What it's like jumping off the world's highest bungee bridge (Bloukrans, South Africa)

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this video is powered by careless blow Christ is the world's highest bridge bungee jump 216 meters today myself and Dwayne the mayor of knysna are going to do exactly that I'm trying not to jump to any conclusions here but yeah I'm [ __ ] myself I drove really fast to get you and I didn't really have time to think about it but now we uh um Mark laying it on thick as usual and it's it's gonna be it's gonna be something to watch let's put it that way I'm pretty nervous myself but I mean yeah have a look at this is what people pay to do willingly so right now thank you for accompanying me let's do the shot how are you feeling about this no [ __ ] this is horrible poor laugh choices lead me to this place would you have done this if I didn't ask you if you like would you ever think to just go do it by yourself no chance [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] I was never gonna back out but watching them watching them strap-ons right now there are you shutting yourself what I didn't know oh my gosh the experience of experience it is simultaneously freeing exciting and you obviously shut yourself but it's just wow it's very hard to explain you have to come do this for yourself okay you jump before I did what how does it for you yeah yeah as soon as my feet left I was like I've made a mistake I don't know if they felt my nervousness because I went quick okay you're at the h321 they did the same to me we're literally there and he's like just hold your hands up look up hold your hands and then he was like go it just feel dropping you're like I could actually die this is almost what dying feels like and the second job your stomach leaves you 10 out of 10 on experience highly recommended uh just because I want everyone to go through the same [ __ ] that I go through foreign [Music]
Channel: Like a Tourist
Views: 29,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: E1IW-qLMP2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 9sec (189 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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