I built my own 16-Bit CPU in Excel

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A 16-bit CPU, 128 Kilobytes of RAM, a 4K  monitor, all in one Excel file? No Visual   Basic Scripts, no plugins, just a regular  spreadsheet. Is it even possible? It's the   best kind of possible, theoretically possible. This video brought to you in part by Brilliant.   Spreadsheets are just fancy calculators. Data in  data out. And if we go by the literal definition   of "something that computes" then Excel  is already a very competent computer. But   a computer like your PC or other device is a bit  more complex. That has a Central Processing Unit,   Gigabytes of Random Access Memory, and some  kind of pixel based display. But essentially,   it's still just a calculator, with the CPU  being made of different components that do   a more advanced version of data in data out. And at a low level, it isn’t hard to emulate that   in Excel. For example, this is a 3-bit to 8-bit  decoder chip, it takes in a 3-bit binary signal,   representing 0 to 7, and gives the one  corresponding output signal. The magic,   or should I say the logic, of everything happens  here, in the formula bar. If you think Excel is   boring it's because you've never known about  the power of Excel formulas. The formula for   each output pin cell uses a combination  of binary logic and integer conversion to   correctly compute the output. And I can also  reference other cells in this formula as well,   say on a 8-bit to 3-bit encoder, where the input  here is referencing the output of the first chip,   that's like virtually wiring these pins together.  Then with three more functions for the output pins   here, I have two chips that have the opposite  function, operating in plain old Excel.   But before we take a deep dive into spreadsheets,  a word from this video's returning sponsor   Brilliant. If you, like me, love learning, but  don't have the time or sometimes motivation to   dedicate as you'd like, then Brilliant may be  just the thing for you. Brilliant has thousands   of interactive lessons for beginners and experts  alike. You can learn about Computer Science, Math,   and Data Analysis, with only 15 minutes  of interactive problem solving a day,   through bite-sized lessons that make learning fun  again. That’s the thing about Brilliant, I enjoy   going through the lessons, and I’m learning at  the same time. Try Brilliant for free for thirty   days by clicking on the link in the description  below or by visiting www.brilliant.org/Inkbox.   And if you're one of the first 200 people  to sign up you'll even get 20% off an annual   subscription. That's www.brilliant.org/Inkbox Now the medium of Excel is a bit different   from the typical resistors and transistors of a  physical computer, and so there are a few quirks   I have to deal with. Some things have simple  fixes, like in building a clock signal. This   runs off a simple formula that sets itself  to 0 if it's 1 and 1 if it's 0. Now, Excel   is smart enough to not just run this calculation  in a loop forever, but it's also smart enough to   let you do that if you want to anyways. By going  to options I can turn on iterative calculation,   and set it to update only one cycle at a time.  Then by pressing F9 or updating any cell, the   sheet recalculates and the clock signal updates. There are going to be lots of alternatives to what   I’m doing here by using scripts and stuff,  but if I stoop to that level then I’m not   actually using the full potential of Excel,  I’d just be writing a Visual Basic Program.   Anyways, to test this clock signal  out further I built a JK flip flop,   one of the fundamental components in low level  digital logic. But it didn't work. I know it   should work though because Wikipedia said it  would. But eventually I figured out what the   problem was. Excel updates from left to right,  top to bottom, so the physical alignment of the   values in the chip are critical to it working  properly. So, for the most part formulas should   only reference cells above, not below. Hopefully  it doesn't get any more complicated than that.   So, this is the new design for the JK flip  flop after I flipped it 90 degrees, and it   now works as intended. I’ve wired up four of  them together with a couple of binary AND gates,   and now I've got a working 4-bit counter that  counts based off the universal clock signal.   Now I could design the whole CPU at this level,  but there's one thing hodling me back from that,   my sanity. It'll be much easier to design the  CPU on a higher level based off of a custom   Instruction Set Architecture. An ISA describes  how a CPU should work, it's the rule book for the   data in data out process. It defines a list of CPU  instructions, and other features of the processor   including a set of registers, units of memory  used to store and manipulate data within the CPU,   mainly located within what's called the register  file. The main registers in a 64-bit CPU are,   you'll never guess, 64-bits long. My registers  will be 16-bits long, making this a 16-bit CPU.   While a typical CPU based on the x86-64  architecture has 981 instruction mnemonics   like MOV, ADD, and OR, there are actually  3,684 total variants. Meaning that ADD for   example has 6 unique opcodes used for working  with different parts of registers or memory.   Writing high level Assembly code, the programmer  doesn't have to worry about these differences,   but both the assembling process and  the CPU clearly distinguish the two.   But since the most common instructions are used  an order of magnitude more often than instructions   like PAVGB, I decided to not include several  thousand of them in my ISA, instead I boiled   everything down to a list of 25 opcodes, and 23  instruction mnemonics. Including loading, storing,   transferring from one register to another,  arithmetic operations, bitwise operations,   rolling, comparing, jumping, setting flags, and  NOP. I'm even including things like multiplication   and division, which aren't strictly necessary, but  it'll make programming things much easier later.   Speaking of programming, a program is a list of  instructions stored in memory. Each instruction   is carried out by fetching it from memory,  decoding it and producing necessary signals,   executing the operation, and storing the  output either back in the register file   or in the computer's memory. I can keep track  of the location of the next instruction using   a special register called the Program Counter,  and that's more or less the basic CPU design.   Following that cycle, the first thing to build  is the Fetch Unit, which reads the memory at   the address pointed to by the PC register.  The Instructions in my ISA are not a fixed   length. Some are 16 bits long, and others are  32 bit long, but the Fetch Unit here always   retrieves a full 32-bit value, both the PC and  the PC+1 value. But since both the PC Unit and   the Memory Unit haven't been built yet, I'll  have to skip most of that logic here for now.   After getting the instruction, it's passed on to  the Control Unit. Here the instruction is broken   into the specified opcode, the first register  operand, the 2nd register operand, and the   16-bit immediate attached value. So even though  a full 32-bit value was retrieved from memory,   the second 16 bits won’t affect anything for  most instructions. Each of this unit’s output   pins has a unique formula that, based on the  opcode, sets these signals according to this   chart here. These signals get carried off to  different parts of the CPU like the Arithmetic   Logic Unit, the beating heart of the CPU. The ALU preforms some kind of operation with   the two operands. The ALU operation and operand 1  come directly from the Control Unit, but operand 2   actually comes from an above multiplexer, since  it can be one of 6 different values, either 0,   the value of the second register, the memory value  of the address in the second register, the 4-bit   immediate value, the 16-bit immediate value,  or the memory value of that 16-bit immediate   address. Again, the Memory Unit isn't built yet,  so I’ll fill things in by hand temporarily.   The ALU operation is itself a 4-bit value, so  there are 16 different functions it can run,   including some non-arithmetic  actions, that result in a   32-bit output, 16 high bits and 16 low bits. These are the most important formulas in the whole   spreadsheet as it determines what the output of  the processor will be. Most of the operations are   straight forward and don’t affect the high 16-bits  at all, but the MULT instruction does result in a   full 32-bit result, so the low 16 bits will be  stored in the first specified register and the   high 16 bits in the second. Division will cause  the result to be stored in the first register,   with the modulus result in the second register. Rolling the bits left or right was a bit tricky   to figure out. The second operand here is the  4-bit immediate value, meaning that the bits can   roll left or right up to 15 times. Thankfully  Excel has a BITLSHIFT and BITRSHIFT function,   and with a little more algebra I figured it out. Before the next unit, I need to pass the two   results here through another multiplexer, one  that selects between the high result and the low   result, this also gives me an excuse to break  down each result into binary, just for flare,   I think it's cool to look at. This output is wired  to the input for Register 1 in the Register File,   where the 16 General Purpose Registers are kept.  Register 2 input is always the high 16-bit output   from the ALU and the REG1, REG2, and the two  Write signals come straight from the Control Unit,   if either write signal is set to true, then the  specified register is changed based on the input.   Inside of the Register File I've kept  the four system flags, the carry flag,   zero flag, sign flag, and the overflow flag.  The carry flag is set when the ALU low 16-bit   result is greater than 2^16. Here's the trick  through, remember that all important ALU formula,   what if I told you, it wasn't the final output  formula? Sneakily I've put that long formula   one cell above and hid the text by setting the  color to be the same value as the background,   then I use modulus division to get a result  that fits within 16 bits for the final result,   if the result of this above cell is greater than  2^16, it'll set the carry flag to true. The other   flags are simpler, ZF is set if the result of that  low 16-bit value is equal to 0, SF is equivalent   to the top bit in the low-16 result, and OF  is set through the conditions of overflow.   The last unit in the CPU is the Program Counter.  When the clock signal is high, the PC checks if it   needs to reset to 0, take a two-byte or four-byte  step (which is equal to one or two memory units),   or if the PC Set Immediate Flag is set, then,  based on whether the jump conditions are met,   it will be set the PC to the 16-bit  Immediate value as specified in the   instruction. These are typically used after the  CMP instruction, and help with creating loops   and other branches in programs, this will make  more sense when I get to writing some code.   And that's the whole CPU, not too bad and  it comes in a reasonable package. But that's   about to change when I start building  the RAM unit. With a 16-bit address bus,   there are 65,536 addressable 16-bit memory  units, that’s 128KB of RAM in total. I've fit   them into a 256x256 table, and installed  a Memory Management Unit on top. The key   signals here are Memory Write from the Control  Unit, the Address from the first multiplexer,   and the value that comes from the ALU. This  address is converted into an X and Y coordinate,   based off the Excel Space, if the Memory Write  signal is set to high, then the cell at this   coordinate is updated to hold this new value.  Of course, one cell can't dictate that another   cell be written to. Each cell has to have its own  defined formula, but again I'm not crazy, I didn't   write 65,000 different equations, I wrote one  equation that would work for every single cell,   highlighted everything then after writing the  function in the formula bar hit Ctrl-Enter and   it was automatically applied to every cell. To read from the RAM table based off of a single   16-bit address, I've used two Excel functions,  Address, to specify the row and column of the   desired cell in digits, and Indirect, which  grabs the value of the specified address.   Going back to the Fetch Unit, I can finally finish  it to grab two units of memory from the address in   the PC register. And now I've also added two  buttons on top next to the clock. One of them   is Reset, which resets the PC and RAM all back  to 0, and the other is Manual. In manual Mode,   the instruction is specified by the user in  the override slot in the Fetch Unit. I found   this came in handy when designing and testing  things for the CPU, so I've included it as a   feature now. The first multiplexer also reads  from two different spots in memory, from the   address in the second specified register, and the  address in the 16-bit immediate value. Though,   I did make one mistake here, I realized that I  didn't have an instruction that used this 3rd   option, so I had to add a 26th instruction.  It’s another LOAD instruction, but this could   be useful for indirect addressing in programs. Now the only thing missing is the 4K screen. And   by that I of course mean it uses 4KB of memory.  Looking at the memory map here, it will use the   last 4KB of the 128KB of RAM, with the rest being  free for you to do whatever you want with it,   it’s your RAM. The screen is 128x128 cells with  each cell representing one pixel, but I've resized   these cells to be square rather than rectangle.  The screen will have a 16-color display,   that's 4-bits per pixel, or one word in memory  controlling four pixels. That added another layer   of complexity to the Excel formula, as I'm reading  data from a 256x16 table onto a 128x128 table,   and again I'm only writing the one formula to be  applied to the whole table here, because I find   it much more fun to spend three hours writing and  testing one complex function that does everything,   than spend one hour mindlessly applying simpler  functions to each cell. After I have that worked   out, to add color all I have to do is something  I've been doing this whole time already, apply   conditional formatting. I've added 16 different  rules for the 16 different colors, and with the   text color being the same as the background,  the cells look and act like regular pixels.   So, this is it now, it’s not a system on a chip,  it’s a system on a spreadsheet. And it all comes   down to this. Here's a real simple program  that I wrote that should change the first   four pixels of the screen to red, blue, green,  and yellow. First, set register 0 to $F000,   alright. Then set register 1 to $48C7, okay. Now  this should be it right here, store register 1 to   the address in register 0. Three, two, one… This is so cool. This is a working CPU in a   regular Excel spreadsheet. But I’m not done  yet because right now I’m only running this   in manual mode. But I want to run much larger  programs from memory now. And for that I'll need   a compiler. Remember when I said my sanity stood  in the way? I’ve designed a new Assembly Language   based on my ISA and I'm calling it EXCEL-ASM16, it  features not only 23 different instructions, but   also the ability to define variables in the data  segment, for numbers to be defined using decimal,   hexadecimal, or for certain instructions,  with @ to signify the memory location,   it has support for labels, comments, and  an additional ORG instruction which sets   the address for the next instruction, and the  ability to include binary files directly into   the program. Now this is all pretty basic for an  Assembly language, and certainly there are more   bells and whistles I could have added, but it's  good enough for a made up Excel CPU language.   I wrote the entire compiler in EXCEL-ASM16 and  it runs inside this Excel CPU. No, it doesn’t   actually, I’m not insane. I wrote it in Python  so that it'd be cross platform compatible. But,   how do I get compiled programs into memory?  Because if I just try to write directly to   the cell, that overwrites the cell's formula.  So instead let me tweak a few things. I'm going   to come up top and add a few more buttons, a  separate button for reset memory, and a read   ROM button. I can't actually keep the ROM in this  file though, because Excel doesn't like formulas   with iterative calculations to be saved by an  outside program. So, my many attempts to keep   the ROM below the RAM only resulted in many,  many broken spreadsheets. Kids, remember never   to run experimental tests in your main file. When you run the compiler, first specify your   program file, then you can specify that you  want the compiled result saved in an Excel   spreadsheet called ROM, which will look like  this after it compiles. Then go back to the   Excel CPU file and flip the Read ROM switch.  I've already adjusted the memory function to   read from the ROM file when this is turned  on, then flip it off before you start your   program. Reset the PC to 0, and let her rip. This is amazing, and I'm able to make all kinds of   super cool programs with this, and the best part  is that this is still just a regular spreadsheet,   but the worst part is that it’s also super slow.  I'm updating the clock cycle by hand by pressing   the F9 key, and it takes such a long time to run  each program. The CPU working its hardest isn't   running any faster than 2 or 3 Hz, the footage of  all these programs I’ve been showing you has been   very much sped up. But still, I think this could  be a useful tool to show the inner workings of   a processor one clock cycle at a time, and maybe  it'll run faster on your machine. Everything, the   CPU, the compiler, the ROM, my sample programs,  and all the documentation I wrote is available   to download, so hit that subscribe button if you  want to see more projects like this. And thanks   once again to Brilliant for sponsoring this video,  check them out down below, and until next time…
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Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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