M3 Mac Lineup Revealed! (Coming SOON!)

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okay we just got a bunch of fresh new details about new M3 Max and the entire specifications for the M3 chip the M3 Pro chip and the M3 Max chip and we also have some new rumors and leaks talking about some M3 Max which may be coming before the end of this year probably in some sort of Apple October or November event so this is really exciting so for this video I want to tell you all about the specifications for these M3 chips and also tell you about some of the M3 Max we might be getting before the end of this year and some future M3 Max that Apple has planned not too long after so let's first start off with that M3 chip now listen I'm gonna I'm gonna level with you if you are a power user watching this video if you watch Greg's gadgets you're probably a little bit of a power user right uh the this might not sound that exciting to you at first but let me build my case here so the M3 chip is rumored to have the same same eight core CPU and the same 10 core GPU as the M2 Chip so when you hear that you go okay that's not that exciting but the thing you have to remember is is that the M1 chip was built on a five nanometer process and then that M2 Chip was also built on that same five nanometer process so with this M3 chip that is going to be built on a new three nanometer process that is the same chip design that is basically going into the latest iPhone 15 which isn't out yet if you're watching this video and it is the like latest chip technology right uh I believe right this is going to be the first computer you know the first desktops and laptops with a three nanometer chip so not only does that mean that these chips are going to be more powerful but because they're built on that smaller process they are going to be way more energy efficient than the M1 and the M2 Chip which also means that apple is going to extend their lead already with their already impressive like efficiency and and thermal performance on these Macs so when you have a thin and light computer like the MacBook Air or even something small like a Mac Mini because these three nanometer chips are running at lower energy they're going to produce less heat they're going to you know run better thermally and they're going to get a power boost on top of the M3 chip so that means you're just gonna get like a really good chip all around like this chip is very very exciting um another thing that I've been seeing in these rumors we'll talk about this more when we talk about the M2 Max chip is that I think we're also going to be getting a slight bump up in the standard memory configurations on the M3 chip so the way I'm looking at it now I am predicting that the M3 chip um starts with eight gigabytes of memory right now of unified memory I believe the M3 chip will start with 12 gigabytes of unified memory which is also a really good thing for people who are shopping for an entry level computer and especially for users who are buying a base level configuration you know a lot of the times I do recommend eight gigabytes but it can be a little bit constraining you know even just a little bit more with 12 gigabytes as the standard I I think that's going to make a lot of people very happy and it's probably going to ease up a lot of my recommendations as well so what are the first M3 Max we can expect with this new Baseline uh M3 chip well again they're going to be the entry level Max so those are computers like the uh MacBook Air the Mac Mini and the iMac So currently though uh based on rumors apple is already testing M3 versions of the Mac Mini so the Mac Mini could be one of the first computers out with the M3 chip inside of it um and then another rumor is that apple is already testing a 24 inch iMac with the M3 chip in it now that one's exciting because Apple kind of glossed over the uh 24 inch iMac when it came to the M2 Chip they did not release or update one uh with an M2 Chip inside of it if you go to buy a 24 inch iMac it still has the original M1 in it and when that 24 inch iMac came out that was a very exciting computer it got a brand new redesign it looked really fresh it was a really good value but the fact that it's now still sitting there with that regular M1 chip it makes it kind of harder to recommend so I am really excited to see a new 24 inch iMac there's not a lot of rumors on if there's going to be like a ton of new features with that base level iMac I assume most of these are just going to be spec bumps up to the new M3 chip but yeah a 24 inch iMac with an M3 chip especially if it comes with even more memory on the Baseline that is going to be a fantastic computer to recommend and then of course obviously you also have the MacBook Air I'm wondering how that update's gonna play out obviously the M2 MacBook Air hasn't been updated in over a year now so it's due for an M3 upgrade but uh the 15-inch M2 MacBook Air just came out so it's kind of weird like apple has done like really quick spec bumps before in the past so it wouldn't necessarily like super surprise me if Apple you know this fall is came out with a 15-inch M3 MacBook Air but I just kind of feel bad because I really like that M2 15-inch MacBook Air I've been recommending it and then if someone goes out and buys it today and then like you know in a few months there's already an M3 version that's uh that sounds weird to me so I'm not sure if Apple will actually update the 13-inch M2 MacBook Air and then leave the 15 inch with just the M2 Chip and not the M3 I I don't know how to how to parse that one so maybe they'll just do the Mac Mini and the 24 inch iMac first and then save that for a later date um but another rumor uh was that Apple was testing a 13-inch version of the MacBook Pro with an M3 chip now with this one you know I hope they do something more than just you know give this a spec bump upgrade uh because you know that MacBook Pro is still using the older design it's still using the touch bar and I would really like to see the design language update it to what we have on the new Macbook Air and the 14 and 16 inch MacBook Pro and that computer that laptop it feels a little bit redundant right now with the release of that new 15-inch MacBook Air because they both start at thirteen hundred dollars if you were to ask me if you should buy an M2 MacBook Pro 13-inch or the M2 MacBook Air 15 inch I would say get the 15 inch MacBook Air so I I almost kind of hope that Apple broadens the lineup a little bit and to do this I think what they could do is maybe start that MacBook Pro at a higher starting price so uh release it with the M3 chip maybe start at around like 1500 1600 give it the more modern design of the 14 inch MacBook Pro put a couple more ports on it differentiate it from the MacBook Air lineup and maybe even put in some of the nicer specs that the 14-inch has like a mini LED display but then like the difference between that 14 inch MacBook Pro and maybe the smaller 13.6 inch MacBook Pro whatever you want to call it uh maybe that would only have like the M3 chip and you wouldn't be able to spec it out to like an M3 Pro so I I think that would make more sense in the lineup you can give more ports and then like the better screen technology to people who want that but don't necessarily need the power of the higher end M3 chips but yeah those are basically the entry level M3 Max these are the ones that could potentially launch before the end of this year again probably in October or November uh but there is even more there's even more news to talk about and that would be with what I think a lot of the people watching this video would be excited for um new M3 versions of the 14 and 16 inch MacBook Pro with of course a new M3 Pro and a new M3 Max chip first of all uh unlike the regular M3 chip which isn't getting an increase in CPU or GPU cores the M3 Pro and M3 Max are so for the M3 Pro we are looking at a 16 core CPU which is four more CPU cores than what the M2 pro has and then for the GPU core count this isn't increasing all that much it's only moving from a 19 GPU core on the maxed out M2 Pro to a 20 core GPU but don't forget it's on a three nanometer process these GPU cores are going to be more efficient they're going to generate less heat and they're also going to be individually each core more powerful than the M2 Pro chip and that's important as well for the thermal efficiency especially in the smaller 14-inch MacBook Pro teams like the 16-inch MacBook Pro can handle the CPU and GPU pretty well currently but that 14 inch does struggle especially with GPU cores it does thermal throttle and clocks the GPU cores down so with this new three nanometer version right potentially the 14 inch is going to get a pretty big power boost now the M3 Max chip uh it's it's going to work the same way as previous ones have right it's going to have the same CPU core count so it's going to be 16 CPU cores but then when you max out that chip you basically double the GPU course um so yeah 40 GPU cores on an M3 Max 16 CPU cores that sounds like these are going to be really powerful and the CPU speeds on these uh M3 Pro and M3 Max chips are probably going to be really really good another exciting leak though which has to do with these new uh M3 Pro and M3 Max chips is the memory configuration I talked about this a bit before when we're talking about the regular M3 chip now this is where I basically got this information from and kind of parsed it together myself so basically Apple was testing out a MacBook Pro and the leak specifications uh it had 48 gigabytes of memory well when you look at the current uh MacBook Pro memory configurations you can see you have a 6 gigabyte 32 gigabyte no 48 gigabyte one it goes to 64 gigabytes and then you can Max it out all the way out at what 96 gigabytes of memory but yeah there's no 48 gigabyte configuration and it's not like Apple's gonna add like a a 32 to a 48 gigabyte configuration I think what they're going to do is they're just going to increase the amount of minimum memory available on these uh M3 chips so with that base level configuration I would assume that would be 12 gigabytes but then when you move up and double that that's going to give you 24 gigabytes so on those base level M3 Pro uh and M3 Max chips you're looking at 24 gigabytes of memory standard which is really good right like that that's going to help increase the value proposition of these new M3 Max and then again when you take that 24 chip and you double it up when you do like an upgrade to the Mac that's going to increase it instead to 32 it's going to go to 48 gigabytes of unified memory then if you double up the 48 that's going to bring you back to 96 which is the current uh topped out memory configuration available on the M2 Max chip but then when you do like the same math that you would get for the M2 Max chip uh and then apply that to the M3 Max that's going to increase the maximum amount of memory to 144 gigabytes of unified memory doing the math on top of my head so hopefully it's right so 144 gigabytes of total unified memory on these laptops and don't forget because the Apple silicon architecture is a shared architecture that means that the GPU can take advantage of all that unified memory all 144 gigabytes of it and that is a unique Advantage for these for Apple silicon in general right when it comes to GPU and memory performance um now 144 gigabytes is exciting as a pro user I don't even think I could take advantage of it but that's pretty exciting but I think the more exciting thing for for everyone watching this video is that the base level of these Macs are just going to get more capable so when you're buying a new you know 40 inch MacBook Pro well you'll get 24 gigabytes of memory as standard so maybe if you were like an in-between user like it like 16 gigabytes wasn't enough but maybe it didn't necessarily need the full 32 this new 24 gigabyte spot uh is just gonna help a lot people save money right it's going to help people save money on these configurations and especially for that base level M3 chip where that's going to increase the 12 gigabytes of memory so the chips are getting more capable not only in CPU and GPU performance but it looks like just the uh standard the amount of base level memory we expect for these machines is also increasing which is also really good news now we don't have leaks on the M3 Ultra chip but you can kind of guess right you just have to do the math uh that Apple silicon does because an M3 Ultra is just basically two M3 Max chips put together so when you double up 16 CPU cores you're gonna get 32 CPU cores which is really good for a desktop computer especially one as small as the Mac Studio uh and that should be a pretty powerful CPU when it comes to GPU cores it sounds like you're gonna get 80 of those GPU cores in total for an M3 Ultra and then on the memory front and this is something that Apple needs to increase especially for that big tower Mac Pro right they need to increase their total memory uh you would have to double 144 if my math was correct and that would be 288 total of unified memory getting us closer to 300 but still pretty far away from the maxed out 1.5 terabytes of ram you could get on the old Intel Mac Pro so Apple still needs to do a lot of work there but hey 288 gigabytes of unified memory that's a lot so that's kind of what we're expecting or at least for my math we can expect for the entire M3 trip lineup um again the 14 and 16 inch MacBook Pros the first ones that are going to debut that M3 Prime Pro and M3 Max chip those are not supposed to be here by the end of this year those are supposed to be early next year probably again sometime in March they usually do like a March Mac event uh so yeah the entry level Max the MacBook Air Mac Mini iMac the 13-inch MacBook Pro those are all on the table to be updated this fall not sure which ones they're actually going to update but those are basically all on the table they can update those this fall with that new entry level M3 chip and then the 14 and 16 inch MacBook Pros will be updated early 2024 and then I have no idea when the next Mac Studio and Mac Pro are going to come out probably a little bit after that but yeah that is basically all the information uh that has been updated on these new M3 Max uh they they are coming right and I'm pretty excited for them so hopefully you found this video informative if you did please leave me a like if you want to see more from the channel make sure you're subscribed and thank you so much for watching and I will see you all in the next video take care everyone
Channel: GregsGadgets
Views: 29,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple, apple October event 2023, apple event 2023, apple m3 chip, MacBook Pro m3, MacBook Pro m3 pro, MacBook Pro 14 inch 2023, MacBook Pro 16 inch 2023, MacBook Pro 14 inch 2024, MacBook Pro 16 inch 2024, MacBook Pro m3 max, m3 max specs, m3 pro specs, m3 chip, m3 MacBook Air, m3 Mac mini, iMac 24 inch 2023, iMac 24 inch m3, m3 ultra, m3 ultra specs, Mac Pro 2024, Mac Studio 2024, Mac mini m3 2023, m3 max 16 cpu cores, m3 max 40 GPU cores, m3 3 nanometer, m3 power
Id: YkObb4BssJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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