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thank you to Squarespace for sponsoring this video every day in Mexico City 22 million people participate in the struggle to survive but perhaps there's something to say about that struggle the creativity and Wilds required for a majority of chilangos to stay alive and feed a family day after day day a captivating City with music and food and a uniquely Mexican Darkly humorous emotionally charged view of the world curled up right there beneath the United States America's long lost [Music] [Music] brother [Music] Mexico City is the oldest capital city in the Americas the original city of Teno titlan was founded by the mishika people in around 1325 and later became the island capital of the Aztec empire it was situated on lake deso in the Upland Valley of Mexico with major causeways leading in and out of tach Titan Shashi milco is one of the last remnants of this fast water transport system and the floating islands are called chinampas these were the origins of the City by filling in Marshy swamps with mounds of soil that eventually took root Mexico City was born being here for Sunrise there just a very mystical spiritual feeling and all you can hear are just the sounds of nature the sounds of the birds and it is so peaceful it's just a inspiring that this is all man-made and we're talking about 800 years of History here some people even think it's a thousand years and it goes back to the Aztec period Mexico City was built on a lake and to be here and to see this it's literally like going back to the beginning of you know the birth of this [Music] [Music] city today Mexico City is the most densely populated city in North America with over 20 2 million people and its Skyline is punctuated with skyscrapers reminiscent of a modern-day megalopolis the remnants of the old Aztec city of tenos titlan are buried beneath what is now modern-day Mexico City and some ruins like the templ mayard have been excavated and are visible in the historic Center the fall of the Aztec Empire and the City of tenos chitlan in 1521 and the subsequent construction and rebuilding of the city by the Spanish began a new era of colonialist rule which would last several centuries before independence finally arrived for the Mexicans in 1821 it's amazing to be here in the historic Center of Mexico City and it's really the Beating Heart of the City this is where you really feel the centuries of tradition the centuries of History you see so many historical landmarks here like the cathedral and the old r inss of the Aztec Temple so it's pretty incredible because you literally see the fusion of the indigenous population the azex and then later on the colonial period of history when the Spanish conquered Mexico City it's like history brought to [Music] life I have come to a very traditional place in Mexico City these places are called Bulgaria bulg is basically fermented sap from the agave plant this is where you're going to really see some true Mexican culture wow this place is absolutely packed full of people drinking it's crazy they have loads of different flavors so it's basically mixed with different fruits I might try the guayaba guayaba is like the typical me fruit so that's the flavored one they have wow so I found some friends very quickly that invited me to sit down and [Applause] [Music] [Music] Sal that is ch [Laughter] wow what a this is such ay [Music] place [Music] [Music] oh my God honestly I just feel like fifth place is true Mexico I have just never found so Mexican in my life [Music] I have come to an institution here in Mexico City when it comes to Tacos alpastor which are the quintessent iconic Mexico City Taco this place is actually really cool cuz it's like a mechanics during the daytime Sakara during the night time and they are just grilling really juicy looking bits of pork that's specialty here and you can see the amazing pieces of pineapple which are also being grilled on the skewer I cannot wait to try it really great okay tacos alastor are here and they look absolutely delicious and you've got plenty of condiments on the table to put on your tacos a lot of them are sauces I'm sure they're very spicy put some of this green sauce which is the least spicy that is an amazing Taco by far the best taco I've had so far I would never have put pineapple together with pork but actually cut through the spice a bit as well which I [Music] like I'm in Mexico City and I'm currently working on my website I build my website using Squarespace and it's super easy to use so I want to show you how I do it go onto their website and you can browse hundreds of templates or create one from scratch which is what I'm going to do so let's get started I can name my site and choose sections for my homepage I can choose a color palette and font to suit my brand and I love the tips that come up throughout the process once I upload my background photo I can get started on other sections like writing an about me bio which is so easy with a drag and drop functionality powered by fluid engine I want to show you how my website looks so you can see how easy Squarespace makes it to have a very professional looking website I've gone for a clean minimal aesthetic which I love so get started on building your website today and you can get a free trial and an amazing 10% off when you use my code Millen Angelica just head to squarespace.com Millen Angelica so I hope you have fun building a really amazing professionall looking [Music] website starting off the day with probably the most famous Mexico City breakfast street food dordas the chilakil is there is a huge CIS place it is incredibly popular and you can smell it smells insane so you basically have M your beans your refried beans deep fried tortilla chips and then choose a protein so I went for shredded chicken you can get a milanesa poo which is more like a slice of chicken and then you either choose salsa Roa salsa where green or red sauce your Crema your cream and your cheese this has become like the most popular Mex Mexican breakfast street food and it is insane M the cream cheese that they have here is so good and that salsa there that green sauce it's got like a hint of spice has to be the best breakfast you can get yourself when you come to Mexico [Music] City [Music] so this place zi Milo is really cool it has got so much history it dates back to the pre-columbus era and now you've got all all these canals which are in between the chinampas the floating islands and I'm on what is a very old school Mexican Wooden Boat and they're called trinas and so you've got so many of them now they've each got their own names mine's called Lupita also what's really cool is that you have little boats and they're basically selling Margarita michelada which I really want to get food so everyone just comes on a weekend families friends Mexicans locals tourists it's just like a really nice day out and it's like beautiful [Music] weather what a great way of getting drinks on this boat [Music] seriously oh Tom like tomato juice wow wow look at we see refres refres it's delicious it's so nice it's got so much stuff in it I'm like wo these people have the best music go love regon for wow it's so fun because you could just hop onto people's boat and join them and party with them got to love it you have a lot of people asking you of course like Mariachi Mariachi but definitely think I'm going to have to get somebody to sing me might favorite Mexican [Music] [Music] [Applause] song w so so good so [Music] good topito is a barrier with an urban economic cultural ecosystem all its own a never-ending underground river of counterfeit products pirated goods and drugs flowing into it Commerce and everything else in toito it seems is pursued along boundaries where official legality and lawlessness are blurred it is also to many the Heart and Soul of Mexico City where tiangi are run by members of the same family who often live in the bar and raise their children according to its insul laws and [Music] [Music] codes honestly it's so good to come to a place like Theo you've got literally so much stuff that's being sold and you know this is really like true Mexican city life this is where a lot of the Mexicans come to shop for their clothes for everything really and you'll see a lot of it is you know counterfeit products literally any type of clothing you want you're going to find it here everybody's so friendly smiling talking to you oh my god Mexicans are like the best people and so friendly and so happy and so full of life I love [Applause] ITA Kina Victoria Victoria she's so sweet oh my God so sweet wow everyone's having a right old party in this market it's hilarious okay I'm going to stick to trying the because I think that's very popular here that's quite the mighty drink wow yeah it's good it's pretty much tastes like beer mixed with lime juice okay so I got my mea and I'm now going to try some of the food in this market which is meant to be delicious wow okay oranit wow gracias so good delicious got that richness cuz the soup is a base of boiled pork bones and then they thicken the soup with pieces of um stale bread and tortilla and it is honestly so flavorsome and so delicious wow also love how it's so communal people are so friendly here they just sit next to you strike up a conversation so nice honestly [Music] foree Mexico is rich in ingredients and beverages that tell the story of many generations of Mexicans perhaps none more emblematic than mzca the so-called nectar of the Gods and at Mescal Tierra sea they use this space as a way to tell stories and pay homage to prehispanic traditions we can talk about ancestral mcal before the Spanish colonization mcal is a very ancient Spirit we believe it's about 2,000 years old the plant of the gab is a plant that can give us so many things it can give us food it can give us a roof it can give us clothes and it can give us to drink so that's why the attick they used to associate the goddess Maya well with the goddess of diave it feels like there's a lot of spirituality behind absolutely Mescal especially these mcals when you drink them they will give you a very particular Euphoria what kind of euphoria do you get when you drink mcal it's it's a very very completely different from all the other alcohol that I've ever tried cuz as I said in imagine here you you drink a lot of energy a lot of energy lot history a lot of history a lot of the energy of the Moon here is going to be really present in your body so it's almost ceremonial 100% here in Mexico we say that we drink it by Besitos which means we kiss mascala we make love with mascala okay we respect it close your eyes have a super mcal try to identify the notes and can also can be in memories very mystical and very smoky I can almost imagine a ceremony taking place because if you're putting it underground and and and cooking it with volcanic rocks it's like a connection to Mother Nature and to the gods that they had it transports me to another world another place and another time if you close your eyes you can see you can see the pyramids you can see the pyramids like the ancient mikas walking around it is like drinking history [Music] [Music] [Music] absolutely [Music] in pre-colombian Mexico there were gods and goddesses for the celestial bodies here in teot hakan the Pyramid of the Sun and of the Moon the ancestors were in tune with planetary and Celestial alignment they knew that the sun and the moon were pure energy that could feed our planet and control the tides from millions of years to come and that energy is concentrated here in tail it is just a inspiring and breathtaking to see what was built by the hands of humans thousands of years ago it just makes me think about all of the people that have been in God in Mexico and how special this culture is I feel like this is a perfect place to toast to the ancestors that built this beautiful city to Mother Earth and her ancestors and everything that has been and gone in [Music] [Music] Mexico Mexico City has humbled me the people here enjoy the small things in life good food good music and a connection to ancestral traditions and while the world is seeing it as a creative place that's new and intriguing I've felt the spiritual weight of 10,000 years of History overcome me I've realized that it's not a struggle to survive but a beautiful will to live and to live fully no matter how much or how little they have we can all learn something or a lot from Mexico and its [Music] people
Channel: Malini Angelica
Views: 139,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #mexicocity, #mexicocityvlog, #mexicocitytravelguide, #mexicocityfood, #mexicocitytravel, #mexicocitytour, #travelvlog, #traveldocumentary, #mexicocitynightlife, #americansmovingtomexico, #americanslivinginmexico, #americanstrymexicanfood, #mexicovsusa, #whyamericansmovetomexico
Id: J277jb19lUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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