What It Takes to Survive US Military Basic Training

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The physical demands of Basic Training are no  joke - you’ll need to be in tip-top physical   shape to handle the gruelling marches, pass  the difficult physical fitness evaluations,   and, of course, survive the notorious  Hell Week at the end. But surviving is   much more about your mindset than your physical  fitness - Basic Training is only 20% physical,   and 80% mental. So, do you have what it takes  to survive Basic Training? Let’s find out... Basic Training is designed to psychologically  “disassemble the civilian” and turn you into a   physically fit, proud and dedicated soldier.  It’s intended to test your ability to handle   extreme physical and mental stress while  teaching you the particular rules and customs   of your chosen branch of service. Military life  in general is famously routine and hierarchical,   and Basic Training is an extreme version  of this - it’s a time to weed out those   who can’t adjust to the demands of military  life before resources are wasted on them. A hallmark of Basic Training is that there  is always someone telling you what to do,   when to do it, and how to do it right. The  role of your Training Instructors, or T.I.s,   and Drill Instructors, or D.I.s, is to adjust your  attitude to the military way of thinking and help   you develop self-discipline, sacrifice, loyalty  and obedience. And, unlike in a civilian job,   disobedience won’t just get you fired  - it could get you sent to jail. There’s no denying it - Basic Training is tough,  and it’s tough on purpose. So, how can you   best prepare yourself to not only survive Basic  Training, but thrive in it? Of course, making sure   you’re in the best physical shape possible will  make your Basic Training experience less shocking,   and some familiarity with firearms won’t hurt,  either. Take the time to look up the standards   for your branch’s physical evaluations and make  sure you can muscle out at least the minimum   requirements. Running and boot-camp style workouts  are a great way to get into shape for Basic.   Do not expect to get fit at Basic - that’s a major  rookie mistake. Bastic Training is intended to   test your limits, so being in top physical shape  before you head to Basic will mean you can focus   more on surviving the mental challenges  than on keeping up with the physical ones. Mentally preparing for Basic Training  is probably the harder challenge.   No matter how well-prepared you might think  you are, it’s impossible to fully prepare for   the mental challenges of Basic Training, since  it’s specifically designed to test your ability   to handle unexpected challenges. Taking  some time to learn basic military history,   terms and customs before Basic will help you  thrive in the classroom portions of your training.   Strong teamwork and leadership skills will also  give you an edge - Basic Training is designed to   teach recruits how to work as a team, and focus  on the we instead of the me. But be careful that   you don’t stand out too much - being too good  of a leader can put you at risk of being singled   out by your D.I. and becoming responsible  for the performance of your whole squad. Basic Training is first and foremost a test  of your discipline. Basic can’t make you   more disciplined, but your D.I.s can definitely  make you wish you were! Coming into Basic with   an attitude of obedience and discipline will  be easier if you remember that it’s temporary,   and it’s not personal - just keep your  head down, focus on the task at hand,   and don’t procrastinate, and you  just might make it through unscathed. The last thing you’ll want to do before you  go is make sure you’ve made arrangements   for the day-to-day details of being away  from home for months of training. Your   contact with the outside world will be  severely limited during Basic Training,   and you won’t have the option to  leave to handle any issues that arise,   unless you want to quit altogether. Who will  take care of your home, pick up your mail, and   make sure your bills are paid while you’re away?  Taking some time to plan for these things will   free you up to focus on surviving Basic Training  without worrying about what’s happening at home.   You’ll also want to let your friends and family  know how they can contact you, and what the rules   are for mail - for example, any gifts or care  packages will likely be confiscated, and anyone   writing to you should be careful not to use  any military title that you haven’t yet earned. Now that you know how to  prepare for Basic Training,   let’s find out what you can expect  when you arrive. The Army, Navy,   Air Force and Marines each have their  own training curriculum to prepare you   for the unique demands of each branch. But since  Basic Training is each branch's first opportunity   to turn civilians into military personnel, there  are some commonalities in their Basic Training. Physically, all branches will require recruits  to be able to run at least 1.5 miles, complete a   minimum number of push-ups, sit-ups and pull-ups,  as well as be able to march long distances   carrying a heavy pack. Daily runs or aerobic  workouts will become a part of your routine no   matter which branch you choose, alongside endless  drills, like barracks inspections and standing at   attention for what might seem like hours, all  designed to test your obedience and discipline.   These drills will be your first chance to  witness an instructor go ballistic on recruits,   so attention to detail in these areas will be key  in making sure you aren’t the focus of their rage. Any form of Basic Training will also  have a classroom learning component,   where you’ll focus on military history, the legal  side of warfare, and the values and customs of   each particular branch. Don’t be tempted to think  of this as the “easy” part - there will be exams,   and it will be every bit as important to  pass these tests as any of the physical ones. And, of course, no Basic Training would be  complete without extensive weapons training.   You’ll learn how to assemble and disassemble your  weapon, how to sight targets at various distances,   and spend plenty of time working on your  marksmanship. By the end of Basic Training,   you should be so familiar with your service weapon   that it will seem like an  extension of your own body. Beyond these similarities, Basic Training  for each branch of the military is unique   to the demands and goals of that particular  branch, and you’ll face countless challenges   throughout your training to test your  readiness to serve in that branch. The U.S. Army’s 10 week Basic Training course  consists of 3 phases. During the first phase,   the Red Phase, you’ll learn the fundamentals  of soldiering, army history and values,   and get your first taste of the physical and  mental demands of army life with endless drills,   inspections and tactical marches. Once you move  on to the White phase you’ll get training in   weapons and marksmanship, as well as navigation  training, which will come in very handy later on.   If you make it to the final Blue phase, you’ll  have the chance to get your hands on machine guns,   grenades and other advanced weapons.  You’ll also be expected to complete   a 10 to 15 kilometer tactical march  with a full pack without complaint. Basic Training for the Navy is only 7 weeks long,   but don’t let the shorter duration fool you  - it’s every bit as brutal and demanding as   the Army’s 10 week course. On top of classroom  training, tactical marches and endless drills,   the early days of Navy Basic Training will  include extensive weapons training on the   M16 rifle and 12 gauge shotguns, along with a  uniquely-Naval physical standard - swimming. The hardest part of Basic Training for any  Naval recruit is during week 3, when you   will board a ship for the first time. The ship  will be land-bound, but that won’t make it any   easier on you as you get some hands-on experience  in the life of a seaman. On top of maintaining   your fitness and discipline, you’ll also need to  internalize a whole new set of seafaring customs,   memorize ship vocabulary, learn to identify ships  and aircraft, and become skilled in the art of   semaphore, or flag signalling to communicate  with other ships. At sea, a ship and her crew   must be able to handle any type of situation  with only the resources on board, so you’ll   also gain first aid certification and rescue  training. You’ll also need to be prepared for the   greatest potential danger on a ship - fire - and  practice fire prevention and firefighting skills. If the Air Force is your calling, you’ll head to  San Antonio, Texas for an 8-week Basic Military   Training, or BMT course to find out if you’ve  got what it takes to join the Air Force. Just   like with the Navy, the specialized knowledge  required of Air Force service men and women   will be the hardest part of Basic Training.  You’ll spend countless hours learning about   the law of conflict, mental preparation for  combat, and aerial terminology and operations,   all while being subjected  to endless drills, marches,   inspections and workouts designed to  push your mind and body to their limits. If nothing you’ve heard so far seems  like that much of a challenge to you,   then the Marines might be just the branch for  you. Just to qualify to attend Basic Training,   you’ll need to pass an Initial Strength Test - if  you can meet the minimum standards for push-ups,   pull-ups, sit-ups and running, you’ll earn the  privilege of undergoing an intense 13-week Basic   Training experience. On top of the usual  discipline, fitness and classroom training,   you’ll also need to pass a daunting  swim qualification and complete combat   water survival training. Prepare for endless  hours treading water in miserable conditions. You might think that if you’ve made it this far  in Basic Training, the worst must be behind you,   but you couldn’t be more wrong.  Welcome to Hell … Hell Week, that is. Before you can graduate from Basic Training  and earn your place alongside the proven   members of your chosen branch of service,  you’ll need to prove yourself in a final,   gruelling test of strength,  endurance and mental toughness. If it’s the Army you’re hoping to join,  before you can graduate from Basic Training   you’ll have to survive a field training bivouac,  an endurance exercise that will tie all of your   training together and test your ability to survive  in the elements with minimal gear and find your   way to safety with nothing but an old-fashioned  map and compass. You’ll also have to pass a final   Fitness Test and the End of Cycle Test with 212  individual tasks that you must pass to graduate. If you’re drawn to the life of a sailor,  the Navy will submit you to a final test   of your seaworthiness. The Battle Stations  Test will incorporate everything you’ve   learned in the last few weeks into 12 shipboard  scenarios that must be completed flawlessly.   The scariest part of the Navy’s Basic Training,  though, has to be the Confidence Chamber.   You and 100 other recruits will line up in a  sealed chamber wearing gas masks, while a tear   gas tablet is lit in the room. Then, one by one,  you’ll each remove your mask, throw it in the   trash and recite your name and social security  number before being allowed to escape the gas.   Only after you’ve passed these gauntlets  will you receive your official Navy ball cap,   which tells the world you are no longer a  recruit, but a full-fledged Navy sailor. If you have your eyes on the skies, the  Air Force’s BMT obstacle course will tie   together all that you’ve learned  over your training, from tactical   skills to marksmanship to assault exercises.  Finally, on the last day of Basic Training,   you’ll complete the infamous Airman’s Run, a 2.5  mile run that you’ll do under the watchful eyes of   the hundreds of friends and family members who  have come to witness your graduation ceremony. Like the Marines themselves, their version  of Hell Week is in a league of its own.   The Crucible is a 54 hour exercise that  recruits must complete on only 8 hours sleep and   2-and-a-half MRE rations, or Meals Ready-to-Eat.  The event starts at 3am with a 6 mile road march,   the first of many marches that will total 40 miles  in less than 3 days. Between gruelling marches,   recruits will compete in 4 separate 4-hour tests  that might include crossing a precarious rope   bridge with gear and ammo, running to firing  stations and engaging pop-up targets with   limited rounds, and battling other recruits with  a padded pole-like weapon called a pugil stick,   among other obstacles. Finally, totally exhausted  and ravenously hungry, The Crucible ends with   another 9 mile march, and at the finish line,  successful recruits immediately receive their   Marine Corps insignia and the honor of  being called “Marine” for the first time. Now that you know what it takes  to survive basic training,   be sure and share your thoughts in  the comments. Do you think you could   survive basic training? Which branch’s basic  training seems the most gruelling to you? If you thought this video was fascinating, be  sure and check out our other videos, like this   one called “How To Become a US Army Sniper”, or  perhaps you’ll like this other video instead.
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 221,629
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Keywords: us military, us military basic training, basic training, military, boot camp, soldier, soldiers, army, navy, marines, you wouldn't survive basic training
Id: mdBAd6dk6rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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