Which was the STRONGEST RACE During The Lord of the Rings? | Middle-Earth Lore

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today's video is brought to you by tiege Hanley in today's video we answer the question which race was the strongest in the third age during the time of the war of the Ring the only requirement for consideration is that the respective group olfaction should still inhabit Middle Earth at the time of The Lord of the Rings one thing to keep in mind though this topic may not have a definitive answer and we are more Curious to explore the relative strength of the factions present rather than rank each over the other and vice versa so let's jump into it still me worthy of the Lord hello and welcome to the Broken Sword your home for Lord of the Rings and all things concerned in Tolkien and the world he created please take the time to like the video subscribe to the Channel all the great stuff so you can stick around with us for more future content to begin part of what makes the Fellowship of the Ring so memorable and lovable is its diverse cast of characters those who make up that group reflect the variety of peoples within Middle Earth we have four Hobbits Frodo Sam Marion Pippin an Alf Legolas the son of thrandwill a dwarf Gimli son of gloin two men Aragorn of the dunadine and Boromir of Gondor and last but certainly not least among them Gandalf the Gray a powerful Maya and guide for the first leg of their Journey before he was separated during his fight against jiren's aim of this group it is easy to name the mightiest individuals though it is possible that would be missing the point no one faction race or individual is up to the task of individually taking on Sauron and the might of mortal it is only by means of cooperation and indeed through Fellowship that the will of Sauron can be overcome this means that the ancient enmities that exist between these groups such as the Elves and the dwarves the dunadine and Gondor these past grievances must be put aside for the common good and future of their world but even if it doesn't come down to just power then what about 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their civilization at the beginning of the third age the situation and relative strength of the different races is not so simple foremost is the issue of the elves who would leaving Middle Earth at this time though men were in Decline as well Sauron gathered his forces once more and though the greatness of numeral was long forgotten by many in the world there were easterlings the rohirim and the answer appears to be spelled out throughout the Lord of the Rings to our question the elves were sailing west and it was the will of arui luvata that the time would come when the elves would depart the world and this would give way to the age of men in the final analysis though there were still elves of great influence and Power in Middle Earth during the events of the war of the Ring their greatness had long been waning and the age of men had been rapidly approaching we learned that in the aftermath of the war of the Ring Aragorn the king set about remarking and setting to right the wrongs as best that he could ordering his newly reunited Kingdom to be one of Peace one of the most important acts as King was the freeing of the slaves the peoples of nirn Those whom Sauron had used to work the lands which surrounded the Sea of nun these vast Green Fields were entirely given over to slave labor and Aragon's attention to this speaks highly of those prospects of his new kingdom and to the potential of his peoples as the third age waned as the elves continued to sail away into the west and the dwarves while they delved ever deeper into the Earth it is possible that sauron's influence might depart that land and the fourth age might be kinder to the peoples of the East not least among them the former slaves of the nirn but also the easterlings who might yet be great when freed of the influence of the dark lord to that point the easterlings were always assumed to have a great power though little is ever really said or known about their specific kingdoms or the strength of them in general over the course of this age of warfare we get to see a number of factions rise up and fall from power in their regions as the power of individual factions grew of them we must mention angma though in 1409 of the third age angma took control of root dower and attacked cardalam destroying every settlement in the Kingdom except for the Barrow downs and farbat when Sauron was defeated in the war of the last Alliance the dunadine were free for a time from the show but the lord of the NASCAR the witch King came into the northern reach of the Misty Mountains and founded angma from which he would assault and wage war against the dunadine of the north and he would manage to take the greater part of Arnold rudawa in the years to follow he would attempt to further divide the kingdom of Arnold by Conquering the Lesser Realms of also carderland and arthurdine too Sauron would return soon afterwards and the witch king would continue their Wars against the men of arthadine and Cardinal they would only survive for a time while Sauron lurked in merkwood the realm of angma here was great in strength and more so than the then scattered kingdoms of men the kingdom of Gondor would be brought to a lower point when the plague hit its land and also this when its last king ayon was baited by the witch King by taunts of cowardice the king of Gondor at this time left his crown behind and entered Minas morgul once the Tower of ethyl now the Tower of black sorcery and he would not return he thought he was going to fight the witch King in single combat but to trust such an evil being was a grave mistake in the aftermath gondol would come to be governed by the line of the stewards and the Great White Tree of Gondor would Bloom less and less in the years that followed as the line of Kings was broke angma would remain the biggest player in the West for Generations before Mordor would exert its might once more during the events of the Lord of the Rings in the year 1974 of the third age Arthur dine was destroyed which was the last of the lands of elendil the capital of Arthur dinat fornost which had survived the first Siege with the aid of the elves not least among them geared on the shipwright and Lord alwand of Rivendell and also most prominently lafinder it was in fact he who gave that famous statement that the witch king would not be slain by a man and while we all know how that ended so we can see how the kingdom of Arnold was in great decline lessening the power of the colonists of numenor on this continent the remnants of the Dunedin of Arnold would remain them and that remnant of them would become the Rangers of the north but as a people their power was not great of numbers individually they were strong men I mean you had the likes of Aragorn and his forefathers within them but as a whole they couldn't exactly take over around Arthur died alone of the petty kingdoms of the broken Arnold kept the shards of narcel and formed the captains of the Rangers but again it is a question here of their numbers the witch King's power was only a preamble to the return of saur whose mic towards the end of the third age would drag the whole of the continent into war the war of the Rings is waged by Sauron who is not yet at full strength which speaks to the strength of Sauron without his full might he is on the knife's edge of bringing the world under his boot if not for the destruction of his ring it is possible he may have done so after the witch King was defeated and angma FAL dolgold door was steadily gathering strength with the unknown Menace that was Sauron although hidden as the Necromancer with the arrival of the eothead and their settlements along the anduin river they would rise in power and drive out the remainder of the forces of angma and settle in framsberg a city which would endure until it was abandoned in 2509 and this group of people traveled Southward to kalinardan the Prelude to the foundation and Rise of the horse Lords of Rohan Rohan and the Roth hirim were a different class of men they would be the greatest allies of the weakened Gondor in its time under the role of the stewards in the later third age the rohirim were the best Horsemen but the realm of gondol was roughly three times that of Rohan Rohan would grow in strength from this point though it would be another kingdom that would be brought to a lower Point by the mechanisms of evil Saruman the wizard acted against Rohan though his methods are different in the books in the writings wimting is sent to ensure that Theoden would take no action against Saruman and the Orcs traveling across Rohan or from otherwise mobilizing any military force after Gandalf brought this plot to like them Saruman and wormtang would be revealed but as we see with Gondor in the late third age the rohirim are just a shadow of what they had been even though we here at the Broken Sword absolutely love the film Trilogy we must count it among Peter Jackson's true sins the handling of danathor the steward of Gumball the events which preceded the downfall of Gondor had more to do with plague and Civil War than any individual Steward or King though the abandoned Throne must have had an impact on the cohesion of the kingdom and its strength when it comes to danathon we must remember that his portrayal in the films is so unlike the character in the book they may as well have been different characters though gondol was at his lowest it was not for want of effort on behalf of denethor Dennis will strove mightily against Sauron for decades before the contest of Wills with him finally exhausted the man by the end of the third age the future seemed brighter for the lands east of Mordor and for the easterlings their strength has often been tied to that of mortal and for that reason it's not proper to count their power individually as it was part of the greater strength that was sauron's Army in the late third age one of the many themes at play throughout the Lord of the Rings and the greater legendarium is the rise and then the fall of powers whether they be the forces of Mordor or of an ancient Elder at some point a given group will be brought lower and once ancient powerful groups will cease to exist the reunified kingdoms of Arno and Gondor under the most powerful Kingdom at the end of the third age under the new High King alasar will itself someday fall too it is not a question of if but when same can be said of the dwarves who were the mightiest of warriors in terms of physical strength yet by the time of The Lord of the Rings in the late third age their strength as a group had waned from what it once was though there were other settlements east of Mordor such as roon Harrod and Khan we know that roon is great in Antiquity since it was there that elves men and dwarves awoke and throughout its long history surely it has seen countless Kings tribal Chieftains and high civilizations only that we know less about them but for the focus of our story what we know is that the combined forces of the East with those back in Sauron and the forces of Mordor were together the strongest realm of Middle Earth until the culmination of the war of the ring at that time the Dominion of men was ready and we have the new High King willing to begin the remaking of these formerly great formerly powerful realms at the time of the war of the Ring the men were the greatest in strength of the races of Middle Earth but it is not that simple as many were divided along political and cultural lines if we look at an individual for a moment maybe for the dwarves and someone like Dane ironford has to be one of the greatest warriors to ever live but alone there would be little for him to do but Dane is such an awesome character please let us know in the comments below if you would like to have a video looking more at this legendary Dwarven Warrior but talking of the dwarves the war of the dwarves and Orcs Was Won by the dwarves but it was as such a great cost they lost half of their army in a very peric victory that cost their civilization dearly and led directly to their lessening as the third age moved on meaning by the time of the war of the Ring their power was nothing compared to what it had once been of course there were the dwarves of arable whose might had been great but the death of their Chieftains in the Great Walls of the dwarves and the Orcs their power that of older Generations when bellagosta nogrod were in their might battles with the likes of the longworm scatter and later with the fire Drake smog 2 all of these would bring these lower times to the dwarves while men were undoubtedly the strongest race remaining in Middle Earth by the end of The Lord of the Rings of course this would not be the case had not the elves decided to go into the West with alaron's passing into the West at the End of the Age it marks the passing of the last great Vestige of Elvish power in the Realms of Middle Earth making room for the second born of arui Louis vuitar to come into their own to make way for the Dominion of men the elves of lothlorian too would pass as Galadriel tells Frodo in the mirror of Galadriel that their coming is for her the coming of Doom as if the fellowship should succeed it means that the realm of lothlorian should fade this video focuses on the most powerful races and why they could be considered as such at the time of The Lord of the Rings an analysis of the greatest powers of Arda is different depending on the time period and to look at the most powerful in any era would change the picture completely just consider the Realms of the phallus and lothlorian under the leaderships of Kier down the shipwright and Galadriel the Lady of Light respectively they were given back to nature of the remaining alvish Realms of power at the time of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings there were undoubtedly those in mirkwood too the Sylvan elves of King thrandwill the father of Legolas and one of the few of the elves of antiquity from the house of orifa to remain a Middle Earth he is from the first age and this extremely long-lived still able to field a respectable Army as we do see in The Hobbit though the elves show up at the Battle of the hornberg or hounds deep in the movies this is not so in the books they just didn't have the same kind of numbers to do this there was still a war in the North to fight and they couldn't give soldiers to those in the South as well again a big thing comes down to the numbers that they possessed and really how that stops them from being the most powerful of the races and so as our story comes to an end we have to say men are in the might of their youth yet as we have seen over and over this is never long in lasting power is not One's Own in tolkien's world that strength that comes to the people and beings Middle Earth is only borrowed and for a time in truth it would fade before long anyway the time of the elves came to an end and the heralding of the fourth age was that of the reunification and the strengthening of the kingdoms of men for as long as it lasts that is of the other elves there were also the philatherine who lived along the western Shore's Middle Earth under the lordship of kierdan but they too would leave Middle Earth making a home in the gray Havens for their final voyage to the undying lands at the end of the day we can see the elves were fading the dwarves dug deeper but men men were taken their time now yes you had some who followed more evil but still the race of men were there with the dark power of Sauron fading and light being given back to these groups hopefully putting a stop to the evil there it shows that altogether the race of men must truly have been the strongest race during the Lord of the Rings it's just a shame but because they fought on both sides that's why the war was closer than it may have been you may also realize that I haven't mentioned the hobbits in this video but you know they're people of peace they could barely take on a few Ruffians so I don't think they're really much of a discussion for this grander question not that I wouldn't like to see an army of Hobbits taking on the best of them foreign so with that now it is time for my question of the day which is if it did come down to a battle royale styled fight all of the men together all of the elves all of the dwarves all of the hobbits maybe even all of the Orcs that remained which race do you think would come out on top let me know all of your thoughts and theories on this in the comment section below and now it is time to shout out our patrons you guys have been amazing in sporting our short film project and we are making good progress and I cannot thank you all enough we have the divine power team members of Kevin and Abram the fire demon tier members of the sheath Demby steel and Gregory and the wizard staff team members of John Andrew Jennifer and Hunter you are all true Legends of the Bro here finally if you manage to read the very end of this video with me today and you are enjoying what you see on the Channel please hit that subscribe button with the Bell icon too so that you can be notified of all of our future uploads and thanks again to today's sponsor tiege Hanley do not forget to check out the link in the description below for 30 off of your first box and so thank you once again for spending just some of your time with me today and I will see you next time on the broker consult [Music]
Channel: The Broken Sword
Views: 47,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Broken Sword, History of Middle Earth, The Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings Lore, Middle Earth Lore, The Hobbit, The Silmarillion, Tolkien Lore, how strong were the elves, how strong were the dwarves, how strong is the race of men, who is the strongest elf, who is the strongest man, who is he strongest dwarf, dwarves in the lord of the rings, elves in the lord of the rings, men in the lord of the rings, lord of the rings who is the strongest, lotr
Id: yrAB6odCtgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2022
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