Film Theory: The Dinosaurs In Jurassic World Are NOT Dinosaurs! (Jurassic Park)

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let's kick things off with a mini theory you know every jurassic park movie features dinosaurs chasing humans all over the place looking for a snack yeah probably wouldn't happen especially when you're talking about the big boys like the t-rex you see t-rexes are apex predators that need a daily caloric intake of 200 000 calories the average human body contains a little over 125 000 calories which is pretty darn close to that 200k daily limit so at first that would make it seem like humans are the perfect high efficiency snack the power bar pick me up for a dinosaur except there's one problem with that the human is gonna run away animals are primed to find the most efficient sources of food and considering that an adult t-rex topped out somewhere between 15 and 25 miles per hour while they run or 24 to 40 kilometers an hour any human with a halfway decent car is gonna be able to get away slow down a little i don't think so no jeff goldblum you you can listen to her you don't got to go that fast must go faster and that's not even mentioning our ability to hide in small spaces a massive six-ton t-rex being forced to hunt down a fleeing or hiding human would be hemorrhaging massive amounts of energy suddenly that high-efficiency snack has turned into a high-efficiency workout and if you're gonna be spending those calories and hunting the payoff is gonna need to be much bigger for proof of this just look at other apex predators in the wild today both lions and wolves can go for almost a week or two without food before finally getting themselves a good catch at which point they end up eating up to a fourth of their body weight in one sitting believe it or not some crocodiles can go for a year without a meal before they end up chomping down on half their body weight that pattern holds for many large modern day predators with these animals getting weeks or months worth of calories all in one sitting these are feast and famine animals if they're going hard after a meal well it's gotta be a big one a human just wouldn't fill that need for a t-rex why go after a puny human when there's a chunky stegosaurus that can give you more food that's easier to take down it makes scenes like this one in the movie where a t-rex leaves a big kill it's already eating to go run after some humans that are a fraction of the caloric value absolutely ridiculous no wonder the spinosaurus kills the t-rex in the end it was the far smarter animal welcome to thoracic pop hello internet welcome to film theory the show we're diving into the lore of your favorite franchises has been genetically inserted into our dna so if you were a child growing up in the 90s it's likely that you saw jurassic park and fell in love with it seriously this movie and its various sequels created an entire generation of dinosaur kids except uh you know there's one problem with that what's attacking the humans throughout the series yeah they aren't dinosaurs that first park was legit they didn't need these genetic hybrids they just needed dinosaurs real dinosaurs actually forgettable side character that's not what i meant even before they started mixing and matching jeans in the reboot trilogy they weren't real dinosaurs they've never been real dinosaurs that's probably a good thing because if they were well jurassic park would be about as dangerous as an aquarium it would yield one really boring movie so today we're gonna be building our own theorasic park to show you why a park made of real dinosaurs is probably gonna be the safest zoo ever don't believe me let's go now this first part is something i bet a lot of you already know see despite the original jurassic park really shaping a lot of how modern pop culture views dinosaurs these aren't real dinosaurs and i don't mean they're animatronics or cgi or whatever what i mean is that while it was impossible to know what exactly dinosaurs looked like it definitely wasn't anything like this for the longest time all we had to go off of to figure out how dinosaurs looked like were their fossilized bones which led to a great deal of artistic liberty being taken with the imagery that we now associate with them many artists grossly underestimated the amount of soft tissues like fat that dinosaurs had because almost none of it survived the process of fossilization so their interpretations were actually way skinnier than dinosaurs probably were professional paleo artists or people who create art of extinct creatures call this misinterpretation shrink wrapping just to give you an idea of how wildly different dinosaurs might have looked in 2012 a group of paleo artists released a book called all yesterdays featuring art that imagined how modern animals would look like if they were shrink-wrapped the same way as dinosaurs like this beauty right here what do you think that thing is those sickle-like arms that sinewy neck those terrifying claws it's a swan just a swan but you immediately get the idea of what they're talking about here right jurassic park's art direction used a lot of that shrink-wrapping technique giving us a heavily skewed perception of what these things would have actually looked like they also gave all the dinosaurs scaly reptilian skin however over the past three decades paleontologists have concluded that while many dinosaurs were scaly some of the really iconic ones like the velociraptor and t-rex were most likely covered in feathers this was proven with the discovery of fossils like the archaeopteryx found in germany in 2016. notice the feather indents all around its wings that same year a 99 million year old piece of amber found in myanmar was discovered to have preserved an actual dinosaur feather sadly no dino dna to extract and clone from that one the filmmakers behind jurassic park responded to the discoveries by politely ignoring them and continuing to peddle scientific lies look i get it i understand why these conclusions were reached well after the first jurassic park came out when they had already established an iconic look for their big monsters they even had written in an in-universe excuse because these dinosaurs were spliced with frog dna which could potentially explain the difference in appearance and the fact that our understanding of dinosaurs has evolved since jurassic park has been lampshaded by the more modern films like here in jurassic park 3. what john hammond an injen did at jurassic park is create genetically engineered theme park monsters nothing more and nothing less and in jurassic world and if their genetic code was pure many of them would look quite different but you didn't ask for reality you asked for more tea so dinosaurs irl would clearly look different but all this research got me thinking what if we did ask for reality if we were somehow able to clone dinosaurs and completely recreate them without any sort of genetic trickery that the scientists use in the movie how would they fare today what would we have to do if we wanted to make a real film theory approved jurassic park the theorasic park if you will loyal theorists let me tell ya the real jurassic park wouldn't look anything like we see in these movies wanna see it well come along first we're gonna have to specify what exactly is gonna be in our thoracic park see what we broadly consider to be the dinosaur times actually covers hundreds of millions of years which are grouped into multiple geologic periods with cool sounding names the jurassic period was just one of those covering the massive stretch of time between 201 million years ago and 145 million years ago however most of the big ticket dinosaurs that we'll want in our park actually hail from the cretaceous period which was much more recent spanning from 145 million years ago to 66 million years ago that includes the t-rex the velociraptor triceratops brontosaurus mosasaurus parasaurolophus basically all the major players from the movies i guess cretaceous park didn't sound quite as cool for the branding anyway because we want reactions like this t-rex you said you've got a t-rex uh-huh so you can that's the period we're gonna be examining but let me tell you re-creating the conditions for these animals to live comfortably isn't gonna be as easy as picking out the right tropical island for sale pretty much everything about the environment was completely different during the cretaceous for instance the earth was much hotter back then only the highest latitude mountains show evidence of glaciers and consistent year-long snowfall the planet was so warm in fact that dinosaur fossils have been found just 15 degrees off the cretaceous south pole which would be the equivalent today of finding the t-rex chilling out with penguins down in antarctica this is all because the cretaceous earth was what's called a greenhouse world the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was about one thousand to one thousand four hundred parts per million sometimes even reaching as high as two thousand by contrast pre-industrial revolution human civilization was keeping co2 levels sitting at around 280 parts per million more recently it's climbed up to about 409 even still the world these dinosaurs lived in had an atmosphere with between 2.5 to 5 times more co2 than our own it might not sound like that big of a deal but it is it meant that global average temperatures were about 9 to 18 degrees fahrenheit hotter than they are today or 5 to 10 degrees celsius hotter additionally the overall climate for the cretaceous was a lot more consistent worldwide the difference in temperature between the equator and the poles could be as little as half as what we experienced today this means that dinosaurs were likely mesothermic meaning that they were somewhere between warm and cold-blooded they had some ability to regulate their body temperature but they didn't need to because the earth's temperature was much more stable tldr the dinosaurs at thoracic park might find the modern world a bit brisk for their tastes as responsible zookeepers we're gonna have to account for that but obviously a higher amount of co2 in the atmosphere is gonna change more than just the temperature it's gonna affect how these dinosaurs breathed scientists are reasonably confident that dinosaurs breathed oxygen and despite elevated co2 levels there was still plenty of it in the atmosphere during the cretaceous period but scientists can't agree on how much oxygen there was by analyzing air bubbles trapped in amber between 130 and 67 million years ago some studies have shown that oxygen could have made up as much as 30 to 35 the atmosphere other studies have that number much lower comparing the makeup of fossilized plant resin to modern day plants to conclude that the atmospheric oxygen levels could have been as low as 10 to 15 percent regardless both of those numbers are actually very different from the modern day oxygen level of 21 and a swing that large in either direction would be problematic for any dinosaur trying to live in the present you see if the cretaceous atmosphere contained 30 to 35 oxygen breathing modern air would be dizzying for the dinosaurs you ever travel up a mountain after spending a lot of time at sea level if you have you'll know that it's exhausting it can sometimes take days for your body and brain to adjust to the thinner levels of oxygen in the air as you climb further and further above sea level now think about a dinosaur that lived by breathing air that was over 35 oxygen over a third well it would be like a person going from sea level to a mountain that was 9 500 feet tall 2 900 meters it's certainly not impossible to survive i mean people have evolved to live in elevated places like tibet life uh finds a way but these dinosaurs would likely have something similar to ongoing altitude sickness suffering from nausea dizziness and headaches all the time in some serious cases altitude sickness can cause a build-up of fluid in your lungs that can be fatal on the other hand if dinosaurs evolved breathing an atmosphere that was just 10 to 15 oxygen jumping up to modern day levels would add 25 to 50 more oxygen than they were used to at that point they have to worry about the opposite problem oxygen toxicity a condition that you get when you breathe in too much extra oxygen this can harm lung tissue cause parts of your lungs to fill with fluid or cause them to collapse in some serious and severe cases it can even lead to death basically bodies evolved to breathe very specific mixtures of air and any significant deviation from that mixture isn't gonna be too great for the dinosaurs in our park which again is gonna present us with some very serious problems but beyond just the survival of our dinos something else that would be lame about our park is that most of our star attractions are gonna be asleep during peak hours several paleontologists have theorized that a surprising number of dinosaurs were actually nocturnal and we know this because of a very specific type of fossil as we've already discussed soft tissues within and around the eye basically never survive the process of fossilization however sometimes the scleral rings did these are bony rings around the eye socket which help to support the eyeballs of animals with eyes that aren't spherical paleontologists have been able to determine the size and shape of dinosaur eyes based exclusively on these rings which in turn helps them to determine if the eyes were built for daylight or low light situations animals that operate during the day they have plenty of light to work with so their scleral rings tend to be thicker nocturnal animals on the other hand need to get as much light into their eyes as possible meaning that their scleral rings tend to be thinner leaving a wide hole in the skull this was most common in theropods including one of the most popular dinosaurs the velociraptor the fact that the lost world actually used a great effect back in 1997. anyway considering that dinos like the velociraptor are going to be a big draw for the park and i doubt that any guests are going to want to be out at 2 a.m to see small raptor chickens well we're gonna need to do something about simulating a reverse day night cycle for some of these guys so for the film theory approved jurassic park we're actually dealing with a lot of issues we're working with animals that are living at elevated temperatures that need to be consistent year round they're used to a hot co2 rich atmosphere they're used to a precise level of oxygen that was either meaningfully higher or lower than present day and will want to be able to simulate lighting conditions to reverse day and night so people can actually see some action sure sounds like a lot if we want the dinosaurs to be happy and healthy but i have a solution a theoretical solution see a real world jurassic park is possible if and only if all the dinos live in giant terrariums oh there it is yup just as lame as it sounds at our hypothetical theoretic park each terrarium could have artificially managed levels of both oxygen and co2 it would be much easier to control the temperature inside each terrarium so the dinosaurs are in environments that they're comfortable with and within a terrarium we could simulate a day night cycle using blue light leds thereby recreating day during night and vice versa and you want to know the craziest part of all of this a jurassic park designed in this way with real dinosaurs in mind would be so much safer than we see in the movies the dinosaurs would be in entirely isolated environments sure we'd have to sacrifice the whole petting zoo angle but not a single guest would ever get close enough to hurt or be hurt by a dinosaur and if there were ever to be a breach in a terrarium and the dinosaur escaped while the massively different temperature and atmosphere would daze the creature exhausting and confusing it as it dealt with either altitude sickness or oxygen toxicity in turn that would make it easier to recapture and return to the proper habitat it's wild how much differently the events of jurassic park would have gone down if you know they had actually cloned dinosaurs as opposed to creating whatever weird genetic hybrids these things are meant to i'm not be the same mistakes again no you're making you're making all new ones no wonder no one wanted to invest in this thing after careful consideration i decided not to endorse your park yeah cause they're investing in mine but hey even with the incredibly dangerous genetic hybrids from jurassic park there was still so much more that ingen could have done to make their parks safer both for the guests and for the dinosaurs if you want to know what three simple fixes could have saved jurassic park click the video that you see on screen right here or if you want to watch us uncover the conspiracy that doom jurassic world from the very start you can check out our lore based video over here and hey if you want more videos just like these you should chomp down on that subscribe button like a t-rex that hasn't eaten in months and as always remember it's just a theory a film theory and cuts
Channel: The Film Theorists
Views: 4,443,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jurassic world, jurassic park, jurassic world dominion, jurassic park dominion, jurassic world trailer, jurassic park trailer, jurassic world 2, jurassic world 2 trailer, jurassic world dominion trailer, jurassic world scene, jurassic world full movie, jurassic park scene, jurassic park full movie, dinosaur, dinosaurs, jurassic park dinosaurs, jurassic world dinosaurs, film theory, film theorists, matpat, film theory jurassic park, film theory jurassic world
Id: 9ROzjE8iDPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2022
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