What MANOR LIFE is REALLY Like on our Country Estate!

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in this week's video you asked for it you got it a day in the life at mapperton behind the scenes as we continue to struggle to hit our 20 000 visitor goal predictions about visitor numbers probably less than 100. I'd like to blame it on the British weather P.S Luke's in charge of this video oh dear good day in the life episode about mapperton would not be complete without a scene about water as I'm up in London covering the coronation of King Charles III thank you now Mick it's a pretty miserable day predictions about visitor numbers probably less than 100 less than 100. it's been such a difficult year for us so far and one of the things about Martin is that we're so far from any major cities it's really quite hard to draw people in so we have a new idea and we'd be interested in your views and that is we're going to create a virtual visitor ticket and if you're a virtual visitor you get the ticket online and it will give you access to a virtual experience of coming to mapperton seeing different locations it would have some 360 degree photos but also some bits of video introducing you to the different parts of the estate the house the gardens Etc let us know if you think that that would be an interesting thing for you to take part in and we'll get on with the development [Music] oh I can see Andy has arrived morning Annie morning Luke how you doing setting up for the day yep set the cakes up homemade cakes and cakes cakes mapperton is known for its cakes so um homemade Victoria's sandwich homemade homemade gluten-free chocolate brownies gluten-free brownies and our daily made homemade scones scones and a famous Dorset Dorset apple cake hooray which one's gonna sell more the daughter application might come and have a side for that so first up today I'm going to go and meet Ben who I can see over here already and Ben's got a couple of boring chores the first thing I think we're gonna go and look at is a broken gate yeah which we're going to fix and for which you need some really skilled some skill fences yeah Talent that's it exactly that's what I called let's go and check out the gate perfect great [Music] thank you [Music] so we are in myth oh I can see the problem so Ben what's the job uh so we're just going to take out the old the old fence post this is the old strut as well so that's just sort of kept everything tight um so we're going to take take this out restrain the barbed wire and probably replace that post as well so it's a bit more sturdy because that I'm afraid is yeah it's gone should we do it sure yeah okay to use that yeah and then yeah that's it then you do it like that [Music] there we go look at that last splinter out now I do have a confession go for it I've never hammered in a post before you do one and I'll do toddler yeah how's that sound yeah sounds good nice [Music] just the real loud agricultural way of just using a bit of string not another piece of string one of the things I despair of at Maps is a number of gates with pieces of Street okay so that's sort of doing it there he makes it look so light oh there we go oh [Music] [Music] so that's the thing yeah I think that's pretty good I'm exhausted right [Music] Ben is nervous about his hands and he has every reason to be one hand this is all that stands stand between freedom for those cows and these wonderful bluebells there we go I hope it's gonna fit look at that sort of sort of there's an easy knot to untie yeah which will only take a second yeah exactly I think I think we're done perfect [Music] right then we'll have to get this out later yeah where next next pennies go and check on the paintings daily check of ponies really important essential daily job we're up above Marsh Farm because this is where the Exmore Ponies are this is this isn't their long term thing though but um one of the things that you've got Ben on your daily checklist is checking the ponies yeah what are you what are you checking for so I've got a mixture of things at the moment um so we've got one uh maver so she's slowly bagging up so she's slowly making and producing milk so slowly bagging up so is that the technical term yeah I didn't know that so yeah so we'll be looking to see if you look underneath her leg she's getting very wide and she's basically pregnant yes so they're in here let's go have a look so they're here temporarily whilst the um stallion the male waits for his operation exactly luckily he still doesn't know what's coming to him no no but after that then heading up to coldly now one thing I can't help noticing is that these Ponies are doing a far better job of rooting than the pigs I mean their hooves are turning up the soil everywhere yeah and they and they can get the they can get the grass down to Shorter level than the White Park can as well because they've got more sensitive nose as well yeah so they can get a bit closer you can you can slowly see so as you can just see maybe just how she stood there you can actually sort of see her bagging up underneath her back legs there so so yeah so she's not probably another week maybe a week and a half they seem really relaxed yeah they are yeah they've settled into life really well yeah [Music] just been coming down the drive and I've noticed Paul Raymond on his knees what's happening Roman there's range obviously the drain's blocked drains blocked we have a lot of rain it's usually been trying their best to get it undone and Jake but um so what so so it's blocked in here it's on this side Luke so the drink the downstairs yeah right so right I can feel a lot of of sort of sediment and yeah that's about it anything we can do right then no only pray that I don't get drowned okay everyone everyone praying I think A Day in the Life episode about mapperton would not be complete without a scene about water okay oh it's sliding down another one Raymond we're going to run out of sticks soon Raymond we've got a few more down there somewhere do you think you've do you think you've got through right man I think it's going it's only got to go the other side of the road Luke just to get get to the drain over there it's definitely going down look at that it's definitely going down faster than it's going up yeah if that makes any sense yeah [Music] right this is the estate office which of course is the nerve center the Operation Center of everything at mapperson and I think today we have Claire and Holly good morning um I don't have a desk here anymore because there's no room so I sometimes pinch bends because you only hear half the time Ah Holy is our weddings and events manager here at mapton you will have seen her before on the program um we had our first wedding on Saturday for the season we did and it was an absolute Monsoon but I hear it went well yeah despite the rain I mean I think we got quite lucky in the sense that when they arrived it actually stopped raining which was good it was just a setup it was us in the rain but it means I can do a wedding in the rain here at wrapton and it was a complete success so for me I feel like yeah exactly if you've done a wedding like that Holly all of the others are going to be a breeze absolutely weddings are just part of what Holly is doing here at mapperton she's got uh events coming up we had a very successful plant Fair yes um what's our next big event so it'll be Shakespeare in the garden so that's Sunday the 16th and if you want to come and see middle night stream at mapton you just go to maplin.com where you can get tickets and if you want to come and get married at mapperton Holly is your person um Holly thanks so much thank you foreign so it's the end of a typical day at mapperton but there is one last thing to do I'm going to go and check in with Andy and see how the day has gone because he uh cashes up the till and he knows exactly how many people have come to visit and sometimes it's quite nice to keep an eye on these things so let's head on in hello Andy all right Luke how you doing I am good for smelling some nice things in here though how's the cake selling daughter uppercase been actually great yeah customers said it's the best I've ever had what the best the best 4K the best applique they've ever had the best apple cake you need to come and visit mapperton purely to taste the best apple cake in Britain are we going to say that yeah I think so I think so yeah yeah and have we I mean it's been a miserable day weather-wise we've just had such bad luck with the weather so I'm not expecting huge numbers of people so we've had 25 visitors to house and Gardens yeah and funnily enough 25 visitors for the cafe alone 38 of which of sandwiches which is a high seller the best seller well you'd expect sandwiches to be the best seller and obviously the original beef sandwich was the biggest seller yeah the beef sandwiches yeah I mean it's not a great day but but it's a ticking over day isn't it don't considering the weather forecast given the weather forecast I think that's quite a good day but if you're in the local area and the weather's terrible you could do much worse than come to mapperton and enjoy and these fantastic apple cake oh terrific selection of teas and a warm welcome bye everybody here and our favorite sandwiches and our famous beef sandwich this has been a day in the life at mapperton thank you foreign
Channel: Mapperton Live: This (un)Aristocratic Manor Life
Views: 42,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mapperton, mapperton live, mapperton julie montagu, mapperton estate, mapperton estate youtube, mapperton house and gardens, Julie Montagu, Luke Montagu, american viscountess, mapperton house tour, mapperton wedding, mapperton rewilding, mapperton tour, mapperton pool, Mapperton Live pool, mapperton christmas, mapperton gardens, historic house UK, rewilding, earl of sandwich, Viscount Hinchingbrooke, Viscountess Hinchingbrooke
Id: _4P4cDpCuLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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