A380 Banks too Hard

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the first time I saw that clip it was just like that no audio and I was thinking why in the world would a plane be banking that much it made no sense so then I had to dig around the internet to find the full clip here it is such a small turn foreign [Applause] [Applause] can you see yes I can see it's literally the only thing probably everybody in the ground is looking at is the massive plane this guy flying around in circles but there was something interesting that happened and that's when the engine started to slow down as the plane got level listen here to the engines [Applause] when a plane starts to do a steep turn like this it's not something that you're ever going to see as a passenger on a passenger plane because typically you're restricted to a 30 degrees of bang you're not going to see a normal passenger plane while you're riding on it do anything crazy like this unless it's for some unknown uh crazy circumstance but the autopilot's never going to do it and the pilot typically won't do it because the plane will yell at us if we do it that way but when you do that the Wing Stop generating the lift to keep the plane away from the ground and so what has to happen is the pilots have to add additional power but you heard the power start to come back because as they brought the wings level if they had left that level of power in the plane would have started to climb away from the ground and obviously they're trying to be low to the ground so people can see it do its tight turns so it just got level you heard the engines pull back here and as they're flying level they're gonna have to add power to compensate for this steep bank that's coming up listen into this [Music] there really isn't a lot to break down this video they're obviously at some type of an air show with Airbus and those are probably their test pilots they're not going to let normal airline pilots like me do things like that and I'm guessing they inhibited all the cautions and alarms and things like that because of a typical airline pilot were to do that the plane would one knock us out and they would report it to our Airline hey Kelsey's flying again look he's at a like 70 degree or 80 degree Bank angles he's flying around with Freight or passengers so I'm gonna be in a lot of trouble for that and the plane is going to start screaming at you so you may remember sometimes when I'm in training we do a maneuver called a steep turn where we take the plane at a very steep Bank angle and there's this kind of fine limit if you go a little bit too far the plane will scream Bank angle at you and it's way past the 30 degree point so the pilots do train for that and that's more just to improve our basic flying skills but that's not something that you're ever going to see as a past messenger this is just an air show and it's not anything crazy like when I first saw it with the no audio I was thinking like uh oh what is this happening here [Music] okay before I even tell you why this video clip is even here I'm just going to put up a picture here it's about something else but it also has why this video clip is even here so this picture here has something else I know some of you are going to ask about but it also shows the reason why this clip is here at all so I'll let you think about that for a second while we talk about this Cloud that's forming on the front of the wing because I know some of you are going to ask me about it really the only time that you're gonna see something like that is when there's moisture in the air and basically here's what's happening the wing on that upper part of the wing has this curvature so when the air hits it the wing starts to move that air around and when it moves that air around it can cool it when it cools it and there's a lot of moisture in the air it will create like a water vapor and that water vapor is like that cloud that you see that's forming there sometimes you can see it if you're sitting near the wing and you're looking out the window you will see that water vapor and that cloud just know that your Pilots aren't up there doing some crazy Top Gun maneuver even though we wish that we were they're not doing that it's just there's a lot of moisture in the air and so when that air starts to hit it and cool it creates a water vapor that looks like a cloud sometimes you'll see it with fighter pilots when they're flying around so that's why I think sometimes people associate it with like a fighter plane but it's really just a water vapor and and if you see that there's really no reason to be concerned as you can see here it's very wet outside there's a lot of moisture in the air and obviously your plane needs to be flying fast enough to actually cause this air to cool down enough and form these Cloud looking things here so if that same A340 pilot was doing that exact same thing that he was doing here in Las Vegas in the middle of summer there would be no clouds forming there how has to have moisture in the air that's the most important thing so now that we've talked about that let's talk about why they're here if you haven't figured it out already most of you know this is an A340 if you aren't familiar with the easiest way to identify this plane it has four engines and it's only one level that's the easiest way some people on Tick Tock have called it a quad jet but don't ever call it a quadjet Nobody calls it a quad jet these planes are just not fuel efficient anymore for passengers so they're not going to see many of these flying passengers around but as I freeze it here you will notice something that this plane doesn't have and it's that they don't have their flaps out this is what it should actually look like here those flaps are things that you're going out the back of the wing or sometimes off the front of the wing or you'll hear them moving when you're getting ready to land you hear that kind of winding noise those flaps basically change the shape of the wing make the wing bigger and allow the plane to fly slower and you want your plane to be able to fly slow when it's doing its takeoff and Landing because you don't want to have a 40 mile long Runway to do your takeoffs and landings and you don't have the planes going crazy super fast to get up in the air so they came up with this strategy of being able to change the shape of the wing and make it so the plane can fly slower so it can do a slower takeoff and a slower Landing so since the flaps are not out this pilot is maybe going 30 to 40 knots faster than they normally would and you see how gently the pilot puts it on the ground as you can see the tires don't really even want to go down on the ground because the plane still wants to fly because it's going really fast now this is something that Pilots train for in the simulator but it's very rare because there's usually on most planes two different ways or more to accomplish the exact same thing so to have two different systems fail that don't allow you to get something done is very rare and that's why the planes have so many different redundant systems is because they know a machine can fail but you're typically not going to have on one flight two different things fail that impact that exact same thing which is what happened here you have a situation where the plane has no flaps so now they're having to fly extremely fast so like I said they're flying a lot faster than they normally would and that brings up another concern that that you will have when you're flying larger aircraft like this and that is the tires on these aircraft they're only rated to go up to a certain speed and on the Airbus I had to look it up to find this because I had no idea what it was it says here online 204 knots now I've never flown the A340 so I don't know for sure but he would be my guess I would guess the plane probably lands around average 140 knots that would be like a normal speed that it would land at so in this case they're probably somewhere around 180 something like that and then this top speed that the tires can go or the top speed that they're rated to go is 204 knot so you can see there's a 20 knot buffer which allows for it on a windy day or things like that but that doesn't mean that if it goes 205 the tire explodes but you see how gently the pilot is setting the plane down here and that is to not give the tires any undue stress that's because you're not going to want to have those tires going extremely fast at kind of their limit and then pounding them into the ground now that doesn't mean that if the tires were to go 205 they would explode like I said but it's just what it's been rated to handle these planes have huge safety margins now how concerned would I be as a passenger on this plane when I see that the flaps haven't gone out because I'm guessing they made some level of an announcement I'm sure the scared Flyers were freaking out so if I'm a passenger on a plane and I were to see this and I'm just going to rate it from one to ten one being a totally normal landing and 10 being I've seen Tom Hanks on my plane because Tom Hanks and planes obviously statistically not not looking really good for him but if that is one to ten this is probably a two and the only reason being is because one the plane is going to have to be flying outside of the normal things that it is normally doing and so they're going to be flying faster so they're going to eat up a lot more Runway they're going to have to do some things that are abnormal and anytime you have something that's abnormal there's a higher risk but on a one to ten this is probably a two for me it wouldn't bother me or concern me or worry me at all because the safety margins like I said on airplanes are are really big they have very long runways so they're going to go pick an airport with an extremely long Runway and you can see the pilot made a great job Landing this and making it very smooth for everybody on the plane and I'm sure they had plenty of stopping distance to stop in time not a big deal but that is something that can happen you just don't normally ever see it happen because like I said there's multiple ways to accomplish that same fee [Music] thank you [Music] so much happening there in the final few seconds okay so here's what I want you to know boys and girls if you're in flight school and you've had a hard Landing realize that unless your Landing glare has completely collapsed causing you to have to be eject from your plane you're having a better day than this guy there's obviously some delay on the sound but listen here as the pilot starts to add power right before impact I'm 100 sure that this pilot would want to redo this Landing because no matter what even if you can say okay there was a wind shear or he didn't expect this or something changed there's another problem he had the nose pitched up way too high you can see here the nose of the plane is pitched up so much right before touchdown that even if the pilot had had the proper speed and power setting this tail section is going to get destroyed regardless most of you know I was never a military pilot I never got to fly cool aircraft like this but I did fly with PJ and PJ was a military instructor pilot on a lot of different aircraft and so flying with him as you know I learned a lot of different things he told me a lot of stories over his I don't know 50 years of flying militaries civilian commercial airliner he he flew like everything and the one thing he said to me this was I mean I was a relatively new pilot only had a couple years of flying when I was flying with him he had said just realize every plane is is the same you want to get the rubber side down before the metal stuff but they all have the same basic mechanics and so he made it just everything was simple to him because he had thousands of hours of flying lots of different planes so it gets easier after you have thousands of hours doing anything right so he's just basically saying don't treat like this is some space shuttle it's a basic plane it has the same basic things and one of those things is you have to have the power in and have the appropriate speed if you're going to want to make a good Landing because if your plane is sinking like this and then you think to add power it's already too late at the end of the day every pilot makes mistakes some mistakes are bigger than others this pilot hopefully will get another opportunity to be flying planes or this could be the end of their career depending on what the circumstances were that led up to this situation hopefully they get to fly again because I would guess that's probably never a mistake that they're going to make again and really they were able to eject it which was the smart move when your flames were coming up around the plane there's nothing else you can really do at that point it's already on the ground you're not doing a go around with the Flames coming around the the flight deck there the cockpit of that plane you know well there's nothing I can do here my job is done and by ejecting this is my opinion it really makes life easier for the firefighters there's only one pilot in there they're not there they've ejected so if that plane burned or whatever the firefighters aren't risking their life to try to get you out so I think he really did the right thing if you enjoyed this video check out this one over here I look forward to hearing from you until then keep the blue side up
Channel: 74 Gear
Views: 702,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pilot, airline pilot, 747 pilot, 74 gear, pilot Kelsey
Id: a_K30vxYVxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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