What Kitchen Scraps Your Chickens Can And CANT Eat! Some Are Toxic For Chickens!

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I've got this big beautiful plate of food here  because today we're talking about something   pretty important we're talking about what kinds of  kitchen scraps you can give to your chickens like   us chickens are omnivores so they can eat both  plant-based Foods as well as meat so it's pretty   natural for us to ask what exactly can we feed Our  Feathered Friends you might be kind of surprised   when I tell you that a chicken's diet should only  consist of about 10 of your kitchen scraps the   rest of it should be a good layer feed all right  time out time out real quick at least one of you   is screaming at me right now saying well Brandon  I never feed my chickens layer pellets well that's   fine you don't have to feed them layer pellets  and honestly if you feed them just kitchen scraps   or if you let them roam the yard or free range  do any of those things your chickens are still   healthy you're still working hard I know you are  you're working on giving the chickens the best   life you possibly can and when you compare that  life to let's say the life of a commercial Farm   chicken your chicken is so much happier and so  much healthier it doesn't matter if you're feeding   it layer feed you're doing great you don't need  to worry about layer feed keep doing exactly what   you're doing because if you're watching this  video chances are that you care about the the   nutrition that you're giving your birds and this  video is going to help you with that so yes while   a layer feed has all the essential nutrition that  a chicken needs I wouldn't feel right only giving   my girls layer feed I want to make sure I'm giving  them a rounded diet of everything I can possibly   think of that is going to be healthy for them  it would not sit right with me to just give   them layer feed let's go ahead and start off with  fruits the first fruits we're going to talk about   today are going to be apples and pears apples and  pears are perfectly fine to give your chickens but   you want to make sure that you're not giving  them the seeds the seeds contain cyanide and   cyanide can be deadly for your birds so what we  have here today we've got some chopped up apples   go ahead and give that to them there you go girls  some other fruits you can give them are stuff like   peaches and apricots and cherries or any of those  fruits that have pits in them but you are going   to want to remove those pits before you feed them  to your birds the exception to that is going to be   avocado you don't want to feed avocado to your  Birds because it has person and let's go ahead   and have a debate if an avocado is a fruit or  vegetable down below because I definitely have   it on the fruits list any of your citrus fruits  are going to be questionable there's a lot of   contradicting information you'll find all over  the place about feeding Citrus to your birds   we don't just because of that contradicting  information a lot of what you read is that   citrus can inhibit calcium absorption you don't  want to know how many times I had to film that   and what that means is they won't be able to  process that calcium correctly when you do give   them calcium and then it's going to be giving you  some soft eggshells and that's not something that   you want so although Citrus might not be deadly  or really bad for them if you do give it to them   give it to them in extreme moderation you can give  them bananas with the peel and everything you can   give them pineapples kiwis mango we actually have  some kiwis here we're going to give them today   there you go girls just give me a  minute you got more coming you can   feed them strawberries blueberries  raspberries pretty much any kind of   berry that you and I can eat the birds  can eat as well so today we've got some   raspberries for them gonna get them loaded  up on some berries there you guys go come on I bought these berries specifically for this  video and my wife was gonna be really upset   if I fed them all to the birds so I put some  on here but left the rest for my wife melons   chickens love melons they love cantaloupe melons  all those things that have a nice fleshy fruit the   fleshy watery fruit with the nice rind on there  especially on like a hot summer day they will   sit there and Peck at that that melon and Peck up  the Rind and just kind of pick it clean and while   they're doing it it's also cooling them off so  during the hot summer day a melon is a good way to   go tomatoes are tomatoes a fruit let's also have  that conversation below because I have them on the   fruit section they feel like a vegetable to me but  I feel like when I was in school there were always   they were always fruits so let's go ahead and  give them some there you go some Tomatoes grapes   and raisins are going to be totally fine for your  chickens but if it was me and I was doing grapes I   would be cutting them into Quarters at least so  that way they don't choke on it same thing with   my kids when they're little kids I don't want to  be giving them grapes because they're going to   choke on it I do the same thing with the birds  now let's talk about some veggies rhubarb and   rhubarb leaves are going to be a known due to  oxalic acid and I have no idea if I pronounced   that right but oxalic acid Blue Bar contains that  and it is not going to be good for your chicken so   it's just kind of steer clear of rhubarb collard  greens lettuce kale spinach pretty much all the   leafy greens you can think of your chickens are  going to love today we've got some kale right here there you go and we've got some lettuce  right here give them some lettuce There You Go Girls the next one's kind of  a funny one chickens cannot taste capsaicin   so if you have a really hot pepper a chicken can  eat it and it's not going to hurt them at all but   I will say that no matter what kind of pepper  I've ever tried to give the birds they're not   really a fan of it between them and the goats  they just don't really care about the peppers   so I've got an orange bell pepper here and I'm  going to see if they're going to eat this today   so this one just picked it up realized what  it was and then dropped it right away they're   they're just not fan so if you have chickens  that enjoy Peppers let me know what kind of   peppers they'll eat mine just don't ever  like them but I'm gonna try anyways you've   also got things like your broccoli your  cauliflower your carrots your celery all   those types of things your chickens will  absolutely love today we've got some celery   give them some celery there you go we've got some  broccoli we're gonna give them today with broccoli   I tend to cut it pretty small I'm always worried  that the stems they're going to choke on the stems   same with the cauliflower I do the same with the  cauliflower I kind of cut it up pretty small I   don't want them to end up choking on anything they  don't have teeth they just got these little beaks   you know what I mean and we've also got some  carrots say we've got some little baby carrots   that we cut up so let's give them the baby carrots  you guys are getting a feast today aren't you now   this is going to be one that they're going to have  a whole lot of fun with and that is corn on the   cob and you can do it with the husk and everything  like this one is here they're gonna sit there and   Peck at it and Peck at it and they're not going to  end up eating the the the cob part of it they're   going to pick all the all the corn off of it and  they're going to kind of have fun while they're   doing it so not only is this going to be something  that is good for them but it's also going to be   something that they get to have fun with and  it kind of gives them a game throughout the day there you go we've got some cucumbers  form today and cucumbers are going to   kind of work like how melons do during  the summer it's going to give them a   lot of water content it's going to give them  some fun they're going to poke around against   the skin and stuff and they're just going to  have a really good time eating the Cucumber cucumber is one that I've noticed that our Birds  especially really really enjoy you can do yams   you can do squash you can do green beans but if  you're doing green beans you need to make sure   that they're cooked I actually had green beans  for this video specifically but this morning I   totally forgot to cook them and I couldn't put  them on this plate because they weren't cooked   you cannot give Birds raw beans we've got some  peas for them here today you guys want some peas   if you do decide to do potatoes don't do raw  potatoes or potato skins they have solanine   hopefully I pronounced that one correctly as  well but they do have soul winning you don't   want to be given that to your chickens if you  find any wild mushrooms in your yard don't give   them to your chickens unless you're some kind of  mushroom expert and you know exactly what that   mushroom is don't don't give those mushrooms to  your chickens now let's talk about something all   of us truly love and that's going to be carbs so  we're talking pastas and Breads and those types   of things they're going to be okay in moderation  if you have a moldy loaf of bread in your cupboard   you don't want to give that to your chicken so  anything moldy or gross like that but don't give   it to them if you do pasta do it cooked and do all  these things in moderation because it can lead to   some pretty extreme weight gain in the chickens  and weight gain isn't necessarily a good thing   things they can have scrambled eggs it's best to  scramble them you don't want to give them an egg   that looks like what they have in their chicken  coop you want to make sure that you cook it and   present it in a way that isn't going to lead  them to start eating their own eggs as they're   being laid you can do all kinds of nuts as long  as they are shelled and as long as they're not   salted you don't want to be putting too much salt  into their diet if you cook a big turkey you can   actually give them the turkey carcass and they're  going to love it they can also eat chicken but it   has to be cooked but to me this is this is kind  of a weird one I don't want to feed my chickens   chicken that it weirds me out I can't do it a  lot of people do it's totally okay it's totally   healthy for them there's nothing wrong with it  just make sure that you cook your chicken before   feeding it to your chickens you can do shrimp  so if you have shrimp one night and even if you   just pull the shells off of the shrimp you can  give those shells to your chickens they hear me   talking about shrimp if you go fishing and you  have some worms left over or you have your guts   or your fish heads or anything like that you can  give those to your birds they love worms and fish   and all kinds of stuff like that you can give them  ham but you want to do ham in moderation because   of the salt content and you can pretty much do  any kind of meat that isn't super processed super   salty anything like that just make sure it's as  natural as possible as for treats we do black   soldier fly larvae this is our bird's favorite  treat they love these things so black soldier   fly larva are going to have a lot more nutritional  value than something like mealworms so we we love   we love this stuff they're seriously like 12  f-35s just circling my house I can't even film America you can also give them mealworms those  are going to be just fine they're going to be   less expensive they're also going to be less  nutritious but the birds still love them you can   do yogurt in moderation yogurt is going to give  them some probiotics and kind of give them some   beneficial bacteria and there are just all kinds  of chicken treats that you can get on Amazon and   just kind of all over the place so go do a search  for those you can give them any of those types of   treats but make sure you do it in moderation  you don't want to be giving them too many of   these treats too much of a good thing can be  a bad thing now let's talk about things that   you absolutely just should not give your chickens  first of all like we talked about with the moldy   bread don't be giving a moldy bread if you have  chocolate just like dogs don't give your chicken   chocolate or candy or anything like that I know I  shouldn't have to say that but I do so don't give   that kind of stuff to your chickens coffee grounds  chickens as much as they help with compost they   aren't compost so don't be putting coffee grounds  into your chickens that's bad news anything with   that type of caffeine you don't want to give to  your birds so steer clear of that you don't want   to be giving them pickles because of the salt  content that Pickles Have I know that they're   just cucumbers but the salt content that's  in there is just way too high for them to be   having like we talked about earlier you want to be  careful with Citrus do your own research on Citrus   and if it's okay for chickens we don't give ours  any Citrus but you might and that's totally fine   just make sure you do your research first dry  or uncooked beans you do not want to give your   birds dry or uncooked beans they can absolutely  be fatal for your birds and pretty quickly as   well and just in general don't don't feed them  anything that's really processed really high in   fats or salts or just anything like that try to  stay as natural as you possibly can keep in mind   that you don't want to give your chickens more  scraps than they can eat during the day if you   give them too many scraps and they don't finish it  it can really bring some unwanted pests in it'll   attract mice and rats and raccoons and whatever  other kind of pests and predators that you have   in your area now here at our house our chicken's  favorite treat is going to be the black soldier   fly larva we did a full video on this stuff and  you can watch that right here go ahead and go   watch that video and it's going to talk about  all the health benefit kits that these have and   how they are just jam-packed full of nutrition  so go watch that video and I'll see you there
Channel: Whitepepper Farms Homestead
Views: 370,307
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Keywords: Backyard chicken care, Backyard chickens, Backyard chickens for beginners, Best food for chickens, Caring for chickens, Chicken care, Chicken food, Chicken treats, Chickens, Chickens and kitchen scraps, Chickens for beginners, Chickens for dummies, Chickens101, Food for my chickens, Food for your chickens, Grow your own food, Kitchen scraps, Kitchen scraps for chickens, Toxic food for chickens, Treats for chickens, Whitepepper farms, how to raise chickens, raising chickens
Id: oKuHo2N9PcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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