How I passed my PMP exam on my FIRST TRY|| Exam PREP TIPS YOU NEED #pmp #pmpexam

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in my last video I shared with you one week before my PMP exam my preparation strategy and on 28th of November 20123 I gave my PMP exam and I passed with above Target on all three domains hey guys I'm sitting right outside my examination center I'm just waiting for my cab but I've have passed the exam which is oh my God it's such a big relief I was so nervous like especially during the last 60 Questions I was just like yeah I I I was I was self-doubting on another level I thought maybe everything that I'm doing is wrong it it was crazy it was crazy um but just to see that you know and I didn't think that I would get the results immediately but I did so that's great so in today's video I of course had to sit down and share with you all my dos and don'ts all the resources I used to prepare um mock simulators and everything in between and this video might be a little bit long because I'm sharing a lot lot so grab a snack or beverage of your choice and let's get started so I have a list of don'ts and dos and these again are all based on my experience my learning experience my exam experience I'm sure some of these might be different for you but let's start with the don'ts first the number one don't for me has to be don't start off your preparation by reading the pinok books be it pinok 6 pinok 7 language of the pinbo guide and the way it's presented might not keep you interested for a long period of time at least that's what happened with me and that's when I think I started to panic a little bit thinking I'm not able to dedicate my time reading the pinbo how will I ever pass the exam and I think that was the wrong approach a lot of trainers might even tell you this that you have to read the pinbo first thing and I am totally against it at this point after passing my exam because I think it's just not worth it it's not worth the time and effort I think the best way to do would be to go through videos of concept of those particular topics those particular chapters and then once you know the concepts I think it's much easier to understand the pimbo guides as a whole so that is my first don't my second don't has to be there is no need to memorize the itto for each and every process group now the reason why I mentioned it in the don'ts is because I know a lot of trainers will tell you that there's no need to memorize but then you'll also come across certain trainers who ask you to memorize these and who emphasize that you will get questions asked on the it toos and even if you go on to YouTube you will see a lot of trainers making videos on how to memorize it toos for each and every process Group which I was again in two minds about so when I started my preparations I was like okay there's no need for me to memorize this I completely avoided it and then uh very close to my exam I started I came across these videos where people are like you need to memorize iOS and that's when I'm like okay I think the best thing to do is to memorize it and that's when I I think I was like I don't want to take any risk I might as well memorize the itos and now let me tell you there is Absolut I don't even think there was a single question related to it of any process group for that matter in the exam that I gave in November of 2023 it might be different um you know for you if youve already given the exam or if you're going to give the exam but at least when I gave my exam I did not find a single question related to ID okay I know the questions are not going to be like simple questions as asking inputs tools and tools and techniques and outputs and even in the complex scenario based questions I don't think I came across any question which was it based so yes don't stress over it I don't know why I wasted so much time at the last leg of my preparation that to just memorizing itos and writing it down and practicing it out I don't think it was worth it on the contrary my next don't is don't try to memorize the pka mapping in the last minute so PKA is process group and knowledge area if you have pinbox 6 I think it's in the 25th page the entire PKA mapping and my biggest tip would be anytime you're sitting down like actually sitting down with a notebook with your pinbo guide give or dedicate 5 to 10 minutes of your time every time you're sitting down to prepare for pgk mapping itself you know if you don't do that I think it again creates unnecessary pressure to kind of memorize everything in the right sequence in the last minute and again that just adds to the exam pressure all in all and I don't think it's worth it and I know it's not always possible to sit down with notebook and everything and practice pgk mapping so you don't have to do it every time you're preparing you know most times your preparations are just probably going to be from YouTube videos or listening to some audio recording or something of those lines but if you are sitting down just make sure you dedicate 10 to 15 minutes of your time each time and practice the pgk mapping my next don't is very very important and this I only realized after giving the exam and that is don't Focus all your energy on traditional methodology I cannot tell you how much time and energy I have put into learning each and every concept of traditional methodology and I know that of course it's not going to go for Waste even though it was not a huge part of the exam so you know how they say that 50% is agile well in my personal experience I I felt that more than 50% of the questions were agile based even though it was not very technical agile questions like they were not asking me you know let's say safe or those kind of questions but I still think that more than 50% of the questions were agile based um so it could be you know solving conflicts servant leadership just the basics of agile so I would say give equal importance to aile don't leave it for the last I know sometimes when you are studying uh traditional it feels like okay I have to you know be perfect in this and then move on to aile I don't think that would serve you well in your exam I think give equal importance to both and remember that exam is mostly focused on agile at least when I gave mine now my next don't is again a very critical one and it's about not to stress too much on the quantity of mock simulators but rather focus on the quality of the mock simulators that you are taking you know so um and this happened with me again because as I was approaching my exam the biggest question in my head was am I taking enough mock exams are these mock exams covering all the concepts that there ever is which I think is not the right mindset and again can add to the pressure unnecessary pressure that is so I would say take enough good quality mock exams and you should be sorted so the first set of Mark exams that I took was from Simply learn only because I was doing my PMP or giving my exam through simply learn um other than that um I took PMP with raise Udi Udi udmi mock exam mock simulator although I think that like those questions were way too complex okay I think I was passing with around 60 61% uh if I'm not wrong in his mock simulator and then I later found out that his questions are actually quite quite complex and I also felt that a lot of the questions were repetitive and surrounding just one concept and not the overall concept but still I think that kind of like gave me the confidence that now I'm ready to move on to PMI mock exam I thought if I'm able to score 6065 in PMP with r mock simulator I should be doing good in PMI mock exam as well so I took the plunge I went ahead with pmi's study hall mock exams I think I paid around 5,000 Indian rupees um for the full package there are two packages if I'm not wrong I I think I went with the full package but I of course could not take each and every exam there are a lot of exams in PMI study hall but I think I took three or four ful length exams and that's when I was like I think I'm prepared now I know the kind of questions that will be asked and I have to say PMI study hall mock exams were actually really really helpful because that really prepared me to sort of like be in that exam mindset and also to understand what kind of questions I can expect in my actual PMP exam and I will say that pmis uh study hall questions and PMP exam questions were not similar but on the same difficulty level so if you are giving pmis Mark exam you'll notice that you have three different levels of difficulty you have easy moderate difficult sorry four easy moderate difficult and expert and that's how the PMP exam is also built so you'll have very easy questions moderate questions difficult questions and then experts level questions so I would say go with the PMI study hall you will not score really high in your study hall questions because like I said there are like different uh levels of difficulty and I mostly lost all my points in expert level questions but that is okay you know don't let that demotivate you it's really really helpful to pass the PMP exam so I am an advocator of PMI study hall again you will see a lot of people you know asking you not to um but if you want to go ahead I took PMI study hall and I found it useful let's start with the dues now so my first one would be to take up Andrew ramel's course on udemy the reason why this is on number one of my dues is because I started off Reading pimbo Guide uh pimbo 6 completely got bored of it was not really understanding it it was not really making sense and then I think almost 1 to 1.5 month later I discovered Andrew ramel's course on Udi and um took up the course and that's when I was thinking that I wasted so much time reading the pinok when I could have just watched his entire Course once understood the concepts and then gone back to reading the pimb guide so yes if you're also struggling with your preparations or if you have not even started your preparations and you're looking to understand where to start how to start number one take up his course start watching videos understand the concepts and then go to pimpo having said that of course you can take up other people's course as well but the reason why I'm suggesting Andrew's courses because he explains it in very simple language using very simple examples and I don't know what it is exactly but the way he explains it just stays with you which is really important because you know that you'll be taking the exam maybe three or 4 months after you're done watching the videos and reading the pin box so it's really important that what you're understanding also stays here my next do is to make notes of important Concepts or watch the same video at least twice or Thrice if you don't like like making notes um and again this again goes back to the same thing that you will be taking up your exam maybe 2 to 3 months maybe 3 to 4 months after you have already gone through that material or that concept or whatever that is and it's important that it stays with you it's important that you're revising it so I did a mixture of both I made notes and I think it was so so critical for me to just go through my notes um just one day before my exam because of course I did not want to stress about revising everything a day before but at the same time I wanted to go through certain Concepts which I know are a little difficult and I just needed some revision on so those kind of Concepts I made sure that I am making notes of I still have my running notes and it was really helpful if you're not a notes kind of person I would say that just watch the video twice or Thrice that will also help you out um so another resource that I really want to suggest you guys is uh PMC Lounge chat Channel on YouTube so uh after I was done watching Andrew's course um and reading pinok to some extent um I was not done through the entire pinb at once just FYI um I was feeling a little stuck I was like okay um I don't know what I should do next because again reading the entire pinb was was I was finding it difficult it was timec consuming I was tired after work and it was just not helpful so something that I came across was PMC Lounge Channel on YouTube and um what he does is he basically again has these playlists and on the days when I was really not into studying I had zero motivation to study I just watched his videos on a particular concept and that also helped me out so point is just make notes and watch videos if you're watching videos then watch it at least twice or Thrice unless and until you really feel confident and comfortable in just answering the question at one glance next do is to read pinbox 6 and watch Andrew's mindset video and let me tell you why exactly I put this here so again if you're preparing right now you would still have this confusion if you should read pinbox 6 or pinbox 7 I particularly did not buy pinbox 7 the hard copy I cannot read books online FYI so I bought pinbox 6 the hard copy and um I thought that pinbox 6 was pretty much enough and necessary uh I know a lot of people will read six and seven both but in my own experience I think pinbox 6 is more than enough I don't think you have to read six and seven I mean it's great if you want to and if you really are willing to but pin box 6 should be enough okay and the second part is to watch and use mindset video so you know this is very very important I'll tell you why because it doesn't matter if you know the concepts if you're really good in Concepts um if you know the critical path if you know the evm values if you don't know how to put it to use in the actual questions that are presented to you during your exam it's not going to be helpful so how you can tackle that is by watching Andrew ral's mindset video so if you have taken his course uh there will be a section I think almost at the end of the course which is called mindset and that is very very critical I mean a lot of people recommend to be in the PMP mindset uh while taking exam but how to be in that mindset what really is mindset um you know all of that will be covered in Andrew ral's PMP mindset section so do not skip it but at the same time only watch it once you have gone through everything at least once I think Andrew himself mentions that at the start of the mindset video but it's so so important I cannot emphasize how important it is to understand what PMP mindset is you can have the best preparation you can learn the concepts really well um memorize everything really well but if you are not well versed with the PMP mindset it's not going to be useful my next do is to start taking Mo exams and watch YouTube videos on PMP questions by this what I mean is you don't have to be 1,000% ready to take on mock exams once you think I know the concepts I know how to apply it start taking mock exams I did this mistake where I thought I'm not ready yet you know I've just gone through it once I don't think I'm ready I cannot take my exams just yet you know I think I should make more notes I should revise it once again and then I should go to mock exams no no no don't do that mistake because let me tell you why you are reading so much you revising it so much until nless you start taking mock exams you will not know if you're really applying that knowledge into the questions that is being asked so I would suggest do not wait up to be perfect in every concept once you think that yes I think I have pretty much a good idea idea of the knowledge area of the concept go ahead and take moth exams don't wait up I think with this tip I could have easily cut down my preparation time and half but for some reason I just thought I'm not ready I'm not ready yet I cannot take exams now and looking back I I'm just why did I do that you know so learn from a mistake don't wait up just start taking mock exams okay second part of the same do is to watch YouTube videos on PMP questions so what I mean by that is there are a lot of Chan channel so I think there's one called U edu HubSpot I'll list um every channel name and everything in the description box below uh with reference to each of the dos and don'ts so it's going to be helpful but I don't remember all the channel names on top of my head but there are a lot of channels right now on YouTube who sort of like offer you these question and answers where you can test your knowledge as well so that is also helpful again on the days when I just don't have the patience to sit and give mock exams I would just go ahead and watch YouTube videos and that was also equally helpful so those were all the don'ts and the Dos now coming to the YouTube channels I really want to give a big shout out to all the YouTube channels that I you know refer to while preparing so the first would be of course Andre ramal he himself has a YouTube channel he would make um he actually comes live and solves these questions which was very very helpful PMC Lounge um he has different playlists of different knowledge areas so on the days when I'm just in zero mood to study I would just go watch his videos really helpful um another one would be praison p r a i z o n uh he also has a lot like a pleora of different um videos on PMP and other exams as well David of course how can I forget his 100 agile 100 traditional um he has a lot of a lot of good videos guys so again again his channel I think these oh edu HubSpot again they also make these like solving questions sort of videos which is again helpful and they also have good videos on certain confusing terms or very important Concepts check that out as well and lastly would be PMP with Ray I used his um video where he's explaining how to memorize PKA mapping and that was the only thing that helped me because just reading the pgk mapping and trying to memorize was just not cutting it for me I think those were all the YouTube videos as for mock simulator like I said I used simply learns the first thing um then I used PMP with Ray again his channel name is PMP with r I think I'm forgetting his name actually but I'll leave the name of the mock simulator in the description box again and last year I think I took PMI study hall these three were more than enough so that's pretty much it I think I've been talking for hours and hours and I think I've given enough information don't worry guys just follow these um you know do your best and I'm sure you will pass your exams okay I hope you found this helpful if you did then please give this video a big thumbs up leave your comments and um if you have any questions again leave them in the comments as well subscribe and that's pretty much it I'll see you in my next one oh next one is not going to be PMP related but yeah I'll see you in my next one byebye
Channel: Akriti Ranjan
Views: 12,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to pass PMP exam in first try, how to pass PMP exam, how to pass PMP exam in first attempt, how to pass PMP exam in 3 weeks, PMP exam tips and tricks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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