What MacBook Pro Should You Buy in 2023?

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this video is sponsored by Squarespace here's the thing guys I know my new Macbook Pro video is a little bit late I bought the M2 Pro expecting to make this big video about it but to be honest the performance differences in between the M2 Pro and M1 Pro are kind of non-existent with the M2 Pro of course you get more cores you get a updated HDMI port a little bit better battery life Wi-Fi 6E and that's about it for all of the video workflows that I was doing uh oftentimes my M1 Pro MacBook from the previous year was actually faster 348 349 M1 Beat It by one sec okay in Premiere in between the M1 Pro and the M2 Pro are the exact same export times too this is upscaling a 50 second 4K clip to two times scale okay the M1 Pro is completed at 23 minutes 54 seconds the M2 Pro is still going M1 is going so much faster done M1 Pro's done M2 Pro isn't done yet okay now it's done what the heck so instead of scrapping this entire video I just got rid of all of the fluff I was talking about with the M2 Pro and this is basically turned into a long-term one year review of my M1 Pro MacBook that I do love dearly and if you're a video creator and you're buying a M2 Pro today or you're lucky and find an M1 Pro use at a cheaper price then you are going to be solid so I use the M1 Max 16 inch and M1 Pro 14 inch often and I always went back to the 14 inch M1 Pro you should go pro and not Max 14 inch and not 16. I feel often I'm kind of wishy-washy and now you can get that or that but I feel very passionate about this the M1 Pro this MacBook was so crazy because we went from Intel chips to Apple silicon it was a huge transition for power just the raw power but also power efficiency and the gains that we saw were just insane for the people who want to upgrade their laptop and maybe they haven't seen the news in the past one or two years um that is why these laptops have gotten so good that Apple silicon transition but also MacBooks now have ports after five years of not having any ports so the price that we're looking at for the specific M2 Pro MacBook Pro is 3299 so it's the mid-tier MacBook Pro and that's the same exact price as my M1 Pro MacBook that I purchased over a year ago it's so powerful for that 3299 price tag and I believe it's the best bang for your buck this SKU so I edited some of the biggest videos that I did this past year on this tiny MacBook machine so I did the recent Apple event back in September that edit is always so crazy because you are going for speed nothing can crash and you have to export as quickly as possible to get your video up at a similar time as all the other YouTubers and oh my gosh this was such a champ and a little bit of a curveball hit me I've never had this happen in my entire life but my MacBook charger just bricked didn't work anymore and the only charger that I had other than that was my USBC brick for my iPad Pro which was only like a 20 watt tiny charger but I could still charge it with USBC so I just kept that plugged in as I was editing away for like the the seven hours that it took me to finish the video and what is so crazy is the power efficiency as I was editing in DaVinci Resolve the battery didn't even go down I was able to sustain that 100 battery throughout editing the entire video and also exporting the other biggest video that I edited this past year was our lab 22 Kickstarter video which was kind of crazy by the way thank you so much for your patience with that you know uh building a new brand and building Hardware is super difficult but we're starting to ship at the end of February and I'm just super excited for that you can see all the different revisions that we've gone through so it's like Sarah for the first four then we have Kyle then Sarah then Kyle then Sarah then Kyle then sarah sarah sarah um Kyle is my remote editor who helps me out occasionally so let's go into this Beast of an edit okay so as you can see this timeline was pretty intense not all of my edits are like this but if you're doing edits like this all the time that's when I would allow you to get the 16 inch MacBook because that extra real estate does go a long way um I actually did this with my Apple Studio display with this connected and again there were no issues on the film convert color grade is still on and we have the timeline settings to full playback so that's going to make it play every single video frame 24 frames per second it can't skip some to keep going and I'm pretty sure it's gonna do it so let's let's just test it out [Music] I got like you know the text animation some b-roll some music and as you can see up here it's not dropping any frames so this is where you can tell if this is red that's when it's dropping frames but it's green playing back oh right there I messed up just because it was a transition but it recovered two times feed go back so again this is a mix of 4K footage from the fx6 4K footage from the a7s3 that highly compress xavc 4K footage and when it comes to video editing with machines of course you always want a fast export time but you get the most value out of computers that can play back your footage so you're not stuttering in the timeline and that's what I've been kind of amazed with I really think really think average Video Creator can do so much damage with this computer like you really like I usually hate to say this because I'm I'm the type of person who just maxes out everything right you really don't need the maxed out MacBook Pro the mid tier and also the 14 inch size I just feel like it's perfect it's so portable and hey if you are a video editor and you're on a Mac and maybe you're switching to resolve or you just have switched to resolve I have a tip for you I'm seeing this on Twitter a ton because I had the same issue as well if you're having issues with editing your footage and liking the color and resolve but then hitting export and it not matching up when you upload it to YouTube or maybe you watch it in QuickTime do these two things and resolve to solve your problem number one go to Project settings color management timeline color space and select Rec 709-a and then go to your preferences General and make sure this is checked the use Mac display color profiles for viewers and that's going to ensure that the video that you export is actually going to look like what you've edited in resolve this was my biggest biggest learning curve starting to edit on Mac again after I just had my workflow you know on my PC the color the color wasn't turning out as I wanted there's a few videos on this channel that I just gave up and they're super orange and just like over color graded um yeah sometimes you just gotta ship it you know you just gotta upload the video hey just give me one minute here remember in last week's video when I was like Judy really likes Squarespace as well we should we should make a website for Judy well I've been dabbling with my own Squarespace website that's what I use for my online portfolio saradici.com and they just released a huge update called the fluid engine where you can now take blocks of text photos and all of the other awesome types of content that you have on your website and you can put them wherever you want on your website in a very fluid way and Squarespace does all of the magic behind the scenes to make sure that it's perfectly formatted for a desktop for an iPad for a phone and so I thought it was fun hey why don't we build a Squarespace website for my love Judy my cat Mr Judy and at the same time I can show you this magic of their new fluid engine foreign Judy got his own website am I right okay so a lot of you probably don't want to build websites for your pets however if you're a working creative and you want an awesome creative portfolio or you want to sell digital or physical goods online you want to start an e-commerce website Squarespace is the way to do it they have so many amazing Integrations that make it just so easy they have beautiful templates for a great starting point or as you can see you can now use their fluid engine to customize them as much as you want so if you want to try it out go to squarespace.com for a free trial but if you want to get started today go to squarespace.com that's me for 10 off your first purchase of a domain or website do it okay back to the MacBooks okay now we need to talk about the size right 14 inch I really feel like it is the best size God these computers can get very smudgy they can get very smudgy especially since resolve really uses up a laptop screen really well uh I have not run into any issues when I'm traveling out and about being like ah I need more screen space now the bezels are pushed out further you just get more screen real estate now with the size and I did use the 16 inch for a while and I'm telling you that thing gets so heavy in a backpack it is so bulky when you're in an airplane seat I mean if you're in the main cab and forget about it if you're in Delta Comfort maybe right but when I traveled with these 16-inch MacBook Pro I instantly was like this is not gonna work it did not motivate me to whip out the laptop and get some editing done it was just too bulky it was too much for the poor little airplane trays and so if it is your main goal for the MacBook to be the machine that you travel with and move around with it's not just gonna sit on your desk 100 I would go with the 14 inch now you say well Sarah okay that's cool but what about putting the M2 Max chip into the 14 inch instead of the M2 Pro so this is why I also think the pairing with the M2 Pro is perfect is that Max chip it's very powerful and it is going to use all of those cores CPUs and gpus to its fullest ability even when you're just watching a YouTube video on Chrome and so the battery life which already isn't the best with the 14 inch if you stick a Max chip in it it's just gonna be worse so that's like my biggest recommendation is if you want reasonable battery life like four to five to maybe sometimes six hours of a mix of creative work and also just browsing the web I would 100 still go with the M2 Pro because hopefully what I've shared with you already with my video editing Journey you know that it's already capable ports there's not much left to say about it but I am just thankful we got ports I use the HDMI and the SD card slot all of the time literally all the time the only thing else say about the SD card slot it just kind of sucks sometimes it doesn't recognize SD card slots you gotta like insert them and take them out again and just do it a few times it's kind of slow you know it's not the fastest SD card reader um but just the convenience factor to have it when I'm traveling is just it's it's worth it something I didn't expect I really never use magsafe to charge I usually always go with charging with a USBC yes Hank you can charge via USBC and the more time I've spent with this why magsafe actually doesn't make much sense I almost don't even want to mention it because we spent so much time lobbying Apple to add back pores I don't I don't want to complain about ports but why it would actually make sense to get rid of the magsafe and just add a fourth USBC back like we used to have is a lot of Mac users use USBC displays and so usually the USBC is used for both the display connection and power so you can power your MacBook um over that same connection with only one cable that's what makes USBC um and Thunderbolts so great but on an old MacBook if you're using a USBC display well you would still have three usbcs left now if you did that you'd only have two but now also you have an HDMI port as well so I guess you could just use that and then also plug in magsafe and you'll still have three usbcs open so you know I'm trying not to get too nitpicky but I just wanted you know to bring it up okay moving on to storage at this price point of 32.99 we have two terabytes which I feel like is a great middle ground for video creators however if you have the extra budget I would just like to make a soft suggestion to go to four terabytes it's pretty crazy that you can have up to eight terabytes of SSD storage in these MacBooks I would not go with eight terabytes but I really feel like four terabytes should be like the new standard for video creators for laptops it's just such a good piece of mine when I'm traveling or I'm not at home that I don't have to bring along a ton of external ssds with me to actually work off of right I can work off of my internal SSD for video editing because that's always going to be the fastest option always your internal SSD 8 terabytes is just too expensive and the resale value for your MacBook might not be as good because that's just too excessive for a lot of people and that's also the reason why on my PC I actually still only have a two terabyte SSD because it forces me when I'm done with the video projects I have to force it off of my SSD and put it onto my Nas Where it gets safer okay and the last but certainly not least this is actually the entire reason why I kind of wanted to make this follow-up video is the battery life these MacBooks have become such powerhouses they have exceeded my expectations in so many ways so let me have this one thing that still isn't that great and could still be improved I feel like and that's the battery life I get at most like four hours of battery life which are probably like what that's crazy because everyone talks about MacBooks having really good battery life but I think her people are getting confused is the MacBook Air the M1 MacBook Air and the M2 MacBook Air MacBook Air not pro those machines have insane battery life like I swear y'all they run on freaking unicorn dust or something because they just don't stop the standby battery is amazing and just scrolling on anything it doesn't matter if you're using Chrome the battery life is phenomenal and so I think people are confusing what people are saying about that with the pros it is not the same it's not even on the same Planet okay so I just don't want you to get your hopes up over the Intel MacBooks oh my gosh it's been improved like crazy John had a completely specked out I9 MacBook Pro from like 2019 and towards the end of its life it was barely hanging on to an hour of battery life okay so Apple silicon is still Leaps and Bounds better future Sarah coming at you with some battery updates after using the M2 Pro for a while I finally um did a proper battery test today a good variety of Netflix YouTube productivity um some apps here and there and editing in resolve so I have my little notebook here so the battery life is actually better which is great for me to see especially after not seeing big improvements in resolve so we're going from the M1 Pro on the bad side three hours but on the good side around five hours of battery life to the M2 Pro which actually got six hours and 50 minutes of battery granted I wasn't video editing the entire time a little under two of those hours that were in resolve but I also exported a video in that time so it's great to see some power efficiency improvements good my potential issues are unique to me where you might might have these issues is one I use Google Chrome I'm sorry to the people are just like just use Safari my main machine is a PC I can't do that my entire life is in Google Bookmarks Google passwords and so that ease of use for me in between machines um you know iPhone MacBook PC what have you it's all wrapped up in Chrome and so I just I can't switch okay so that's something I have to struggle with but if you're not wrapped up that much into the ecosystem and you can use Safari use Safari you're gonna get better battery life okay the other thing is I have some apps that are running in the background a lot so I use the G drive desktop app which is always kind of syncing in the background and so people also said that those types of apps will run the battery life down so if you wanted the absolute best battery life in a MacBook Pro well you would stick the M2 Pro in the 16 inch MacBook Pro because hey bigger batteries it's a bigger chassis win-win but again I love the 14 inch so you know there's a there's a few sacrifices in there but I can't stress this enough I cannot stress this enough you guys dabble in Creative work if you're in resolve from your Lightroom Photoshop any of that stuff occasionally but you're mainly in Chrome or Safari doing admin work taking Zoom calls can't stress this enough go with a MacBook Air the MacBook Air is such an impressive machine and that battery life is so amazing and that chip the M2 is more than capable for everything that you're going to do and you're going to be so happy that you went with the air you're just gonna be stoked on the size the lightness the performance and most importantly the battery life okay let me know what you thought about this video apologies I kind of hopped around from the M1 Pro and the M2 Pro but as I was using this machine I was like oh a lot of what I have to say has to do with my experience with this past year at the M1 Pro of most of that transfers over to This truly believe the M2 Pro the 14 inch is the best form factor and it's also going to be more than capable for I would say most working creatives now I would say the only thing left for Max would be just like instant video export times and maybe eliminating the beach ball forever I would love to never ever get a beach ball ever for the rest of my existence my sentences are kind of struggling towards the end of this I could tell so let's sign off guys if you like this video smash that like button and hit that subscribe button down below for new videos every single week we just hit 900k subscribers thank you guys so much and make sure you check out that Squarespace link down in the description below to build that creative portfolio or start that e-commerce brand that you've always wanted to start today squarespace.com okay stay peachy okay bye foreign
Channel: Sara Dietschy
Views: 94,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: m1 pro macbook pro review 1 year later, m2 pro macbook pro review, m2 pro macbook pro for video editors, best macbook for video editors, m2 macbook davinci resolve, m2 pro vs m2 max macbook pro, sara dietschy laptops macbook
Id: naG0syF4rx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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