Feed Your Chickens EVERYTHING

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[Music] hey y'all billy and william from perma pastor's farm finally got him in a video with me smile son a big hug come on big family hug yeah so here we are out in the chicken tractor on steroids the real theme of today is making the problem the solution basically the theme of permaculture and we're in the chicken tractor on steroids steroids if you're new here you might go back and check out some of the previous stuff we've done and if you're an old hand here you know that this is how we produce our compost in fact this right here look at all those bugs coming off there that's a good thing it was starting to go a little anaerobic we talked about it on patreon it was starting to go a little anaerobic so we basically volcanoed the pile where the pile was once up real high we pulled out the sides let it cool off a little bit and then the chickens go back to work so we're going to let them hit it one more time and then at the end of today we're going to put it back together with the sunlight with the lack of moisture today we ought to be just fine plus we're high altitude so we're going to lose more moisture that's exactly what we want here um so down here problem being the solution what do we got in this bucket we just basically processed two pigs yeah so all the things we don't want to deal with this is this one's okay go ahead and put that back on son yeah good night this has only been sitting there for a day i mean actually two days today i'll make two days we process the first pig the day before our friends came over and this is what we got in here now let me just kind of weigh it all out for you all the guts everything that came out of the inside of that pig now there are things you could extract and do something with the liver the kidneys and so on and so forth you can basically do something with every bit of it um the head we want to keep because we're going to use that for tanning in the future and pig brains we're told are the best but we got this what would ordinarily be a problem for most people you know a waste stream that most people would think okay what do i do with it now well look we're in a system where these chickens we'll go down here and take a quick look these chickens basically derive all of their carbs out of here so what we give them they're almost to the point where they're on 100 food scraps and they're nearing week six of their lives so i know it's kind of hard to see because we got this little hawk protector on top basically we come out here put vegetables whatever we can whatever carbohydrates we have we put in here and all of their protein they act extract out of that pile well today is going to be an exception and we're doing a couple of things at the same time we're going to take those guts we're going to put them down in here now the chickens have never had anything like this before and it's cool you're going to find out that their instincts are going to kick in they're going to do exactly what chickens are supposed to do so we're going to dump this in here and that's going to be what they eat today we may provide a little bit of carbs but trust me they're going to be like whoa what is this by the end of today with roughly we'll say about almost 50 birds in there they're going to wipe out a fair bit of this now this is critical at the end of the day we're going to take a bunch of carbon and we're going to put it on top and it's important for a couple of reasons number one we don't want to be calling in a bunch of predators which wouldn't be all that bad because we got my intrepid milk boy which is around here somewhere yeah he's down there doing his milk boy thing anyway he'll make sure the predators stay at bay but we don't want to deal with it anyway so we're going to take that and dump it in there now um the hog protection we got here we're basically going to get this out of the way push it off to the side and um we'll be off and running honey you better back up you better get splashed all right y'all as you can imagine this is positively disgusting and it smells it we like to do it typically right after we're done and then we put it right into this thing but it's always cool when you got the chicken tractor on steroids going along with the processing that you do of any animals in fact at the very end of this cycle when we process these meat birds in here the last compost pile we have all of their feathers guts all the things we don't want to eat are going to be put in here all right so with that said cause i know michelle's went she's grimacing back there smelling this thing um let me go ahead and let them out we'll see what they do so [Laughter] all right because i've been down this road a bunch of times before let me just kind of tell you what's going to happen this is a whole new thing for them and they got now there's some things they're not going to eat like that hide we also had bull poop in the bottom of there otherwise known as washington dc we had some of that in the bottom of that bucket from before and we just put the guts on top so they're in here wondering yo what's up with this hey dude tastes great but less filling this kind of where they are right now but as you can see they're already demonstrating some interest and all they need is just one it's like the 100th monkey thing all they need is one of them to um to go to work after that the rest of them are going to say yo what's going on in fact we got one over here you can kind of see it getting after it right now anyway we're going to wipe this out we're going to go to work the key is is that when i give them like the regular food scraps today i'm not going to give them as much because the idea is for them to come down here and work on this and at the end of the day when you do this sort of thing y'all what's what's a profound importance i mean and i can't stress this enough is make absolutely positively sure you cover this up with a adequate amount of carbon you don't want to be calling them predators either way they're still going to kind of get the dinner bell but you really want this stuff to compost in fact if you want to know the real truth you can ask william the best compost we ever make around here is when we put this kind of stuff in there so that's exactly what we want we're wanting the best compost in the world and this is how we do it and now these birds are going to work all right so check it out y'all i know a lot of people have been asking if we have any more rice knives we should have some backup on the website tonight comfrey which they will get a fair amount of every single day in fact you want to see how they react watch this we'll go ahead now they always freak out a little bit when you put this in there and we'll just go ahead and throw some of that in there they always eat the comfrey first they'll eat what they need they won't overdo it at least that's never been our experience so we'll work that over a little bit and then throughout the day they're going to be working on these guts but you can't overfeed them every time you put something in there i can't stress that enough do not over feed them or they're going to be less likely to work on this but hey we feed everything to chickens butt chicken and everything to pigs but pig and that's basically how it goes around here so these guys are all doing their thing we're going to let them be and we're going to come back later on and cover it up with carbon um also if you need anything else down below whether it's an emp shield chicken processing video the world's best coffee in fact that's all we drink anymore get that hollow roast coffee down below anything you need from us bam we got it don't forget to check us out on the permit culture pimp cast we'll be putting out another episode pretty soon all right y'all until next time this is billy from perma pastor's farm where permaculture is my passion and making waste streams into very productive soil is a bigger passion we'll see you next time
Channel: Perma Pastures Farm
Views: 30,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raising chickens, chickens, backyard chickens, feeding chickens, raising chickens for eggs, chicken, chicken (animal), chicken coop, how to feed chickens, how to raise chickens, how to feed chickens without grain, meat chickens, chicken farm, chicken feed, keeping chickens, raising chickens and making your own feed, how to feed chickens from your land, what to feed chickens, raising meat chickens, raising chickens for eggs in your backyard, perma pastures farm
Id: uyywpBNGJ-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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