What is the Rapture of the Church? | Jimmy Evans

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our services everyone joining us online we are so glad that you're in church with us this weekend i'll tell you what we're really glad about is that i can see you i'm not talking to carl back there anymore so it is great to have you here and i'm going to continue in my tipping point series here for just a minute but i want to say the grand prairie campus in the north richland hills campus are both in overflow and so next weekend we're going to add a service a 12 30 p.m sunday service so if you go to those campuses just remember you're next weekend you're going to have an extra service and we've already opened another couple of services with extra services so be sure and look on other campuses with extra services so be sure and go online and look there from week to week because things are going to be changing but it sure is good to have everybody back in church let me jump into this message tipping point the book is available at all of our campuses it's also available online you can text store it at 7 10 10 and it's 10 that includes shipping and so you'll save about seven dollars rather than going on amazon the audiobook is also available on audible.com i'm the narrator of it on the audiobook so if you're interested in that go there i'm talking i'm talking in this message about the rapture of the church and so this uh this message i'm smiling because you know um this is this is a controversial topic for some people and people have different opinions on this uh and so i wanna i wanna talk about the rapture of the church i wanna talk to you about the difference between essential doctrines and non-essential doctrines there there are doctrines that would keep me from fellowshipping with the person closely if you didn't believe in the virgin birth if you did not believe in the blood atonement of jesus if you didn't believe in the trinity there are certain essential doctrines i could love you anyway but i probably couldn't be in close fellowship with a person who did not abide by certain essential doctrines when it comes to eschatology eschatology means study of the end times when it comes to eschatology this is an important doctrine for sure but it's not something that we break fellowship over i have a lot of my preacher friends that have differing opinions than i do in other words they're wrong and and i'm humble about it you know how i am but now we have different opinions and good people have different opinions so we don't we don't break fellowship over this okay so i'm going to tell you i've been studying this for 46 years uh i'm going to tell you what i believe based on what the scripture says now when i'm teaching you i'm always do this and that is when i'm teaching from scripture i'm very authoritative and very confident when i'm giving you my opinion i tell you it's my opinion and there are two times in this message i'm going to give you an opinion that is not based necessarily on scripture but i believe it based on different things that i'll explain to you in just a minute and so based on my study of the bible i believe that there's a rapture of the church that occurs before the last seven years called the tribulation and i want to talk about this and read these scriptures now the message this title this message is what is the rapture of the church and i'm going to ask four questions in this message and the first is what is the rapture the second is why is there a rapture why is it necessary the third is do children go on the rapture now i get this question a lot now i get the question do pets go i'm not going to answer that question because i'm not so sure you know there's some animals especially i'm not sure about so but do children go on the rapture and when is the rapture and i'm not talking about a date but i'm talking about a specific time what is the rapture of the church the most clear explanation of the rapture is in first thessalonians chapter four paul says i don't want you to be ignorant brethren concerning those who have fallen asleep lest you sorrow as others who have no hope for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so god will bring with him those who sleep those who have died their bodies are in the ground their spirits in the presence of jesus in jesus for this we say to you by the word of the lord that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the lord will by no means precede those who are asleep for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of god and the dead in christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up this is the greek word harpazo it's the latin word rapturo where we get our word rapture it's a biblical word if you have a latin bible this is a biblical work we will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and thus we shall always be with the lord therefore comfort one another with these words well that's just a very clear explanation the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout the voice of an archangel the trumpet of god the dead in christ will rise first those of us who have loved ones who have died in jesus their spirits that are in heaven are going to be reunited with their bodies that are on the earth and they're going to rise first in their glorious immortal bodies then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them the air now the word caught up or harpazzo or rapturo it means to cease hastily if i ran into a room grabbed you and ran out that's that's our podzo that's rapturous means to see to snatch away to cease hastily and so there is going to be a generation of people who don't die those of us who are alive and remain until the coming of the lord that's what paul said that we're going to be caught up now i believe that we are that generation okay now i'm about turn 67 maybe i'll be around maybe i won't okay but i believe that we're living as i said last time i believe that we're living at the end of the end times and so there will be people who never die i want to be a person who never dies anybody with me on that okay and so there will be that generation that we who are alive and remain that's that's what he says there so there will be a generation that never dies that we will go instantly in the presence of the lord let me give you another explanation of the rapture this is first corinthians 15. now this i say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god nor does corruption inherit incorruption behold i tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptable must put on incorruption this mortal must put on immortality and so he says that we're going to be changed in a moment the dead will rise and then we will be changed this is exactly the same uh context as first thessalonians 4. and so it says it happens in a moment in the twinkling of an eye where the word moment there is the word atomos where we get our word atomic it is an indivisible amount of time it's the shortest amount of time possible and people ask me sometimes jimmy what if i'm in the shower when jesus comes what if i'm in the shower when the rapture happens and i always tell them the same thing i hope you've been working out it can be really embarrassing if you haven't you flying through there naked so so here's the good news and so atomos means okay let me say that let me say this okay let me let me count one second one thousand two thousand that's one second the rapture happens in one millionth that amount of time it is like an atom it's too short to measure it is an individual amount of time so we will be changed instantly when jesus comes that's good news somebody say amen okay i just want you to relax i know you think about this stuff so just relax okay so here's jesus describing the rapture okay so and i'm gonna i'm gonna slow down when i read this because there are so many important parts of this luke 17. as the lightning that flashes out of one part of heaven shines to the other part under heaven so also the son the son of man will be in his day let me stop and say that's the rapture because it happens privately in the sky jesus is talking about an event that happens up in the air okay so but he first must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation and as it was in the days of noah so it will be also in the days of the son of man they ate they drank they married wives they were given in marriage until listen the day one day in human history he's not talking about a season of time he's talking about one single day in noah's life before the flood before the flood listen until the day that noah entered the ark it hadn't rained remember and the flood came and destroyed them all once they were on the ark likewise also as it was in the days of lot they ate they drank they bought they sold they planted they built but on the day that lot went out of sodom there was a day in history before the fire and brimstone that lot went out of sodom and gomorrah and the angel said to lot in his family we cannot judge this place until you are gone and you've safely arrived at your destination jesus said my coming now will be exactly like that day pre-wrath pre-judgment okay but on the day that lot went out of sodom and gomorrah it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all even so it will be in the day that jesus is talking about the same type of day the day when the son of man is revealed in that day he was on the housetop and his goods are in the house let him not go down to take them away and likewise the one who is in the field let him not turn back remember lot's wife whoever seeks to save his life will lose it and whoever loses his life will preserve it listen i tell you in that night there will be two people in one bed the one will be taken and the other left two women will be grinding together the one will be taken the other left two men will be in the field the one taken the other left that's the rapture that is the selective rapture jesus knows who belongs to him it doesn't matter who you're standing by it doesn't matter who you're sleeping with it does it what all that matters is that you know jesus christ and jesus comes and he takes away those that belong to him the others are left behind and they answered and said to him were they taken lord and he said where the eagles gather up in the sky this is an event that takes place up in the sky and so it's interesting jesus links his return with the day that noah got on the boat before the flood and the day that lot went out before the fire and brimstone okay and so we have to understand he could not be talking about the end of the tribulation he could not be talking about but there is a rapture at the end of the tribulation that we'll read about here in just a minute there are two raptures there's a rapture at the beginning for the church the people those of us who receive jesus now and there's another rapture for those who get saved during the tribulation and some people get confused by that but jesus this word when he says one taken and one left that's the word paralon bono in the greek the word taken jesus says one will be taken the other will be left the word taken or paralympano means to receive unto yourself why would jesus use the word taken or paralombano to expl to describe the rapture there let me tell you exactly why this is john 14. let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also in me in my father's house or many mansions if it were not so i will have told you i go to prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and paralombano you to myself that where i am there you may be also parallelon bono i'm i'm leaving this is by the way this is wedding language a jewish man would come and betroth them they would be betrothed a a bride and groom would be betrothed and the the groom would go back to his father's house for about a year and he would prepare a place for his bride and this is the disciples all knew this and at the end of the year he waited until his father told him to go back and get his bride and then he went from his house to her house and took her back to his father's house to be with him from that point forward and so jesus said i'm leaving let me say where is jesus right now he's in his father's house preparing a mansion for you let me tell you if jesus if the average groom went away for a year jesus had been gone for 2000 years this must be a special place and the rapture of the church is jesus returning to receive us unto himself so that where he is we can be also and so let me let me talk to the ladies here for just a minute because there are people that say we're going to go through the tribulation okay yeah we're going to marry jesus it's all good there's going to be a rapture at the end of the tribulation but we're jesus is going to make us all go through the worst seven year period of time now remember lot and noah didn't and jesus said be marrying given in marriage buying selling planting buildings so business as usual but some people say we're going to go through the tribulation so i just want to say this to the ladies i want to ask you a question that is let's say that you're single i know many of you are single some of you are married but let's say that you're single and you meet this really handsome guy really phenomenal guy really sweet spiritual guy and you really fall in love with him and he proposes to you and he said uh honey i really love you and i want to spend the rest of my life with you and you said well i do too and he said i have a condition before we get married i want to turn you over to the most evil man in the world for seven years and he's going to persecute you he'll probably kill you but it'll be good for you and it'll make you appreciate me that much more will you marry me that what a creep who would want to marry somebody like that and i'm saying jesus is not going to make us go through the tribulation and i'll prove it to you here in just a minute okay but there are people who go through the tribulation and they're raptured let's read the text here and i want you to say jesus said regarding the day that he comes it would be like the days of noah and lot buying selling marrying giving in marriage all business as usual this is the opposite here this is matthew 24. immediately after the tribulation of those days the tribulation just took place this is not business as usual this is not the first rapture immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be dark and the moon will not give its light the stars will fall from heaven and the powers of the heaven will be shaken then the sign of the son of man will appear in heaven then all the tribes of the earth will mourn and they will see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he will send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they will gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other let me tell you the advantage of believing in jesus now you don't go through the tribulation but let me tell you the wonderful thing about jesus even people who refused him still get the opportunity to get saved during the tribulation and at the end of the tribulation they come and join us in jesus and they're a part of the bride of christ and i love jesus for that but they have been set through seven years of incredible torture but they are raptured in many people it's like one or the other is it luke 17 business as usual or is it after the tribulation of those days it's both there are two raptures that occur one for the church before one for the saints that have been saved during the tribulation okay so those are texts about the rapture of the church you can decide what you believe why why is there a rapture of the church that's a good question so why is the rapture number one to unite us to be with jesus to be married to him and be with him forever so jesus is going to take come and take us to be with himself the second is to deliver us from the wrath that's coming okay so let me read revelation 6 the kings of the earth the great men the rich men the commanders the mighty men every slave and every free man hid themselves in the caves and the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb for the great day of his wrath has come and who is able to stand the tribulation is wrath it's the wrath of the lamb listen for those of us who know jesus and we're raptured we will spend seven years at the marriage supper of the lamb for those people who reject jesus now they will go through seven years of the wrath of the lamb you're going to be experiencing jesus for seven years in one way either the wrath or his incredible love at the marriage supper of the lamb this is the choice that we make when we accept or reject jesus okay so it's the wrath of the lamb first thessalonians 1. they themselves declare concerning us what matter of entry we had to you and how you turn to god from idols to serve the living and true god and to wait for his son from heaven whom he raised from the dead even jesus listen who delivers us from the wrath to come not through he delivers us from the wrath to come first thessalonians 5 but concerning the times and the seasons brethren you have no need that i should write to you for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord so comes as the thief of the night to unbelievers not to believers for when they say peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman and they will not escape but you brethren are not in darkness so that this day should overtake you as a thief you are all sons of light and sons of the day we are not of the night or of the darkness therefore let us not sleep as others do but let us watch and be sober for those who sleep sleep at night and those who get drunk get drunk at night but let us who are of the day be sober putting on the breastplate of faith and love and as a helmet the hope of salvation for god did not appoint us to wrath but to obtain salvation through our lord jesus christ who died for us that whether we wake or sleep we should live together therefore comfort each other and edify one another just as you're also doing well i'm going to take two shots at comforting you okay so here here are my two shots here's my first shot at comforting you you're gonna go through the tribulation and you'll probably die how did i do anybody feel comforted let me tell you another one your the tribulation is wrath and god has not appointed you to wrath and jesus is going to come and deliver you from the wrath that is to come anybody encouraged by that it is really preposterous to say that we could comfort anyone by telling them they're going to go through the tribulation this is luke 21 but take heed to yourselves lest you your hearts be weighed down with carousing drunkenness is jesus by the way and cares of this life in that day capital d the return of jesus the rapture come upon you unexpectedly for it will come as a snare that's an animal trap on all of those who dwell on the face of the whole earth watch therefore and pray that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand before the son of man not endure not into her so jesus said don't go out start partying and forget about me coming i don't want that day to catch underwear because it will come as a snare a trap on all of those who dwell on the face of the whole earth you can't get a more inclusive statement than that every single nation every single person on the earth will be trapped when noah got on the boat and the door closed and the rain started the world was trapped in judgment when noah when lot went out of sodom and gomorrah and the hell fire and brimstone started falling they were all trapped in judgment when the rapture happens in the twinkling of an eye the world will be trapped in judgment jesus said but you you pray that you may be counted worthy to escape it's the word ek fuego in the greek it means to leave a place to get out of a place to escape he didn't say pray that you would endure pray that you would be worthy to escape all these things and to stand before this and i mean well why would jesus tell us to escape if we couldn't escape if we have to go through the tribulation if we have to go through all this stuff wouldn't it be kind of cruel for him to tell us to pray for something that couldn't happen i'm telling you if you're a believer you are going to escape the last seven years on this earth that are called the tribulation it's encouraging it's the encouragement well now okay let me go back to my friends who don't agree with me uh and they say no no jimmy and i i see this written preacher says no jimmy um we're gonna go through the tribulation but god's gonna protect us okay well great let's let's see if that kind of you know matches the scriptures revelation 13 antichrist and he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and he was given authority to continue for 42 months then he opened his mouth and blasted me against god to blast this is by the way the abomination of desolation to blaspheme his name his tabernacle and those who dwell in heaven and it was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them yikes and authority was given him over every tribe tongue and nation the antichrist is given authority over the saints to overcome them revelation 20. i saw thrones and they sat on them and judgment was committed to them then i saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to jesus and for the word of god who had not received the who had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands and they lived with christ they lived and reigned with christ for a thousand years if you don't take the mark and if you worship jesus he'll behead you this is a vicious man this is an evil man and this is the worst time in world history beheaded okay this is daniel 11 talking about the antichrist those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery but the people who know their god shall be strong and carry out great exploits and those of the people who understand shall instruct many yet for many days they shall fall by sword and by flame by captivity and plunder that's the antichrist during the tribulation daniel 8 and in the latter time of their kingdom when the transgressors have reached their fullness a king shall arise having fierce features who enter who understand sinister schemes his power shall be mighty but not by his own he shall destroy fearfully and shall prosper and thrive he'll he shall destroy the mighty and also the holy people so here's what i'm saying to you when you're deciding what to believe please choose the scriptures and not a man's opinion go to the bible what does it say and when people say that we're going to go through the tribulation i don't believe that and when people say that we're you know sovereignly protected they say like goshen was in israel that is not what the bible says the bible clearly says in many different texts that the antichrist has authority over the saints to overcome them okay so so that's that's what the bible says let me go to my next question okay and that is will children go in the rapture okay i'm gonna give you two opinions about children rapture i believe children will absolutely go in the rapture up to the age of 13. and i'll talk about that in just a minute but um so let me let me talk to christian parents here for just a minute let me i'm talking to the average christian parents and let's just say that you have three children ten let's say six and two and i come to you and i say hey christian mom and dad i have got some phenomenal news for you and that is if you're a believer you're going to the rapture and i usually that's that's good news okay i have some other news your children can be here any christian parent would say that i want to be here too right i do not want to leave my children here if my children are going to be here even if i have to go through the tribulation i'd like to stay here right i see lots of head going like this i would too if if i had to leave my children here and go on the rapture i would stay here it wouldn't be worth leaving it does that sound like god to you the parents faith covers the child up until the age of 13. let me talk about 13 here just a minute this is my opinion why because of the nature of god i believe all children who die go to heaven i believe every aborted baby is in the presence of god right now let me tell you something about heaven heaven's full of children let me tell you about hell there's no children in hell does that sound like god to you our god is a wonderful god and if you have children your faith covers those children until they reach the age of accountability and what that means is what i believe is if you have children up in the age of 13 when you get raptured they go with you well why do i use the age of 13 is that age well it's because of the jewish culture in the jewish culture jesus was bar mitzvahed when he turned 13 years old remember when jesus was in the temple and they came to the feast and mary and joseph and the caravan went back to nazareth but jesus stayed back and they came and found him after several days and they said honey what on earth are you doing to us you're killing us here and i'm kind of bad living here and uh and jesus said don't you know that i have to be about my father's business jesus wasn't being rebellious he had turned 13. he just thought i'm an adult now when a jewish boy turns 13 he is responsible legally for his own decisions when a jewish girl turns 13 they bar mitzvah boy they bat mitzvah a girl bar means son bad means daughter and so they bat mitzvah girls at either 12 or 13 depending on the jewish camp that you're in but there is a universal understanding among the jews that at 13 you're legally responsible for your own decisions and let me tell you mom and dad this is why you need to raise your children in early age to receive jesus as the lord of their lives number one role of a parent number one role of a parent is to lead your child into an understanding of jesus and so your children up into 13 i believe they all go to heaven they'll in the rapture after 13 i don't know i don't know and this is my opinion now based on what i'm saying but after 13 i don't know um and that that would be something that should concern every parent if you have a child over 13 that doesn't know the lord pray for them live a life don't try to cram jesus down their throat but live a life in front of them that make jesus attractive to them and pray for them okay one more one more question here when will the rapture occur well it's tomorrow not really let me just just trying to see if you're awake okay here we go that that one that wasn't right okay so so there are seven feasts of israel and the lord said to the children of israel leviticus 23 and the lord spoke to moses saying speak to the children of israel and say to them the feast of the lord which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations these are my feasts well the word feast is the word moab it means an appointed festival okay but the word convocation means address rehearsal the feasts of israel seven feasts of israel four in the spring three in the fall and they were dressed rehearsals prophetically of what was to come the seven feasts are seven prophetic events of the future that are going to happen how do we know that jesus was crucified on the feast of passover exactly on the day when they sacrificed a male lamb uh and for the so that death would pass over their homes on the day that john the baptist saw jesus he said uh behold the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world jesus was crucified on the day of the feast of passover jesus was buried on the feast of unleavened bread the jews could not when jesus was buried it was unleavened bread the jews couldn't eat leaven for seven days during the feast of unleavened bread seven is the number of perfection jesus perfectly removed sin from the human race leaven represents sin and so jesus was buried during the the feast of unleavened bread jesus was resurrected in the feast of first fruits when the priest would come out with the first fruits of the barley harvest jesus was resurrected first corinthians 15 but now christ has risen from the dead and has become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep 50 days after first fruits was the feast of pentecost and the priest would come out and wave two loaves of bread before the lord representing fullness 50 means fullness and 50 means freedom it's the jubilee to the jews 50 days after first fruits the priest came out and this represented jews and gentiles coming into the fullness of god on the day of pentecost jesus was crucified on passover buried on unleavened bread he was resurrected on first fruits and pentecost came during the feast of first fruits okay i'm sorry the pentecost came during the feast of pentecost so what's coming next okay there were four spring feasts and three fall feasts so what's coming next the next feast is the feast of trumpets and this is when i believe the rapture will occur some year okay the feast of trumpets it was on the first day of the seventh month the first it's september typically september october on our calendar ten days later was the feast of atonement that's the second coming when jesus comes he ends sin and brings in righteousness everlasting righteousness five days later for seven days was the feast of tabernacles when the jews would live in little huts reminding them of their wilderness journeys but reminding us we will spend eternity with god in heaven the feast of tabernacles is the seventh feast on the seventh month that lasts for seven days 777 is the perfect number of god and everything will be perfected at the feast of tabernacles so the first four feasts were literally fulfilled to the day exactly the feast when the jews were keeping the feast in the old testament they didn't realize it was a dress rehearsal of the first advent of jesus but the next three feasts that are going to take place are a dress rehearsal of the second advent of jesus with the return of jesus okay so why do we call feast of trumpets the rapture because the rapture is associated with trumpets first thessalonians 4 the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of god first corinthians 15 behold i tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we should be saved now when paul says they're the last trumpet that to the gentile person to the western person that really doesn't mean anything to us but the jews knew exactly what the last trumpet was the feast of the feast of trumpets is a two-day feast that's important i'll tell you why in just a minute it's a two-day feast and during this two-day feast they would have nine sessions where the priest would blow the shofar 11 times in nine sessions 99 times the 100th trumpet blow was called the last trump and they would blow the shofar and it was the longest and loudest shofar blow and so the feast of trumpets is not just linked with trumpets or the rapture is not just linked with trumpets the last trump is associated with the feast of trumpets okay let me tell you the other names that the jews have for the feast of travis now listen we have the jews have been keeping the feasts for thousands of years and the mishnah the oral tradition of the jews they have many different names for the feast of trumpets let me give you some of them rosh hashanah it's called the head of the year the rapture is a new beginning when all things become new it's called yom teruah it is the day of the awakening blast first thessalonians 4 the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with a voice of an archangel with the trumpet of god and the dead in christ will rise first the jews call trumpets the day of the awakening blast and that's exactly what will happen the dead the dead will be raised yamaha dean referring to the day of judgment they believe that that trumpets is associated with judgment revelation 22 behold i am coming quickly and my reward is with me to give to everyone according to his work i am the alpha and the omega the beginning and end the first and the last the judgment of believers is that the return of jesus is at the rapture of the church and so exactly as the jew believes his judgment yom hazikaron which is the day of remembrance we have to remember that the rapture is selective jesus remembers on the day of the rapture of the day of trumpets he remembers who belongs to him and who doesn't it is also called listen the jews call the feast of trumpets the wedding day of the messiah is that interesting they call it the day which no one knows in mark 13 jesus said of that day and hour no one knows not even the angels in heaven nor the son only the father let me say so this coming year this year next month uh trumpet says sunset on september 18th the sun set on september 20th jewish days don't start in the morning they start at sunset and so on sunset from september 18th to september 20th that's the feast of trumpets this year okay so if i told you jesus was coming during the feast of trumpets you don't know the day or the hour because the jews refer to it as the day that one knows when jesus said no one knows the day or the hour he was essentially saying i'm coming through the feast of trumpets we don't know so you say jimmy do you believe that jesus is coming this year i don't know when jesus is coming but i believe he's coming during the feast of trumpets listen the feasts have to happen in order there was a passover and then unleavened bread and then first fruits and then pentecost the next feast is trumpets it'll happen next i believe that the next event that will happen on the planet is the rapture of the church the next major prophetic event will be the rapture of the church may happen this year i hope it happens this year maybe next year i don't know what year it will be but every year when the feast of trumpets comes around i'm looking for the return of jesus now i you know i could be wrong it could happen on march the 18th i don't know but i can tell you this if the first four feasts were literally fulfilled don't you think the next three will be and if the rapture of the church is linked with trumpets and the jews have all these names for the feast of trumpets i believe that jesus will come during the feast of trumpets i want you to bow your heads with me if you would i'm going to ask some people to be praying with me right now and that is for those of you who don't know jesus you've never made jesus lord of your life i'm going to ask you to pray this prayer with me i just want you to say this after me say lord jesus i open my heart to you and i invite you to come in to be my lord and savior i step down from the throne of my heart and i invite you now to control my life forgive me of my sins give me the gift of eternal life fill me with your holy spirit and give me the power to change and to live for you in jesus name amen if you just prayed that prayer whether you're in one of our services or you're watching online you're saved jesus just came into your heart and i want you to text decision to 71010 i want you to tell someone what you've done you need to tell somebody what you've done they'll pray with you and we're going to send you a free bible uh just to pre so you'll have a bible and just to congratulate you on the decision you just made if you need prayer for any reason and you're watching online or even if you're in a service you can text prayer to 71010 and someone will respond to you we want to pray with you about healing about your finances about your marriage anything going on in your life there congregation everybody bag your heads let's all pray lord jesus we want to be ready when you come and we don't know the day or the hour but you have told us so specifically that you are returning and i pray lord for comfort in a world of anxiety in a world of upheaval in a world of of so much worrying and nervousness you're the prince of peace and i pray for peace in our minds our bodies our marriages our finances with all the bad news happening in the world it is such good news to know that you have not left us alone that you're coming to get us you're at the father's house but you're coming very soon to take us to be with you forever and i pray your blessing lord upon your people everything that you died and rose again to give us lord i pray for the fullness of that to fall upon every man woman and child and i prayed in jesus name amen wow what an amazing message from pastor jimmy and we wanted to let you know that we are here for you and we would love to pray for you so you can actually text your prayer request to 7 10 10 and a pastor will respond
Channel: Chad Miles
Views: 29,021
Rating: 4.8520474 out of 5
Id: Uy2hoSHNklI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 58sec (2098 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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