What NBA Legends ACTUALLY Eat

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you'd think NBA stars eat healthy but some eat the hottest food in the world others eat peanuts Pizza and one player's meal almost killed it I went to a doctor said do you want to die there's a lot more things you didn't know that NBA stars actually eat we gotta start with LeBron James though cause he accidentally got his favorite food banned Once Upon a Time you couldn't even open social media without hearing LeBron say do y'all know what today is today is Taco Time cause every single Tuesday he was putting someone's meat in his mouth and I'm not talking about steak tacos like I'm about to order real quick LeBron's favorites were fish tacos not those editing this video anyways LeBron's Chef showed that his favorite tacos were covered in fried fish charred corn pico de gallo and LeBron was hyped anytime he'd eat these especially when he'd invite other NBA players over for them to try Taco said LeBron screaming about a mountain public [Music] he eventually dropped his own taco Tuesday merch it's Tuesday somewhere how do you guys love my t-shirt at his game entire stadiums chanted the names LeBron made Taco Tuesday become such a trending topic the Migos even turned it into a song damn R.I.P takeoff man at this point though LeBron basically felt like the phrase was only this popping because of him so he tried making things official by trademarking Taco Tuesday but not only was he denied he ain't even allowed to say the words anymore why did I get bleep because this is a commercial and there's a trademark on Taco I mean look at someone's own taco everyone should be able to say and celebrate taco taco taco wait a minute LeBron got a ban from saying it but I didn't Taco Tuesday but LeBron's not as weird as the NBA players who torture themselves by eating some of the hottest wings in the world Steph KD Jimmy Shaq and B they all put their taste buds to the test with three levels of wings and at first it might seem like things will be easy but when they get to level three's Wings they're damn near dying ho ho that's what so which of these guys will survive well starting at the first level it was a piece of cake here we go please please don't let me pass out it's about nothing all right all right all right everybody pass level one but level two this is where things start to get heated all right I just got I'm starting to sweating up oh you tricked me oh my oh and I'm getting a little watery up here we snuck up on me right there yes oh okay to be honest if they're acting like that at level two I don't think anybody's surviving level three because here's where things get hot as hell Kansas don't know how to do no hot wings for apologize you lied to me guess what got me God find him my man sweating like you're at the free throw line I love it okay [Music] and I think yeah immediately I didn't even get that thing in my own right like on my teeth and it hit me up oh all right now those wings might have been hot but at least they weren't expensive because yanzai de kumpo is only built like this because of his million dollar junk food addiction it was love at first taste when Giannis made the NBA and blew his first check on Oreos when I was younger I was always craving and you know could never afford them so I was like okay if I get a little bit of money people go spend money in cars and chains audios right from there he began trying all kinds of junk food posting about them and even during games he had to be snacking on something things got really bad during interviews though because not only did Guyana submit he always fantasizes about snacks while I'm working out I'm thinking about the Oreos or the snacks I had I had some pound cake and I had some chocolate I have some Skittles on live TV a man Skittles is your candy of choice obviously you love smoothies we've talked about the dunking the Oreo situation have you had these this is a fruit roll-up no I have a game tomorrow man come on it's good is that probably the best tasting thing that you had out of all of them I like that it's a lot now even though I was disappointed you understand another man's sticky stuff candies where his addiction became worth millions of dollars cause dudes either eating Skittles or Sour Patch Kids and whenever he ain't eating nose or tag team and candy with his Bros mans can eat whatever candy he wants cuz he literally bought his own candy company yeah Oreos Skittles you guys know how much I love candy so I decided me and my family to join the team and become stakeholders in the company more like Willy Wonka not that one either way Giannis has died in his bed as some other players cause Trey Young's diet got him caught by the entire world it's all cause Trey's never eating healthy man submitted that when he first got drafted to the NBA he was eating box combos from his favorite restaurant Raising Cane's twice a day and sometimes he'd be like most of us and cops some Chipotle wait a minute dude really drove that into the drive-through now I see why his teammates trolled him by filling the car with junk food the next time they saw him oh my goodness anyways everybody knew Trey had a junk food problem and then he admitted he can't live without these today you got the piano M M's but I always have some candy on me everywhere I go all jokes aside though Trey knew if he ever wanted to become an NBA star he had to quit eating [ __ ] So eventually he swapped in some new meals like chicken steak baked potatoes mac and cheese and to wash it all down not one not two five protein shakes but listen man still goes crazy on his cheat days what's up I'm Trey Young I'm gonna show you how to do the cheat day and one thing I always do when I start my cheat day it's a good breakfast food and video games syrup is the big part of the breakfast meal I'm a big waffles person so having a syrup just to top everything off is the best part chicken with some of my favorite foods I got my go-to devour here chicken with mac and cheese in it can't beat that Valley for me is my go-to it's very filling I mean I can eat something really quick and it fills me up so I mean just the texture of macaroni with the chicken how crispy it is it just makes it all really good I can't go without missing chicken strips and Fries is definitely one of my favorites I do eat in the car you see me driving around eating chocolate chip cookies don't be surprised all right guys appreciate y'all stopping by today my little cheat day oh appreciate it it's a cheat day it's okay if I could take one today no all right to tray his hard work earned that cheat day Bud he damned about a cheat on his wife after she cooked in the most embarrassing meal of all time she posted a meal all innocently that she made him one night and once the pick made its way under Reddit well I'm sure you already know how them creatures people or whatever they are get Trey got clowned he said things like even his wife hates this [ __ ] and I wouldn't even feed that to my garbage can fans are calling him Trey malnourished young saying things like he's got that dog food in him he even clogged his hair for no reason but I mean dude does kind of look like this though I like Trey young but his hair is like a lollipop that got dropped on the carpet what flavor lollipop may be delicious hey Trey that wasn't a compliment bro you ugly as [ __ ] but at least he ain't uglier in Anthony Davis speaking of unibrow boy what if I told you the only reason he ever joined the Lakers was because he got bribed with his favorite food if I gave you one guess of what he's obsessed with what would you choose it's all good take your time take your time all right well if you guessed LeBron's sausage we'll get to that a little later first we gotta talk about 80s obsession with pizza the food's always been his favorite cause he grew up in one of the best pizza cities in the world Chicago as far as favorite food everybody I love pizza right now we have Giordano's best priest in Chicago we got a deep dish sausage pepperoni my favorite can you please say the word sausage for me sausage thanks wow can you please have to wear a sausage for me Chicago pizza is the best pizza said so a lot of bread an 80s love for pizza followed him all the way across the country to New Orleans where he be gay career despite the fact that he was impressive at a young age though he thought there was no way last in the league if he stayed a twig so I started eating pizza every single day to Boca his go-to spot was Reginelli's and he ate there so much his own coach got concerned saying it's like if anyone says p i and then Pizza he perks up still has this fascination with pizza it's unreal despite 80 deep throat and plenty of deep dishes though his high metabolism wouldn't allow him to put on any weight so his team began forcing his diet to change living in a city of way more than just pizza he was introduced to new food like alligator duck hog even what became one of his favorite dishes seafood gumbo and at first eating that turned 80 into one of the best players in the entire NBA rolling down alone it was Rising for the win got it 1.1 to play Anthony Davis but 80 didn't realize how empty he felt without Pizza until it was gone and cause nobody around him supported his Cravings out of nowhere he broke the news the agent for Anthony Davis has informed the New Orleans Pelicans that he has no intention of signing an extension and as a matter of fact has requested a trade all along fans felt like 80 demanded a trade to get to a better team but it turned out he actually just wanted Pizza back and funny enough no NBA player knows pizza or trades more than legium a man who not only fantasizes about pizza parties and owns pizza companies that he secretly works for first day on the job I rented the recipe to get A.D so we invited him out for pizza in La here A.D admitted it was the end of dinner he pulled out a card and was like my wife wanted me to give you this I was like why is Savannah giving me a card 80 tore opened the envelope in red welcome to La bro then stop reading because you realized wait Savannah doesn't even call me bro and then he saw the bottom of the card beside King James number six number six suddenly LeBron handed over another gift the first ever number 23 Lakers jersey with 80s name on it so in the parking lot of a pizza place 80 officially joined the Lakers all because of LeBron's Pizza day but not all love stories have a happy ending because what Anthony Edwards eats didn't only cost him over ten thousand dollars it got him hated by his teammate the beef began when Anthony showed up to a post-game interview with Popeyes you have Popeye's aunt and even though I don't blame him cause their chicken and fries are good as [ __ ] things got even crazier when Anthony was challenged to a Popeye's Dunk Contest by John Moran okay dunk contest alley-oop [Music] from free throw line what you got yo John check this out [Music] on that back [Music] now that's a 50. it's your turn all right now obviously that was all fun and games but surrounding himself with Popeyes had Anthony walking around in Popeye's clothes and talking about Popeye's sauces more than basketball so his teammate cat felt like dudes unhealthy habits were so out of control he put him on blast maybe I could do a better job of teaching him how to take care of his body you know diet and everything so I'll be on me um I know y'all think it's funny up here when he talks about Popeyes and all that [ __ ] you know that that doesn't that doesn't make me happy to hear you know we're high level athletes so Cat shut your dumb ass up bro when you could dunk like this they were lucky that was then you could talk about what people eat to make the situation even funnier though I only did Popeye's troll cat about criticizing Anthony for eating their food at the troll him by ordering fast food during another interview how long y'all don't ask no questions there I'm trying to put an order in we don't hold on hold on I got one more thing big chickens and even hopped on GQ retail the ridiculous summer junk voodoo ease Chester High fries the best chips that I ever made I've been eating them since I was probably like five years old I prefer these over any chips in the world probably like three a day you do the math is that 21 bags yeah I eat that many probably more though for real depending on how long my day is hold up 229 a bag times three bags a day uh let's say 30 days a month 12 months a year and he's been falling out for four years this spins really spent about ten thousand dollars on bags of chips at least well that's not the craziest thing I ever heard and it's also not the weirdest food NBA stars eat because there's that Chef that forces NBA players to eat creatures that are alive you run away it's called dancing okay I'm scared of you guys moving oh it is moving sometimes even makes players eat things till they throw up oh my God that's good sir that's not bad oh I introduce you to Chef Serge Ibaka who's also an NBA star which is the only reason NBA players trust him but that's besides the point he's now got a cooking show that's unlike anything you've ever seen where he makes players eat food that you probably never even knew existed um where are you starving good because today I cooked penis pizza oh man yeah it's enough man 's not tender you say you love you right yeah so today I could feel itistic bruh what the [ __ ] instead of this stick I just changed it through the testicle no I'm ready to throw up are you ever had ball no I have a big balls about life no okay this is the first time for you to try a big ball this is out of control surge [Music] it's bad [Music] now you know how the boys tastes I know you're in a snake you know and then I might be sometimes no you know snakes Okay sometimes anyway I know snake or it's snake and so today I decided to cook a snake for you obviously today [Music] this world drop I'm saying drop but it's solid there's crooked legs swallow that [Music] have y'all tried this it's disgusting I made putting with fish eye oh my God yup and just like that I am not hungry anymore let's get real for a second though none of that food would have actually hurt anybody but Shaq's diet almost killed him I went to a doctor and the doctor used a three-letter word that you never want to hear said do you want to die no all right it wasn't always that serious and honestly for a while most people took Shaq's diet as a joke do you know what that is that's my beast that's my seven foot Beast that we feed Shaq's always been the type to eat damn near anything I'm sure they ain't hard to see though cuz just Googling his weight the man weighs three times as much as I do and at some points he weighed nearly 400 pounds you don't get that way eating salads it would literally food off the floor if he could oh wait he did do that man you didn't eat the Donuts check if I drop food on my Florida house I'm damn sure eating it there's a lot of things I found interesting about Shaq's diet though I think it's typical McDonald's order a number one a double cheeseburger 10 nuggets and a Diet Coke because he's on a diet what at least he's relatable though because even though he's a billionaire he prefers eating like us normal people I don't like rich people food like what like hors d'oeuvres I feel like hors d'oeuvres how do you feel about appetizers like apps for the table you okay us regular people we like chicken wings [Applause] nobody's passing chicken wings with the people in the tuxedos I don't like going to these parties in the caviar and I don't like all that stuff I want chicken wings pizza and chips and listen Vance wasn't capping about the chips either dude actually bat people that he could eat the hottest chip in the world Chuck I bet you twenty dollars I buy the chip won't even make a face without making a face you almost not know what fraternity I'm in Omega sci-fi until we die it's nothing to me oh it's hot what the check's hilarious for that but things stop being funny when Shaq realized that his diet had him developing serious health problems so I did something I've never did before I went to a doctor and the doctor used that three-letter word that you never want to hear he said do you want to die the another one does yet you got to change some things I eat a lot better than I was when I retired my go-to meal now is probably probably salmon I like salmon I get some lemon Bread on there give us the flavor go-to breakfast is four scrambled eggs with cheese and two turkey sausages so with a change in the food that he eats Shaq's not only still around he's lost over 50 pounds and lucky for you it won't be an emotional moment you cry to like the NBA player who was burned alive or when a fan fought a mascot till he got arrested this video is insane so just click it before it's too late
Channel: HoopFlix
Views: 1,246,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nba, hoopflix, hoop flix, rebound, basketball, lebron, james, lebron james, what actually eat, giannis, antetokounmpo, giannis antetokoumpo, taco tuesday, migos, steph curry, stephen curry, joel embiid, kevin durant, kawhi leonard, paul george, trae young, cheat day, anthony davis, anthony edwards, ja morant, karl anthony towns, popeyes, pizza, mcdonalds, shaq, shaquille oneal, diet, oreos, raising canes, takeoff, chipotle
Id: ZfX99G_cy74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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