How I passed my PMP Exam in just four weeks!!!

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hey guys how's it going my name is and i'm coming at you from detroit michigan and today i'm going to talk to you about how i passed my pmp exam in less than four weeks but before we get started i really appreciate if you can give me a thumbs up to the video it allows me to reach out to more people just like you so let's get started so i'm gonna give you four tips what i did to pass this exam all right so number one tip sign up for the exam sign up for about four six eight depending upon how confident you are sign up for the exam right away as soon as you watch this video sign up for this exam the reason i'm saying that is understand one thing once you sign up for the exam you will automatically start putting that artificial pressure on yourself to study and that is what helped me to study for the exam i watched a video on youtube about a lady who passed the pmp exam in less than two weeks and i was like well she may be really really smarter than me so i was like i'm gonna give myself four weeks um the mistake i did i didn't hear it properly but she studied for two weeks eight hours a day i knew i couldn't do that and i was actually when i signed up for the exam i was kind of like a little bit shocked um and i was a little bit scared also but i was like it's done now i can't change it i didn't want to pay 70 dollars to reschedule it so i was like i might as well study for it okay now second thing you need to do is you need to go to and look for somebody named andrew ramdell andrew ramdel is the genius behind preparing for pmp exam he is the reason i have passed this exam so he has been my coach all along um i've watched his videos on youtube and that has what helped me the most to be honest so let's look at couple of his youtube videos and see how he has helped me now if you look here this is andrew ramdas profile on youtube and let's look at his youtube videos so if you really see in his every week he comes up with a live youtube video in which he basically explains you um what pmp exam is what questions like usually come up uh he'll also answer a lot of questions for people who are attending it live so these these people will have questions for him hey what what should i study what should i not study not only that there are a lot of people who have also taken the pmp exam recently who are attending these live sessions and they are telling him about hey i passed the exam hey i did this to pass the exam these type of questions came up in the recent exam so this is one of the best program you can put yourself and this is free this is free can you imagine that so i will highly encourage you to subscribe to his channel and start watching these videos and the best part about his videos is here's what i'll tell you so let's look at it so uh if you see i've actually watched this video but in every video what he does he goes through 10 problem questions and these practice questions will help you prepare for the exam my secret was for the four weeks i signed up first two weeks i was not even i had not even started studying i bought a book online but i never read it um but what i did no matter what how late it was at night i studied for his questions every night i did these 10 questions but the most important thing about getting these questions right or wrong was not how you do on it but understanding what andrew was saying understanding why he was saying that this question is right or wrong and his explanation behind it because that's what helped me build the agile project manager mindset and that's the secret behind this exam which is building your project manager mindset if you can develop that mindset this exam is going to be a piece of cake for you all right so third step what i need you to do is go to udemy and you look up for andrew ramdall again i as i said this guy is the secret sauce he is the pundit to solve this exam now you go here and you look up his class oh this is the class all right now this is what i want you to see so if you really see i've finished this class so if you really see this is 35 hours of studying and it has multiple section it has introduction exam details it has everything you need to pass the exam if you can study this regularly i guarantee you that you will pass this exam you know but i will i'll be honest with you folks i have studied this class and that's the only reason i have passed it now the most important section in this is the agile project management section so section 18 19 20 i would also study 21 22 and 20 everything else okay so definitely study this no matter what and now i'm also going to talk to you about agile mindset now the agile mindset do not study this section without going through the course the reason is because this section will teach you exactly how to build that mindset but i don't want to study that before watching the course okay so mind that now uh so this is the class and the agile mindset will basically help you develop your mindset all right here's the best thing about it after every lecture he has quizzes so he will go ahead and ask you like 20 questions you can look at these questions and you can be answering them once you answer these questions it will basically tell you how you did it and you can understand how you do how well you're doing on this maybe content how well you're doing on that section so your goal is to do at get at least 80 percent on these practice questions if you're able to get more than 80 you're good to go now the fourth and the last tip for this exam all right let's go to the mock test now this is the best thing that's ever happened all right so i've actually saw this exam and i scored the first time i took it i took this exam about three days before um i was going to give my exam my final exam and the reason i did this exam is i said to myself if i don't score at least 70 in this exam i will reschedule my exam so that was my plan so i took this exam and i scored 64 but here's what happened because i scored 64 i was like hey you know what i still have three days if i put my heart and soul into it i should be able to get to up to 80 but i worked really hard for last three days like almost day and night and i was able to get to about 80 or more all right so this is what i want you to do you i want you to whenever you schedule your exam one week before that take this mock exam and make sure if you're able to score more than 70 percent go ahead and take the exam you're good to go if you're not able to get up to 70 if you're if you are between 60 to 70 percent you still have time you can study for a week and you can go for it if you're getting less than 50 or around 50 percent i would suggest reschedule exam because you know you still need two to three weeks more time to prepare all right so that is my suggestion so saying that that's all i have for you um now also because you guys stayed here for the entire time i'm gonna give you the secret sauce of passing this exam here's the thing let's say you are not you know you you give yourself six weeks to study for this exam and for some reason you're not able to put in the work some reason you know you have a lot of things going on whatever whatever whatever this is a secret if you're not able to do anything i need you to look and study the agile section here this agile section section 19 and 20 is the most important section you can study for this exam because this exam is focused on agile project management most of the questions i had were agile project management and hybrid project management so i would study these three things and then look up the agile mindset and the mock test so basically i've also cut down your entire studying time in 10 hours if you have no other choice you want to take this exam no matter what and you just you just have to go for it and you have no choice about rescheduling study these 10 hours at least and that will prepare you the minimum for you to pass the exam now it's gonna be a shot in the dark with this studying but it will prepare you the most you can in like less than a week if you did not study for six weeks all right so saying that that's all i have for you but i'll see you in the next video take care bye
Channel: Immigrant Talks
Views: 472,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pBrEJvFLdnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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