What Last Epoch does the best - A review of the ARPG of all time

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last depoch is an upcoming arpg developed by 11 games and soon to be released with the 1.0 update on February 21st hey guys this Taran here and I'm going to tell you why I think last Depo is the arpg of all time why last Depo is setting The Benchmark for what modern ARP should be and why I think it's worth having a go at the game like any game there are mechanics that might not be explained from the get-go but with last Epoch you don't have to worry about that the developers have taken in the time through tool tips to explain exactly how skills work scaling tags to explain how to scale your damage how certain mechanics such as traversal work and how other modifiers such as stats will impact your skills not sure how armor penetration works you can go into the game guide in your settings and you can literally type in penetration to look up what it does and how it works there's absolutely no guesswork and makes it easy for newer players to pick up the game and start creating creting their own builds from scratch Now to create new builds you will need gear and loot like any arpg to equip and build your character into a Powerhouse that mows down mobs of monsters here you've got the best loot filter on the market and you get to dictate what you want to see with up to 75 priority based scws you can hide trash items or recolor really important items saving you a lot of time so you can get back to grinding for items and where are you going to put all those items well lasty has a state-of-the-art stash system you don't need real money to pay for it and the game doesn't limit you to just five or six stash tabs instead it's free and the game lets you have up to 200 tabs if you have enough gold to buy them with which you can easily customize here you can see I've colorcoded each of my tabs and you can extend this filter even more easily by renaming all of your tabs and what you want to put in it you can even and this is the kicker search for keywords so you don't have have to comb through your mules to search for items that you're looking for if you're a hoarder like me looting has never been so easy last Epoch also has in my opinion one of the best crafting systems of any arpg the crafting system is easy to use you can employ early in your game play and will be crucial to your late game builds in getting the build defining affixes in your gear when you craft on an item to put an AIX or Stat you want on it to upgrade it or modify an existing fix it will consume a random amount of forging potential once you are out of forging potential you can't Craft on that item anymore rarer pieces of gear will have higher forging potential allowing you to craft more on those pieces of gear you'll want to craft as soon as possible so you can get stats specific to your class onto it which leads me to class diversity and comprehensive skill trees now there are five base classes in the game and around 1 to 2 hours into the game you'll be given the opportunity to choose from one of the three Mastery classes for your class resulting in 15 unique masteries to choose from now whether you're playing as a void Knight or a paladin each Mastery has a range of unique skills opening up a plethora of build options each skill has its own skill tree allowing you to spec and change the way the skill functions so rather than throwing hammers in a straight line why not have it so that the Hammers spiral around you but why stop there why not make it so that the Hammers orbit around you instead or instead of a spiral make it so that the Hammond are thrown out in a Nova but wait there's more let's make it so our hammers have a higher chance to stun enemies or even do void damage this opens up a lot of different ways to build your skills now the hamton spec isn't a new build in the arv genre but this is just one skill you can potentially build around 150 or more skills based on their vast skill trees so the options are endless and there's so much potential for this game now for an underdog Studio starting from the bottom 11 games have come a really long way illustrating elaborate art designs that stand out in terms of its World building and visual Clarity whilst there isn't elegant cinematography the graphics still have great color and brightness that stand out in comparison to args which might have a darker tone having a brightness in lasty par makes it easy for players to spot mob patterns and evade bus mechanics I also think the concept of having an arpg based on different timelines is really cool and this is something I'd like to see more of in the future and speaking of timelines let's talk about the endgame progression So currently monoliths are one of the main sources of endgame which I find really enjoyable within the monol system you'll start branching out to different maps to complete each map will have different modifiers and different rewards you can choose what types of rewards you want to obain aain whilst having a boss fine towards the end of of the monolith interacting with this system doesn't feel mindless while also allowing you for a bit of flexibility in terms of what choices you want to make another perk to this game is that there are no microtransactions or ungoing fees or expansion costs 11,000 games have specifically said that they don't plan for any additional costs for the game meaning the initial cost you pay is all you have to pay there are no play to win aspects only cosmetics that you can purchase in the shop if you want your character to look cool or if you want to support the team and when you consider it's relatively cheap price point for an arpg I'd say it's worth it overall lasty has some of the best systems that will set the standard for what arpg should aspire to be whether it's the crazy loop filters the search functions stash tabs and crafting systems or its transparency to providing the information to players from the get-go it's almost a no-brainer that these systems Wen more intuitive before in other games and it's clear that last Epoch was developed by people who understand the arpg genre and what it's been liking for years and perhaps it's this that I love most about the game The Game's greatest asset is the people that have come together from the very beginning and put it all together their openness and transparency to the community will bring out the true potential of last Epoch and I can't wait to see what they bring to the table on its release and in the years to come because of how much I love this game please watch the space as I'll be making more last Epoch build guides and mechanic explainers in the future as well as my usual Rog likee content if you've enjoyed this video please drop me a like down below and subscribe to the channel and as always have an awesome day bye for now
Channel: Dotarian Gaming
Views: 554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: byp6cZB8lfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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