What NOT To Do on a Cross Country RV Road Trip

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this is everything you're not supposed to do in a road trip dry camping score okay let me see what I can do wow it is very magical this 30 is really climbing a tree right now you're nerve-wracking six years later you think we would be better at this but here we are we've officially started our extremely long journey from San Diego California back to Tampa Florida we have some International trips planned this summer so we're headed back to Florida spend some time with family and get ready for our next adventure it's gonna be a lot of time behind the wheel but we do have some very cool stops along the way I'm [Music] spinning out running around two and a half hours down three more to go we're stopping at a rest stop for some lunch bathroom break stretch our bodies well this rest stop is really rad and we're surrounded by sand dunes today we're gonna be making some quesadillas we have leftover flour tortillas from Mexico we made some chicken last night you're gonna have long drive days I always recommend having something quick on hand leftovers are fantastic to make sure you don't go hungry I say this as if we do it every time we almost never prepare properly but this time we have thanks babe I'm very good this is the first stuff I don't even want to know how many gas pillows we're gonna have to do between California and Florida I'm curious if anyone can guess how much you're going to spend in fuel costs between now and when we get home if you have your guests leave it in the comments below but we are saving money with this fill up we're saving like 80 cents a gallon because we use this app called upside and if you want to save money on each fill up that you do we'll leave a link in the video description so to start getting cash back on your Philadelphia Phillips 175 so expensive though so annoying [Music] for anyone that might be new to rving and planning their first road trip I just want to emphasize how long RV travel can take it is not as simple as just hopping in the car and cruising at like 70 75 miles per hour RV travels way more fatiguing it often takes longer you can't go as fast that it was going to take five hours we left the house today at 10 A.M and we arrived to the campground at five took a lot longer tonight we're camping at Pikachu State Park it's just off of Highway 8 which makes it really convenient they have electricity it's 25 a night so it fits all the needs because it is so hot here I think today's high was 99 degrees we were hoping they squeeze in some hiking because there are some really great trails at the state park I don't know with that heat we may just stay one night and continue on our way we did just text our friends and Baja to see how they were doing they're headed to Tucson and happenstance they're about to pass this state park so instead of going to their destination they're going to Camp here and I'm so excited to be reunited with them it's only been like four days but we love them abuse gorgeous the sunset something else foreign [Music] they have to head to Tucson today is a little bit less than yesterday we're only going about four hours in Google time so we'll see how long it actually takes I would love to stay at this state park in more favorable weather I think if you're coming here in early spring late fall just before winter this would be a awesome place to stay yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] we left at 12 it is now 8 25 although we did go through a time zone change so it was really 7 25 but this is everything you're not supposed to do in a road trip we're arriving at dark we Have No Reservations we do not like to make reservations when we are doing cross-country trips like this we found things can just happen maybe you don't make it to the destination on time and if you have reservations you end up losing that money so we kind of just wing it we have five six years almost under our belt of doing this now so that's not something that scares us or worries us and we really haven't had any issues with it it also allows this to drive around when we get there to see what's available and pick out the spot that we really want whenever you make reservations online sometimes you just end up in like a mediocre spot so we're doing a loop right now 24 23 and 22 are open so let's just walk this one and see if we can even get level up there before we back it in I think it's going to be low on the driver's side I am right behind the front high in the front Okay let me see what I can do all right perfect perfect now we need to make dinner Chef least At Your Service tonight we will be serving a spaghetti squash with pesto I don't know what this accent is I don't like literally don't even know what country that's supposed to be from Delirious at this point homemade pesto why did I choose the hardest recipe I don't know dude I'm trying to find ways to make this easier I'm on it I'm going to chiffon the basil Chef home smells good in there it smells so good in here I love the smell of fresh basil I think I'm gonna make it just a nice light sauce garlic butter a little bit of olive oil dinner is served I think it came out lovely this is not my best work but for a makeshift dinner when you've just driven like seven hours voila [Music] I can't tell you how nice it is to break up long drives feels so good just to have some time to de-stress and relax and be out in nature whenever you're doing super long stretches like this I highly highly recommend building in a day or two every like few days just to give yourself some time to decompress and this state park is the perfect place to do it we've gone on walks every afternoon right at the sunset there's a bunch of hiking trails in the area we're not going to be sharing the exact location with you this is my aunt's favorite place pretty much in all of the United States and she has requested that we kind of keep it a little bit of a secret so it doesn't become so popular it's difficult to get into and we are respecting her wishes yes and if you do know where this place is be respectful and don't blast it in the comments yeah sometimes it's cool to let hidden gems remain hidden foreign toad is it a horny toad I'm pretty sure that's what they call horny toad yeah wow they blend in so well kids have those as pets back in Florida jono I like seeing them like this in nature yeah me too I can see why Beth likes this place so much it is very magical and just a short hike away from our campsite is an old midden because we're actually camping in the ancestral homelands of the chirikawa Apache so they created kitchens in these rocks that you can still see today where they were grinding whatever they were gathering here off of the land it's a process into food but when you get here please respect it don't scratch your name in any rocks be here and just realize why the ancestral peoples also love this place just as much as we do today [Music] thank you [Music] hi buddy hi princess come on good girl what you gonna do buddy this turkey is really climbing a tree right now [Music] get that lizard so bad don't you yes you do we had a nice relaxing morning today was the first day we woke up and felt like okay I feel rested I feel rejuvenated and like myself again we took the kitties out for some outside time they love being outdoors now they are happy kitties for the long drive day that's ahead we are going to be heading into Texas once again it is another four hour drive roughly on Google but realistically it's probably going to be at least five to six hours drive time in on the RV we will be in central time once we arrive in Texas we're moving quick we're making progress let's do this [Music] [Music] it's crazy that is Mexico right there we got hungry as we were passing through El Paso so we decided to stop at an institution here L J Cafe it is one of the oldest restaurants in all of El Paso and it was fabulous I got chile relleno Dennis got chicken enchiladas with salsa verde super super tasty and the prices weren't too bad it was popping off when we were there I'm glad we were able to get a table now we are going to continue on and unfortunately we are not going to make it to our final destination because there is some really bad storms happening there's a tornado watch in Fort Stockton which was where we were originally trying to go so we're going to reroute and kind of stop about an hour and a half before gonna Boondock stay on I-10 one of the rest stops it is not glamorous but it's a safe place to camp and we do not run the risk of a tornado so there's that it's like Blue Skies over here beautiful weather however here it is looking quite dark drove through some nasty weather trying to get to Albuquerque the last time we came down it wasn't fun pretty nerve-wracking [Music] whoa [Music] foreign [Music] good morning we had a pretty restless night last night the storms were still blowing through so there was a lot of wind our view was shaking but also it's a picnic area on the side of I-10 we're right next to the highway this is where a lot of big trailers come to park over the evening and they just like run their big rigs all night Dennis woke up at like 6 a.m and we're just gonna hit the road because there's supposed to be more bad weather today we want to get through the swell before winds pick up this just baffles me that in this lifestyle we can go from sleeping in the most beautiful places to sleeping in the least glamorous places the very next day it's gonna hop off I-10 he's going to add like about an hour but I don't care because it's gonna be less traffic it's not 80 miles an hour like I-10 is we made a pit stop at Advance Auto Parts Dennis is replacing our windshield wipers topping off fluids it was a perfect break for me to make some breakfast and some coffee so we continue on this journey [Music] thank you foreign like that is insane we've had some things break on our drive for example our shade will no longer be a Nightshade she has decided to um lean to the side doing her own thing we've had our picture fall off our side wall but we've made it to San Antonio where we are going to be staying for a week after all of that driving we have a week break to work to explore just make sure to stay tuned for that I just dropped half of the chicken breast on the hairy ass floor with his roller grill items mix and match just two for four dollars and a polar Club starting at two there it is it's that one yeah all right c-o-i-m-a-c Clinic [Music]
Channel: Eat See RV
Views: 39,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eat see rv, rv travel, travel vlog, full time rv, rv lifestyle, rvers, rv usa, rv road trip, rv life, rv living, rv living full time, full time rv living, full time rv life, rv, living in an rv, full time rving, fulltime rv living, class c rv, class c motorhome, rv travel day, rv tips, rv newbies, rv life vlog, cross country rv trip, rv in the usa, how to rv, rv travel vlog, rv mistakes, rv life full time, rv newbie, how to plan a road trip, rv trip, rv camping
Id: jk8Jv0pztiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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