What REALLY Happened To Godzilla & Kong Before GxK: The New Empire? (LORE EXPLAINED)

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Godzilla Kong the new Empire has just released across the globe and let's just say we got a ton of Godzilla and Kong action and if you've gotten to see the movie already you might be wondering right now what Kong and Godzilla were up to before the events of the new movie something that's not really explained throughout the film residents this is Jacob welcome to dangerville in Godzilla Kong the hunted a graphic novel prequel story to the new Empire we got a glimpse of at least some of the lore that happened in the time between movies and that's what we are going to explore with this video we get some good backstory on both Kong and Godzilla so strap up and let's get to this monsterverse lore now in the new Empire it's pretty much stated that Kong was going around looking for others of his kind throughout the majority of the last few years in the hollow Earth and on top of that the big guy's just been trying to survive and we get to see that in the first few pages of the hunted as Kong kneels down beside a river to grab a quick drink he's suddenly attacked by a new monster called the spine Prowler luckily for Kong though he's much larger and more powerful than the spine browler the browler gives Kong a good fight but it's not long before the Big Ape skips the monster across the ground like a stone across a pond and after that the spine Prowler decided it had enough of that whole situation and got the heck out of there little did it know that its fate was about to get much worse a man called Raymond Mar Mar had set up an elaborate and barbaric trap for the monster and we'll learn more about Raymond's idea for this monster here soon but for now let's get to Godzilla turns out the big guy never stopped being hostile after his big battle with Kong and is still traveling across the world making sure that everything is balanced and in line tracking him is Bernie Hayes and he gives his podcast listeners or us the readers a play-by-play recap of what Godzilla's been doing in a sense and the first time we see Godzilla in this com he's attacking an abandoned oil rig it's not explained why Godzilla is doing this but they do make a good point at telling us that Godzilla has his reasons in the monster verse this version of Godzilla doesn't just attack for no reason now let's get back to the Titan Hunter Raymond Martin here we see his James Bond like villain Lair and turns out he needs it to store all of his trophies which are monsters from the hollow Earth and Skull Island that he's been going around in hunting and we'll explain why he has a hatred for the Titans here soon one of the best parts of the monster verse at least I think is seeing Kong just take in the views every single movie that he's been in there's a scene where we see him just staring off into the distance and I really love that now as he peers out into the distance something catches his eye and Kong decides he needs to investigate so he flies across the hollow Earth jumping and climbing and running eventually coming across a giant cave riddled with Titan remains and here we see some cave art detailing significant events within the monsterverse now back to Martin we finally see what his true plan is a giant 400t tall Mech called the Titan Hunter well this thing looks like it's straight out of Pacific Rim and well it fights like a Jagger and we're going to get to that here soon but for now let's get back to Bernie after attacking the oil rig Godzilla is once again on the move and we finally realize why turns out he's been chasing down the Titan Cilla for quite some time after Godzilla king of the monsters it appears like Cilla is the only Titan deciding to do well whatever she wants completely refusing Godzilla's command to stand down and now the giant crustation is coming ashore off the coast of India taking the same path as Godzilla back on the Titan Hunter's Island we get to see the Titan Hunter Mech in full action as Raymond decides to use the captured spine Prowler as practice before he goes to the hollow Earth and tries to kill as much Titans as he can this is where we see just how cruel this man is he doesn't just kill the Beast he kind of toys with it for a while which really shows his dark nature quickly powering down the mech we learned learn why Godzilla is going after all these random locations and attacking them and it's because Raymond and his team have been putting up decoys all over the planet so Godzilla's focused on them and not his big titan hunting powerful Mech making sure Godzilla is always focused on something else so he could do whatever he wanted and this decoy is also provoking Titan ailla placing the decoy beside a nuclear reactor everybody is thinking that the Titan is simply attacking these places to get more energy and that is ultimately what this Monster's goal is here to suck up all the radiation that comes from the reactors but by placing the decoy near this reactor nobody's looking at Raymond in his technology and we get a gripping display of how Sila feeds off of radiation spewing out some sort of fog-like pollutant which somehow allows Sila to suck it all back in feeding off of the radiation in the air and now we finally get to see the motivation behind Raymond hunting the Titans turns out during the muto attack in 2014 his entire family was killed in the chaos so now he's hellbent on Revenge and he will forever hate the Titans and want all of them dead this is why the man is so disgustingly violent with the Titans he doesn't just want to kill them he wants to torture them probably to make up for all the pain that he's felt over the years after attacking India Sila next appears in the United Kingdom on her way to a uranium pellet manufacturing plant looking to feed some more after the second attack Bernie makes a bold claim to his listeners perhaps Sila is having Offspring so she needs all the fuel she can have to feed them or maybe she's powering up to be able to face off against Godzilla either way it has the big Gman pissed off but by the time he makes it to this location Sila is yet again gone and we're about to get to the conclusion of Godzilla hunting Sila which actually leads into what happens in the new Empire movie but let's go back to Raymond as he's now entering the hollow Earth with Godzilla clearly distracted Raymond understands that now is the best time to commence his hunt his first victim a warbat getting itself a drink by some Riverside the big giant me sneaks up on the warbat grabs it before it has any idea of what's about to happen picks the thing up and then slams it onto a rock snapping its spine next raymon kills a helpless scur Buffalo which even causes his employees to question his motives after taking out the warbat and the scur Buffalo Raymond finds the tracks of a feline like Titan now on the Titans Trail what he comes across first is not the adult spine Prowler but actually her babies Martin had no hesitation about wanting to kill these INF Titans and he was going to before Mama showed up but before the end of that battle we got to go back to Godzilla Sila is now in Rome and finally catching up to her Godzilla and now this is cool because this leads directly into what we see in the movie and so the hunted set that battle up which I think is pretty cool way of combining both types of media here but now back to Kong we know just how much Kong hates senseless killing he does plenty of it himself but usually out of survival alone and he takes this aggression out on Martin's big machinery and trucks in the distance Martin has no idea what's going on he's deadlocked in combat with the mother spine brawler and she actually gives the Titan Hunter Mech a good fight proving that an angry mother can be quite the challenge when defending her young Al last though it's all for nothing as the mama spine Prowler jumps at the mech raymon leans It Forward causing the spine Prowler to impale itself on the giant horn located at the top of the mech oddly Raymond actually goes against his nature here and compliments Mama saying that she was indeed a worthy adversary but then he instantly goes back to being a sick twisted individual asking about where the Cubs are so he could go and kill them now and it doesn't take long before he finds them the infants do their best part at scaring off the man but they're just babies unfortunately for Raymond Kong's not and we get the big battle between Kong and the Titan Hunter Mech to end the battle Kong does a WWE style wrestling move flipping the big giant Mech over his back and over the side of a cliff Kong being the good guy that he is grabs the mech actually giving the man a chance to come to terms with the fact that he's lost however Kong must have sensed that the man had no interest in stopping his hunt he was never going to stop killing Titans until he died himself and this is when Kong decided to let go Kong casually looks back at the infant spine prowers and goes on about his day down at the bottom of the mountain the giant Mech was destroyed but Raymond had survived the fall although he wishes he hadn't the infant spine Prowlers are just like him they're very vengeful you can imagine what happened next and if you want more monster verse lore videos like this make sure to subscribe and hit the Bell if you haven't already and leave the video a like if you think I earned it share this thing around to your monster verse lore loving fans so we can get the algorithm All Fired Up it really does help and I will see you all in the next [Music] one [Music]
Channel: DangerVille
Views: 70,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godzilla, kong, monsters, vs, monster movies, kaiju, king kong, monsterverse, lore, godzilla news, godzilla vs kong, new monster movies, monster lore, skull island, godzilla x kong, the new empire, breakdown, analysis, theory, monster fights, monster battles, godzilla x kong the new empire, godzilla minus one, monarch: legacy of monsters, godzilla minus one trailer, godzilla x kong review, godzilla x kong reactions, godzilla x kong the new empire trailer, the hunted, monsterverse lore
Id: m-v8z1dxnts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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