Titanus Shimo Explained - TITAN Breakdown

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today the analysis platform will feature a brand new Titan of proportions never seen before dwarfing Kong scar king Godzilla and even maybe the current largest Titan in the monsterverse gadora that's right shimo has entered the monsterverse make sure you stay warm because things are about to get chilly coming up titanis shimo explained shimo is one of those Titans that was more or less leaked long before an official reveal whenever the figure started appearing in stores but as many of you know Shima was actually teased long before any of these leaks confirmed it as an actual Titan in the monsterverse back in 2022 Call of Duty war zone launched operation Monarch featuring a map where players got to interact with Godzilla shoot Kong in the balls and witness some really cool Easter eggs throughout the map including this one this particular cave art featured Godzilla squaring off against a really large and at the time unknown monster most people speculated this to be a random piece of placeholder artwork but others suspected this was a new Kaiju yet to be released these suspicions turned out to be true as rumors of a massive Kaiju with crystals on its back began to emerge eventually this would be known as shimo the massive and first Titan in the monsterverse lore interestingly this is yet another example of a franchise introducing their inevitable big white colored addition to their roster of creatures take the indominous Rexx for example ice AG's Rudy how to train your dragons Bewilderbeast just to name a few now in the monsterverse we have shimo official information about shimo is really limited as of now but by looking at its abilities in the most recent trailers and also knowing what its full body looks like we can make some really well educated guesses as to how this creature behaves what its proportions are and how it fights having said this here's a potential spoiler warning before you proceed compiling all this data will go ahead and bring forth a good speculative model of what shimo actually looks like in our analysis platform meanwhile how about we take you behind the scenes and take a look at how Goji Center's editing and research team surfs the internet to make these videos this is the Opera browser and these guys came up with tab fullness a state where you don't need to lose your mind and struggle with a browser with lots of tabs so they created the perfect stress-free browser and on go to work faster and to keep things streamlined we like to use the Opera browser categorizing each tab into relevant groups like shopping videos news anything all social media related content is in this tab Island all other stuff like our scripts are in this other tab here and here's where we did some online shopping if you want to save space just collapse an island move tabs around by clicking and dragging and save a ton of time and stress without getting overwhelmed by a million tabs cool right new to Opera just sink your data from another browser with one click this stress-free browsing will help you achieve tab fullness instead of yelling at your computer because you suck at organizing tabs you can just relax navigating through your tabs stressfree just click on the link below and browse stressfree ad free private and most importantly secure unlike planet Earth who is about to feel the wrath of shimo she's ready for viewing and here she comes that's right shimo is confirmed to be female the mother of all kaijus we'll explain this more later in this episode but for now let's cover some physical attributes of this monster for this episode Goji center collaborated with dope Pope who not only provided us with an excellent 3D model of shimo for your viewing but also the one responsible for Designing titanis tiamet also rumored to appear in Godzilla Kong the new Empire one piece of footage that helps us understand how colossal this Titan actually is is this clip seen in the trailer it's been shared around the internet quite a bit mostly because CU it does a really good job at showcasing how big she is on all fours it seems like shimo Rivals the size of an upright evolved Godzilla now at this point when this episode is released there isn't an official size for evolved Godzilla but our best guess is that this evolved form did get a bit taller at least while standing upright now if we use this clip as reference and scale shimo we see that this Titan can not only be close to as tall as Godzilla but also capable of rearing up and being much much taller than any Titan in the monster verse to give you fun speculative comparisons we can compare this with some of the largest kaijus in the franchise lengthwise we have a Titan like tiamet who is said to be 847 ft in length compared to shima's mass it seems like tiamet is outclass in every single aspect keep in mind that TMT is no pushover probably one of the strongest Titans currently but now embarrassingly small compared to shimo another big fella is titanis methusa 322 ft tall at the shoulder capable of having lots of different geological formations on his back shimo seemingly dwarfs Methuselah even with the mountain that he carries with him everywhere gadora for instance is a whopping 521 ft in height much taller than Godzilla but shimo if reared up can look down at gadora and bite off its three puny heads with one chump Kong come on now we have a very special Theory coming up that talks more about this just keep watching because of this gargantuan Mass we will speculate that this is automatically the heaviest Titan in the monsterverse known so far much of the weight might come from the denser portions of the body such as the crystals on her dorsals the arrangement of these crystals is suspiciously similar to those of Godzilla arranged along her back coming all the way down to the tail these could serve a very similar function as Godzilla's dorsal plates lighting up while powering up its main weapon or simply serving as an intimidation to display as well in default form these are a mixture of purple and blue but we could guess that these can light up to different colors probably solid blue purple or white perhaps matching its lighter skin which in conjunction could serve as camouflage in frigid areas here for example most people will not even see shimo from afar because her coloration in this clip Blends in with the frigid environment she's surrounded by okay so it's evident by now that this Kaiju is synonymous with freezing temperatures and special abil ities that exploit freezing elements for example notice in these clips that the mere presence of shimo is cold enough to freeze the surrounding environments it's evident by now that shimo thrives in some sort of cave veiled by lava waterfall even in this really really hot environment shimo upon stepping out of the cave is so cold that even her presence will freeze the ground that was moments ago burning hot because of the lava her presence alone could even offset the temperature of this place making it more habitable to the Great Apes that live here this cold phenomenon is mind-blowing already just by her sitting around now imagine getting touched by this thing her body temperature being this cold could even make her impact more powerful let's study this a little bit more given her proportions and The Colossal size of these limbs especially the front ones will make any melee attack from shimo a lot more deadly her arms alone are massive enough to outclass literally any other Kaiju in the monsterverse in frontal combat yes probably even Godzilla just look at the difference in reach this impact along with the frigid temperatures will spell Doom to whoever makes contact with this kaijo freezing any body part risking frostbite which so happens to be an actual name of one of the abilities frostbite blast before we break down this ability let's move down to a weapon that can kill with one impact the fizer This ferocious looking weapon is seemingly made out of the same material as its dorsal spikes formed in a way that can look like sharp obsidian blades these mounted on a long tail powered by these hips can wind up enough energy to fatally lacerate any yes any Kaiju with just one hit seeing this thing come at your face is nothing but certain death even without any additional abilities shimo seems nothing but Unstoppable but there's more in the trailer we were introduced to shima's frostbite blast this clip begins with the trail of a blast that was already fir towards Kong Kong regains his footing and grabs his axe to see if he can block this shot in the same way as he blocked Godzilla's Atomic blast back in gbk this ability unlike Godzilla's cannot be fully absorbed by the axe just a little bit though however the cold freezing effects of this frostbite blast prove to be too much for Kong who gets knocked back hundreds of feet while he feels his arm get covered in ice appropriately named frostbite blast this ability injures Kong to the point of needing to be equipped with the Beast glove this clip showcases his injured arm underneath frostbite has the ability of rendering the affected muscles useless injuring them to the point of permanent damage so in this film in order for Kong to continue fighting he will strongly depend on this apparatus to give him a fighting chance against any Kaiju this dangerous ability comes out of this animal's colossal head and mouth proportionally speaking this animal is technically large enough to potentially grab any of these great apes and easily bite their heads off and freezing them in the act so now that we have a pretty basic understanding on what shimo can do let's try to figure out more of the dark side of this Titan its lore and its most dangerous ability the synopsis of Godzilla Kong the new Empire reads that both Godzilla and Kong face a colossal threat hidden within the planet challenging their existence and the survival of the human race now now that we know who shimo is and what she's capable of this synopsis makes total sense now after all shimo is said to have started the Ice Age thanks to her ability to change the climate this may be her most destructive ability after all note that we didn't say anything about weather manipulation but climate manipulation there's a big difference let us explain the term weather refers to short-term atmospheric conditions examples of this are rainy days occasional snow that falls during the winter hail thunderstorms sunny days Etc climate however refers to weather patterns by region for instance if you live in Florida you're probably accustomed to predominantly warm climates those who live relatively closer to the poles will experience fresh climates year round the thing is shimo here has the ability of changing climates and this is a huge deal remember something capable of starting ice ages can manipulate the atmosphere in a given area to turn cold Rio Jano for example lies within a tropical climate temperatures are fairly warm year round summer down here Falls between December and January while winter runs through June to August enter shimo to the equation and she can potentially switch things up permanently not just here but around the globe that's right this is what the synopsis means when it says challenging the survival of the human race how can't we just put coats on and be fine with a little bit of ice no frigid clim like the ones seen in the Ice Age will completely change up the Dynamics of human survival around the world to very quickly and simply explain this Let's ignore for a moment that a Colossal Kaiju is roaming around killing everything and focus just on the effects of an Ice Age humans need food yes well guess what a lot of the Agricultural Goods produced around the globe are going to be unable to be grown some areas will be too cold for living eventually most of the planet would be freezing making most land inhospitable for human life life comfortably at least overcrowding will occur and resources would get alarmingly low causing death tolls to rise due to starvation and self-inflicted attrition an Abrupt Ice Age like this would not give us any time to prepare for impending doom and a lot of human life on the planet will be lost yeah that's shimo for you a walking weapon of mass extinction currently doing the bidding of Scar King oh yeah this brings us to some of the deep lore we promise to explain this monster as powerful as it is is controlled by Scar king or is by one way or another under the influence of this great ape speculations are all over the place on how this relationship works but we'll go ahead and guess it has something to do with this crystal found at the very tip of the whip which if we look closely resembles something that belongs to shimo we'll guess that scar King some long time ago stole possession of this Crystal and mounted it on some form of subjugating weapon such as this whip which in turn sort of act as a way to bond shimo to scar King's will we discussed how a Titan like this could already dispatch lots of different kiju and if it was turned against the great apes it's no wonder how scar King was able to amass a giant army of Apes using shimo as a way to intimidate others used as a power symbol to amass the following of an ape Army and execute those insubordinate Apes that don't seem to collaborate so in a way shimo is similar to what the rancor is to Jaba the Hut both as a means of executing by making the victim an example of him and even as some evil form of entertainment can this link be broken though if we're speculating that shimo is under the control of Scar king would it be possible that shimo can be in some way liberated maybe if we entertain the idea that this Crystal has anything to do with this link the destruction of it may imply that shimo is free from scar King's influence and perhaps turn on its captor who previously had it doing stuff that may or may not have been things shimo would normally do using the whip as either a way to tell it what to do or even calling shimo by name oh yeah don't think just because these animals are kaijus will throw out the possibility that scar King can talk this is a wild card but there's no mention as to how shimo was named even though the word shimo means pit or hole in Swahili or ice or Frost in Japanese this word is suspiciously similar syllable wise to suo who happens to also be part of this ape tribe so it is possible that these great apes perhaps communicate verbally amongst each other associating names to individual members of the clan those of note at least and one definitely given to shimo this is a theory but one definitely plausible to a sophisticated clan of great apes
Channel: Goji Center
Views: 1,909,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: titanus shimo, skar king, shimo, godzilla x kong, godzilla vs kong, godzilla, kong, hollow earth, titans, monsterverse, rodan, ghidorah, scylla, mothra, king kong vs godzilla, monarch sciences, camazotz, skullcrawler, jurassic park, dinosaurs, t rex, indominus rex, rudy, bewilderbeast
Id: lmoiGDL43u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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