking really heavily however would theirs still be enough alcohol in her system by 2:00 p.m. that day that she would be in such an intoxicated state to wander off and for her friend have no idea what was going on I personally feel like that's unlikely but I guess it is possible also a lot of people are wondering if it's possible to still charge anyone in this because we did have minors who were drinking and clearly got alcohol from someone who is of age it's possible Selena did go up to that Subaru maybe someone did try to abduct her and she ran into the field out of you know self protection but she was only a mile into it unless she was extremely intoxicated why would she have not you know turned back it's also possible that there was some type of altercation in the van that we don't know about and there was a reason why they were left at the truck stop not just because the van like wasn't working there was a snapchat story which was posted by our lana and it showed two men who fighting in the back and it also showed drinking in the car so they were thinking maybe there was some type of argument something happened that is not being reported now I don't want to put anything out there that's salacious or rumery in any way but there has been some speculation about the people that she was Wed for sure I'm not saying that this means that she did anything there's been a lot of talk about how our lana has deleted her facebook page and apparently the two other men in the car have moved out of state of course I cannot confirm this and like I said there's really not enough information out there about this case it's very frustrating but that is definitely going around on the Internet overall with this case though things just don't make sense she went missing at 2:00 p.m. broad daylight the Sun wasn't going down until about 5:00 p.m. at this time in January in Montana so she would have had plenty of time to get back to the rest stop if she did wander off and it's pretty unlikely that she would have gotten hypothermia before it got dark out it doesn't make sense like what's she just running around the field until she finally laid down and succumbed to hypothermia I mean clearly something is missing here I'm really curious to know what you guys think so definitely leave your theories below I wish I had more information on this case I truly do but that's it for me today guys I hope you're having a good day stay safe and I will see you in my next video [Music] you
Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 1,126,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kendallraeonyt, kendallrae, kendall rae, mile higher, mile higher podcast, lights out podcast, selena not afraid, montana, missing, news, native american, true crime, true crime documentary, crime documentary, true crime daily, documentary, real stories, real crime, true crime story, crime, crime stories, cold case, crime watch daily, mystery, factual, id discovery
Id: smHHE54_95w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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