What Materials You Should Study to Pass the 2024 PMP Exam? 2024 Exam Changes?

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it's 2024 and you're thinking man I need to level up my game I need to make more money this year but in order to do that I need to have more opportunities available to me one of the best ways to make more opportunities available to you is to get a certification that opens many many doors and in the world of project management there is no certification more popular than the PMP certification or the project management professional certification I'm Andrew ramal I am the author of the world best selling PMP study guide PMP exam prep simplified which we'll talk about later in the video so let's get started in this video now in this video I want to cover a few points number one is do I qualify for this exam because if you don't qualify doesn't make sense to watch the rest of the video so we got to see do I meet the minimum qualifications to even take the exam the second thing we'll look at is what do it cover and what is new for 2024 is there anything new so we'll take a look at that now we also want to see how am I going to study what should I be studying to pass the actual test so I'll give you recommendations on books courses and practice exams coming up soon now and then what we'll do is we'll end the video off by talking about the secret to pass in the exam and no it's not what you're thinking I know what you're thinking you're thinking I got to read a bunch of books I memorize a bunch of stuff no not really it's definitely not that so it's not what you're thinking okay let's get started with this now the first thing I want to cover is going to be the first question is do I even qualify to take this exam now keep in mind the PMP is made by a company called PMI the project management Institute I went to their website few minutes ago pmi.org and I literally copy paste the requirements and I put it right here so let's go through it in order to qualify you have to fall in to either this top section or this bottom section here now let's go through the top section if you have what's equivalent to a bachelor's degree now on their website they say four-year collegeuniversity degree doesn't have to be four-year for example I had a bunch of certifications when I went for my bachelor's degree so it took me about a year to for a year to get a bachelor's degree so if you have what's considered a bachelor's degree or the equivalent of in any country that you're in in the United States it's called a bachelor's degree if you have that you're going to need to show 36 months of experience leading projects within the past eight years so right now it is the beginning of 2024 if we go back 8 years what would that be 8 2016 so from 2016 to 2024 can you show me three years of projects that you were working on that you were leading now here's the thing you don't have to be a project manager you don't have to have the title of a project manager but you would have had to been lead in a team within the project you couldn't just be a guy painting the wall and claim to claim that you meet this requirement but if you're leading a small team on any kind of project and it doesn't matter what your job title is as long as you were doing the work of a project manager that counts and you're going to need 35 hours of project management education or training or if you're already CPM certified there lesser less experience certification that counts too so keep in mind you need three things you need some kind of degree a four-year degree now by the way it's a minimum of of that Bachelor if you have Masters and PhD of course that counts so if have a degree and you have your three years minimum three years of experience and you have your 35-hour course you can definitely apply to take your exam in this set now you know I want to point out before I move on where it say 36 months of experience leading projects within the past each year I want to point out that it doesn't have to be consecutive you could show 2017 2019 and 2022 that's 3 years right there so keep in mind doesn't have to be consecutive it doesn't have to be the same company as long as you got that that three years now if you have a high school diploma or in it depend on the country you're in it may be called secondary school diploma in the United States we call it a high school diploma or something that's the equivalent of or uh the general equivalency diploma or the GED here in the United States so if you have something like that you're going to have to show 60 months of experience within the past eight years same thing you don't have to be you don't have to have the title of a project manager but you do have to be in lead in some part of the project whether it's within the project under under that title of a project manager maybe somebody else was a project manager but you had to been leading something maybe a small team again and of course you still need that 35 hours of project management education or if you have a capm that counts too so you need to fall into one of these uh pools here you need to fall into either this pool or this pool at the bottom now if you qualify to take the exam absolutely great now you got to find out okay what are they going to be testing on all right what exactly are they going to be tested on and right now the exam that we are taken came out in 2021 I know it's 2024 and I know the title it says PMP 2024 exam so the first question I want to answer before I get into this here is is there any exam changes and the answer is no this exam came out in 2021 okay this exam uh is based on what what PMI calls the exam content outline and you could download this this is a PDF document that PMI makes available to all folks around the world that you can download and it's going to tell you exactly what the test covers now I did take an excerpt from that particular document so keep in mind is there any changes in 2024 for the PMP exam the answer is no no changes if you've bought study materials from any time cuz this exam came in 2021 so if you bought study materials from 2021 22 23 it all is still valid and it is still good as this exam has not changed since 2021 because it came out in 2021 now from historical perspective PMI changes this exam every 3 to four years if this this exam came out in January 2021 so is it going to change in 2024 it might but not right now so let me give you guys a heads up because a lot of people is going to ask this when PMI is ready to change a PMP exam they just don't change it just like that in fact they give you about 6 months to a year and they tell you well in the next in 6 months from now or in a year from now somewhere in between that we're going to be changing this test so if the PMP exam does change in 2024 and that it that if it does it's going to be late late in 2024 PMI will let us know way ahead of time they're not just they're just not going to drop it the next day like oh oh it's changing today no one no one knew that I do predict the exam will change in my prediction and in historical perspective there was a 2018 there was a 20 2015 2018 21 notice those three years uh of of PMP exams if this exam does change it's probably going to change in the end of 2024 or in the beginning to Mid 2025 so that's that's my prediction somewhere between October 24 to June 25 is I'm predicting official predictions I don't have any Insider info I'm predicting that's when the exam will change if you taking it before then you're probably going to be okay and again if it does change you will know follow subscribe to the Channel please I will let you know that the exam is changing so keep in mind it is based on exam content outline from 2024 now in the exam content outline PMI says it covers three types of project management so here's what PMI said so this comes from the exam content outline it says about half of the examination will represent predictive project management and the other half will be agile on hybrid so if you're thinking what what do I need to study to pass this exam well you're going to have to study predictive project management or what's known as tradition or waterfall based project management you're going to have to study agile project management and the combination of those two call hybrid project management now when it comes to the PMI material if you want to go down the path and you want to study well Andrew I want to study PMI material you know what exactly is PMI published to help me study to pass their exam well that's what we're going to be talking about in books courses and practice exam so let's get started with first thing up is going to be the books now what I'm looking at here is PMI books so at the top of the Pyramid of PMI books that we should be considering studying for exam is going to be the PM guide 7th edition so obviously that's this book I have right here no that's that same book so the PM guide 7th edition now here's what this book is pmba guide 7th edition is a generic guide that tells you generic information about all types of projects this book will give you the definition of a project it'll give you values that a project manager should be doing things like engaging our stakeholders building productive team managing risk and then it goes into different kinds of domain means of how to like plan a project how to execute a project and so on so this is a generic book it does not go into the specifics of agile it does not go into the specifics of hybrid or predictive project management to get that you're going to need more books so here we go this is the first book that the first book that you may want to review then you want to review the agile practice guide this is going to give you what's going to be the other half of the test which is going to be agile and hybrid methods are actually covered here here so this is a book you probably want to review also and the last book you want to review is going to be a book with predictive project management from PMI you have the pmba guide sixth edition which you're you're saying Andrew what about the seventh edition you just showed me that yeah this book the seventh edition does not replace the pmba guide 6th Edition pmba guide 6th edition has all the predictive project management methods the 49 processes that you should be familiar with not memorize for your exam now if thinking do I still need well here's what PMI did do I still need to read this no let's get rid of this book what you should be doing is what PMI did is PMI condensed the pmbo guide 6th edition took all the great knowledge out of it and replaced it with this book call the call a process group a practice guide is what this book is so if you're looking to take your PMP exam going through the PMI study materials you can do the pmot guide 7eventh Edition the agile practice guide and the process group practice guide combined you're probably looking at if few maybe like 12200 Pages there combined I think is what those books adds up to yeah quite a lot of books there now if you're thinking oh my God Andrew that's a lot and here's the thing none of these books comes with practice questions uh some of these books are not easy to read especially this one the pra the process group practice gu or what was known as PM guide sixth edition this these are not easy to read They're written by aliens and I think they're written for aliens too now here's what I recommend now what I recommend to do is to get my study guide my study guide which is this book PMP exam prep simplified so here's what I did I went through all the PMI materials I went through all of it the PM guide 7th edition sixth edition I went through the agile practice guide process group practice guide I read it for you and I simplified it into Amazon's bestselling PMP study guide now my study guide on Amazon that you can purchase it all right on Amazon this book is Amazon's number one best-selling book in the PMP category it's the best selling PMP book on Amazon and it's been like that for the last 3 years since this exam came out it has over 1,700 reviews with a 4.6 sometimes 4.7 Stars reviews over 1,700 reviews it is the top selling book you could purchase this book on Amazon if you needed now because Amazon doesn't ship this book in every country around the world and people always ask me Andrew where can I get your book it's not available in my country you could get an ebook at TI exams.com there is a eBook that comes along that that you can purchase that's basically just a physical book now you're probably saying yourself why would I want to purchase your book okay it's got great reviews but you know one of the great things that my book has that basically no other book has is that it includes a 35-hour class so when you purchase this book you're going to get a 35-hour project management course so you don't have to go spend thousands of dollars on a boot camp or go spend more money on some e-learning class or something this book gives you the actual text that you need to pass and it gives you that 35h hour class it is an e-learning class that I did and it's one of the best selling e-learning class and I'll show you that in a few in a few seconds now when it comes to the 35h hour class remember the three requirements you needed some kind of uh education like a degree you needed 36 months or 5 years experience but you always needed a 35-hour course how do you get your 35-hour course to get the 35-hour course there's two ways to do it you have what's called live instructor let training and you have self-paced now you make the choice whichever works best for you now which one would I prefer I'm I'm a guy that is always on the go I'm always very busy and if I don't have time I may go for an instructor let training if the price is right and if I can afford it instructor let training live instructor let training is going to be one of the fastest way to get certified but it does have some drawbacks I'll mention that in a second the other way is you can just study by yourself basically you can purchase my study guide you can purchase my e-learning course uh and I'll talk more about the e-learning course that comes with the study guide here in a second and just study by yourself sit in a quiet room get yourself a nice hot cup of tea or coffee and just start reading start listening to the videos and study now let's talk about live instructor training some of us learn best by having a live instructor oneon-one or or Group Training um with other folks now if you're doing that couple things I'm going to going to recommend now I am the owner of the Technical Institute of America right this is my business my company I'm the CEO of this business and of course I'm going to say hey come to me if you want to take live training but if you're not in the United States and our schedule doesn't work for you or or maybe the price doesn't work for you look around in your country couple things I let you know is Ure you know the company live instructor training is a tricky thing and here's the reason why it's a real hidden Miss some organiz ations really doesn't put in the time and effort to give you good materials to vet the instructors to ensure that the instructors have a good flow and is using the right materials in a correct way listen we can a lot of us are good project managers but not a lot of us are good instructors not because you know something well doesn't make you a good instructor take that from me guys I know I've been hiring instructors for the last 15 years or so so something there check the reviews about the business ask about who's going to be your teacher remember it's not about where you take the class at the end of the day it doesn't matter where you take a course because PMI is the one that's going to certify you your objective is just to pass the test ask about the teacher you know what really matters when you take a live class the teacher thems him or her now what I recommend is if you're looking for a live class check out my website TI edu.com that is Technical Institute of America we have live classes every sing single week here in the United States uh for the PMP exam it is priced incredibly well way below what some people are charging thousands of dollars for God knows what my my live class will come with a free exam retake God forbid you don't pass it it comes with unlimited retakes of the course for up to a year and it comes with all my materials books videos practice exams and a whole bunch of stuff now self-pace sometimes I do use self-pace to study for quite a lot of my certifications if you're looking for a self-pace past you can get my physical book or the ebook of this guide and don't forget the self pce make sure to get yourself a course this book here by reading this it doesn't give you 35 hours you need to go through a 35h hour class to get you a certificate now the course that comes with this book is basically the same course that I have on udmi if you don't want to purchase the study guide and you just want to go straight to the video course you can go to udmi and you can purchase the course from there there just search for my name you'll see it there it is the number one my Udi course here it is and I just literally took this out a few minutes ago is the number one best seller on UD Demi for the PMP exam as you guys can see it is ranked the best seller right there it's mindblowing my course on udmi Boom has mindblowing numbers 228,000 students have enrolled in this course over 68,000 people has given this a 4.7 stars out of five so people really enjoy it go read the reviews on it I don't want to keep hyping up my course and saying it's all great I think the numbers speak for themselves uh in in terms of how how much people buy it and how much people are enjoying it 68,000 reviews that is an insane amount that that's a crazy number to even think about the country I come from has about 7 or 800,000 people yeah my the country I'm from Guyana it's a really small country this is like like a third of the population to me that's mindblowing to know that so many people around the world 228,000 people around the world has purchased this course and has used this course to get them certified okay so we have we have some study some study materials we have the books right you have this I mean you could go down the path and read once again you could go down the path and read all the PMI books um you or you can read my study guide is condensed more it has a whole bunch of practice questions by the way that the PMI books does not you have your 35 hour class either you're going to do a live instructor training or you're going to do a self-paced course the next thing you want to do now is to take a bunch of practice test now when it comes to practice test you want something that's similar to the exam and I'm going to recommend my practice test uh PM the PMP exam simulator from our website it's Tia exams.com this one you do not purchase this until you are ready to use it it comes with a 60-day access uh to six Mach exams these are going to be some of the closest to the actual test and here's what makes my simulator unique I know there's a lot of PMP practice tests out there but my own is is one of the only ones that comes with video explanations in every single one of the questions so every one of the questions I am going to give you a video explanation of why a is right why B is wrong why C is wrong why you should this is how you have to think in order to pass so check this out you get 60-day access to the simulator I would highly recommend you get this after you finish study or when you're almost finished studying now if you're looking if you if you you can do everything electronic I do have a bundle on the website that includes my e-learning course the ebook and the simulator it's a really low price for all three things all right let's keep that in mind so get your PMP exam simulator one of the best things going now let's get to the secrets of passing all right I know a lot of you guys probably ask that question Andrew what's the secret to passing well the secret to passing this exam is the mindset it is not about memorizing a bunch of stuff if you go through this book you go through any of the PMI books or anybody's study guide and you're you're seeing all these terms you're seeing all these processes all these ceremonies in agile and so on you don't need to memorize it but you do need to understand it you see this exam is a scenario based test what does that mean well they're going to put you in a variety of scenario they're going to say that the team members are unhappy with the progression of the project and the team members has stopped working what the project manager do expect many questions where they give you a scenario and they say what should you do in order to answer that you need to have the correct mindset now the mindset is not something I teach you in this video this video is already pretty long um it's about don't understanding it's about understand I'm sorry don't memorize anything it's about understanding that's the key to pass it what do you do in What scenario when I wrote this book in 202 more like 20 20 is when I wrote it when this book came out in 2021 one of the things that it brought along was the PMP mindset I created the PMP mindset when I wrote this study guide to help people pass and it has been revolutionary we could say it helping people pass don't take my word for it look at all the forms you can go do your own check go do your own reviews go do your own research um look at all the ments in my videos join me on those live streams and you'll see what people say passing this exam is more of a mindset than it is memorizing anything keep that in mind understand things memorize things now if you're probably saying Andrew I don't want to buy anything from you you you look like you need more hair on your head by the way guys what do you guys think oh my God it's looking horrible maybe you're thinking that guy needs to get um here implants I'm thinking of that I might I might I might have to agree with you on that one um I want to purchase things from other people that's cool that's fine with me but at least join me every Tuesday night at 700 p.m. eastern time live here on YouTube for question and answers every Tuesday night 700 p.m. eastern time for the last like three years now I can't believe it's been going on for three years I have done practice questions with all my students and it doesn't have to be my students anybody could join I've done free practice questions and I do a tons of giveaways every month I give away free classes to help you maintain your PMP when you get it uh free courses in Microsoft sometimes Microsoft Project sometimes pmba guide 6th edition sometimes I give away I'm going to be giving away agile courses and all types of stuff join me every every month I do a free giveaway the first Tuesday of the month and of course if you have any questions listen if you're doing if you're self-studying you're not alone I'm I'm here to answer any questions you have just come and join me and I'm going to be doing practice questions with you every one of these sessions at the end I do seven uh about 10 practice questions and I show you the mindset of how to pass the test okay so it's 2024 I've just given you a full layout there of how to pass your exam I'm going to be doing a lot more videos on how to pass your test it's just hey how long does it take to pass this exam you know how much time should I be dedicated what's a good study schedule and so on all of those videos coming up soon so if you enjoyed if if you will be enjoying or hoping to enjoy those videos or you like what you saw today please subscribe to the channel and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Andrew Ramdayal
Views: 103,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pmp, pmp exam, pmp 2021, pmp exam 2021, new pmp exam, pmbok 7, pmp 7th edition, pmbok, pmbok guide 7th edition, pmbok 7th, pmbok 7 edition, pmp pmbok 7, pmp pmbok 7th edition, 2022 pmp, pmp 2022, pmp exam 2022, project managment, certifications, exams, Employment, get a rise, pmp 2023, pmp 2024
Id: h0V3hWLvY7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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