Riot responds to the Summoner's Rift Problem

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welcome to the news thank you so much for joining me let's get started first up as you may have seen around the traps the Esports World Cup held in rad is currently underway featuring some of the biggest powerhouses in League of Legends such as blg top Esports and T1 this event itself has been pretty refreshing to say the least in fact minor spoiler alert if you've actually been keeping up T1 and top Esports face off in the final depending on where you're watching from later today while this itself is a pretty cool event I thought one of the most interesting features was its trophy but how exciting can a trophy be you ask check this out the Esports World Cup is a unique tournament and will have a very unique trophy system consisting of keys game Trophies the club championship trophy and the totem introducing the key this symbolizes a participant's right to compete in riat each team or player will receive a personalized key consisting of the inner key and the outer frame winning a competition earns you a Game trophy a Champions key will be insert Ed inside the frame will be placed into the totem a physical block on display in Riad serving as a progress bar of the Esports World Cup the totem will remain in Riad as a Chronicle of the Esports World Cup history those who get eliminated throughout the competition must give up their keys and see them crushed their broken keys will be tossed into the totem and encased in resin symbolizing those that tried to win but fell short however as an an additional privilege for winning each game's Champion gets to select three opponents keys to be encased in the base of their trophy as an additional more personal prize losers will go home with their keys replaced with a token that marks where they ended their Journey witness history unfold at the Esports World Cup I kind of love this trophy model it definitely brings a more symbolic and meaningful aspect to actually winning an event very very cool and I'm sure this one won't be damaged like the riot games one they gave to but I can't escape how bad it would feel to have a rival player winning an event and taking your key to put in the bottom of his trophy that's like the ultimate BM but also so good at the same time let me know your thoughts on the top Esports T1 clash and also the trophy system in the comments below and while you're on your way down there consider dropping a sub if you enjoy this style of League news content so for those that don't know new metas are form through typically unconventional gameplay ideas and these can often be pretty powerful although sometimes definitely break the mold of how the game is seemingly meant to be played think in the realm of Lane swaps double jungle funnel things like that well this next clip explained by kadril of one of the VCS teams is definitely one of the most interesting strategies I've ever seen and definitely thought it was worth sharing let's have a look so Nila Le in ad mid Nila gets bonus XP to her Ally [Music] right VK invades their jungle look leing in Nar the minions spawn level one they proxy both waves mid and top and they funnel them together while their team covers them they get enough they flashed over by the way they get enough from this that they both level up and proxy the wave then they can fight them in their base level two to level one and while they're fighting them these waves are bleeding so they gave over two kills but they're too far away to get the first wave so they're up an XP then they Lan swapped the Jack's bottle already what in the is this Strat yeah not sure if they're cooking or what this is some B type uh up next the riot Games HQ has been spotted in a promo for Kesha's new song and not that Kat featured in the background of these photos is the confirmed Riot Games HQ but of course with the logo photoshopped out this was pointed out on Twitter by a few people specifically dragas who is a rider himself or draggles I don't know now just before we jump into the main topic of today a quick word from our sponsor 365 Games does the idea of winning up to $115,000 a month playing League of Legends sound good to you enter today's sponsor 365 we've all heard of those sites that give you rewards for playing games but none do it quite like the brand new 365 games no marking around here they only deal in cash prizes to get started connect your League of Legends account under one of their tiers premium or Elite depending on what teer you sign up for you'll take home a share of the total prize pool that is allocated to the top 150 members of the 365 Games leader board every month and when I say dollars I mean dollars cash prizes only oh and one other very important thing with 365 you can't lose even if you don't win something one month the points you accumulated will roll over to the next month until you do win something the platform is meant to be for everyone and to give everyone a chance to win to see what this is all about you already know there's a link to 365 Games net in the description for you guys good luck so as time has progressed within the lifespan of league and changes to the game systems have been made some of R's matchmaking algorithms have taken a hit as a consequence specifically the red and blue side player allocations for those that are unaware redside team has always been given the slightly higher MMR average of players to compensate for being on the structurally inferior side of the M with slightly worse camera angles and by this I mean redside has slightly worse access to certain Vision pockets and baron pit one of the key factors in deciding the outcome of most games historically this was the case but over time as players just developed and got better at playing under the redside camera disadvantages and Summoners Rift actually got changed in season 14 to be more symmetrical the map advantages that blue side once had have been progressively phased out this was also due to other objectives getting Buffs to detract from Baron impact such as dragon soul and tier 2 gold so with with all this subsequently evening out the discrepancies between red and blue side redid still retain the higher player MMR average meaning red side consequently just wins a lot more games now in fact according to this post from 6 vxy on Reddit redside wins around 6% more games according to League of graphs in master tier and above which is staggering the author also points out Master Plus tiers because there is a few other High ELO specific problems that go along with the algorithm issues one of these being High ELO matchmaking where they point out that due to the smaller pool of players says it's more likely a high Challenger player will get paired against a grandm player simply due to the smaller amount of players for the algorithm to pull from on paper this might sound that Bad Grandmas versus a challenger but the difference between a 300 LP grandmas player and a 900 LP Challenger player is huge and another equally as important point the author touches on is counterpicking in the past we've had meta breaking picks that if they weren't banned would 100% of the time get picked just because of how broken they were which was an advantage blue sight had with first pick but as the game evened out in terms of balance with there usually being between 5 to 10 s tier or priority picks nowadays the advantage has fallen to redside having counter pick as the general skill of players has gone up the strength of a counter pick gets stronger and stronger as players learn matchups and because there are more priority picks it's not the biggest deal if blue side gets one of them because red side will get two straight after and there's also one other increasingly prevalent issue with counter pick that ties into the redside higher ELO placement at the very top of Challenger it's more likely that a top 10 player player will be put on red side giving you an automatic counter pick so if you're a top laner you're almost guaranteed a favorable matchup in fact here's a table that 6 vxy made from the post as we can see Na's current rank 13 who is a 2000 LP top laner has been on redside 19 of his last 20 games which is just crazy and it barely gets better going down the table there are 137 redside placements and only 63 blue side placements for the top 10 challenges with these staggering statistics I decided to dig a Little Deeper and asked rank one CI an old friend of mine from the oceanic server what he thought of this and he agreed it was a rich gets richer situation for him and the other top 10 players specifically so there you go all you need to be a 2,000 LP player is to just be 2,000 LP and get counter pick every game but in all seriousness I actually interviewed CI after this chat like a full half an hour interview uh as well and I asked him about his solu Secrets you'll see that video very soon in the coming days so be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on that anyway with all that we already have a response from Lee gameplay RI Foxon acknowledging everything I just covered in his tweet here he says Riot is well aware and are working on a balancing fix but it's pretty complex and is isolated to just Apex tiers so it might take a little bit to get right in the works are optimizations for Q times off- roll and secondary roll parody blue and red side placement and also autofi jungle versus enroll Jungle which I think is a big one I'm actually pretty surprised it took so long for them to address that all of this sounds like stuff that the game definitely needs and Foxon again proves his value to the community with his transparency we can also expect to hear more on Monday in his detailed thoughts tweets that he makes often to all this however I need to know what you guys think let me know in the comments below and lastly today Tyler one has suffered the dad debuff reaching mid Challenger around a month ago he unfortunately had a 800 LP decline into the middle of diamond 1 as you can see on your screen though he had a couple of pretty bad loss streaks he seems to havean his feet again and is currently reclimb through Master tier one other thing though it's been pretty heartwarming to see his development Arc as a dad coming from his Draven M toxicity Arc here's what he had to say about his daughter saor when asked in the East wals World Cup booth and with this clip I'll leave you thank you so much for watching guys and I'll see you in another League news video soon bye listen congratulations on the chest congratulations on becoming a father than you how much has this changed your life you know I I was I look back at it and I'm like well I've changed so much in the last last three much she brings such a joy to my heart like I can see the smile man it's every single day like every single day she grows like a she does something different even when I'm away here she's like doing something different Kayla's sending me the know snaps and pictures of her I mean it's amazing
Channel: Rival
Views: 239,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lol, league, of, legends, league of legends, riot games, lolesports
Id: ob4jSKK-zuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2024
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