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I'd like to thank Squarespace the sponsor of this video their incredible website design service has been so helpful for me as a content creator and I'll be talking about them a bit more later on in the video okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what is [Music] a vehicle Pellegrino [Music] Seville is the largest city in the southern region of Spain and the Lucia it has the biggest Old Town in the whole of Spain so it's just full of narrow quaint streets and you literally just walk around them get lost there's so much history in this city it's very old it dates back 2 000 years or more and the Romans were here but the period of History which really defines this city has to be the 500 years of Muslim rule this started in the 8th century when the Arab Dynasty the umain has conquered and ruled in Seville later it was ruled by other Berber Muslim dynasties such as the alma house and almorovid but this old town is literally full of incredible historical monuments which will tell you all about this fascinating time in seville's history the city was finally reconquered by the Christian monarchs in the 13th century so it's been a Catholic City ever since Cathedral of Seville is by far the city's most impressive Monument it's the third largest cathedral in the whole world and the largest Gothic Cathedral it was built on the site of the former Grand Mosque built in the 12th century by the AL mahad Dynasty the only thing remaining today from the former mosque is a hiralda which is the bell tower it used to be the minaret of the mosque and the facade is completely intact it's such a beautiful cathedral the intricacy of the detail is just astounding and it said that when they were building this Moss the church Elders said let's build a mosque which is so beautiful so magnificent that the whole world will think we're mad and to be honest when you see how Grand it is I think they were bad but you know they clearly wanted to sort of show the world they were you know a real true Catholic City I've come to the market here in Seville this one's called Mercado de Feria and I absolutely love coming to the markets in these places because this is where you really see like what is the local produce what are the things that people eat and I'm sure this one's gonna be full of amazing Seafood because we're very close to the Sea um you know what's really great about this Market is that there are lots of little places where you can eat have tapas seafood and of course it's really fresh seafood because they're using all the fish that the market selling this place is very very busy it's called La Cantina and there's a lot of locals here so you can tell that it's going to be really good food I just love the atmosphere in this kind of place for me it's so typically Spanish right it's what Spain's all about that kind of craziness it's Tapas it's lunch time everyone's hungry the weight is a shouting order people are having so I've just ordered the freedom mixture which is a mixed fried fish prawns white fish I'm just gonna do what every other Spaniard does here which is pick up a piece of fried fish with my hands and eat it unbelievable very fresh and with the lemon juice oh my gosh it's like the taste of the sea really this looks like fried monkfish look at that so juicy oh my God that's so good [Music] one of the most unique things about the city of Seville is its muderhard architecture mulderhad is a mix of Moorish from the Muslim times and then other sorts of architecture like Gothic Renaissance Roman there are a lot of historical monuments in the city which really show off this style I'm in one of them now which is called the real Alcazar or the Royal Palace initially this was a palace during the Muslim period in the 11th century later on when the Christian monarchs conquered Sevilla in the 14th century they rebuilt this whole Palace using this Fusion of architectural Styles and design elements this for example is a perfect demonstration of that unification between the Muslim and the Christian religion so you have Arabic calligraphy around the palace but then you also have designs of lions and buildings and of course in the Islamic religion it's prohibited to depict images of living creatures so this is how you can really see that blend between the Muslim and the Christian religion the typical attributes of rude her style buildings include the use of tiles and mosaics and Vivid colors with geometric patterns you'll also find lots of intricately carved wooden doors and ceilings and the use of arches throughout [Music] when I started out about a year ago as a content creator I knew that I wanted a professional looking website to go with my YouTube channel somewhere where I could talk about myself and the project and where prospective business sponsors could contact me but I had no idea how to build a website and that's when I came across Squarespace they're the sponsor of this video they have an amazing website design technology which is called fluid engine and it allows you to choose from so many professional looking website templates so if you have for example a Blog that you want to start or you're selling products and you want to design your own store then you can customize the website you can pick things like your font and your color to be in line with your brand since I launched my website with Squarespace one of the services I've absolutely loved and found really helpful are the analytics that they provide me with things like how many views I've had in a month where the traffic is being generated from so these are really great analytics for me because it allows me to decide whether I need to change my strategy whether I need to change anything on my website I really recommend if you have a passion project and you want to get started check out Squarespace go to you'll get a free trial you'll see for yourself how easy it is to choose a design and then build your own website then if you head to forward slash Melanie Angelica and you do decide to launch your domain or website you'll get 10 off using my code milini Angelica so is this what we're doing very typical then like a tapas hopping like exactly this is very much like the authentic experience because it's Friday lunchtime it's a beautiful day outside so I could very well be doing this with a few friends it's a mix of like different parts of the pig a little bit of fat a little bit of meat like when I think of chicharrones I think of like I don't know after the beach before going home from for your Big Al muerto you have a little beer and at about chicharrones it's cream summer to me like a little summer this is meat from the pig the name comes from carrillos which is this area this is like fatty delicious part of the pig and it's one of the staple Tapas here in Seville it's absolutely delicious okay it's all the parts of the pig are used I would say Pig and tuna are the two sources for for our Gastronomy in the south of Spain and I heard that Seville has like 6 000 Southwest fall since I would believe that like for us we really take it literally with the weather again like the weather really dictates a lot of our lifestyle it's very common for us to just get out go to Tapas bars and do this more than once a week and it's very common [Music] thank you foreign like every day you can go out and you can eat Tapas and then be something different every day so you just you never get bored of it it's good to have the options and be able to make some match as well it's fun okay Infinity temperature foreign place pressure thank you [Music] this is literally the life of the locals here thank you foreign Productions [Music] [Music] oh my God foreign [Music] [Music] which is a town around an hour's Drive south of Seville this town is famous for three things in particular it's Sherry production it makes that part of the Sherry triangle along with two other nearby towns it's horses the horses of headers are internationally renowned as pure breed Royal horses and Flamenco a lot of people say this is the birthplace of Flamenco there's also a very fun event going on this week the Feria de caballos or the Horse Fair which is a real celebration of everything heresano the horses Flamenco Sherry so I'm really excited to be here [Music] oh I've come to one of the oldest Sherry bodegas in hares fundador which has been producing Sherry since the 18th century so we're going to go to the biggest Bodega here Bodega La mezquita wow so this is the bodega La mezquita Mesquita means mosque the reason why this architecture is so unique is because they need to be able to keep this very humid humidity is one of the most important things for making Sherry so from up here you get a really good idea of how many barrels there are in this Bodega there are around 40 000 wooden barrels this is where the Aging of the cherries happen there are two main grapes that are used to produce Sherry the first one is Pedro Jimenez and that makes a very sweet creamy Sherry the second one is a palomino white grape that makes the very typical dry sherry called phenol which is a very typical thing in heres as a aperitivo with fish Tapas or Jamon the smell in here is so intense as soon as you walk in you get that smell of sweet sherry [Music] this is the first one I'm going to try which is the final which is meant to be very very dry and crisp oh yes that's bone dry so this second Sherry that I'm about to try is called the oloroso so it's a sweeter more intense creamier cherry [Music] look at that actually a lot sweeter so it's almost a little bit like a dessert wine I really recommend coming and doing a tour on one of the bodegas in heres to really kind of experience the Sherry culture here [Music] these are the typical places in Hades that have lunch and the atmosphere is amazing it's just full of local people Everyone by the bar I'm doing at the local head of Thanos do ordered a Fino Sherry eating it with delicious fresh seafood the best combinations [Applause] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] or the horse fair is probably the most famous Festival that they have every year it's a celebration of the herez horse which is a pure breed Spanish horse they're incredibly beautiful they're all being paraded Now by their owners and you can just see them they're very muscular and they've got these amazing sort of arched necks which is a very kind of unique attribute for a purebred Spanish horse everybody's drinking Sherry because of course Sherry is the drink of Perez and the women are dressed in the most incredible Flamenco outfits they call them Flamenco so it's really a celebration of all of the most amazing things about the culture in Andalusia the courses the Sherry the Flamenco outfit I've just never been anywhere like it and it's super colorful and just it's incredible [Music] baby so all along the park is lined with casetas Marquees but they're actually designed in these beautiful film set like ways so you've got so many different ones kind of throwback to the cowboy era and everybody's just inside you can go to whichever one you want everybody's drinking Sherry eating lunch Gracia [Music] [Laughter] is foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] baby fish [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you this is the oldest building in herrers and in my opinion the most beautiful it's the Alcazar of jerez the Fortress it dates back to the 12th century and was built by the Muslim Berber Dynasty the alma had and it was a residence of the caliphs of Seville it's an absolutely stunning building and there's so much history centuries of History wow so this would have been the Puerta de la ciudad The City Gate this essentially would have divided the interior of the alcavad to the Medina outside [Music] this is the mosquito the mosque and it's absolutely incredible because it's the only preserved mosque in the whole of the city all these beautiful pointed arches and right at the end of the Moss you can see the mirab so this is where you pray and you kneel towards the direction of Mecca [Music] foreign [Music] which is incredibly important in Islamic culture and you've got these beautiful star-shaped holes in the ceiling of the hamam so that would have been to let the steam out but it's just incredibly well preserved [Music] so this was the octagonal Tower and at the highest point of the Alcazar it really does feel like being in an Aladdin movie there's something very exotic about it it's incredibly historic and primitive very different to the Alcazar of Seville thank you [Music] [Music] so many people have this romantic notion of Spain as a country where you have these long lazy midday siestas under the afternoon heat and you eat delicious Tapas all day long and you dance passionately to Flamenco but actually in Andalucia it's real life and it's something that I've lived over the past few days and I've really enjoyed and felt that intense passion in their culture for me this is the true soul of Spain [Music]
Channel: Malini Angelica
Views: 267,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #sevillevlog, #Sevillespain, #sevilletravelguide, #sevillefood, #sevilletravelvlog, #jerezdelafronteraspain, #andalusiaspain, #andaluciaspain
Id: IXxZiihRCEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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