We Got Mugged by a _______ in South Africa! ๐Ÿ˜‚

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and now we just got robbed all right we got robbed in South Africa down there is Simon's town a town which is home to one of South Africa's navy bases that has been here for over 280 years but behind me is what I really want to show you I mean this place is cool do you think I'm walking in places that people used to walk hundreds of years ago is incredible but I mean look at this this over here is a cannon I am not sure how old it is but to think that it used to fire out to the ocean and to the ships that are out there probably sang quite a few ships but to think that it's still here it's quite mind-boggling I mean look how far this cannon he used to shoot I mean Dan there's the town and there's the Seas it's insane and I would assume that this cannon could rotate that's why to unlock this wheel and that this gun could actually turn oh right almost duck because it's quite like it could turn and I don't know fire at any direction that it needed you'll see that there's one here there's one in the distance down over there and I'm sure there were quite a few in this area so over here we have a door oh that looks completely well but so I can't even get in this is there an opening I don't know I don't know oh sick oh hold yeah oh wow what's in there you can actually see it the camera put the camera in here for you guys to see check so here we can actually see the cannon inside how cool is that we actually can't get in here because this piece is like a completely welded here on top would have been really cool to see a little bit inside now some of these things are still part of like the navy bases and stuff and this is the only one that we can actually come and see and film but the plan for today is to go down towards the Cape of Good Hope now the Cape of Good Hope is all the way around this corner and I'm sure there's a few towns that we're gonna stop at maybe one or two but we're going to go to the Cape of Good Hope because there's something really interesting over there thank you when driving into this old town you can actually still see that the houses are still designed in these old cool Styles so it really gives this town a unique feeling but right in front of me I actually have like a Navy ship and I mean it's not often that you actually get to see one but it is huge [Music] foreign [Music] sure gave me a fright eh [Laughter] Alicia is South Africa you can joke with people we have something oh my gosh there's an otter you were right yeah so we didn't see the utter on the utter Trail but we saw one here in simonstown right in the harbor oh it looks like he's coming right here onto this beach oh my gosh are you checking this oh wow wow we finally got to see an otter up close what are the chances for fresh water okay okay well I guess I guess you don't need to do the auto tail again thank you so much thank you sure ice cream on a hot day cheers are there lots of penguins today I'm not sure I'm not sure okay thank you so much this is a lot of security yeah geez just to keep a penguin in oh us out oh look there for my rocks over there there's a cute little penguins the African penguin who would have thought that you'd be able to see penguins in Africa that's here we are and they're completely wild they're not from the zoo so we've just come down the road from Simon's Town towards a place called Boulders Beach apparently you can always find Penguins on this beach but I think we've come on a day where there's not too many because we're only seeing two well it's a beautiful beach it is I reject this place I think one thing we are missing is our costumes next time we'll have to bring our costumes with we come to a beach with no costume but I understand why they call it Boulder's Beach there's just so many Boulders here but it's so quiet and peaceful it's not like there's any waves breaking on you it would be like swimming in a pool well we had very little penguins on Boulder's Beach so we're gonna go to another Beach down here on Foxy's Beach hopefully there's more Penguins there oh my gosh I can see a lot more on that beach there is there is there's more there's more [Music] do you think that's their mating call sounds like a mating call to be honest it sounds like the trucks tires or the what is it the exhaust brake on a truck the truck comes down the hill and slams exhaust brakes when those things sound the same they're really cute and I think this is the first time that I am seeing a wild penguin normally I've seen penguins in the zoo so it's really cool to be able to see the wild ones here on the beach look how cute they are they're all just sunbathing we found the right Beach there is like thousands of you yeah they were so tiny they are I didn't expect them to be so small I thought they would be a bit bigger the way that they walk you imagine us humans walk the same way let's go chilling on the rock looking at the people giving them a show some of them are really fluffy and then others aren't as they got like that slippery wet look Ed so I'm just reading here and the reason those Penguins were so fluffy is because they're actually molting so it says here that during the period of them losing their care they're losing their waterproof like feathers and then they are confined to about 21 days on land and during that time they have to fatten up so that while they're on land they don't have to go and look for food oh some of them are even swimming inside the ocean they're like little Surfers they just look like a cool bunch of dudes just coming off the waves and coming back to the island and just chill see if the Penguins [Music] it is incredibly beautiful around here one moment we at sea level the next momentary right on top of the mountains that is for the Animals by the way so they don't come out but here we are Cape of Good Hope Hi how are you good good it depends what would you like me to be local local yes thank you thank you that's actually so weird generally when we travel we always pay tourist prices but now that we actually get to pay like South African prices it's actually a good feeling these prices are much cheaper but we are finally in the area of the Cape of Good Hope This is a place where many tourists come to in South Africa a place that we have both never ever been to in South Africa but I've heard so much about so Keen to go and see what it has to offer the rumor is there is a lot of shipwrecks Around Here so maybe we might see one but right now we are driving through a national park there are no big animals here or predatory animals but they are smaller ones so maybe we'll be able to spot like a zebra or something along the way so we have our Google Maps and since we've entered the park it says that you stole like 8.4 kilometers away 11 minutes so behind those mountains there we have the Cape of Good Hope let me check how massive the mountains are yeah down there is the ocean we are so high up right now holy moly sure oh my gosh close the windows the boots look at the size of these things oh no I would not want to encounter these when I'm not in the car apparently they can be quite aggressive towards people especially when enticed with food so they really encourage you when you come here to not have food on you or take food out in the baboons or around or to even feed them they literally just all in the road check this one yeah he's like picking fleas in the middle of the road he's just like suntanning they must like the warmth from the tar Road the only reason I can think that they would be sitting on it I hope we're not going to encounter any there by Cape of Good Hope like I don't I don't want that type of experience when coming to a place like this yeah I'm terrified of monkeys let alone baboos did anything good you can go through so we're here at the Cape Point before we go to the Cape of Good Hope and we're going to be taking the Flying Dutchman to the top because I mean no one wants to walk right foreign I think they're using an old train track to go on this thing so it's quite it's moving like a train here we could have taken the path and walked it but we decided to take this instead as it's an experience on its own that was short and sweet check up there they have a lighthouse so we are gonna try and get to that Lighthouse maybe we can go on it I'm not too sure so here at the Cape Point it's often mistaken that this is the place where the Indian and Atlantic Ocean meet but in fact that is not correct at all the meeting place of those two oceans is at Cape agallis which we have been to before but in fact Cape Point is known as the meeting point for the two currents so we have the warm most and Beacon current oh he stays all really tiring we have the warm Mozambique current coming in from the Indian Ocean that meets with a cold finguela current that comes in from the Atlantic Ocean check it these days even though we took the Flying Dutchman there is still quite a few stairs to climb up to get to the lighthouse and we made it to the lighthouse a lighthouse that was built I think in the 1860s and over here he says that stated that this prefabricated cast iron tile was erected at Cape Point Peak 250 meters above sea level it used to run by candle power so flashing light of 2 000 candle power could be seen by ship 67 kilometers away imagine lighting 2 000 candles I'm surprised this thing didn't burn down that is absolutely huge I'm really not too sure how old it is but I'm sure it's a pretty Old Lighthouse and yeah we've got into a cake point wow look at this this is just an incredible View look at all the Seas being so rough down here I mean even down there you've got some rough pots so they must be Rock sticking out over there but they generally have the two currents that meet over here and sometimes it does shift a little bit more that way a little bit more this way but when you do look online there is a lot of images that have been emphasizing these two currents or sometimes even the two oceans because people get confused but in actual fact in real life you are never able to see the two oceans meet or even the two currents meet oh look what I found over here check this out and I was looking from afar and I saw something about World War II this thing says the remains of Secret World War II radar station in 1943 so I'm basically standing in a World War II radar station or the remains of it who thought that this was in South Africa so that Lighthouse was built that was me that one over there I was trying to see it from the top but I couldn't see it this top Lighthouse was apparently ineffective as a lot of cloud and Mist covered it so Sailors couldn't see the light so they had to build one lower down for it to be seen you can see it's the Cape of winds kind of because the end here's blowing all over the place and all in my mouth now we do know a fair amount of South African history through what we've learned in school and stuff like that but really exploring it and coming to places like this you actually learn a different kind of History the fact that South Africa was used as a port for all the the sailors which we knew about but the influence that they had here we did not think they had that much influence but the more you explore the Western Cape the more you get to see that there was a massive Dutch Spanish Portuguese Indonesian you know Malaysian massive culture change throughout the whole of South Africa that was happening here there really is so much history in South Africa that I myself am finding out we just bought chips quickly and there's a baboon and other beans to stall up chaps Jake they is eating Doritos the bugger was all the way down there and saw us so he came in the bag I was literally eating my chips and then I saw him and he saw us and I was like oh goodness yeah but he wouldn't come after you and I even had my like chips like Tucker underneath my and then he kept coming for me I think he knows the color of Doritos I saw the blue packets and those Doritos were expensive yeah 14 Rand for a small pack of Doritos and there we lost it we haven't eaten today other than breakfast and our ice cream and like two like chips and now and now we just got robbed oh we got robbed in South Africa Bible Bean and we have officially made it to the Cape of Good Hope as you can see there we have the sign the most Southwestern points of the African continent and the reason this place is also so unique is where the longitude and latitude lines meet right over here how cool is that now you're probably wondering why this place is called the Cape of Good Hope and that is because Portuguese sailor Bartholomew Dyers first saw it in 1488 on his way back to Portugal now he initially named it the Cape of storms because of this weather but then it was later changed to the Cape of Hope because it was seen as a good omen that you could sail from Europe by the Sea all the way to India an interesting fact about the Cape of Good Hope is that this place is actually also known as the home of ghost ships in layman's terms its meaning ships that just disappeared and never made it to the harbors over here of the Western Cape so I can imagine the amount of ships that are probably lying here at the bottom of this ocean floor must be so many there's a few apparently like down over there so we're gonna hopefully try and see if we can see one but I mean there are hundreds of ships flying over here so in front of me you can see that we have no shipwrecks but a beautiful car unfortunately our time has run out over here and to go and see the shipwrecks we need to do a hike but yeah in front of me you'll actually find the Vasco da Gama cross and if you look closely right there on top is the very same symbol that you'll find on the Portuguese flag as Vasco dagama was Portuguese but that brings us to the end of our day but if you like this video give it give it a disaster the wind is just blowing at everywhere I think in weather like this I just need to tie it up
Channel: The Buddymoon
Views: 143,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the buddymoon, travel vlogers, buddymon, travel couple, cape of good hope, simons town, boulders beach, penguins on a beach, cape town, cape town south africa, western cape, south africa, south african youtubers, travel cape town, travel south africa, travel 2022, travel 2023, couple vlogers, travel vlog, south african vlogs, coastal towns south africa, african blog, mugged, robbed in south africa, mugged in south africa, tourist robbed, robbed, monkey, robbed by monkey
Id: C203dD7SyaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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